Re: Orkut

2004-02-08 Thread Rob McBride
I would like to join.

Vic Cekvenich wrote:
If you want to join Struts in Orkut Social Network send me an e-mail 
saying so.

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duplicate form object

2004-02-05 Thread rob rowntree
im new, i have 2 subscriptionForm objects instead of a single OID.

The trace below involves these activities:

1. subscription.jsp is submitted and handled by subscriptionForm whose
configuration includes:

2. a forward occurs on name success and the config codes for the action
to forward to  path=/

3. the forward action for  path=/Welcome has attribute
   name=subscriptionForm  and attribute

 The Problem -

There should only be 1 subscription object but there are 2 different ones :

  - one at step 1
  - another one at step 3

Why the duplication?

In step 3, in Welcome.jsp, when i say:


why don't i reference the same Form object created in the subscription.jsp
at step 1?

- Gorey Details

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %


jsp:useBean id=subscription scope=session
class=com.borneo.beans.SubscriptionForm /



  forward name=successpath=/
  forward name=subscriptionpath=/subscription.jsp/
  !-- forward name=success path=/Welcome/ --




%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %

html:html locale=true
titlebean:message key=welcome.title//title
body bgcolor=white
!--jsp:useBean id=subscription scope=session
class=com.borneo.beans.SubscriptionForm /--
logic:notPresent name=org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
  font color=red
ERROR:  Application resources not loaded -- check servlet container
logs for error messages.

h3bean:message key=welcome.heading//h3
pbean:message key=welcome.message//p
a href='jsp:getProperty name=subscription property=jnlpaddr/

'Launch JWS App./a

-- StdOut from prints that prove 2 different objects
on the server


URL to Bean prop jnlpaddr :

on IE

Launch JWS App.

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RE: duplicate form object

2004-02-05 Thread rob rowntree

I made the suggested changes and still get the same result =
there are 2 subscriptionForm beans instead of a single one.

The properties set in saveSubscription action are no longer
avaiable when the forward to Welcome.jsp occurs.

config file now contains



  forward name=successpath=/
  forward name=subscriptionpath=/subscription.jsp/
  !-- forward name=success path=/Welcome/ --


i made the changes as per the reply...

JSP's now contain 


%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %

--- I commented the usebean that was pointed out in prev. thread

!-- jsp:useBean id=subscription scope=session
class=com.borneo.beans.SubscriptionForm /--


%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-html prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/tags/struts-logic prefix=logic %

html:html locale=true
titlebean:message key=welcome.title//title

h3bean:message key=welcome.heading//h3
pbean:message key=welcome.message//p
a href='bean:write name=subscriptionForm  property=jnlpaddr/

'Launch JWS App./a

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RE: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

2003-11-16 Thread Rob van Oostrum
Ok I figured out a way to make it all work ...

The solution ended up being to put all the commons jar files in the root of
the ear, and add them to application.xml as java modules. Looks like it was
indeed a classloader issue then ... which would lead me to think that this
is a bug. No reason why Struts shouldn't be able to do all of the
reflection, especially since this is hardly pushing the envelope. Any


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob van Oostrum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: November 14, 2003 6:11 PM
 Subject: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

 I added the commons validator to my Struts implementation. The
 out-of-the-box stuff is working just fine. However, I added the following
 custom validator:

 public class BarnmanValidator implements Serializable {
 public static boolean validateEmailAddress(Object bean, Field field) {

 [etc, etc, etc]

 When this one is about to be invoked, I get this exception (as
 root cause of
 a servlet exception):

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/validator/Field
   at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
   at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
   at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
   at java.lang.Class.getMethod(

 the validator def:

 validator name=email.unique


 the form def:

 form name=register 
   field property=emailAddress
 depends=required,email,email.unique /
   field property=password1 depends=required /
   field property=password2 depends=required /
   field property=firstName depends=required /
   field property=lastName depends=required /

 If I omit my custom validator everything works fine.

 the commons-validator.jar is in my war file's WEB-INF/lib, and there seems
 to be no problem locating org.apache.commons.validator.Validator
 (as you can
 tell from the stacktrace). Only thing I can think of is that it's a
 different classloader trying to load the Field class through
 reflection? Any
 known solutions to known problems?

 thanks in advance,

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NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

2003-11-14 Thread Rob van Oostrum
I added the commons validator to my Struts implementation. The
out-of-the-box stuff is working just fine. However, I added the following
custom validator:

public class BarnmanValidator implements Serializable {
public static boolean validateEmailAddress(Object bean, Field field) {

[etc, etc, etc]

When this one is about to be invoked, I get this exception (as root cause of
a servlet exception):

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/validator/Field
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.lang.Class.getMethod0(
at java.lang.Class.getMethod(

the validator def:

validator name=email.unique


the form def:

form name=register 
field property=emailAddress depends=required,email,email.unique /
field property=password1 depends=required /
field property=password2 depends=required /
field property=firstName depends=required /
field property=lastName depends=required /

If I omit my custom validator everything works fine.

the commons-validator.jar is in my war file's WEB-INF/lib, and there seems
to be no problem locating org.apache.commons.validator.Validator (as you can
tell from the stacktrace). Only thing I can think of is that it's a
different classloader trying to load the Field class through reflection? Any
known solutions to known problems?

thanks in advance,

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RE: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

2003-11-14 Thread Rob van Oostrum
oops ...

I'm running the Struts 1.1 binary release on jboss-3.2.1_tomcat-4.1.24 and
the war file resides in an ear file. I've tried sticking jars in the ear's
root and referencing them from the war file's manifest, but this gave
exactly the same results.


 -Original Message-
 From: Rob van Oostrum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: November 14, 2003 6:11 PM
 Subject: NoClassDefFoundError in custom validator

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Re: Validator required not working with String[] multi-select

2003-08-04 Thread Rob Leland
Please do file a bug report.



Bailey, Shane C. wrote:

It sure appears that way from my code analysis.

I JUST made it work though with a simple update of the commons source code.
I guess I could look into submitting my update if they / anyone is
interested in incorporating it in the commons code.
I changed the org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString()
method from:
 public static String getValueAsString(Object bean, String property) {
 Object value = null;
 try {
value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, property);  
 } catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
 return (value != null ? value.toString() : null);  

 public static String getValueAsString(Object bean, String property) {
 Object value = null;
 try {
value = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, property);	
 } catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
		//Special case, check if String[]
  String[] valueArray = (String[])value; 
		   if(valueArray==null || valueArray.length==0)
		   		value = null;
   catch(ClassCastException cce)
			//Then it wasn't a String[]
 return (value != null ? value.toString() : null);	

I guess, just to be safe the second catch could catch Exception.

Anyway, it fixed my validation problem for String[] and doesn't appear to
have broken and validations which worked before.

-Original Message-
From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2003 3:52 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Validator required not working with String[] multi-select

AFAIK, the standard required validator doesn't work with arrays. Or, if it
does, I wasted time writing a custom validator ;-). I'd be intersted to hear
anyone really has used the required validator successfully for an array
I suppose I should check to see if there's a bug/RFE for an array validator
submit it...
Quoting Bailey, Shane C. [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I sort of already sent this message to the list but I made a mistake
proof read my message) so here it is again but corrected ...
Validator required validation is NOT working for my String[] (in a
dynaform.  I have seen others on the list say it works for them.
Anyone else experiencing the same problem? Possibly it is because I am
a multi-select?
Basically, if nothing is selected then instead of null be sent back for
parameter I am getting a zero length String[]and it's toString() value is
[Ljava.lang.String;@3cfaab which is important because of the way the
validateRequired() method works...
I looked at the source code (of my commons-validator.jar using jad).
Maybe I am using an older version of the commons-validator jar and this


fixed or I am doing something else wrong?

If so, where is the latest commons-validator.jar?

Here is how my field is declared on the JSP:

html:select property=roles multiple=true size=7
 html:options collection=%=my.Const.ROLE_TYPES% 

Here is how it is declared in the struts config:

form-property name=roles type=java.lang.String[]/



Struts source Code:

   public static boolean validateRequired(Object bean,
  ValidatorAction va, Field


  ActionErrors errors,
  HttpServletRequest request) { 

   String value = null;

   if (isString(bean)) {

   value = (String) bean;

   } else {

   value = ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean,

   if (GenericValidator.isBlankOrNull(value)) {


   Resources.getActionError(request, va, field));

   return false;

   } else {

   return true;




ValidatorUtil.getValueAsString(bean, field.getProperty()) does a


on the value and a toString() on a String[] 
which isn't null it is some String like [Ljava.lang.String;@3cfaab  and
then isBlankOrNull() is checking for null OR value.trim().length==0 and so
neither is true and so validation passes.


Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.

Re: NoSuchMethodException

2003-08-01 Thread Rob Leland
Yansheng Lin wrote:

Yes, it would be StrutsValidatorUtil now. 

It's part of struts util package. org.apache.struts.util?
Weird, works fine for me just now.  I am using struts-1.1-RC1.
StrutsValidatorUtil was deprecated in struts 1.1, and removed in Struts 1.2.
It would be better to use o.a.s.validator.Resources instead for all new code.

-Original Message-
From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 1, 2003 1:35 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: NoSuchMethodException

I just looked at the API, and the ValidatorUtil class doesn't have a
getActionError method.  Do you mean the StrutsValidatorUtil class?
I tried that but it didn't like the import.

-Original Message-
From: Yansheng Lin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 3:24 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: NoSuchMethodException
I can see there are several issues here.  First I think you might want to
the ServletContext as well.  Second, you want to add the error to Errors
collection by adding:
request, va, field));
before the return statement. 

Try it.  I spent a lot of time before on this too.

-Original Message-
From: Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: August 1, 2003 10:40 AM
To: Struts (E-mail)
Subject: NoSuchMethodException

Hey everyone,
I'm working on a custom validator right now, and all the validation method
does is return false.  That means it fails that validation, right?
Anyway, when I submit the form, I get a NoSuchMethod error.  What would
cause this?  All of my regular validations work, just not this custom one.
Here are some code snippets.  Thanks in advance for any help!
public class CustomValidator implements Serializable 
	public static boolean validateRange(Object bean, ValidatorAction va,

Field field, ActionErrors errors,
HttpServletRequest request)
return false;

  	  !-- Custom Validators --
 validator name=validRange

And parts of my validation.xml:



form name=/AddAssignment
field   property=startRange
arg0 key=app.label.startRange/
field   property=endRange

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Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.

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Re: extending Struts taglibs to indicate form field states

2003-07-31 Thread Rob Leland
Mike Jasnowski wrote:

We use a mechanism that basically wraps a set of Struts Form/Form Fields in

a tag that applies a set of XSLT

templates to the body of the tag.  This enables use to add features like

you describe w/o touching the Struts tags themselves. We use it for custom
error placement, highlighting form fields for required, or error conditions,
We also use this mechanism to share layout information for many of the
forms, nice way to centralize this type of information.

Cool !

Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.

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Re: AW: Show validation errors in a dialog

2003-07-31 Thread Rob Leland
If you are talking about presenting the server side validation errors
on the client I believe you could do it on the
'onload' event handler in the BODY  tag.
If you want the client side validation performed by Javascript
to display errors then look at the struts-validator
Dirk Behrendt wrote:

I want to be a bit more concret:

With JavaScript you can create a window, after klicking a button.

JavaScript Code:


pinput type= button  value= Hello Button ...  onClick= 
alert('Hello');  /p


I want, that such a window appears, when errors occur. So I have to 
put code in the logic:messagesPresent tag.


bean:message key=errors.header/


html:messages id=error

libean:write name=error//li


some JavaScript for a window

alert('Don\'t forget to press the back button to return!')




-Ursprngliche Nachricht-
*Von:* Dirk Behrendt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 31. Juli 2003 19:21
*Betreff:* Show validation errors in an dialog

What is necessary to show errors from validation not in a JSP , but in 
a dialog?


Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.

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Re: Transaction Token

2003-07-29 Thread Rob Leland
Joshua White wrote:

I have heard the session token mentioned a few times.  Does anyone have any examples on when/how to use it?




Look in the struts 'example' program. I am sure it uses it.

Rob Leland (703-525-3580)
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life.

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Re: Can Validator javascript show more than one error at a time?

2003-07-28 Thread Rob Leland
Look for this to be fixed in the nightly dated July 29.

Brian Alexander Lee wrote:

There's currently a defect
in bugzilla that would use  (bitwise operator) instead of  so it
would process all validations.
You can apply the patch yourself. It's only two files
- Original Message - 
From: Steve Raeburn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: Can Validator javascript show more than one error at a time?


The generated Javascript groups tests by type (required, mask, min length
etc) and calls them as follows:
 function validateRegistrationForm(form) {
  if (bCancel)
 return true;
 return validateRequired(form) 
Due to the way the  expression is evaluated, if any test returns true


subsequent tests are not executed.

If you had several missing required fields then those errors would be
grouped together. But if you had only one missing required field and


type of error, you would not see the second error message until you


the missing field error.

See the struts-validator sample application (shipped with Struts) for


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Brian Chaplin
Sent: July 26, 2003 10:35 AM
Subject: Can Validator javascript show more than one error at a time?
Somehow Ted Husted was able to get the javascript to show more than one
error at a time in the javascript alert message.
See screen shot on page 373 of Struts in Action.
I'm using Struts 1.1 final and it seems the javascript won't support


Rob Leland

Re: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl

2003-07-26 Thread Rob Leland
Rob Leland wrote:

Rob Leland wrote:

Karachiwala, Aslam wrote:

I do use extensions of ActionConfig  ForwardConfig.

What I've done is implement a layer of extensions of Struts classes, in
which I've added custom fields and methods that I need. I'd like to do the
same for ModuleConfig. Is that even possible without tinkering with the
Struts code?
I am assuming you want to use the same extension of the ModuleConfig 
for all modules ?
If so then I'll see about adding a servlet parameter to set the 
factory used.
The latest nightly build has a new ActionServlet Parameter named
'configFactory'. Set it to the factory that creates your implementation
of the ModuleConfig interface in the web.xml

No, but I am really glad you brought it up !
When I renamed all the application config stuff to ModuleConfig and 
made it
an interface last November it was in response to the stated desire to 
hierarchical modules, or module inheritance. At first I hard coded 
the implementation,
then later on a factory was provided. Since there was no immediate 
need the functionality
you need was never implemented.

As Mike says it should be configurable from the
struts-config.xml file. I'll may get time to look at in the next week 
or so.If in the meantime you would
like to suggest a patch that would greatly appreciated, but not required.



-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:41 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl
You can write minor extensions to some config elements like action and
forward. This extension class is named via the className attribute of
those elements.
-Original Message-
From: Karachiwala, Aslam 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:39 AM
To: Struts-users (E-mail)
Subject: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl

Hi, all.

In Struts 1.1, is there a way to use one's own implementation/extension of
ModuleConfig and/or ModuleConfigFactory? I couldn't find any info on how
this could be done in any of the config *.xml files.
If this is not configurable then an option that was suggested to me was to
invoke ModuleConfigFactory.setFactoryClass() and set that to my own factory
class which will create my extension of ModuleConfigImpl. If I wanted to do
this then where/when should I set the factory class?


Rob Leland

Rob Leland

Rob Leland

Re: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl

2003-07-25 Thread Rob Leland
Rob Leland wrote:

Karachiwala, Aslam wrote:

I do use extensions of ActionConfig  ForwardConfig.

What I've done is implement a layer of extensions of Struts classes, in
which I've added custom fields and methods that I need. I'd like to do the
same for ModuleConfig. Is that even possible without tinkering with the
Struts code?
I am assuming you want to use the same extension of the ModuleConfig for 
all modules ?
If so then I'll see about adding a servlet parameter to set the factory 

No, but I am really glad you brought it up !
When I renamed all the application config stuff to ModuleConfig and 
made it
an interface last November it was in response to the stated desire to 
hierarchical modules, or module inheritance. At first I hard coded the 
then later on a factory was provided. Since there was no immediate 
need the functionality
you need was never implemented.

As Mike says it should be configurable from the
struts-config.xml file. I'll may get time to look at in the next week 
or so.If in the meantime you would
like to suggest a patch that would greatly appreciated, but not required.



-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:41 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl
You can write minor extensions to some config elements like action and
forward. This extension class is named via the className attribute of
those elements.
-Original Message-
From: Karachiwala, Aslam 
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:39 AM
To: Struts-users (E-mail)
Subject: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl

Hi, all.

In Struts 1.1, is there a way to use one's own implementation/extension of
ModuleConfig and/or ModuleConfigFactory? I couldn't find any info on how
this could be done in any of the config *.xml files.
If this is not configurable then an option that was suggested to me was to
invoke ModuleConfigFactory.setFactoryClass() and set that to my own factory
class which will create my extension of ModuleConfigImpl. If I wanted to do
this then where/when should I set the factory class?


Rob Leland

Rob Leland

Re: Testing Struts-Config

2003-07-24 Thread Rob Leland
Edgar Dollin wrote:

Does anyone know of a tool that just tests the struts-config for 'class
The situation I find myself in is I have a large project, which was heavily
refactored (unfortunately w/o adequate struts tests), and I need to debug
the struts-config.
This may help you, though I haven't used it:
Thanks in advance.


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Rob Leland

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Re: Validator validwhen

2003-07-23 Thread Rob Leland
Lukas Bradley wrote:

A quote from

The new validwhen validation rule, which will be included into the Struts
release immediately after the 1.1 release, is designed to handle these
Does this mean validwhen is or is not supported in 1.1?  I can interpret
that statement either way.
Nightly build only. Just because it is in the CVS  HEAD doesn't mean it will
be in the 1.2 release.


Rob Leland

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Re: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl

2003-07-23 Thread Rob Leland
Karachiwala, Aslam wrote:

I do use extensions of ActionConfig  ForwardConfig.

What I've done is implement a layer of extensions of Struts classes, in
which I've added custom fields and methods that I need. I'd like to do the
same for ModuleConfig. Is that even possible without tinkering with the
Struts code?
No, but I am really glad you brought it up !
When I renamed all the application config stuff to ModuleConfig and made it
an interface last November it was in response to the stated desire to 
hierarchical modules, or module inheritance. At first I hard coded the 
then later on a factory was provided. Since there was no immediate need 
the functionality
you need was never implemented.

As Mike says it should be configurable from the
struts-config.xml file. I'll may get time to look at in the next week or 
so.If in the meantime you would
like to suggest a patch that would greatly appreciated, but not required.



-Original Message-
From: Mike Jasnowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:41 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl
You can write minor extensions to some config elements like action and
forward. This extension class is named via the className attribute of
those elements.
-Original Message-
From: Karachiwala, Aslam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 10:39 AM
To: Struts-users (E-mail)
Subject: Using an extension of ModuleConfigImpl
Hi, all.

In Struts 1.1, is there a way to use one's own implementation/extension of
ModuleConfig and/or ModuleConfigFactory? I couldn't find any info on how
this could be done in any of the config *.xml files.
If this is not configurable then an option that was suggested to me was to
invoke ModuleConfigFactory.setFactoryClass() and set that to my own factory
class which will create my extension of ModuleConfigImpl. If I wanted to do
this then where/when should I set the factory class?


Rob Leland

Re: difference between Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()and this.getClass().getClassLoader()

2003-07-22 Thread Rob Leland
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
, root cause: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException
at _jsps._pages._Welcome_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(


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Rob Leland

Re: difficult problem, preventing population

2003-07-16 Thread Rob
Hi, I am fully aware of Struts transaction token implementation.  My 
question was whether or
not the token could be examined for validity prior to the population of 
the form bean.

Instead of telling me to read the documentation, why don't you try and 
read my post first to see
what I am really asking.


Nagendra Kumar O V S wrote:

struts does support for transaction tokens , pl check the struts docs 
for the api  implementation
-- nagi
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Struts Users Mailing List 
/*Date:*/ Wednesday, July 16, 2003 07:24:58 AM
/*Subject:*/ difficult problem, preventing population
I have the following scenario occuring.

I have a form with several fields on it (the fields are sourced to a
collection in an ActionForm).
I have a button that allows the removal of fields from the form (items
from the collection).
If a user removes a field from the form and then double submits/clicks
back and reloads then an
exception is thrown from BeanUtils.populate() because it attempts to
take details from the (now
removed field) and populate it into the object that is stored in the
position it was located in the
collection. Obviously since the collection is now smaller this results
in an
Is there any way to examine the transaction token from the form prior to
the form bean being
populated and then avoid population of the form bean if the token is not
Help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.


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dificult problem, preventing population (repost)

2003-07-16 Thread Rob
I have the following scenario occuring.

I have a form with several fields on it (the fields are sourced to a 
collection in an
ActionForm). I have a button that allows the removal of fields from the 
form (items
from the collection). If a user removes a field from the form and then 
submits/clicks back and reloads then an exception is thrown from 
because it attempts to take details from the (now removed field) and 
populate it into
the object that is stored in the position it was located in the 
collection.  Obviously
since the collection is now smaller this results in an 

Is there any way to examine the transaction token from the form prior to 
the form
bean being populated and then avoid population of the form bean if the 
token is not

Help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: URL validation with struts???

2003-07-15 Thread Rob Leland
Prashanth.S wrote:

Hi all,
I need to upload a resource present at a particular location by making user enter a 
valid URL...How can i do URL name validation using struts???Is there anything to do 
so??Do i need to do this in action form or action class??[what User entered is a valid 
url i.e,both name as well as resource present at that url)
The current commons-validator has a java class for validating a URL that 
I added,
it is pretty extensive. I still need to write the equalivent Javascript. 
Look at the unit
tests for how to use the class. Alternatively you can go to to find
a standalone version for javascript. Usually when we create the 
Javascript version
it mirrors the java version so the two give the same results.

The JavaDoc on the web site is really old so look at the source:
The Unit tests:
Download the nightly which has all the below plus updated javadocs
Since method signatures have changed in commons-validator,
the easiest way to get this though is to download a *nightly* version of 

Thanks in advance

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Re: URL validation with struts???

2003-07-15 Thread Rob Leland
Dichotomy wrote:

You could definitely do that, too. If you just create a new Url(yourstringhere) it will raise that exception if it's malformed, 

I would encourage you to look at the implementation of URL. It does
only a small amount of validation on the format, but that may be enough,
for your case.

so it won't waste time creating a connection to a malformed url. I guess that's probably a better solution than the regex one, too, because it's simpler.


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difficult problem, preventing population

2003-07-15 Thread Rob
I have the following scenario occuring.

I have a form with several fields on it (the fields are sourced to a 
collection in an ActionForm).
I have a button that allows the removal of fields from the form (items 
from the collection).
If a user removes a field from the form and then double submits/clicks 
back and reloads then an
exception is thrown from BeanUtils.populate() because it attempts to 
take details from the (now
removed field) and populate it into the object that is stored in the 
position it was located in the
collection.  Obviously since the collection is now smaller this results 
in an

Is there any way to examine the transaction token from the form prior to 
the form bean being
populated and then avoid population of the form bean if the token is not 

Help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Why html:xxx tags? / Dreamweaver and .do extension

2003-07-05 Thread Rob Leland
tek1 wrote:

Sorry for the newbie questions, but...

[ Why html:xxx tags? ]

On the .jsp page, why is it necessary to replace the standard html 
tags with the Struts-specific ones (i.e. html:form instead of just 
form). In other words, what special features of Struts requires 
these specially defined tags? 
The html: tags allow struts to automatically transfer information 
between the
ActionForm and the html page. They are also module aware so a html:form 
tag knows which
application module it belongs to.

If you search in the mail-archives
there will be more detailed information.
Also this should be covered in the on-line developers guide.


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Re: DispatchAction?

2003-06-19 Thread Rob
Bjorn T Johansen wrote:
I am starting to use DispatchAction instead of some of my actions to
simplify CRUD operations, but I have a question.
How do I integrate which method to call in a html:form tag? I.e. if I could
write http://localhost/app/order?method=create then it wouldn't be a
problem, but how do I write the same thing using html:form?
Just create another global forward for submitting the form.
forward name=order_submit path=/do/order?method=create/
Then use html:form action=order_submit/

(html:form action=/order focus=date where should I put the method
parameter? )


Bjørn T Johansen (BSc,MNIF)
Executive Manager
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Havleik Consulting
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The stickers on the side of the box said Supported Platforms: Windows
98, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 or better, so clearly Linux was a supported platform.
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Re: UML diagrams in Struts source

2003-06-15 Thread Rob Leland
Aaron Longwell wrote:

Rob Leland wrote:

Rahul wrote:

Greetings All,
As for the source, it's well-documented, explained and with UML 
diagrams. ah ! that reminds me .. I would like to know if these 
UML diagrams are being generated by an open source tool. May be I 
could use something like that to get some neat UML diagrams for 
other few java project trees sitting on my PC and whose number of 
source files is dreary enuff to make me dizzzy.

The UML in the Java Doc was created with Silver Stream 1.1 which is a 
free UML tool.
The ones in Ted's Book was created with Together J.

Has anyone used ArgoUML? I've been wanting to try it for a while... is 
it worth the 10 second download? 

Argo was a mess last time I used it, about a year.
The application was huge and very buggy.
I made a mistake it was SilverRun JD 1.1, not silver stream.

Also, Do you have URLs for SilverStream and Together J? 
TogetherJ is only an evaliation, and you will have to go to now
to get an evaluation copy. For SilverRun 'Google' it.

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Re: executing statements on subsets of actions without code duplication

2003-06-15 Thread Rob Leland
Rob wrote:

Rob Leland wrote:

Rob wrote:

I have a set of statements I would like executed every time
an action is executed.  I would also like to only have to
code these set of statements once and have them transparently
executed for all actions (except for a small subset). 

When we were using a Servlet 2.2 container we derived a class
from Action named SecureAction, which checked that the user was 
logged in.

Can you explain how this was done in a little more detail, particularly
what methods were used, where they were used etc..?  I have the current
arrangement where I extend Action with a BaseAction, which implements
my common method (the one to be called always) and then from subclasses
of BaseAction.execute() I call the common method. 

Find out what method in Action calls the execute() method, which is empty.
I forget. Override that method in BaseAction, then place a call to your
common method in that method. That way no Action can be called unless
your common method says it can.

It is this having to manually call the common method I would like to
eliminate and just have it transparently occur higher in the
As for your suggestion of using filters could you direct me to more
information regarding that method I'm interested in exploring it.

Then all the applications Actions would be SecureAction Children.

If struts had events then the event could be hooked instead, this is 
easy enough to do.

Under Servlet 2.3 filters could be used.


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Re: Documentation correction

2003-06-15 Thread Rob Leland
Pedro Emanuel de Castro Faria Salgado wrote:

Warning:  on the struts documentation about multiple module support when
it says:
Now, to change to ModuleB, we would use a URI like this:

That's all there is to it! Happy module-switching!
It should be:
Fixed, Thanks !

Pedro Salgado

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Re: executing statements on subsets of actions without code duplication

2003-06-14 Thread Rob Leland
Rob wrote:

I have a set of statements I would like executed every time
an action is executed.  I would also like to only have to
code these set of statements once and have them transparently
executed for all actions (except for a small subset). 
When we were using a Servlet 2.2 container we derived a class
from Action named SecureAction, which checked that the user was logged in.
Then all the applications Actions would be SecureAction Children.

If struts had events then the event could be hooked instead, this is 
easy enough to do.

Under Servlet 2.3 filters could be used.


Is there a facility in struts for doing this?  Is there an
example somewhere perhaps in the example application?
(I couldn't see one)

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Re: executing statements on subsets of actions without code duplication

2003-06-14 Thread Rob
Rob Leland wrote:
Rob wrote:

I have a set of statements I would like executed every time
an action is executed.  I would also like to only have to
code these set of statements once and have them transparently
executed for all actions (except for a small subset). 

When we were using a Servlet 2.2 container we derived a class
from Action named SecureAction, which checked that the user was logged in.
Can you explain how this was done in a little more detail, particularly
what methods were used, where they were used etc..?  I have the current
arrangement where I extend Action with a BaseAction, which implements
my common method (the one to be called always) and then from subclasses
of BaseAction.execute() I call the common method.
It is this having to manually call the common method I would like to
eliminate and just have it transparently occur higher in the
As for your suggestion of using filters could you direct me to more
information regarding that method I'm interested in exploring it.

Then all the applications Actions would be SecureAction Children.

If struts had events then the event could be hooked instead, this is 
easy enough to do.

Under Servlet 2.3 filters could be used.


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Re: a jsp question:how to get the web application's directory?

2003-06-14 Thread Rob
I prefer html:base/ for this.

lcl wrote:
Hi all,

I just have a question about jsp/servlet, how to gain the directory  in the
file system of a web application? because I want to create a file under the
web application, and redirect it to user.
Best Regards

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multiple request / query parameters in struts-config.xml

2003-06-13 Thread Rob
I have the following arrangement for some of my forwards.

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10/

Now it's come time where I want to have more than one
parameter specified in the struts-config.xml file.
I tried:

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10ampid=10/

However the second parameter ends up being null.

How do you correctly specify more than one parameter?


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Re: multiple request / query parameters in struts-config.xml

2003-06-13 Thread Rob
Thanks, I knew that I just can't believe I forgot it.

Andrew Hill wrote:
forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10amp;id=10/

Note the ';' in the above. (proper xml terminates its entities with ; while
html doesnt need it)
-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2003 14:23
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: multiple request / query parameters in struts-config.xml
I have the following arrangement for some of my forwards.

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10/

Now it's come time where I want to have more than one
parameter specified in the struts-config.xml file.
I tried:

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10ampid=10/

However the second parameter ends up being null.

How do you correctly specify more than one parameter?


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Re: multiple request / query parameters in struts-config.xml

2003-06-13 Thread Rob
hmm, actually I just looked at my config file and I didn't
forget the ';'.  I only forgot it when posting this question.
Any other suggestions?

Andrew Hill wrote:
forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10amp;id=10/

Note the ';' in the above. (proper xml terminates its entities with ; while
html doesnt need it)
-Original Message-
From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 13 June 2003 14:23
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: multiple request / query parameters in struts-config.xml
I have the following arrangement for some of my forwards.

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10/

Now it's come time where I want to have more than one
parameter specified in the struts-config.xml file.
I tried:

forward name=foo path=/do/foo?bar=10ampid=10/

However the second parameter ends up being null.

How do you correctly specify more than one parameter?


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Re: UML diagrams in Struts source

2003-06-13 Thread Rob Leland
Rahul wrote:

Greetings All, 

As for the source, it's well-documented, explained and with UML diagrams. ah ! that reminds me .. I would like to know if these UML diagrams are being generated by an open source tool. May be I could use something like that to get some neat UML diagrams for other few java project trees sitting on my PC and whose number of source files is dreary enuff to make me dizzzy. 

The UML in the Java Doc was created with Silver Stream 1.1 which is a 
free UML tool.
The ones in Ted's Book was created with Together J.




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executing statements on subsets of actions without code duplication

2003-06-13 Thread Rob
I have a set of statements I would like executed every time
an action is executed.  I would also like to only have to
code these set of statements once and have them transparently
executed for all actions (except for a small subset).
Is there a facility in struts for doing this?  Is there an
example somewhere perhaps in the example application?
(I couldn't see one)

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Re: Correct validator DTD

2003-06-10 Thread Rob Leland
Raible, Matt wrote:

Which is the correct DTD for the Validator:

!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC
 -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules
Configuration 1.0//EN;
If you are using Validator with struts 1.1 RC 1 or RC2  then it is

OR 1.1?

!DOCTYPE form-validation PUBLIC 
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Validation Configuration

This is used if you are using the Validator nightly build by itself or have
rebuilt struts from its source code against the nightly validator.

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Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

2003-06-08 Thread Rob
Hi Dan,

This seems to be the most promising solution as of yet.  I am
however a little unclear as to how this avoids the need for
a request for each row added.
If I understand what your describing the LookupDispatchAction
extension is for handling forms with multiple buttons.  As you
describe one of the operations of this action is to add a new
element to the collection from which I am populating the form
My confusion is that I don't see how a request is avoided for
every new row added.  I would like to add multiple rows to my
html form on the client side w/ javascript (making no request
to the server) and then allow the user to populate and when
submitted all new rows result in new instances of whatever
kind of object being added to the collection.
I can provide a more detailed explanation if it helps, I'm not
entirely sure I can do what I want to do with struts at this

Dan Tran wrote:
I just implemented myself, so let me throw a shot at this.

In my case, I make my action derived from LookupDispatchAction
which can handle multiple button submission handlers.
One of the button is called something like addRow. When you hit this
addRow button, struts will repopolate what ever on your screen and dispatch
to your addRow handler where you can add new empty row to your collection
and forward back to your screen.
regarding your out of index problem, I would suggest to use common
ListUtils.lazyList.  Here is an example a lazy collection in a my form
private List gradeViews =  ListUtils.lazyList(new ArrayList(), new
//there is no direct setXXX, call getXXX first and populate the object
// lazy list takes care all dynamic allocation
public StudentGradeView getGradeView(int index) {return
(StudentGradeView) gradeViews.get(index); }
public void removeAllGradeView() { this.gradeViews.clear(); }
public List getGradeViews() { return this.gradeViews;}
Please look up GenericFactory in the maling list, I dont want to repost it

If you dont know LookupDispatchAction yet, learn it.  It has the magic that
I cant live without
Good luck!!!


- Original Message - 
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

Perhaps I was not making myself clear when I first posted this.

I know how to write the javascript, I know how to use struts
nested/logic tags.  What I was looking for when I posted was
a solution whereby I could add new elements to a collection
in a form.  Not update existing elements, thus increasing the
size of a collection based on properties from fields that
were added by client side scripting.

I've not been able to find a solution to this within the mailing
list.  But I would like to the following.
I have a page with a collection of fields which are populated by
a form (via it's collection).  I also have a button which would
allow the addition of a new row. (hopefully)
Name  Descrip
[ xy ][ foo   ]
[ ab ][ bar   ]

(1) I would like to have the add button add a new pair of text
input fields each time it is clicked. (2) I would like it if
clicking add did not make a request to the server this being the
case it suggests some kind of client side javascript adding the
new fields.
The problems of course with this are the following.

(1) client side code won't be able to utilise the struts tags
   and as such I won't know what values to set the appropriate
   input text element attributes to.
(2) It is highly likely that even if I solved problem (1) that
   it would result in a IndexOutOfBounds exception, or just not
   bother with the properties from the new fields.
Has anyone else solved this?  Does struts have a mechanism for
dealing with this?  I'm fully aware of nested/logic tags but
if they are the way I can't see how.
Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!


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Re: Struts doesn't execute my ActionForm.

2003-06-08 Thread Rob
Thomas Miskiewicz wrote:

I have a small HTML-Form with 3 textfields. I've implemented the validation
rules in the validate() method of the ActionForm belonging to the html form.
Unfortunately Struts isn't using the ActionForm. Why?
Here my struts-config.xml

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts
Configuration 1.1//EN;

 form-bean name=postTestForm
This looks ok.

   global-forwards type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward
global-forwards !-- instead --

  forward name=system.error path=/WEB-INF/jsp/systemError.jsp/
  forward name=default.action path=/execute/homePageSetuo/

  action path=/homePageSetup
  forward name=homepage.success
  action path=/postTestSetup
 forward name=posttest.success
path=/WEB-INF/jsp/postTest.jsp /

  action path=/postTest
It _is_ ok to have input=/WEB-INF/...

You've definately gone wrong with the type here, the
type=... should specify an Action not a Form.
Perhaps type=com.mycompany.PostTestAction ?
forward name=posttest.success path=/execute/homePageSetup/
The validation checks, if the fields are not empty. Even through the fields
being empty, when I press the Submit button the applications presents me
the entryform of the whole application. Also the URL looks pretty strange
What doesn the %20name= mean? I think this is part of the problem.
Can someone please tell me what am I doing wrong here?
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Re: adding / creating new collection elements in a form

2003-06-07 Thread Rob
Perhaps I was not making myself clear when I first posted this.

I know how to write the javascript, I know how to use struts
nested/logic tags.  What I was looking for when I posted was
a solution whereby I could add new elements to a collection
in a form.  Not update existing elements, thus increasing the
size of a collection based on properties from fields that
were added by client side scripting.

I've not been able to find a solution to this within the mailing
list.  But I would like to the following.
I have a page with a collection of fields which are populated by
a form (via it's collection).  I also have a button which would
allow the addition of a new row. (hopefully)
 Name  Descrip
[ xy ][ foo   ]
[ ab ][ bar   ]

(1) I would like to have the add button add a new pair of text
input fields each time it is clicked. (2) I would like it if
clicking add did not make a request to the server this being the
case it suggests some kind of client side javascript adding the
new fields.
The problems of course with this are the following.

(1) client side code won't be able to utilise the struts tags
and as such I won't know what values to set the appropriate
input text element attributes to.
(2) It is highly likely that even if I solved problem (1) that
it would result in a IndexOutOfBounds exception, or just not
bother with the properties from the new fields.
Has anyone else solved this?  Does struts have a mechanism for
dealing with this?  I'm fully aware of nested/logic tags but
if they are the way I can't see how.
Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!


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adding / creating new collection elements in a form

2003-06-06 Thread Rob
I've not been able to find a solution to this within the mailing
list.  But I would like to the following.
I have a page with a collection of fields which are populated by
a form (via it's collection).  I also have a button which would
allow the addition of a new row. (hopefully)
 Name  Descrip
[ xy ][ foo   ]
[ ab ][ bar   ]

(1) I would like to have the add button add a new pair of text
input fields each time it is clicked. (2) I would like it if
clicking add did not make a request to the server this being the
case it suggests some kind of client side javascript adding the
new fields.
The problems of course with this are the following.

(1) client side code won't be able to utilise the struts tags
and as such I won't know what values to set the appropriate
input text element attributes to.
(2) It is highly likely that even if I solved problem (1) that
it would result in a IndexOutOfBounds exception, or just not
bother with the properties from the new fields.
Has anyone else solved this?  Does struts have a mechanism for
dealing with this?  I'm fully aware of nested/logic tags but
if they are the way I can't see how.
Suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks!


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Re: ValidatorUtil deprecated?

2003-06-04 Thread Rob Leland
Raible, Matt wrote:

I just downloaded and installed Struts from last night (6/02/2003).  Now I'm
getting deprecation errors for ValidationUtil, yet the API docs say nothing
about what it's been replaced with (  Any ideas?
Also, ValidatorResources has a couple deprecated methods too.

Your probably talking about commons-validator ?
Struts 1.1 will ship with the 1.02 version of commons-validator not
the 1.1 version. So I would say this is a bug in the Validator docs,
they should point to the equivalent method in the new class.
There are two ways to keep up with this:
1) Subscribe to commons-dev to get the commit messages or
2) Look at an old example that uses ValidatorUtil method then see
   what new method is used.
3) Using the old source code take a section and do a global search
for that code.
David has been on a mission to reorganize the commons-validator
code, renaming forms to beans, changing method signatures


Sorry I couldn't be of more help.


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Re: Struts 1.1 on z/OS with WebSphere Application Server 4.0

2003-06-04 Thread Rob Leland
Markus Holzem wrote:

Does anyone have experiences with Struts running on an IBM mainframe?
I'm particularly interested in WebSphere 4.0 (z/OS, *not* z/Linux).
I've tried to find anything in the archive, but I only found
references on WebSphere running on Wintel, Linux or Solaris. Since
WebSphere on z/OS is only 99.9% compatible to the other platforms
I'm a bit anxious about giving it a try.
I'd be very much obliged, if anyone could give some hints for running
Struts 1.1 on this platform.
Check out Buziilla, I know there was a bug report files against zOs for
the commons-fileupload, so there is atleast one other person who is 
using it.


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Re: Struts 1.1

2003-06-02 Thread Rob Leland

So, my question is, what exactly are we waiting for for the Struts 1.1
release?  What can we do to get it there as soon as possible?  We'd be
willing to put some time into it to get it released.  Using it in our
production applications is out of the question though.
I know this is a little harsh, but I have lost count of how long we've
been waiting.  At least 7 Struts books have been released since Struts 1.1
beta was released. (it's funny that all of them say that 1.1 will be out
once the book is in print. :)  Other web frameworks have gone from nothing
to having released software during the beta of 1.1.  I want quality
software as much as the next guy, but was Struts 1.0 so poorly designed 
that it takes so long to come out with the next MINOR version?

OK, flame away, but I hope we can get someone tell us exactly what we need 
to do to stop the hold up and get 1.1 released.  Please let us know.

I'll qualify this by saying I have not been in the release loop but here 
are my 2 cents.

Martin has been working very hard on several packages in 
Jakarta-Commons. I believe at this point that
commons-fileupload will go to a 1.0 final with known unsupported 
containers, such as zOs.
Then struts 1.1 will go out. So for short term what you and other could 
contribute is mapping
any know shortcomings in the nightly build by:

0) Contribute your time and experience doing:

1) Testing is always welcome under different containers.
   Make a entry under the Wiki to note what functionality was
   tested and under what container. There isn't currently a section for 
   but you could organize one. These results would eventually go into the
   official struts documentation.

To facilitate Struts 1.2 to come out faster:
2) Use Bugzilla to find all open tickets, marked 'later'.
Browse through them and see if improvements in the code
that is suggested would benefit your project. If so then develop a 
that implements the fix and attach that to bugzilla.
3) Improvements to docs are always welcome as are diagrams, UML, etc...


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Re: ANN: Site Launch

2003-05-31 Thread Rob Leland
James Childers wrote:

I am proud to announce the successful launch of a major vacation packaging site whose presentation tier has been built entirely with Struts:

It looks good. I didn't see any where on the site that mentioned that 
software from the Apache
foundation was used, this has been discussed before see the thread:

This should help out:

Also see
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Re: zip of struts diagrams

2003-05-31 Thread Rob Leland
Vijay Pawar wrote:

Resending the same mail to the mail list.

This time the attachment is in .zip format. Hope it gets through to
everyone !

The Diagram doesn't make a distinction between control
flow and data flow, I would suggest breaking the Diagram into 2 parts:
Control flow and data flow.
At the very least use different type lines to represent data and control,
maybe dashed vs solid.

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bean:write / HashMap

2003-04-04 Thread Rob King
I have checked struts documentation, including the index properties page,
and cannot find the answer to this.
I simply want to output some values stored in a hashmap without using
scriptlets - ideally with the bean:write tag.

Instead of doing this:

I would like to do something like this, but it doesn't work:
bean:write name=myHash property=[NAME]/

( but hopefully it serves to demonstrate what I'm trying to do )

I also tried this, but I'm just clutching at straws now:
bean:write name=myHash[NAME]/

Using bean:write would be nice becuase it html encodes stuff without me
needing to do anything.
Using a bean instead of the HashMap would be a nice solution, but time
constraints mean that the HashMaps need to stay for now...

And, I thought I was about to find an answer here, but alas no:

Apologies if I missed an obvious piece of documentation


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struts-config.xml parse errors (can't find source)

2003-03-11 Thread Rob
I'm just throwing together a demo application to refresh myself w/ struts
but have
run into a problem where the struts-config.xml is resulting in parsing
errors, problem
is I can't figure out where the error is.  If someone could point it out I
would appreciate

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
 !DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
 -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN;


 !-- Query Database --
  forward name=query path=/do/query/
  !-- Browse Database --
  forward name=browse path=/do/browse/
  !-- Submit Bug Report --
  forward name=newbug path=/do/newbug/

 form-bean name=QueryForm type=web.QueryForm/
 form-bean name=BrowseForm type=web.BrowseForm/
 form-bean name=NewbugForm type=web.NewbugForm/

 action path=/query

 action path=/browse

 action path=/newbug


The error I'm getting from tomcat is, line 46 column 17 refers to a
non-existent position in the document.
While the document does have 46 lines it is the last line and column 17 is
beyond the closing  of the
/structs-config tag.

SEVERE: Parse Error at line 46 column 17: The content of element type
struts-config must match
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type struts-config
must match

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application configuration suggestions

2003-03-09 Thread Rob
I have a number of variables I would like to specify to my application at startup time.
I was wondering what the best method to do this is?  Does struts provide any facilities
related to this?

An example of a configuration value would be that I want to be able to specify the
location of a set of files on the disk.


Re: URL Validation with Struts validator

2003-03-05 Thread Rob Leland
I started coding a URL client/server side validation 2 weeks ago,
that I hope to contribute to the Validation framework.
I put it on hold while getting other work finished before going on vacation.
I modeled it on the email validation items, and used the definition
of  A URI to write the validation code. If all elements are there my code
can tell if it is a valid URL, however I can't figure out when testing
for a URL regular expression pattern how to make some items optional,
it may not be possible, any Perl/PHP people out there ?
The Unit tests I created are extensive and test all possible 
combinations, but
take almost a 2 minutes to complete :( !

I have just come back from vacation and hope to have it finished by next 
If you want a quick and dirty method then go to and look 
for some
of their URL validations items, turning them into Java is easy to achieve
using the ORO package.

David Graham wrote:

What is URL validation?


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: URL Validation with Struts validator
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 16:53:36 -0500
Hi All,

Has anyone implemented URL validation for Struts validator? Can you


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Re: URL Validation with Struts validator

2003-03-05 Thread Rob Leland
Greg Hess wrote:

I was looking at that but the RFC compliant Regex I found needs to split
the string up and examine each segment separately. 

Could you send me the URL where I can get the RFC compliant Regex,
or e-mail me directly ?
It would have to make the port optional, and with that I can finish
the Validator extension and submit it a patch to the commons-validator,
and include the Struts part as a 1.2, more likely a 1.3 enhancement to 


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RE: Any good suggestions on implementing Security

2003-02-13 Thread Rob Kischuk
On the free side of things, I believe you could use a JNDI Realm in Tomcat
for this purpose.  You would need to roll your own SOAPInitialContextFactory
and use that in the configuration of the JNDI Realm.  Weblogic has an
implementation of a SOAPInitialContextFactory:
xtFactory.html that may be configurable as part of a Weblogic security realm
as well.


-Original Message-
From: Tony Baity [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:57 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Any good suggestions on implementing Security

Would you by any chance know anyone/anyproduct that instead of using
JDBCRealm has create a SOAPRealm where the user data is available via a web
service instead of a database?
 Craig R. McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 09:57:38 -0600
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List 
 To: Struts Users Mailing List 
 Subject: RE: Any good suggestions on implementing Security

 Depending on the container, your groups and group memberships can be
 dynamically mapped to roles, with declarative specification of what
 resources can be accessed.

 Is this the case with tomcat? I did not think so.

It is. The element (in web.xml) includes a section
that maps URL patterns to the role(s) that a user must have in order to
access that URL. This is all in the servlet spec, and portable across
containers. The only part that's not portable across containers is how
you actually set up the users and roles database (in Tomcat terms, that is
a matter of which Realm implementation you use).

 Our needs our very similar.
 The users with a admin page that allows them to change access to pages.

For Tomcat specifically, this can be done easily if you use a JDBCRealm to
get user and role information from a database. Then, writing an admin
program to manage users is just like any other database maintenance
application -- just make it update the same tables that JDBCRealm is using
to authenticate and authorize users.

Struts also has some built-in support for checking roles dynamically
during execution:

* You can use a roles attribute on an to limit which
users can execute that Action.

* You can use to conditionally display
parts of your UI to only people that have the role you specify.


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Tony Baity

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RE: Any good suggestions on implementing Security

2003-02-12 Thread Rob Kischuk
+1 on the ServletFilter approach.

Even better if you can get container managed security to meet your needs.
Depending on the container, your groups and group memberships can be
dynamically mapped to roles, with declarative specification of what
resources can be accessed.  This approach is optimal because the security
context can be shared down to the EJB tier (and even to EIS, depending on
your system) for tighter top-to-bottom security.

This didn't meet our needs, so we went a step further with a ServletFilter.
This is nice because it puts all of your security in one place rather than
sprinkled across a variety of Actions, ActionMappings, etc.  If you have
access to a servlet 2.3 container, use this as your second option.

Programmatic security built into your Struts-related code should be a last
resort, and I can't even think of an occasion where it would be justified
(unless the other two options aren't available, in which case I'd suggest
you put effort into an upgrade instead).


-Original Message-
From: Rao, Nagraj [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:53 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Any good sugestions on implementing Security

Well the best approach I can think of is to keep it separate from the MVC
You could use a FilterServlet to handle security , which then forwards the
request to the Struts framework.
Thus making it more pluggable, than embedded

-Original Message-
From: Ntolios Christos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 9:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Any good sugestions on implementing Security

Hi folks,
I was wondering which would be the best approach on implementing security?
Basically I have an application and I only want specific groups of people to

have access and i want it to be Dynamic.
I thought of changing the ActionMappings to have an extra attribute of the 
groups that satisfy the conditions has any body tried this?
Thanks in advance chris

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RE: [OT] Any good suggestions on implementing Security

2003-02-12 Thread Rob Kischuk
 Depending on the container, your groups and group memberships can be
 dynamically mapped to roles, with declarative specification of what
 resources can be accessed.

 Is this the case with tomcat?  I did not think so.

 Our needs our very similar.
 The users with a admin page that allows them to change access to pages.

I haven't used Tomcat to do it, but it appears that this document addresses
some of the details:

It looks like you can use JDBC, XML files, or JNDI (allows LDAP) to retrieve
your users, etc.

  This didn't meet our needs, so we went a step further with a
ServletFilter. This is nice because it puts 
  all of your security in one place rather than sprinkled across a variety
of Actions, ActionMappings, etc.  
  If you have access to a servlet 2.3 container, use this as your second

 Is this checking based on checking the requested the action_mapping
 a dynamic list of allowable action_mappings?

 Is there an area I can look that suggests how to implement this type of
 dynamic security with a servlet filter?

I didn't have anything to follow, but it sounds like declarative security
via Tomcat can meet your needs.

In my implementation, users belong to groups (roles), and groups are
authorized for resources matching certain patterns.  We store a list of
resources a user is authorized for in their session (there is also a list of
globally accessible resources), check the attempted URL against the user's
list, and process or deny the user's request based on that.

I don't know that it's the best implementation, and overall, I'd say to
stick with container managed security.  Our need to go beyond CMS was caused
by a requirement to run different sites with different user groups from
within the same web-app.  We were concerned about the security implications
of a user being authenticated with certain privileges being able to access
sensitive data on another site.

 Sorry for the simple questions.

 It is a new area for us.

Not a problem - web apps seem to be getting more complex yet powerful by the


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RE: LookupDispatchAction

2003-02-12 Thread Rob Kischuk
The keys in your KeyMethodMap should correspond to messages in your message
bundle used to render the button.  So you would have in your jsp:
  bean:message key=button.add.banana/

in your action:

 protected Map getKeyMethodMap(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request) {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(button.add.banana, addBanana);
  map.put(button.delete.banana, deleteBanana);   
  return map;

And in your message-resources file:
button.add.banana=Add Banana
button.delete.banana=Delete Banana

If you don't need the message resources (for i18n or something), you might
want to use DispatchAction instead.


-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 12:04 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: LookupDispatchAction

Does anybody know why the following is casuing me so many problems.
I'm using LookupDispatchAction and have a number of methods defined
in my action class including an execute method.  The problem is that
the execute method ALWAYS gets executed and not the intended method.

I have in the addbanana.jsp:
html:submit value=Add Banana property=action/

and in Struts-config:
  action path=/addbanana

In my action class I've defined the following:

public ActionForward addBanana(ActionMapping mapping, 
  ActionForm form, 
  HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {

  return (mapping.findForward(success));

public ActionForward deleteBanana(ActionMapping mapping, 
  ActionForm form, 
  HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {

  return (mapping.findForward(success));
 * Get key method map just obtains the map that maps the button
 * text onto the particular method in this action
 * @param mapping is the action mapping
 * @param form is the action form 
 * @param request is the http request
protected Map getKeyMethodMap() {
  Map map = new HashMap();
  map.put(Add Banana, addBanana);
  map.put(Delete Banana, deleteBanana);   
  return map;

 * Execute method
 * @param mapping is the information regardin gthe URI mapping and the
 * @param form is the action form used
 * @param request is the request
 * @param response is the response
 * @return the action forward, a destination to forward the user onto (eg
another JSP)
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {

  Logger.logInfo(Execute Called);   
//We can now put these bits in the database
return (mapping.findForward(success)

Does anybody know why EXECUTE is called but the intended ADDBANANA method is

Many thanks,

 Jonathan Holloway,   
 Dept. Of Computer Science,   
 Aberystwyth University, 
 West Wales,  
 SY23 3DV.
 07968 902140 

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Exception loading sessions from persistent storage

2003-02-11 Thread Scot Rob
Due to this strange exception i am getting, i can't
access my beans/forms in jsps.

I will appreciate any help/clues.

Many Thanks,

2003-02-11 21:53:35 StandardManager[/strutsvom]
IOException while loading persisted sessions: Writing aborted by
org.apache.struts.config.impl.DefaultModuleConfigFactory Writing aborted by
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

2003-02-11 21:53:35 StandardManager[/strutsvom]
Exception loading sessions from persistent storage Writing aborted by

How to handle Collections (List,Map etc.)

2003-02-10 Thread Scot Rob

I am not sure how can i pass a collection of beans
from my action class to jsp? 

In my Action class, if i set a session attribute with
a list/Map Object. Which struts tags can i use on jsp

Please help ?


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Exception:: tag nesting error ?

2003-02-10 Thread Scot Rob

I am getting this strange tag nesting erorr. Does
anyone any possible reason for it ?

Pls see output from Tomcat log file below.

Many Thanks

2003-02-10 20:49:34 ApplicationDispatcher[/strutsvom]
Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
org.apache.jasper.compiler.ParseException: End of
content reached while more parsing required: tag
nesting error?

2003-02-10 20:49:34 ApplicationDispatcher[/strutsvom]
Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: End of content reached
while more parsing required: tag nesting error?

Re: Design Questio

2003-02-07 Thread Rob Leland
Justin F. Knotzke wrote:


   I am sure this is a basic question.

   Take a situation in where we have 2 JSPs, 2 ActionForms, and 2
ActioForward classes:




   a.jsp has form who's action parameter calls ActionForwardA.class
with ActionFormA.class as it's form object.

   ActionForwardA.class does some happy-happy stuff and then calls

	Correct me if I am wrong but b.jsp will be called using
ActionFormA.class's data. Keeping in mind that ActionForwardA.class
requires data from ActionFormA.class, what do I do if I want b.jsp to be
mapped to ActionFormB.class?   

The pattern that the struts example uses is

 EditAAction SaveAAction --EditBAction   SaveBAction
/  \/
/  \ /
/ \/ /
(AActionForm)  + A.jsp (BActionForm)+B.jsp

To keep your code maintainable after SaveAAction is 'happy'
It looks up the 'success' or 'happy' mapping in your struts-config.xml
That maps to EditBAction which takes care of filling in the data for
BActionForm, and then forwards to b.jsp.

All this is covered in Ted Husted's 'A Walking tour of the struts example'.
in the resources section of the Struts web site, it is also included in the
'struts-documentation' web application in the binary struts download.
Taking the time to look at that explaination of the 'example' included 
with struts,
look at the code and trace through the program flow, and after some digging
you'll get an AH or two that will be worth it.


P.S. As always there are other articles out there on the Jakarta web 
site/ or Javaworld,
sites to name a few. You can also pickup one of the very good struts books
that have come out.

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Re: Validator question

2003-02-07 Thread Rob Leland

Did you 'new HashMap()' all your HashMap's in you ActionForm ?

Any ideas why I am getting this error?  I will really appreciate the help.  It looks like I am not defining the error properly and the MessageTag is throwing excetpion.  

I will really appreciate any help I can get.



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RE: how to access a specific object inside a List efficiently

2003-02-05 Thread Rob Kischuk
The problem you're hitting is that there's really no concept of a key in a
List - it's just an ordered collection of objects.  The closest you'd find
is the contains( Object o) method, but that looks for the entire object and
not just a key.  I would suggest using a HashMap for what you're looking

As for the break on logic:iterate, I think the closest way to approximate
this is by setting up a flag for the loop such that you can do this:

set up loop flag
  logic:equals name=loopFlag value=true
(do important stuff)
   set loopFlag to false when criteria are met

This won't save the loop iterations, but will keep extra content from being
written after you meet the criteria.  If possible, however, you may want to
trim your data set in the Action before you ever get to the jsp.


-Original Message-
From: Derek Shen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: how to acccess a specific object inside a List efficiently

I have trouble to access a specific object inside a List based on a key. 
Before the first page, I load all the objects(meetings) into a list and only

show the name of the meeting to the user. By following the link (with id as 
parameter), user goes to the next page. Based on the id, I want to show the 
detail of the object (meeting). For my current implementation, I have to 
iterate through every single object in the list and try to match the key. It

works, but pretty stupid. Is there a better way to do it? Or should I use 
Hashmap (keyed by id) at the very beginning instead?

Also, to use logic:iterate, is there something like a break?


First page:
  logic:iterate id=m name=meetings
  bean:write name=m property=name/nbsp;
It will build:

Second Page:
logic:iterate id=row name=meetings
logic:equal name=row property=id value=%=request.getParameter   
TH align=right width=50%Meeting Name:/TH
TD align=leftbean:write name=row property=name//TD

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RE: [Tiles] loses current url

2003-02-05 Thread Rob Kischuk
In the header file, try request.getRequestURL() - it should give you the
page that was called.  Tiles effectively does a jsp:insert, which means that
the request parameters are the same for any included tiles.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Tung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:17 PM
To: Struts-user
Subject: [Tiles] loses current url

Is there anyway for a tiles component to detect the URL that was used to
call up the page in the first place?

For example,


may both contain a tiles:insert tag that points to /myheader.jsp

is there anyway for the header file to detect which of the two url's were
called by the user?  Without adding code in mypage1  mypage2 to save the
url in the session/request/page/application scope.  And without adding
request parameters to the tiles:insert tag.

Is this possible with Struts 1.1b3?


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RE: form naming

2003-02-05 Thread Rob Kischuk
In fairness, I don't think it's clear from the documentation.

However, a google search yields:,
which indicates someone looked at the source to find the answer.

Also in fairness, searching the list is not an easy task - searching through
the links from the struts site yields Text search not available for this


-Original Message-
From: Pani, Gourav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:52 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: form naming 

Please consult the struts-html.tld file for syntax formatting issues.

-Original Message-
From: Vinay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:48 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: form naming 

How can I name a 


form name=transactions method=POST action=ActionServlet

How can I do this using html:form

I have to do JavaScript functions using that.


help appreciated


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RE: How to access a valueObject inside a Map?

2003-02-05 Thread Rob Kischuk
I think a shift in how you approach your JSPs and Actions will get you the
most mileage here.  It seems that by storing this map in session, you're
trying to get around ever creating any additional references to it.  What
I'd suggest is that you handle this in your Action.

In your action, fetch the object from the map using the key, then store that
valueObject in the request.  The page can then access the object using the
request-scoped bean.  I think you're trying to do too much through the
session/page combination, and not enough in your Action.


-Original Message-
From: Derek Shen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: How to access a valueObject inside a Map?

No one is helping me out, or it's too easy a question? :)

I know how to do it through script. Just wondering can I use any struts bean

tag to do it?


From: Derek Shen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: How to access a valueObject inside a Map?
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 20:38:47 +

I have a bean which is a HashMap in the session. I want to access a 
specific valueObject in the map based on a Key. And then show the 
information inside the valueObject.

Should I define a bean for the valueObject? How?

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RE: [Tiles] loses current url

2003-02-05 Thread Rob Kischuk
I think to solve your problem, you're going to need to define the problem in
broader terms.  A redirect is much like a forward, except the client doesn't
know about it.  Once the Action has executed and mapped to a page, a
redirect is executed (unless you specify a forward).  Either way, what this
means is that after Struts finds the URL to access after it processes your
action, the request is against that JSP, and the previous request URL is
gone from the HTTP headers.

What's the overall problem you're trying to solve?  That may be a better
approach, because given the parameters of the current problem, you're walled
in with nowhere to go.  It sounds like perhaps you're trying to solve some
sort of navigation or form population problem?


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Tung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 5:05 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Tiles] loses current url

Ok.. I think I over-simplified my scenario :) sorry.

What I have in fact, is the following

definition name=Layout path=/layout.jsp
put name=header value=/header.jsp type=page/

in the tiles-defs.xml file. and

action path=/Layout forward=Layout/

in the struts-config file

When I access the url http://myhost/ the request.getRequestURL()
call from both the layout.jsp and the header.jsp files return
http://myhost/layout.jsp; and not http://myhost/;

Is this by design? is there anyway to get the correct original url from
within these jsp pages?


-Original Message-
From: Rob Kischuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:43 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [Tiles] loses current url

In the header file, try request.getRequestURL() - it should give you the
page that was called.  Tiles effectively does a jsp:insert, which means that
the request parameters are the same for any included tiles.


-Original Message-
From: Kevin Tung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 3:17 PM
To: Struts-user
Subject: [Tiles] loses current url

Is there anyway for a tiles component to detect the URL that was used to
call up the page in the first place?

For example,


may both contain a tiles:insert tag that points to /myheader.jsp

is there anyway for the header file to detect which of the two url's were
called by the user?  Without adding code in mypage1  mypage2 to save the
url in the session/request/page/application scope.  And without adding
request parameters to the tiles:insert tag.

Is this possible with Struts 1.1b3?


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(newbie) Problem getting request level bean data in jsps

2003-01-28 Thread Scot Rob

I am setting some data in DynaActionForm
userRegisterForm in my Action registerUser and it
forwards request to a jsp page through another Action
showRegisterForm (which is a ForwardAction).

Now, i am trying to get data in the jsp page using
html:text property=name name=userRegisterForm/
but it does not get any data. I also tried bean:write
property=name name=userRegisterForm/ but this
doesn't return any data as well.

I wanted to avoid making userRegisterForm bean's
scope session level.

I 'd appreciate if someone can point out my mistake or
the right way to do it?

Many thanks

forward name=showRegisterForm
path=/showRegisterForm.vo redirect=true /
forward name=confirmRegisterForm
path=/comfirmRegisterForm.vo redirect=true /

scope=request /

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Re: Does anyone out there use Scaffold?

2003-01-27 Thread Rob Leland

We are currently developing Struts apps and incorporating Scaffold code
into them.

Firstly, I was wondering if anyone else out there is using Scaffold code
and what comments they have on their success or otherwise with it?

Secondly, with the latest release of Struts (1.1b3), Scaffold code has been
packaged into the contrib section.  However the commons-scaffold components
are not there. 

It was decided about 2 weeks ago that the struts 1.1 release would only 
contain commons libs needed to
build the main distribution and provided examples. However there has 
been some
talk about providing a seperate download to package items needed to build
the contrib items, and a build of the contrib itself.

They are in jakarta-commons-sandbox but only the source in
the CVS repository.  Should commons-scaffold be somewhere in
jakarta-commons now that scaffolds is being packaged with Struts 1.1b3 and
should there be a built version of this code somewhere?


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Re: Any reflection based utility to copy ActionForm to/from Domainobject?

2003-01-14 Thread Rob Leland
Reply in-Line:

Jagdish Arora wrote:

On my ActionForm, I have a lot of HTML input elements, which come from the
domain object (Shipment).  To copy them to the ActionForm (in displayPage(),
and from the ActionForm (in saveShipment()), I have quite repetitive code
such as:

// in displayPage..
form.setName (shipment.getName());
form.setEndDate (shipment.getEndDate());
..  // 26 such lines.

// in saveShipment..
shipment.setName (form.getName());

Beanutil.copyProperties() will handle bean names that are
exactly the same. The struts example uses it.

shipment.setBeginDate (form.getBeginName());

Bean names are different and so won't be copied.


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Re: Struts Validator Problem

2003-01-14 Thread Rob Leland
Amit Keshav Kulkarni wrote:

Hi All

I facing problem in Validator - Struts 1.1 .

I am having two fields and checking for the empty fields.While submitting the form with empty fields,
I am getting the following error in Tomcat 4.0.3

This is the error  that it is throwing in the Browser..

	at java.util.Hashtable.put(
	at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.setAttribute(
	at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.MessagesTag.doStartTag(
	at org.apache.jsp.login$jsp._jspService(login$

This doesn't look like a validator problem, since the error is occurring 
from the bean:message Tag.
You don't seem to be using a recient struts 1.1 version because the line 
numbers in the trace don't match the current CVS source.



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Re: Struts validating with beta2 not working for server-side validation

2002-12-18 Thread Rob Leland
I haven't been following this thread, but whenever a bug is discovered
try downlading a recient nightly build. A number of bugs have been fixed
since 1.1b2.


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Re: Validator requiredIf

2002-12-16 Thread Rob Leland
Michelle Wynn wrote:

Has anyone had any success validating conditionally with requiredIf
client-side?   There does not seem to have been a javascript method created
for this validation method.   I looked in 1.1B and the most recent nightly
build.   Also haven't had success validating server side (although I do
have the source for the method in the FieldChecks class).

Have you updated your project with the validator-rules.xml file from the 
nightly build, besides updating all the
other associated commeons-xxx.jar files?


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Re: Struts design: All actions in one ActionClass

2002-12-11 Thread Rob Leland
David Graham wrote:

Definitely b.  It will be far easier to maintain.  If you're worried 
about having a lot of actions you can look at DispatchAction or using 

I'll second that. For a project we started back in Feb 2001, I used 
small Action classes. I went away on
my Honeymoon in May and came back 3 weeks later and moved on to another 
One of the developers that took over the project merged a number of  the 
edit, delete, create, list into one big ugly mess. New developers that 
same along used that same
pattern when adding new Actions, ugh ! Now 18 months later we have 5+ 
using the same set of core Action classes and there is alot of 
complaints about how hard it
to maintain ! We are now moveing to break up those action classes. Some 
people just have to
learn the hard way , and very expensive too I might add



From: Jordan Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Struts design: All actions in one ActionClass
Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 19:05:36 +0100


What is the best way to design my application? Is it better to

a) Put all my actions for a particluar area (i.e. creating, editing and
deleting user accounts) in one Action class


b) Use a seperate action class for every action in my application


c) Put all of the actions for a particular workflow in a single Action

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Re: How to resolve why java element deprecated?

2002-12-02 Thread Rob Leland
David Graham wrote:

The version of java has nothing to do with this.  Check the 
PropertyUtil javadoc in the jakarta commons for details.


I didn't think struts 1.0 use commons-xxx jars ?

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Re: using tomcat version

2002-11-21 Thread Rob Leland
contactrajib wrote:


I was trying to figure out the best version of Tomcat for using 
Struts 1.0.2. Some people told me that it is best to use tomcat 3.2.2.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.


If you are just starting to learning Struts,  I would --Highly-- 
recommend using the latest Nightly build.
If you aren't using the new items (modules, validator, tiles, nested 
tags, declarative exception handling),
whatever documentation/articles you may have read on Struts 1.0 should 
apply equally we'll. It will
also save you time in converting later on.  Plus the Struts 1.1 bugs are 
actively fixed. Then you can use Tomcat 4.1.12
which has speed improvements.


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Re: [Validator] Not validating any more since update? - Urgent

2002-11-19 Thread Rob Leland
There is a know problem when the default LOCALE of the server
and the default LOCALE of the client are different. If you download
The Latest Nightly build and view the struts-documentation.jar
validator notes it mentions that.
The bug is in the commons-validator code.

If this is not the problem, make sure your DTD references at the tops of 
your validator.xml files have been updated, and make sure you are using
the new validator-rules.xml in your web app.


Axel wrote:


After updating struts and all common libs (including common-validator)
nightly-build 2002-07-31 to nightly-build 2002-11-11 (and later on
nightly-build 2002-11-18, too), all our forms usually validated by the
Struts-Validator-Framework are not validated any more. It seems as if
that validator methods are not called any more. After taking the old
everything works out fine again.
We raised our debug-level to DEBUG for org.apache.struts.validator and
org.apache.commons.validator. The only thing i can find in the logfiles
the loading of validator.xml and validator-rules.xml.

Any suggestions? Does anybody know what has happened here?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Upgrading to STRUTS 1.1

2002-11-13 Thread Rob Leland
Savantraj, Chennamakal Subramanian wrote:

I had written a small sample DB application with STRUTS1.0.
But when I tried to just copy the 1.1 STRUTS.jar and run the application,
I got the error servlet not found.
What should I do to make my application run?
Is there any place I can look for resources for upgrade?

Please recompile your program against the 1.1 jar file
and all the associated commons-*.jars included in it.
In most cases it should just recompile and run.
Also someone published a 'case study' of converting
over from Struts 1.0 - 1.1 so search the mailing archive
for the word 'case study'.


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Re: Validate and nightly build problem

2002-11-08 Thread Rob Leland
Michael Delamere wrote:


I posted a problem yesterday concerning validating forms in several
sub-apps, whereby it only seemed to work for one and not all... this was
using struts1.1b2.

As suggested, I downloaded the nightly build that you tried today and
now validation doesn´t seem to work at all...

The Javascript tag looks good
html:javascript formName=loginFormBean/

Please try the struts-validator.war and report back if it works.

Were all the *.jar files, including common-*.jar files and all the 
validator*.xml also updated with the versions included using the Nightly 
struts builds ?


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Re: Validate and nightly build problem

2002-11-08 Thread Rob Leland
Michael Delamere wrote:

I tried the registration and to me it seemed not to work

Unless of course it is normal behaviour that when leaving the fields
blank that it takes me to the start screen

Yes, that is the behavior.

If the field MUST be filled in then in your validator.xml
you need to add `required' so for an integer field
depends=required,integer would then cause
an error message to be displayed when the submit button is


Infact, the same happens when populating all the fields is this



If the fields are blank and you hit submit then yes,
the default is to go back to the main page

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Re: [REMINDER] --- Struts Nightly and 1.1B1 1.1B2 users

2002-11-07 Thread Rob Leland
James Mitchell wrote:

The only tests that are failing are in Tomcat 3.2  (but I'm hot the trail)

Up to this point the 'folk lore' was that it was a bug in TC 3.2.
So you think it might be in Struts/Commons code, or possible to work 
around it ? Give the Man a Cigar !!!


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[REMINDER] --- Struts Nightly and 1.1B1 1.1B2 users

2002-11-06 Thread Rob Leland
Were in the process of renaming, cleaning up the code and docs
for our next release. As such, it is --always-- a good idea
to recompile your projects against the new jar files.

If you are a struts 1.1 B1 or B2 user, I Strongly encourage
you to download the latest Nightly Builds. You'll get all
the bug fixes and a few new features added.
The more people we have banging on the Nightly builds,
and submitting reproducible Bugzilla reports,
the higher quality release we can give you.

Also remember to update all your .tld and .xml files.

Thank you for taking the time to upgrade !


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Re: org.apache.struts.validator.FieldChecks missing?

2002-11-05 Thread Rob Leland
Wendy Smoak wrote:

I have last night's (10/5) nightly build, and when I call
myValidatorForm.validate( mapping, request), I get this:

SEVERE: reflection: org.apache.struts.validator.FieldChecks
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts.validator.FieldChecks

This seems like an obvious question, 
are you sure you are using the new struts.jar ?

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Re: problem using the 1.1b2 validator dependency feature

2002-11-02 Thread Rob Leland
Eric Weidner wrote:

I am running Struts 1.1b2 on Jboss 3.0.3 w/ Tomcat 4.1.12 with JDK 
1.4.1 on Windows XP.

Is this truely Struts 1.1B2, or a nightly ?
The requiredif javascript method wasn't
added until Oct 18 or so. Mixing different
functionality from 1.1B2  a nightly build
will get you unknown results and puzzled looks :-)!
Also the date of the commons-*.jars should
match the date of struts.


If it is truely 1.1B2 then it died at
String javascript = va.getJavascript();

I would try the nightly build. The validator
code has had about 6 bugs fixed sinse B2.


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Re: problem using the 1.1b2 validator dependency feature

2002-11-02 Thread Rob Leland
Eric Weidner wrote:

Yes, this is truly 1.1b2 and that is the line that failed.  I figured
the requiredif was in there since the documentation mentioned it as 
a feature in 1.1. 

When downloading a struts version always refer to the version of the
docs that come with that download. The docs on the web site tend to 
reflect functionality of the current nightly build.

BTW, was one of the bugs that was fixed validating max and min length on
password fields?

I don't believe so, I had seen something mentioned in the news group
in the last week about that. If there is a problem then file a bugzilla 
bug report.

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Re: Doc changes and 1.1

2002-10-30 Thread Rob Leland
Josh Berry wrote:

Second, as to the docs, I would love to help.  However, I am better at
proofreading then I am at most anything else.


I tend to be a bad spellar and my Grammer is ain't so good either
so dig in. ;-)  Better docs are --always-- needed. I would suggest first
cleaning up the existing docs, then once you have worked with them for a
while, add additional docs. Ted Husted has done most of the care and 
feeding of our docs, though using the mailing list is always the best
place to make comments.

Finally, yes using Bugzilla with patches created by 'diff -u'
is the recommended may to contribute!


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Re: error checking in Action

2002-10-28 Thread Rob Leland
David Graham wrote:

Why do you need to move error checking into an action?  Why not just
let the form bean do it's job and validate itself?  Have you looked at
using the validator?  Validation belongs in the form bean; actions' main
job is to direct traffic and execute business layer methods.


For Generic type of validation the ActionForm is an appropiate
place to do validation. To restate what David said, the ActionForm
is designed to be passive, and have values info it needs passed
to it. It should definately not make method calls to other Business Logic.

To add to that,Any complex validation would take place in the Business 
Logic, with the Action being the go between loading and unloading the
ActionForm and calling validation methods in the Business Logic.


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Re: [Validator] StrutsValidatorUtil.getActionError

2002-10-24 Thread Rob Leland
Jerry Jalenak wrote:

In the latest nightly build the StrutsValidatorUtil.getActionError method
has been deprecated.  I took a look at the JavaDoc but it hasn't been
updated to reflect this, nor does it indicate what the new method is. 
 Does anyone know?

The JavaDoc has been updated, take a look at your struts-documentation
web app. It Just wasn't updated on the Jakarta Web Site.
It was renamed o.a.s.validator.Resources.getActionError()


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Re: Struts validator for date field

2002-10-24 Thread Rob Leland
Down load the Nightly build for Oct 25, it should now
work. The patch that James Turner Championed was comitted,
to remove the depends=required attribute form the


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Re: Validator and required dependency

2002-10-22 Thread Rob Leland
Comments inline, also

Peterkofsky, Don wrote:

I'm not sure of the background on this thread, but there may be some
misunderstanding with this.

I looked at the canned rule sets, and was confused by the use of the
depends attribute in the rules file, which appears to be the same as the
depends attribute in the validation file.  However, my experiments showed
that the required dependency in the rules file doesn't have the
effect/behavior that you would assume, like the attribute in the validation
file.  The required dependency in the rule set did not appear to evaluate
the required rule; in other words, when a rule is used in the validation
file, and the rule definition has the required dependency, it does not
seem to embed the required rule in the evaluation.  

For example, I could use the maxlength rule, and leave the form field
empty, and no validation error would result.  My interpretation of this is
that the required dependency in the rules file has a different meaning
than in the validation file, or perhaps is not used. If anyone has a better
understanding or contradictory experience I'd be interested to hear and

Thanks for your experimentation, I had suspected something like this. In 
July patches were applied to the Validator that changes its behavior. 
Specifically it no longer ignored blank fields. I was waiting till this 
weekend when I get a solid block of time, so I could analyze the intent 
and purpose of these rules.

I believe James Turner asked a similar question back in July and Dave 
replied that 'depends' determines if the field is evaluated 
individually, or all together with the form as a whole. Like I said I 
will take a better look at it this weekend.
I am still new at using the Validator so right now what I say needs to 
be 'taken with a grain of salt', evaluated by considering my experience.


-Original Message-
From: James Turner [mailto:turner;]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 12:24 PM
Subject: Validator and required dependency

At 11:33 AM 10/22/2002, Eddie Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Point noted :-) I'll let someone else explain what the rationale was for 
doing that. I don't know. I am aware
 that there is change taking place in commons-validator, and also in the 
struts-specific validator, but I
 couldn't really speak to what changes have been effected by that change.

I don't know the original rationale, but there is a bug report and patch 
filed to remove the required dependency from the canned rulesets. Hopefully 
someone will apply it soon


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Re: {Validator] Required Fields

2002-10-21 Thread Rob Leland
Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Has Validator changed in its use of 'required'?  I pulled down the 20021008
build a couple of weeks ago, and found that Validator is now 'requiring' all
of my form fields even when I don't specify the required parameter.  I did a
quick check in the archives but didn't see anything immediately.  Has anyone
else come across this?  Is this fixed in a newer build?

I have started fixing a few of the bugs in Validator but I am unfamilar
with how it worked before. James Turner has a bug report in to remove 
the Bug is 13526, take a look at it.

However there will need to be some changes to the basic 


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Re: {Validator] Required Fields

2002-10-21 Thread Rob Leland
Rob Leland wrote:

Jerry Jalenak wrote:

Has Validator changed in its use of 'required'?  I pulled down the 
build a couple of weeks ago, and found that Validator is now 
'requiring' all
of my form fields even when I don't specify the required parameter.  
Looking a little further at the CVS logs a patch to the validator-rules.xml
was applied on July 17 2002, that when checking for a value
that changed the code from:
 if (!iValue || !(iValue = -128  iValue = 127)) {

 if (isNaN(iValue) || !(iValue = -128  iValue = 127)) {

This is done in about 8 places in the file.

This could be causing the difference in behaviour, try reverting
the code to !iValue.

Let me us know if the behaviour returns to what it was before.


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Re: Struts taglibs without Struts

2002-10-16 Thread Rob Leland

 The problem with trying is that whilst you can prove that some tags work, it is much 
harder to prove that all tags in all taglibs will work. For that you need knowledge 
of the architecture.
 Someone who had this knowledge sent me the answer.

Originally, the answer was yes. I am sure struts 1.0 tags
will work outside of struts. However, in 1.1 the ApplicationConfig
objects were added for application modules, and so there will probably
be cases where they won't work.

Now that the JSTL is out, use those tags first.


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Re: anyone seen this startup error?

2002-10-16 Thread Rob Leland

Vincent Stoessel wrote:
 Oct 16, 2002 2:53:00 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn init
 SEVERE: null
This was fixed last Friday Oct 11, so download
the latest nightly build, which also has other
Validator fixes.


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Struts-EL contrib library

2002-10-13 Thread Rob Leland


   It seems that by default the struts-el library
   wants to build, I though the default was not to build ?
   It tries to build if there is no custom property file.
   I tried creating the file but setting the jstl.jar='',
   and it still wants to build.


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url parameters not being copied to form bean

2002-09-25 Thread rob

I'm not sure why but I have parameters that are not being copied
to my form bean.  The url written on the page is correct but when
the link is followed only the parameter specified in the global
forward (action=choose) is copied to the bean and (selected=N) is not.

Surely it's a subtle error somewhere but can anyone suggest what
exactly?  I've successfully done this in other applications and this
is the first time it's not worked.



I have a little something like the following to write my link.

html:form action=foo
nested:iterate parameter=items

 nested:link forward=viewitem paramId=selected
 paramName=ItemForm paramProperty=itemId Item
 nested:write property=itemId/


My form-bean looks like so:
form-bean name=ItemForm type=web.ItemForm/

My global-forward looks like so:
forward name=viewitem path=/do/viewitem?action=choose/

My action mapping looks like so:
action path=/viewitem


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struts 1.0.2 logging - destination fd

2002-09-11 Thread rob

I've taken a quick look through the archives and haven't found
what I was looking for but;

Where does jakarta-struts log to by default?  I've checked my
container logs (tomcat 3.2.4) but I can't think of where else
the output from the logging would be going.  I'm using
debug/verbosity level 2 in web.xml.

My apologies for the simple question, perhaps it's simplicity
indicates that it should be on one of the various FAQ's.



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Re: No action instance for path /action could not be created. (solved)

2002-09-11 Thread rob

The reason it was biting me was because the struts.jar was in the
CLASSPATH of the user who was starting the servlet container.

Better explanation here.  So not obvious.

rob wrote:
 This seems to be a fairly common problem and I have gone through
 the archives prior to posting this but have yet to discover a
 I'm getting that common error Error 500 No action instance for path
 /login could be created.  The difficulty I'm having is that the
 application was and is running perfectly fine on a tomcat 4.x
 servlet container.  The error I'm observing are occuring under a
 tomcat 3.x servlet container.
 I'm kind of desperate here, solutions would be good.
 !-- Struts Login Form Bean --
 form-bean  name=LoginFormtype=web.LoginForm/
 !-- Struts Login Global Forward --
 forward name=login   path=/do/login/
 !-- Struts Login Action Mapping --
 !-- leading slash on path is present --
 action path=/login
 forward name=error   path=/WEB-INF/pages/login.jsp/
 !-- struts action servlet mapping --
 !-- start form tag --
 !-- does not require prepended /do/ because I use --
 !-- path servlet mapping --
 html:form action=login
 WEB-INF/classes (shown to contain LoginAction.class)
 % ls -l webapps/manager/WEB-INF/classes/web/
 total 6
 -rw-r--r--  1 rtr  users  1565 Sep 11 18:58 LoginAction.class
 -rw-r--r--  1 rtr  users   735 Sep 11 18:58 LoginForm.class
 /* shown to indicate class is public */
 /* shown to indicate class extends Action */
 % grep 'public class'
 public class LoginAction extends Action
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Re: Another question

2002-09-11 Thread rob

If you keep your pages above WEB-INF/ it's necessary infact.  I have
one page ctxtroot/index.jsp that does nothing but forward the request
to ctxtroot/WEB-INF/pages/login.jsp.


Eddie Bush wrote:
 accepted?  I think it's probably a best practice.  That's the 
 impression I get.  You can either do it through index.html or index.jsp 
 -- makes no difference.
 Mark Kaye wrote:
 Is it accepted practice to have /index.html redirect to an action in
 order to kick off the application from initial session creation?

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Re: Dynamic number of form fields

2002-09-11 Thread rob

There was a good tutorial on this possibly linked from the struts page
titled Monkey Struts.  I found it to be quite good, very easy to

David Graham wrote:
 I want to have a form with a variable number of input boxes.  For 
 example, a simple edit person form that has a first name and last name 
 input box for each person in your db.  So the first set would be named 
 firstName_12 lastName_12, the second set might be firstName_45623 and 
 lastName_45623.  The number after the underscore is the personID from 
 the db table.  When the form is submitted you loop over these fields and 
 update the appropriate row in the database from the _ID info.
 I've read through the docs on DynaBeans and that seems like the way to 
 go but I'm still not sure how to go about this. When populating the 
 DynaFormBean, does struts just go through the request params and assign 
 them to new form properties?  How would you validate this type of form?
 Advice and links to info are appreciated.
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Re: [Struts Tip] # 10 Use Struts JSP Tags to create dynamic JavaScripts

2002-09-03 Thread Rob Leland

Ted Husted wrote:
 For more see

  I got File not found 404 when clicking on this link.


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Re: Directories and Files structure for sub applications

2002-07-29 Thread Rob Leland

   Does anyone have a best practices suggestion for how to organize the
  directory and files structure
   for a Struts application composed of  sub applications?

I don't know if there is a best practices yet.
Here is what I have done.

Our source tree looks much like the struts source tree


catalog/  - application module (sub-app)

So the modules tends to be grouped together.

What we really need though is a generic build-module.xml
I started to modify the struts build-webapp.xml a few
months ago, but never had time to finish it.

Heligon Sandra wrote:

   Does anyone have a best practices suggestion for how to organize the
 directory and files structure
   for a Struts application composed of  sub applications? 
   Where the different strus-config files, application resources files,
 common JSP views have to be placed ?
   Thanks a lot.
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