I haven't answered on this thread until now mainly because (in the first 
attempt...) I wasn't sure whether that kind of money would conceivably around 
in this matter.

Now that Geoff has given more details, here's my 2 cents' worth.

I don't know whether offering something like 1000 pounds for software would 
be a good idea.

The reason is that it is, in my mind, too much and too little.

Let me explain.

It is too little. If you want to finance a software author, 1000 pounds will 
get you - what? A month' worth of work?

Look at what Peter has told us on this list - if he were offered 2000 pounds 
for his ongoing work, he wouldn't accept it, because it would be far from 
what the software would be worth...
This is a point of view I can share.

So, thibking that a professoinal would do some real work for this amount of 
money is, IMHO, just too optimistic.

So, if it were to finance some software author, it would be 

-either for a professional who actually is doing this on his spare time, as a 
hobby and then gets some benefit from it (but then, whhy 1000, and not 500, 
or 2000 etc...)
- or for some kind of hobby programmer (such as myself).

And then, it would be too much. Why should you pay 1000 pounds 
for some kind of amateur programmer?

That wold probably leave some kind of hardware project.
But, remember - all hardware projects also require some kind of software 
(driver etc) to go with it.

So, instead of asking what kind of projetcs **might** be financed by that 
amound, I'd like to modify the question and ask:

What would YOU be prepared to do for 1000 pounds?

Answers, anyone?

  • ... Jérôme Grimbert
    • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
    • ... Tarquin Mills
      • ... Jérôme Grimbert
        • ... Tarquin Mills
          • ... SMSQ - Jochen Merz
        • ... Tarquin Mills
          • ... gwicks
            • ... swensont
            • ... Arnould Nazarian
            • ... Wolfgang Lenerz
            • ... gwicks
            • ... Jeremy Taffel
            • ... gwicks
            • ... "Phoebus R. Dokos (Φοίβος Ρ. Ντόκος)"
            • ... Wolfgang Uhlig
            • ... Lau
            • ... Dent
            • ... P Witte
            • ... Dilwyn Jones
            • ... gwicks

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