[Haskell-cafe] Re: a regressive view of support for imperative programming in Haskell

2007-08-14 Thread apfelmus

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

My assumption is that we have an equivalence

  forall a,b . m (a - m b) ~ (a - m b)

because any side effect executed by the extra m on the outside can well 
be delayed until we are supplied a value a. Well, at least when all 
arguments are fully applied, for some notion of fully applied

I figured that wouldn't be a problem since our values don't escape, and
the functions we define all respect the embedding... More formally:

Projections and injections:

  proj :: Monad m = m (a - m b) - (a - m b)

proj ma = \x - ma = \fn' - fn' x
inj  fn = return fn

Define an equivalence relation:

ma ≡ mb - proj ma = proj mb

Projection respects equivalence:

ma ≡ mb - proj ma = proj mb(intro -)
ma ≡ mb = proj ma = proj mb(equiv def)
proj ma = proj mb = proj ma = proj mb  (assumption)

Application respects equivalence:

Yeah, that's the right approach, but it has a few typos. The correct 
version is

 (@) :: Monad m = m (a - m b) - m a - m b
 (@) ma = \x - x = proj ma

Formulating (@) in terms of  proj ma  is a very clever idea since it 
follows immediately that

 ma @ x = ma' @ x  iff  proj ma = proj ma'  iff  ma ≡ ma'

In other words, when viewed through  @  and  proj  only, equivalent 
actions give equivalent results.

The main point is that this does not hold for the other curry-friendly 
type  m a - m b

 proj :: Monad m = (m a - m b) - (a - m b)
 proj f = f . return

 (@) :: Monad m = (m a - m b) - m a - m b
 (@) = id

 ma ≡ ma'  iff  proj ma = proj ma'

since those functions may execute their argument multiple times. So, 
here's the counterexample

 once  :: Monad m = m A - m A
 once = id

 twice :: Monad m = m A - m A
 twice x = x  once x

Now, we have

 proj once = return = proj twice


 effect :: IO ()   -- a given effect
 effect = putStrLn Kilroy was here!

 once  @ effect = effect
 ≠ twice @ effect = effect  effect

The same can be done for several arguments, along the lines of

  proj2 :: m (a - m (b - m c)) - (a - b - m c)
  proj2 f = proj . (proj f)

  app2 :: m (a - m (b - m c)) - (m a - m b - m c)
  app2 f mx my
   = (f @ mx) @ my
   = my = proj (mx = proj f)
   = my = \y - mx = \x - proj2 f x y

and similar results.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Diagnosing stack overflow

2007-08-17 Thread apfelmus

Justin Bailey wrote:

-- Determines if the length of the strings in the list is longer than the given
-- count. If not, amount the list falls short is returned. Otherwise,
-- -1 indicates the prefix list is at least that long. If the count is zero and
-- the list is empty or just null strings, -1 is also returned.

prefixesAtLeast :: Int - [S.ByteString] - Int

While that doesn't help your stack overflow problem, it's not very 
haskellish to return magic numbers. A Maybe type is more appropriate here.

prefixesAtLeast !0 !ss
  | null ss = 0
  | all S.null ss = 0
  | otherwise = -1
prefixesAtLeast !n !ss = prefixesAtLeast' n ss
  prefixesAtLeast' !n ss
| n  0 = -1
| null ss = n
| otherwise =
let (!s : (!rest)) = ss
  prefixesAtLeast' (n - (S.length s)) rest

Extracting the head and tail of  ss  with a let statement could lead to 
 a huge unevaluated expression like

  rest = tail (tail (tail (...)))

but the null test are likely to force it. Also note that the case  n = 0 
is quite rare. In any case, I'd write the function as

  lengthExcess :: Int - [S.ByteString] - Maybe Int
  lengthExcess n ss
 | n = 0= Nothing
 | otherwise = case ss of
[] - Just n
(s:ss) - lengthExcess (n - S.length s) ss

Note the that the function name is chosen to mnemonically match the 
result type Maybe Int, i.e. the excess is Just 5 characters or the 
excess is Nothing.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Diagnosing stack overflow

2007-08-17 Thread apfelmus

Justin Bailey wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Extracting the head and tail of  ss  with a let statement could lead to
  a huge unevaluated expression like

   rest = tail (tail (tail (...)))

Even though they are probably forced, would breaking the head and tail
apart via pattern-matching or a case statement avoid building up that
unevaluated expression?

Yes, absolutely, since pattern matching has to force the scrutinee in 
order to choose the matching case. In contrast, a let statement

  let (x:xs) = expr in ...

simply assumes that  expr  is of the form (x:xs) but does not force it 
and check whether that's really the case. Of course, this may turn out 
as pattern match later on as soon as  x  is demanded but  expr  was 
initially the empty list.

In your case, the test  null ss  forces  ss  and checks whether the 
let-pattern is ok. So, you basically end up doing what a case expression 
would do. In other words, the situation is more they are most likely 
forced than they are probably forced and it's just a matter of 
convenience to choose one over the other.

But there are certain situations where you can check/prove differently 
that the let pattern never fails and where such a lazy pattern is wanted.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List comprehension desugaring

2007-08-19 Thread apfelmus

Neil Mitchell wrote:

The Haskell desugaring for list comprehensions is given in:


All the rules seem to be left to right rewrites, apart from the second
one, which seems to be right to left. Is there some deep reason for
this, or is this accidental.

Isn't the second rule left to right, too? The translation assumes that Q 
is non-empty, so the three last rules don't match [e | q] but they match 
[e | q, True]. The non-emptiness is probably for ruling out the invalid 
list comprehension [e | ] which would otherwise appear as an 
intermediate result in the translation for empty Q.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Bi-directional Maps

2007-08-20 Thread apfelmus

Andrew Wagner wrote:

So, in writing my chess engine, I've been trying to maintain 2 Map
objects. One maps squares on the board to Ints, the other maps Ints to
actual Pieces. It occurred to me that it would be useful to explicitly
have a Bi-directional Map, which does the maintenance of keeping the
Maps synchronized behind the scenes. Thus, Bimap was born! I've taken
the API for Data.Map (which you can find at ), and cannibalized it for
Bimap. The new API is at http://hpaste.org/2344 . The idea is that if
you have a Bimap k a, and you want to treat the k's as keys, and use a
function like Data.Map.foo, it will be called Data.Map.left_foo in
Bimap. And if they want to do the same thing, but using the a's as
keys, then they simply use right_foo. The metaphor is that we can view
it as a Map in 2 directions, manipulating it from the left (on the
k's), or from the right (on the a's).

Is this useful? Is there a better way? Is the API too big, and if so,
how can it be pared down?

IMHO, the API is too big and not beautiful enough. How about a function

  flip :: Bimap a b - Bimap b a

that interchanges the role of keys and values? Or maybe keep every 
functions symmetric in  a  and  b , like in

  update :: ((a,b) - Maybe (a,b))
 - Either a b - Bimap a b - Bimap a b

The changer functions take pairs and the search key to look for is 
Either a b .

But most of the map functions (including  update  above) probably won't 
work anyway, what should

  left_insertWith (\new old - new) 'a' 1 (fromList [('a',2),('b',1)])

do? I can't yield

  fromList [('a',1),('b',1)]

since 1 has two keys now.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Bi-directional Maps

2007-08-21 Thread apfelmus

Hugh Perkins wrote:

Exactly. For this to work there needs to be the constraint that there's a
one-to-one mapping in each direction. The Bimap should have the uniqueness
promise that Set (k, v) gives. Yet you should be able to search on either
tuple value.

Or... have the possibility of returning a list of values.

Arguably there are two possible implementations, one that enforces
one-to-one mapping, and one which allows multiple values, in either

Terminology reminder :)
- the latter is called (binary) relation
- the former would be a bijection


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Newbie question: Where is StackOverflow on the Wiki?

2007-08-21 Thread apfelmus

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

sum (enum 1 10) =
sum' 0 (enum 1 10)  =

sum' 36 (9 : enum (9+1) 10)  =
(sum' $! (36+9)) (enum (9+1) 10) =
sum' 45 (enum (9+1) 10)  =
sum' 45 []   =

(I need to find some way to automate making these trails :) )

Yes! We'd need such an automatic tool for the wikibook, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Newbie question: Where is StackOverflow on the Wiki?

2007-08-23 Thread apfelmus

Neil Mitchell wrote:

sum (enum 1 10) =
sum' 0 (enum 1 10)  =

sum' 36 (9 : enum (9+1) 10)  =
(sum' $! (36+9)) (enum (9+1) 10) =
sum' 45 (enum (9+1) 10)  =
sum' 45 []   =

(I need to find some way to automate making these trails :) )

Yes! We'd need such an automatic tool for the wikibook, too.

The problem is that Haskell is ridiculously complex, and the small
step interpretation is much harder than you'd think. For example, sum
may well be defined as foldl' (+) 0, which is a CAF, so gets reduced
once. The 0 won't actually be a 0, but will be fromInteger 0, which
will correspond to looking up an item in the dictionary and applying
it. Dictionaries especially make the simple interpretation
completely wrong.

It's easy to do informally, but once you start being more precise, its
very complex.

Yeah, the precise details may vary, even :) But for teaching, an 
automatic tool that does graph reduction would be great. I don't mind if 
it's sloppy (directly apply definitions  pattern matching VS everything 
is a lambda abstraction) and only does simply typed lambda calculus (no 
type applications, no type classes).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: help understanding lazy evaluation

2007-08-23 Thread apfelmus

Ronald Guida wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if I've got this right?

Yes, you got. The let-statement you introduce that embodies the sharing 
of the argument  n = 12  probably should be present in the first parts, 
too. But this doesn't really matter, the formalities of graph reduction 
vary with the formalizer :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: IO inside CGI

2007-08-24 Thread apfelmus

Adrian Neumann wrote:

Now I'd like to get a new StdGen, in case no id was supplied to the script.

parse :: Maybe String- IO StdGen
parse (Just x) = return $ read x
parse Nothing = getStdGen

Obviously this doesn't work because I'm trying to do IO inside CGI
(right?). Is there some incantation I can perform to make this possible?

Abracadabra, the incantation is

  liftIO :: IO a - CGI a


  parse :: Maybe String- CGI StdGen
  parse (Just x) = return $ read x
  parse Nothing  = liftIO getStdGen


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: nested datatypes

2007-08-26 Thread apfelmus
(Note that the term nested data type also/already carries the meaning 
non-regular data type, an example being

  data PerfectBinaryTree a = One a | Succ (PerfectBinaryTree (a,a))

Thomas Girod wrote:

recently I was trying to represent complex data by defining several
datatypes and nesting them, such as

data Foo = Foo { foo :: Bar }
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Bar = Bar { bar :: Int }
deriving (Eq,Show)

To change only a part of the data, syntactic sugar is quite convenient. But
it seems to be quite painful with nested datatypes.

b = Bar 10
f = Foo b

foobar :: Int - Foo - Foo
foobar i f =
let nb = (foo f){bar = i}
in f{foo = nb}

So, my question is : is there a nifty way to modify data within a nested
datatype, similar to the f{foo = bar} style ? If not, anyone is using some
kind of workaround for this ?

There is a nifty way, called functional references. They're a pair of 
get and set functions

  data Ref s a = Ref { get :: s - a, set :: a - s - s }

The nice thing about them is that we can compose them like functions

  o :: Ref b c - Ref a b - Ref a c
  f `o` g = Ref (get f . get g) (\c a - set (set c f $ get g a) g a)

The example becomes

  data Foo = Foo Bar
  data Bar = Bar Int

  foo :: Ref Foo Bar
  foo = Ref (\(Foo x) - x) (\x (Foo _) - Foo y)

  bar :: Ref Bar Int
  bar = Ref (\(Bar x) - x) (\x (Bar _) - Bar x)

  foobar :: Ref Foo Int
  foobar = bar `o` foo

See also



  Sander Evers, Peter Achten, and Jan Kuper. A Functional Programming
  Technique for Forms in Graphical User Interfaces.

Writing getter and setter functions by hand can be tedious but somebody 
already automated this with Template Haskell or other other 
preprocessing tools.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: quoting in Haskell

2007-08-28 Thread apfelmus

Peter Verswyvelen wrote:
In Scheme, on can quote code, so that it becomes data. Microsoft's F# 
and C# 3.0 also have something similar that turns code into expression 

I can't find something similar for Haskell? Maybe I am looking at the 
wrong places?

Quoting/Inspecting code at runtime is not possible in Haskell since this 
would break referential transparency, i.e. one could tell that two 
extensionally equal values like

  3 `add` 4
  1 `add` (2 `mul` 3)

are different by inspecting their internal structure.

Of course, you can use constructors for  add  and  mul  and then inspect 
and transform the result

  data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr

  add, mul :: Expr - Expr - Expr
  add = Add
  mul = Mul

  x :: Expr
  x = Val 1 `add` (Val 2 `mul` Val 3)

By making  Expr  an instance of the class  Num , you can use overloaded 
arithmetic operations

  instance Num Expr where
(+) = Add
(*) = Mul
fromInteger = Val . fromInteger

  x :: Expr
  x = 1 + 2*3

I want to write something like

selectiveQuote [add] (1 `add` 2 `mul` 3)

which would result in an expression tree like

 /  \

So the `mul` is not quoted because it is not part of the context = [add]

I'm not sure why you'd want to do that, but it's not well-defined. What 

 selectiveQuote [add] ((1 `add` 2) `mul` 3)

be? How to expand `mul` here when `add` isn't expanded?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Mutable but boxed arrays?

2007-09-06 Thread apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I'll see, if I understand it.

  do writeArray arr 0 2
 x - readArray arr 0
 writeArray arr 0 (x+x)

If 'arr' is an STArray, the 'arr' will contain the unevaluated 
expression 2+2 as zeroth element and with type STUArray it will 
contain the evaluated 4 ?

Exactly. Put differently,

  writeArray :: STUArray - ..

is strict in the third argument whereas

  writeArray :: STArray  - ..

is not.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: turning an imperative loop to Haskell

2007-09-06 Thread apfelmus

Dougal Stanton wrote:

To create an infinite list where each f(u) depends on the previous u,
with a single seed value, use 'iterate':

main = mapM_ (uncurry (printf %d %f\n)) (zip [1..50] (iterate f 3))

How about

 main = sequence_ $ zipWith (printf %d %f\n) [1..50] (iterate f 3)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ((a - b) - c) - (a - m b) - m c

2007-09-10 Thread apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

On Sun, 9 Sep 2007, Stuart Cook wrote:

When combining monadic and non-monadic code, I've often wished for a
magical combinator of type

 (Monad m) = ((a - b) - c) - (a - m b) - m c

which would let me inject a monadic function into a pure one, then
wrap the ultimate result to ensure that no nastiness escapes.

If the signature would be
  (Monad m) = ((a - b) - c) - m (a - b) - m c
   it would be possible, and the implementation would be 'liftM'/'fmap'.

In the Reader monad you can even convert
  (a - m b)   to   m (a - b)

The existence of a conversion

  convert :: (a - m b) - m (a - b)

between those two types for a given monad m is equivalent to the 
existence of

  magic :: ((a - b) - c) - (a - m b) - m c

since we have

  convert   = magic id
  magic f g = return f `ap` convert g


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data.Binary Endianness

2007-09-10 Thread apfelmus

Sven Panne wrote:
 So what I was asking for is:

   getInt32be, putIEEEFloatLe, getIEEEDoubleHost, ...

Type classes might be used to get a slightly smaller API, but I am unsure 
about the performance impact and how much this would really buy us in terms 
of the ease of use of the API.

It's not that related, but I just got struck by an obvious idea, namely 
to put the endianness in an extra parameter

  data Endianness = Little | Big | Host
  putInt32 :: Endianness - Int - Put

in order to avoid three functions for every data type. I don't know 
whether this makes performance a bit worse, but if it does, phantom 
types or similar are an option to encode endianness, too.

  data LE = LE
  data BE = BE
  data Host = Host

  class Put a endian where
put :: endian - a - Put

  instance Put Int32 LE where ...
  instance Put Int32 BE where ...
  instance Put Int32 Host where ...

Oh, and the 8,16,32 and 64 are good candidates for phantom 
type/associated data types, too.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Sequencing Operations in a Monad

2007-09-15 Thread apfelmus

SevenThunders wrote:

Ryan Ingram wrote:

As long as the FFI calls don't make destructive updates to existing
matrices, you can do what you want.

For example, assuming you have:

-- adds the second matrix to the first  overwrites the first
matrixAddIO :: MatrixIO - MatrixIO - IO ()

-- creates a new copy of a matrix
matrixCopyIO :: MatrixIO - IO MatrixIO

Well as you point out there is an efficiency issue if we need to copy
matrices all of the time in order to insure 'referential transparency'.  
Moreover I manage my matrices on a stack  in C, since it makes it easy to

handle memory allocation and deallocation.  The stack configuration tends to
be highly fluid so there are always side effects going on.  Right now my
Matrix type wraps the index from the bottom of the Matrix stack into the IO

If you need destructive updates, you indeed need a monad. Otherwise, I'd 
use ForeignPtrs and import the matrix operations as pure functions (~ 

 I was just wondering if there was any obvious way to force an IO action to
execute only once, since now each reference to the action IO causes it to
execute again.

Isn't that simply

x - onlyOnce
mult x x


  onlyOnce :: IO Int
  mult :: Int - Int - IO Int


If you want

  mult = liftM2 something :: IO Int - IO Int - IO Int

you can

x' - onlyOnce
let x = return x'
mult x x

which is

x - return `liftM` onlyOnce
mult x x

for short.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type-Marking finite/infinte lists?

2007-09-16 Thread apfelmus

David Menendez wrote:

Joachim Breitner wrote:

today while mowing the lawn, I thought how to statically prevent some
problems with infinte lists. I was wondering if it is possible to
somehow mark a list as one of finite/infinite/unknown and to mark
list-processing functions as whether they can handle infinte lists.

One possibility would be to have some phantom markers in the list
type. For example,

newtype List isEmpty isFinite a = MarkList [a]

data Finite
data Infinite
data Empty
data Nonempty
data Unknown

Yes, phantom types are what Joachim wants. For more about phantom types, 
see also


  Ralf Hinze. Fun with Phantom Types.

Another possibility for working with infinite lists would be a new data type

  data InfList a = a : InfList a

(also called Stream but this name is quite overloaded.)

cons:: a - List e f a - List Nonempty f a

But unfortunately, finiteness is a special property that the type system 
cannot guarantee. The above type signature for  cons  doesn't work since 
the following would type check

  bad :: a - List Nonempty Finite a
  bad x = let xs = cons x xs in xs

In other words, Haskell's type system doesn't detect infinite recursion. 
 (But there are type systems like System F or that of Epigram that 
disallow general recursion.)

As a variation, we can use rank-2 types instead of Unknown; e.g.

tail   :: List Nonempty f a - (forall e. List e f a - w) - w
filter :: (a - Bool) - List e f a - (forall e. List e f a - w) - w

That's probably best explained in terms of the existential quantor

 tail   :: List Nonempty f a - (exists e. List e f a)
 filter :: (a - Bool) - List e f a - (exists e. List e f a)

In other words,  tail  takes a nonempty list and returns one that has an 
emptiness e  but that's all we know. Existential quantification is not 
 first-class in Haskell, so you can either use a data type

 data Box100 f b c = forall a . Box100 (f a b c)

 tail :: List Nonempty f a - Box100 List f a

or encode it via the isomorphism

 exists e . expr e = forall w . (forall e . expr e - w) - w


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type-Marking finite/infinte lists?

2007-09-17 Thread apfelmus

Roberto Zunino wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

cons:: a - List e f a - List Nonempty f a

But unfortunately, finiteness is a special property that the type 
system cannot guarantee. The above type signature for  cons  doesn't 
work since the following would type check

  bad :: a - List Nonempty Finite a
  bad x = let xs = cons x xs in xs

In other words, Haskell's type system doesn't detect infinite recursion. 

I thought this was possible with GADTs (is it?):

Interesting, it probably is. See below.

data Z
data S n
data List a len where
  Nil :: List a Z
  Cons:: a - List a len - List a (S len)

Then, bad (adapted from above) does not typecheck.

Note that you're doing more than forcing your lists to be finite, you 
force them to be of a particular size. For instance, a list of type

  List a (S (S (S Z)))

is guaranteed to have exactly 3 elements. That's why

  bad x = let xs = cons x xs in xs

doesn't type check: the lhs has one more element than the rhs.

As soon as you try to hide the finiteness proof (= count of elements in 
the list) away via existential quantification

  data ListFinite a where
IsFinite :: List a len - ListFinite a

the  bad  function reappears and type checks

  cons :: a - ListFinite a - ListFinite a
  cons x (IsFinite xs) = IsFinite (Cons x xs)

  bad :: a - ListFinite a
  bad x = let xs = cons x xs in xs

But there is a major difference now: bad is not an infinite list, it's 
_|_. That's because  cons  is now strict in the second argument, i.e. it 
really does check whether the second argument matches the constructor 
IsFinite which means that there's a proof that  xs  is finite.

That's good news, it seems to be that everything of type ListFinite is 
finite modulo _|_s. I don't have a proof, though. Of course, we can have 
a _|_ in every position, like

  cons 1 (cons 2 (IsFinite undefined))

which corresponds to

  1 : 2 : _|_


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Building production stable software in Haskell

2007-09-18 Thread apfelmus

Ketil Malde wrote:

Neil Mitchell wrote:

DBM's can differentiate themselves on external database support,

Surely this is an opportunity to focus development on a single library
with broader support?  Currently, we have HSQL and HDBC supplying
incompatible low-level interfaces, supporting a different set of back
ends.  No matter what I choose, I risk having to make a costly
conversion later on.

Yes, a common low-level interface is highly recommended. This does not 
only hold for DBMs, but also for XML, GUIs, vector graphics etc. The 
(imaginary, I'm a DB illiterate) picture is this:

 HDB -+ +--- Borland
  | |
 LambdaBase --+--- Generic Low-level DB --- +--- Oracle
  | |
 hasqel --+ +--- MySQL
  | |
 ...   ...

A common low-level interface factors the m - n relation into a m - 1 
and a 1 - n relation.

The story doesn't end here, since there can be additional low-level 
functionality that only some DB backends can offer but that some 
high-level interfaces require. But that's just a matter of putting 
another type class on top of the minimal low-level type class.

Of course, designing a low-level interface that is neither too powerful 
(not all back ends offer the functionality) nor too general (being 
almost trivial) and still simple enough is *hard*, especially since you 
can think about it for weeks without touching a computer.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Type-Marking finite/infinte lists?

2007-09-18 Thread apfelmus

Bas van Dijk wrote:

Roberto Zunino wrote:

data Z
data S n
data List a len where
   Nil :: List a Z
   Cons:: a - List a len - List a (S len)

The other day I was playing with exactly this GADT. See: http://hpaste.org/2707

My aim was to define a function like 'concat' in terms of 'foldr' but
I was unable to do so. Can this be done?

Not with the standard foldr you mimic. I mean, in reality, foldr is 
(almost) the induction principle for natural numbers! Given a property 
p  that you want to prove for all natural numbers  n , the induction 
principle reads

  induction :: forall p .
(forall n . p n - p (S n)) -- induction step
 - p Z -- induction base
 - (forall n . p n)-- it holds!

Similarly, the right type of foldr is

  foldr :: forall b a .
 - (forall n . a - b n - b (S n))
 - b Z
 - (forall n . List a n - b n)

or without the superfluous foralls

  foldr :: (forall n . a - b n - b (S n)) - b Z - List a n - b n

The implementation is exactly the same

  foldr _ z Nil = z
  foldr f z (Cons x xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

Put differently, you just add the length parameter to b.

For concat, we have to set

  b n = List a (Sum n m)

Given only  List a (Sum n m), the Haskell type checker can't figure out 
that it is of the form  b n  for some type constructor  b  . The 
solution is to introduce a newtype to guide it

  newtype PlusList a m n = In { out :: List a (Sum n m) }

so that we now have b = (PlusList a m) and we can write

  concat :: forall a m n . List a n - List a m - List a (Sum n m)
  concat xs ys = out (foldr f z xs)
f :: a - PlusList a m n - PlusList a m (S n)
f x b = In (cons x (out b))
z :: PlusList a m Z
z = In ys

I didn't test this code, but it should work ;)

Also I was unable to define the function 'fromList :: [a] - ListN a
n'. This makes sense of course because statically the size of the list
is unknown. However maybe existential quantification can help but I'm
not sure how.

The return type of  fromList  can't be

  fromList :: [a] - List a n

since that's syntactic sugar for

  fromList :: forall n . [a] - List a n

i.e. given a list, fromList  returns one that has all possible lengths 
n. Rather, the type should be

  fromList :: [a] - (exists n . List a n)

i.e. there exists a length which the returned list has. (Exercise: why 
is  (exists n . [a] - List a n)  wrong?)

The data type  ListFinite  from my other message on this thread does the 
existential quantification you want. With

  nil  :: ListFinite a
  nil  = IsFinite (Nil)

  cons :: a - ListFinite a - ListFinite a
  cons x (IsFinite xs) = IsFinite (Cons x xs)

we can write

  fromList :: [a] - ListFinite a
  fromList [] = nil
  fromList (x:xs) = cons x (fromList xs)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] simple function: stack overflow in hugs vs none in ghc

2007-09-24 Thread apfelmus
 are quite 
different from r0 and z0. Reducing r0 and x1 yields

 let ts0 = x0 : ts1
 x0  = 1
 ts1 = x1 : ts2
 x1  = 2
 ts2 = 3:...

 z   = (r, tail ts1)
 r   = Just x1
 ts' = snd z

 z1  = many item ts'
 r1  = fst z1
 us1 = snd z1

 z0  = (r0, us1)
 r0  = x1:r1
 us0 = snd z0

 in (x0:r0, us0)

The general scheme should be clear now: z,r and ts' are temporary 
variables and further reduction of r1, r2 and so on leads to a chain

 let x0 = 1; ts0 = x0 : ts1
 x1 = 2; ts1 = x1 : ts2
 x2 = 3; ts2 = x2 : ts3
 x8 = ..

 z   = (r, tail ts8)
 r   = Just x8
 ts' = snd z

 z8  = many item ts'
 r8  = fst z8
 us8 = snd z8

 z7  = (r7, us8)
 r7  = x8:r8
 us7 = snd z7
 z0  = (r0, us1)
 r0  = x1:r1
 us0 = snd z0

 in (x0:r0, us0)

So, after forcing the first component of the overall result to normal 
form, the result looks like

 (1:2:3:..., snd (_,snd (_,snd (_,...))) )

and it seems that Hugs fails to evaluate the tail recursive chain of 
snd  ??

In the end, here's our decisive result: either Hugs or my analysis has a 
bug :D


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: simple function: stack overflow in hugs vsnonein ghc

2007-09-24 Thread apfelmus

Claus Reinke wrote:
the given example is too strict, the requirement is to generate the 
matched portion lazilly, and return the tail (unconsumed portion).

ah yes, without optimisations, Prelude.span builds up stack,

I don't quite understand why it does so at all.

  span p []   = ([],[])
  span p xs@(x:xs')
  | p x   = let (ys,zs) = span p xs' in (x:ys,zs)
  | otherwise = ([],xs)

I mean, the third line can return a tuple and the first element of the 
first list immediately. Where does the stack space come from?

True enough, the second component will be a tower

  snd (_, snd (_, snd (_, ...

but  snd  is tail recursive.

In principle the function should be capable of being written to run in 
constant space which the given example dose not.

Btw, even with the space leak prevention from the Sparud paper, it will 
be a linear chain of indirections. So,  span  doesn't run in constant 
space at all!

The problem is that when lazily deconstructing the first component, the 
second component has to be deconstructed, too (reduced partially) or 
it will leak space. I mean, fetching the x from

 (x:ys, id zs)

should reduce the  id  , too. Of course, that should be up to the 
programmer's choice (partial reduction may be expensive), so is there a 
way to specify that in code?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Shouldnt this be lazy too?

2007-09-24 Thread apfelmus

Vimal wrote:

I was surprised to find out that the following piece of code:

length [1..]  10

isnt lazily evaluated! I wouldnt expect this to be a bug, but
in this case, shouldnt the computation end when the length function
evaluation goes something like:

10 + length [11..]

That's the spirit, but you still need the right integer type for that :) 
I mean, Haskell does not magically detect that the 32(64)-bit integer 
(10 + length [11..]) :: Int  is bigger than  10 :: Int . But by using 
peano numbers, the comparison function can detect that, see also



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Math.Statistics

2007-09-26 Thread apfelmus

ok wrote:

I believe the author may have misunderstood numerically stable.
The obvious (sum xs)/(fromIntegral $ length $ xs) is fine for
the mean,

That's probably my fault, out of ignorance. Do you know a good online 
resource about numeric stability? (I don't have the Knuth at home. 
Didn't he say something about the mean formula? Or was it the standard 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: isWHNF :: a - IO Bool ?

2007-09-27 Thread apfelmus

Tristan Allwood wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a function that tells you if a haskell
value has been forced or not?

isWHNF :: a - IO Bool

let x = (map succ [0..]) in do
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF x)-- False
  putStrLn . show . head $ x
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF x)-- True
  putStrLn . show (isWHNF (Just undefined)) -- True

Note that this function is not referentially transparent since

  isWHNF 2 = True


  isWHNF (1+1) = False

although 1+1 = 2. In other words, it messes up the language semantics 
(extensional equality) which is bad.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: isWHNF :: a - IO Bool ?

2007-09-27 Thread apfelmus

Tristan Allwood wrote:

Does anyone know if there is a function that tells you if a haskell
value has been forced or not?  e.g. isWHNF :: a - IO Bool

apfelmus wrote:

Note that this function [isWHNF :: a - Bool] is not
referentially transparent

Indeed.  Does it still mess up with the result in IO Bool (as was my

It depends, but I think yes. I mean, given extensional equality,

  isWHNF 2
  isWHNF (1+1)

still have to be the same IO actions, in the sense that there cannot be 
a guarantee that the first always returns  True  during execution 
without the second returning always  True , too. That is, you may not 
depend on such a property for proving that your program is correct, 
although you may use it for performance (memory  time) characteristics 
(I don't know how you would use  isWHNF  to do /that/, but it's a 
hypothetical possibility). In other words, if your program output is 
correct with a fake nondeterministic replacement like

  isWHNF x = do
b' - getMemoizedValueFor x
if b' then return True else do
  b - randomIO
  when b $ setMemoizedValueFor x True
  return b

then it's safe, otherwise it's not. But similarly to a memoization 
function implemented with unsafePerformIO

  memoize :: Ord a = (a - b) - (a - b)

you may well use the not so nondeterministic property of  isWHNF  to 
achieve a time  space improvement.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: SOE/GLFW compilation problems

2007-10-07 Thread apfelmus

Joel Stanley wrote:

I've recently been able to get the SOE/GLFW code up and running from


and things are working well under GHCi under Mac OS X.

However, when attempting to compile a simple graphics script using ghc, I'm
getting some unexpected link errors:

$ ghc -o mygfx mygfx.hs -iSOE/src
compilation IS NOT required
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I'm quite new to Haskell, so I'm not sure if there was something special I
had to do in order to get the code for the closures generated by ghc.

You can just use --make and ghc will figure things out automatically

  ghc --make mygfx.hs -o mygfx -iSOE/src

(mygfx.hs must be the  Main  module for that to work, though)

If you want to do it by hand/Makefile, you need to compile (ghc -c) 
the SOE code first and then link the resulting object files (ghc -o 
mygfx SOE.o Draw.o ...). See


for an example Makefile that shows how it's done.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Data types, opengl display loop and readIORef/writeIORef

2007-10-08 Thread apfelmus

bbrown wrote:
This is more an aesthetics question, I have a simple opengl application that 
has a singleton like object I need to pass around to the display loop and 
possibly to the keyboard action handler. (pseudo code)

data SimpleMech = SimpleMech {
  mechPos :: !MVector,
  mechRot :: !MVector
} deriving (Read)

mainMech = initMech (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)
mainMechRef - newIORef(mainMech)

displayCallback $= displayGameLoop mainMechRef

rotateMech :: (Double, SimpleMech) - SimpleMech
rotateMech (angle, mech) =
  -- Calculate a new rotation
  let (xrot,yrot,zrot) = (mechRot mech)
  newyrot = newyrot + angle

That should be
newyrot = yrot + angle

  in SimpleMech { mechRot = (xrot, newyrot, zrot),
  mechPos = (mechPos mech) }

displayGameLoop mechRef = do
mech - get mechRef
mechRef $= (rotateMech (0.1, mech))

For some reason in that code above, the mechRef doesnt update the value I 
want to change.  It is like I am getting an instance of the initial valyue 
back.  Also, when I use writeIORef, eg writeIORef mechRef  (rotateMech (0.1, 

I get stack overflow exceptions.

The bug above is probably responsible for both the stack overflows with 
writeIORef and for a $= that doesn't update (it wants to update, but the 
program is trapped in an infinite loop).

Btw, you don't need parenthesis about function applications, you can use 
record update syntax and functions with several arguments are usually 
written in curried form:

  -- Calculate a new rotation
  rotateMech :: Double - SimpleMech - SimpleMech
  rotateMech angle mech =
 mech { mechRot = (xrot, yrot + angle, zrot) }
(xrot,yrot,zrot) = mechRot mech

  mainMech = initMech (0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 0)

  main = do
 mainMechRef - newIORef mainMech
 displayCallback $= displayGameLoop mainMechRef

  displayGameLoop mechRef = do
 mech - get mechRef
 mechRef $= rotateMech 0.1 mech

The latter can also be written as

  displayGameLoop mechRef = do
 mechRef $~ rotateMech 0.1


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] EnableGUI hack changes working directory

2007-10-09 Thread apfelmus


the EnableGUI hack for getting a window in GHCi on Mac OS X (10.3.9 for 
me) unexpectedly changes the working directory for the running ghci

[...] apfelmus$ ghci -i../../Hackage/SOE/src
[...] GHC Interactive, version 6.6.1, for Haskell 98.
*Main :! pwd
*Main enableGUI  run lambda
Loading package OpenGL-2.2.1 ... linking ... done.
Loading package GLFW-0.1 ... linking ... done.
*Main :! pwd

The effect is that reloading the Main module now fails

*Main :r
no location info: can't find file: Main.hs

Any solution?

Btw, using enableGUI exactly once at the beginning of the ghci session 
doesn't work

*Main enableGUI
../../Hackage/SOE/src/EnableGUI.o: unknown symbol 

unless ghci is started with the  -framework Carbon  option. But then, 
the working directory remains fine, so I guess the change of working 
directory bug happens while dynamically loading frameworks/shared libraries.

Is there a way to automate  ghci ... EnableGUI -framework Carbon  and 
typing  enableGUI  at the first prompt? Something like a custom shell 
script  ghci+gui  or even  ghci --with-gui ?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: symbol type?

2007-10-10 Thread apfelmus

Michael Vanier wrote:

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

Ah. Perhaps Data.HashTable is what you are looking
for then?

Hmm, I was hoping for something that didn't involve side effects.

There's always Data.Map

  newtype Symbol   = S { unS :: Integer } deriving (Eq, Ord)
  type SymbolTable = Data.Map Symbol String


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Can every monad can be implemented with Cont? (was: New slogan for haskell.org)

2007-10-13 Thread apfelmus

Don Stewart wrote:


Didn't someone already prove all monads can be implemented in terms  
of Cont?

Cont and StateT, wasn't it?
And the schemers have no choice about running in StateT :)

You sure? I want to see the proof :)

Last time I stumbled upon something like this, the proof was to embed 
every monad m in the type

  type Cont m a = forall b . (a - m b) - m b

with an

  instance Monad (Cont m) where ...

_independent_ of whether m is a monad or not.

The problem I see with it is that we didn't really encode  m  with it 
since we're still dependent on  return  and (=) via

  project :: Monad m = Cont m a - m a
  project f = f return


  inject :: Monad m = m a - Cont m a
  inject x = (x =)

I mean, the starting point for a concrete monad M are some primitive 
operations like

  get :: M s
  put :: s - M ()

and a function

  observe :: M a - (S - (a,S))

together with laws for the primitive operations (= operational semantics)

  observe (put s = x) = \_ - observe (x ()) s
  observe (get = x)   = \s - observe (x s ) s

and for return

  observe (return a)= \s - (a,s)

Now, implementing a monad means to come up with a type M and functions 
(=) and  return  that fulfill the monad laws. (In general, the result 
type of observe is _not_ M a !) This can be done with the standard trick 
of implementing stuff as constructors (see Unimo for details 

But - and that's the problem - I don't see how it can be done with Cont 
in all cases. It works for the above state monad (*) but what about 
primitives like

  mplus  :: m a - m a - m a
  callcc :: ((a - m r) - m r) - m a

that have monadic arguments in a contravariant position (possibly even 
universally quantified)?


*: Here you go:

  type Observe s a = s - (a,s)
  type State s a   = Cont (Observe s) a

  get   = \x - (\s - observe (x s ) s)  -- law for get
  put s = \x - (\_ - observe (x ()) s)  -- law for put

  observe f = f $ \a - (\s - (a,s))  -- law for  observe (return a)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Filesystem questions

2007-10-14 Thread apfelmus

Yitzchak Gale wrote:

I wrote:

...a tool for recursing through directories...
How about a built-in function that represents a directory tree
as a lazy Data.Tree?

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

See System.FilePath.Find in

-- List all directories in the tree rooted at the given path
traverseDirectories :: MonadIO m =
  TraversalDirection - FilePath - ListT m Directory

You could plug the above into your machinery for
recursion predicates and all the other nice stuff.

Or - getting back to the lazy Data.Tree idea -
we could define TreeT, analgous to ListT:

newtype TreeT m a = NodeT (m (a, TreeT (ListT m) a))

and give it a nice Monad instance. Then you can prune
and filter trees in a natural way, inside the monad.

Eh, isn't that what ListT is already for? I mean,

  type Directory = FilePath

  contents :: MonadIO m = Directory - m [FilePath]

  liftList :: Monad m = m [a] - ListT m a
  runList  :: Monad m = ListT m a - m [a]

allows you to prune the directory tree in whatever way you like it. 
Here's an example top-down traversal that lists all non-directories:

  allFiles :: MonadIO m = Directory - m [FilePath]
  allFiles d = runList $ do
 f - liftList $ contents d
 if isDirectory f
   then allFiles f
   else return f

In other words, ListT is like one of those iterators I keep hearing from 
the Python/Java/.../imperative world (except that you can't suspend a 
traversal once started).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: On the verge of ... giving up!

2007-10-14 Thread apfelmus

Vimal wrote:

I have been trying my best to read about Haskell from the various
tutorials available on the internet and blogs.

So, I requested my institute to buy Dr. Graham Hutton's book. I would
be getting hold of that quite soon, and am willing to start from the

IMHO, the best way to learn Haskell is to learn it from a textbook. 
That's basically all there is to it :)

I mean, the same goes for Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematics, 
Physics etc. I think that the key properties of a textbook are

 1) printed on paper
 2) well-written
Of course, if a book doesn't have property 2), use another one. An 
online book satisfying 2) can be made satisfy 1) by printing it out. In 
other words, anything goes that fulfills 1) and 2).

And since reading two textbooks (in parallel) is even better than 
reading only one, I'd additionally recommend Bird's Introduction to 
Functional Programming using Haskell. For other books, see also



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: On the verge of ... giving up!

2007-10-14 Thread apfelmus

Brian Hurt wrote:
I mean, contemplate this trivial exercise for a moment: write a program 
that reads from stdin a series of numbers (one number per line), and 
writes out the sum of the last n numbers.  This is a trivial problem, 
and I have no doubt that someone who knows Haskell better than I will 
reply to this email with a single line of code that does it.

Sorry, I can't resist :)

  main n = print . sum . map read . take n . reverse . lines = 

I'm not saying that it's impossible to go directly to Haskell, I'm 
saying that it's just very very hard.

I'm going to offer an opinion here that's likely to be controversial
(in this forum): people new to functional programming shouldn't
learn Haskell first. They should start with either Ocaml or SML first.
If it makes it easier to accept this argument, you can consider
Ocaml and SML as Haskell with training wheels.

I don't agree. At least, it was different for myself.

Looking at the line of code above, I can't help it, but I perceive 
Haskell as being the _simplest_ programming language in the whole world. 
I had no trouble learning it (step by step from a book), maybe because 
I've happily thrown away everything I (thought I) knew (about 
programming). The reward was worth it.

Why do people want side effects? Purity is soo much simpler.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: On the verge of ... giving up!

2007-10-15 Thread apfelmus


However, arguably the biggest imperatives for Haskell 98 was to remove
features that would confuse undergraduates.
People want to write map instead of fmap.  We could have come up
with an alternative name for the list-version of map and not showed
map to newbies.

Couldn't the too much overloading for undergrads issue be solved by 
providing a LearningPrelude and a RealHackersPrelude? :) The condition 
is that the former exports the same or less functions with the same or 
less general types than the latter, so that function names are the same 
and there's no infantilizing.

A stronger condition would be that every valid LearningPrelude program 
should be a valid RealHackersPrelude program. This is probably 
preferred, but may be tricky due to overloading ambiguities.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: On the verge of ... giving up!

2007-10-15 Thread apfelmus

Felipe Lessa wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Of course, the solution is to first drop  n  elements and then take
tails instead of dropping  n  elements every time.

   map (drop n) . tails = tails . drop n

O(m*n) O(m)

Nice identity. I'll remember this one.

Oops, please don't because it's wrong :)

  Data.List let xs = [1..3]
  Data.List map (drop 2) . tails $ xs
  Data.List tails . drop 2 $ xs

The first one produces some extra empty lists at the end. In other 
words, the left hand side and the right hand side have different lengths

  length . map (drop n) . tails = (+1) . length


  length . tails . drop n = (\k - 1 + max 0 (k-n)) . length

But the wrong version looks much nicer :)

Thanks for your great postings, apfelmus.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-24 Thread apfelmus

TJ wrote:

data Showable = forall a. Show a = Showable a
stuff = [Showable 42, Showable hello, Showable 'w']

Which is exactly the kind of 2nd-rate treatment I dislike.

I am saying that Haskell's type system forces me to write boilerplate.

Nice :) I mean, the already powerful Hindley-Milner type system is free 
of type annotations (= boilerplate). It's existential types and other 
higher-rank types that require annotations because type inference in 
full System F (the basis of Haskell's type system so to speak) is not 
decidable. In other words, there is simply no way to have System F 
without boilerplate.

That being said, there is still the quest for a minimal amount of 
boilerplate and in the right place. That's quite a hard problem, but 
people are working on that, see for instance


 [exists a. Show a = a]

I actually don't understand that line. Substituting forall for exists,
someone in my previous thread said that it means every element in the
list is polymorphic, which I don't understand at all, since trying to
cons anything onto the list in GHCi results in type errors.

Let's clear the eerie fog surrounding universal quantification in this 

-+- The mathematical symbol for  forall  is  ∀  (Unicode)
 exists  is  ∃

-+- ∀a.(a - a) means:
you give me a function (a - a) that I can apply
to _all_ argument types  a  I want.

  ∃a.(a - a) means:
you give me a function (a - a) and tell me that
_there is_ a type  a  that I can apply this function to.
But you don't tell me the type  a  itself. So, this particular
example ∃a.(a - a) is quite useless and can be replaced with ().

-+- A more useful example is

∃a. Show a = a   i.e.  ∃a.(a - String, a)

So, given a value (f,x) :: ∃a.(a - String, a), we can do

f x :: String

but that's pretty much all we can do. The type is isomorphic to a simple 

∃a.(a - String, a)  ~  String

So, instead of storing a list [∃a. Show a = a], you may as well store a 
list of strings [String].

-+- Since ∀ and ∃ are clearly different, why does Haskell have only one 
of them and even uses ∀ to declare existential types? The answer is the 
following relation:

  ∃a.(a - a) = ∀b. (∀a.(a - a) - b) - b

So, how to compute a value  b  from an existential type ∃a.(a - a)? 
Well, we have to use a function  ∀a.(a - a) - b  that works for any 
input type (a - a) since we don't know which one it will be.

More generally, we have

  ∃a.(f a)= ∀b. (∀a.(f a) - b) - b

for any type  f a  that involves a, like

  f a = Show a = a
  f a = a - a
  f a = (a - String, a)

and so on.

Now, the declaration

  data Showable = forall a. Show a = Showable a

means that the constructor Showable gets the type

  Showable :: ∀a. Show a = a - Showable

and the deconstructor is

  caseS :: Showable - ∀b. (∀a.(Show a = a) - b) - b
  caseS sx f = case sx of { Showable x - f x }

which is the same as

  caseS :: Showable - ∃a. Show a = a

. GADT-notation clearly shows the ∀

  data Showable where
Showable :: ∀a - Showable

-+- The position of the quantifier matters.
- Exercise 1: Explain why

  [∀a.a]  ∀a.[a]  [∃a.a]  and  ∃a.[a]

are all different.
- Exercise 2: ∀ can be lifted along function arrows, whereas ∃ can't. 
Explain why

  String - ∀a.a   =   ∀a.String - a
  String - ∃a.a  =/=  ∃a.String - a

Since ∀ can always be lifted to the top, we usually don't write it 
explicitly in Haskell.

-+- Existential types are rather limited when used for OO-like stuff but 
are interesting for ensuring invariants via the type system or when 
implementing algebraic data types. Here the mother of all monads in 

  data FreeMonad a where
return :: a - FreeMonad a
(=)  :: ∀b. FreeMonad b - (b - FreeMonad a) - FreeMonad a

Note the existential quantification of  b . (The ∀b can be dropped, like 
the ∀a has been.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: XML parser recommendation?

2007-10-24 Thread apfelmus

Uwe Schmidt wrote:

The hashtable approach would of course reduce memory usage,

Note that hashtables are evil :) I'm all for tries instead.

but this
would require a global change of the processing model: A document then
does not longer consist of a single tree, it alway consists of a pair of a tree 
and a map.

Ah! I got struck by a trick: it's possible to store every tag name in 
full only once but still present a simple tree with full tag names to 
the user. You simply share all the tag names. For instance, in

  let x = mytagname in Tree (Tag x) [Tree (Tag x) [Text foobar]]

the string mytagname is stored in memory only once although there are 
two tags with this name.

When parsing an XML-file, you look up every parsed tag name in a finite 
map (i.e. the trie). If it's already in, you don't store the parsed tag 
name in the XML tree but the one stored at the leaf in the trie. Of 
course, these two strings are equal. But they're not (pointer-) 
identical! After parsing, all equal tag names now are pointers to one 
and the same leaf in the finite map. You can drop the finite map 
structure afterwards, the pointers to the leaves will remain.

That would be quite the memory reduction for large XML trees which are 
likely to have many many identical tag names.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-25 Thread apfelmus

Dan Weston wrote:

Thanks for the concise explanation. I do have one minor question though.

  -+- A more useful example is
  ∃a. Show a = a   i.e.  ∃a.(a - String, a)
  So, given a value (f,x) :: ∃a.(a - String, a), we can do
  f x :: String
  but that's pretty much all we can do. The type is isomorphic to a simple

Don't you mean *epimorphic* instead of isomorphic (not that it matters)? 
For any existential type a of cardinality less than that of String, it 
is isomorphic, but if a = String, then by Cantor's theorem String - 
String has a cardinality greater than String and cannot be isomorphic to 

I do mean isomorphic. The point is that because we can't know what  a 
is, the only thing we will ever be able to do with it is plug it into 
the function given. So, there is no difference in using the function 
result in the first place.

To show that formally, one has to use _parametricity_ which is basically 
the fact that the intuition about ∀ (and ∃) is true. For instance, the 
intuition says that every function of type

  ∀a. a - a

has to be the identity function (or _|_ but let's ignore that) because 
it may not look into  a . These quotes can be translated into 
math-speak and are then called parametricity.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-25 Thread apfelmus

Peter Hercek wrote:

I do not see why forall can be lifted to the top of function arrows.
 I probably do not understand the notation at all. They all seem to be
 different to me.

 String - ∀a.a
a function which takes strings a returns a value of all types together
 for any input string (so only bottom could be the return value?)

 ∀a.(String - a)
a function which takes strings and returns a values of a type we want
 to be returned (whichever one it is; in given  contexts the return
 value type is the same for all input strings)

It's probably best to interpret ∀a as you are to choose any type  a 
and I will comply. Then, it doesn't matter whether you first supply a 
String and then choose some  a  or whether you first choose some  a  and 
then supply a String. In both cases, the choice is yours and independent 
of the String. So, the types

  String - ∀a.a  and  ∀a.(String - a)

are isomorphic. (And you're right, the only thing this function can do 
is to return _|_.)

In contrast, ∃a means I choose a concrete type  a  at will and you will 
have to deal with all of my capricious choices.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-25 Thread apfelmus

Alfonso Acosta wrote:

This bit was specially helpful:

So, how to compute a value  b  from an existential type ∃a.(a - a)? ...

Could you give a specific example of computing existential types?

Well, the word compute was probably not a good choice, I meant the 
following question: given a type  ∃a.(a, a - String) , how can I 
pattern match on it? And how to construct values of that type? (Note 
the different example, since  ∃a.(a - a)  pretty much behaves like the 
singleton type  () ).

That's probably best detailed with a comparison to the finite sum type 
 Either A B . (∃ is like an infinite sum.) (I'll abbreviate concrete 
types like  Int  with  A,B,...  since that's less to write.) For 
constructing a value of type  Either A B , we have two functions

  Left  :: A - Either A B
  Right :: B - Either A B

Likewise for ∃, we have functions

  fromA :: (A, A - String) - ∃a.(a, a - String)
  fromB :: (B, ... etc.

but this time for all types  A,B,... . We don't need infinitely many 
such functions, one polymorphic functions will do

  from  :: ∀b. (b, b - String) - ∃a.(a, a - String)

In fact, that's exactly what the constructor of

  data Showable = forall b. Showable (b, b - String)


  Showable :: ∀b. (b, b - String) - Showable

That's all there is to it. (To connect to TJ's original post, he 
basically wants a language where you don't have to write down this 
function  from  or  Showable  anymore, the compiler should infer it for 

Pattern matching is similar. For  Either A B , we have case expressions

  foobar :: Either A B - C
  foobar e = case e of
Left  a - foo a
Right b - bar b

You probably also know the Prelude function

  either :: ∀c. (A - c) - (B - c) - Either A B - c

In fact, the case expression can be seen as a syntactic convenience for 
the  either  function, any such pattern match with branches  foo  and 
bar  can be rewritten as

  foobar e = either foo bar e

(Exercise: Convince yourself that it's the same for the function  maybe 
. Exercise: Same for  foldr  (ok, ok, the situation is a bit different 

Now, ∃ also has a pattern match function. Naively, we would have to 
supply an infinite amount of branches

  match :: ∀c.
((A, A - String) - c)
 - ((B, B - String) - c)
 - ...
 - ∃a.(a, a - String) - c

but again, this is just one polymorphic branch

  match :: ∀c. (∀a. (a,a - String) - c) - ∃a.(a, a - String) - c

Again, this is what happens when using a case expression for

  data Showable = forall b. Showable (b, b - String)

  foobar :: Showable - C
  foobar s = case s of
  Showable fx - foo fx

 The branch  foo  must have a polymorphic type ∀a. (a,a - String) - 
C. That's all there is to understand pattern matching.

Of course, all this doesn't explain where existential types are useful. 
(TJ's post is one example but that's one of their least useful uses.) 
Actually, they show up rather seldom.

Peter Hercek wrote:

More generally, we have

  ∃a.(f a)= ∀b. (∀a.(f a) - b) - b

Is that by definition? Any pointers to an explanation why
they are valid?

The right hand side is exactly the type of the  match   function 
(without the last function argument). The idea is that this type can in 
fact be used as an implementation for ∃ , just like

  ∀c. (A - c) - (B - c) - c

can be used as an implementation for  Either A B .

Alfonso Acosta wrote:

The Haskell Wikibook is usually be helpful but unfortunately it wasn't
that clear in the case of existentials (for me at least). I think the
existentials article misses the clarity shown by aplemus' explanation
and furthermore does not cover the computing a value from an
existantial type directly. Maybe it would be a good idea to extend

Yes please! At the moment, I don't have the time to polish the article 
or my e-mails myself. In any case, I hereby license my explanations 
about existentials under the terms noted on 
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/User:Apfelmus. (This also means that I 
don't allow to put them on the haskellwiki which has a more liberal 

Thanks for posting this, I finally understand existentials!



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-25 Thread apfelmus

Ryan Ingram wrote:

On 10/24/07, apfelmus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So, instead of storing a list [∃a. Show a = a], you may as well 
store a

list of strings [String].

I've seen this before, and to some extent I agree with it, but it
breaks down for bigger examples due to sharing.

In most cases, x has a more compact representation than the result
of evaluating show x.  So if you keep a list of [show x, show y,
show z] around for a long period of time, you're leaking space.
Consider instead:

data StringFn where
   StringFn :: forall a. a - (a - String) - StringFn

applyStringFn :: StringFn - String
applyStringFn (StringFn a f) = f a

[ StringFn x show, StringFn y show, StringFn z show ]

Now, you use more time every time you compute the result, but StringFn
has a compact representation; you're not leaking the space used for
the string throughout the execution of the program, but only
allocating it while it's used.

Indeed. (Although the effect will be marginal in this particular 
example since the unevaluated thunk (show x) is represented as 
compactly as  x . But the time-space trade-off would matter when 
strings from the list are used several times.)

In a sense, that's also the reason why stream fusion à la Duncan + 
Roman + Don uses an existential type

  data Stream a where
Stream :: ∀s. s - (s - Step a s) - Stream a

  data Step a s = Done
| Yield a s
| Skip s

I mean, every stream can be represented by the list of its results but 
the observation for fusion is that there is a much more compact 
representation for the state (like an integer for [1..] or the source 
list in  map f . map g $ [x,y,...])


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Existential types (Was: Type vs TypeClass duality)

2007-10-26 Thread apfelmus

Wouter Swierstra wrote:
In a sense, that's also the reason why stream fusion à la Duncan + 
Roman + Don uses an existential type

  data Stream a where
Stream :: ∀s. s - (s - Step a s) - Stream a

  data Step a s = Done
| Yield a s
| Skip s

I thought there was a deeper reason for this, but I might be wrong.

data CoFix f = In (f (CoFix f))

Then the unfold producing a value of type CoFix f has type:

forall a . (a - f a) - a - CoFix f

(exists a . (a - f a, a)) - CoFix f

Using the co-Church encoding of colists yields the above Stream data 
type, where f corresponds to the Step data type. (The Skip 
constructor is a bit of a fix to cope with filter and friends).

Yes. I mean, I want to say that the efficiency gain of fusion is based 
on the fact that the state (the seed  a ) can be represented more 
compactly than the resulting  CoFix f . I.e. while

   ∃a. (a - f a, a)  =~=  CoFix f

the former type may be a more compact representation than the latter, 
demonstrating that an existential type may have performance benefits 
compared to an isomorphic alternative. (This is even without sharing 
here, Ryan remark was about sharing issues)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: viewing HS files in Firefox

2007-10-28 Thread apfelmus

Thomas Schilling wrote:

Isaac Dupree wrote:
When I try to go to one of the Module.hs files, e.g. on 
darcs.haskell.org, it now has type HS and Firefox refuses to display it 
(and only lets me download it).  Does anyone know how to make Firefox 
treat certain file types as others (HS as plain text, in particular)? 
so that I can browse them with any convenience

I believe those kinds of problem have to do with the MIME-encoding on
the server side:  The server uses text/x-haskell.  For Firefox to
display the document inline it probably has to be text/plain.  Not sure
what the proper fix is, though.

I think so, too. Isn't there a way to reassign MIME types to 
browser/plugins via some hidden preferences in Firefox/Camino? On MacOS 
9, the old Netscape 4.5 allowed me to do that. I believe that Internet 
Explorer could do that as well via a standard system-wide preference.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Semantics of uniqueness types for IO (Was: Why can't Haskell be faster?)

2007-11-01 Thread apfelmus

Stefan Holdermans wrote:

Exposing uniqueness types is, in that sense, just an alternative
to monadic encapsulation of side effects.  

While  *World - (a, *World)  seems to work in practice, I wonder what 
its (denotational) semantics are. I mean, the two programs

  loop, loop' :: *World - ((),*World)

  loop  w = loop w
  loop' w = let (_,w') = print x w in loop' w'

both have denotation _|_ but are clearly different in terms of side 
effects. (The example is from SPJs awkward-squad tutorial.) Any pointers?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Semantics of uniqueness types for IO (Was: Why can't Haskell be faster?)

2007-11-02 Thread apfelmus

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

apfelmus wrote:
during function evaluation. Then, we'd need a purity lemma that 
states that any function not involving the type *World as in- and 
output is indeed pure, which may be a bit tricky to prove in the 
presence of higher-order functions and polymorphism. I mean, the 
function arrows are tagged for side effects in a strange way, namely 
by looking like *World - ... - (*World, ...).

I don't quite see that; the Clean way looks rather suspiciously like my 
unwrapped I/O in GHC example from a couple weeks ago, so I have 
trouble seeing where any difficulty involving functions not using *World 
/ RealWorld# creeps in.

I will grant that hiding *World / RealWorld# inside IO is cleaner from a 
practical standpoint, though.  Just not from a semantic one.

What do you mean?

I mean, in Clean, we may ask the following question: are all functions 
of type say

  forall a . Either (a - *World - a) String - [*World]


  Either (forall a . a - *World - a) String - Maybe *World

pure? In Haskell, the answer to any such question is unconditionally 
yes (unless you're hacking with unsafePerformIO and GHC internals like 
RealWorld# of course) even with plenty of appearances of the  IO  type 
constructor. But in Clean, functions may perform side effects, that's 
the only way to explain why the examples  loop  and  loop'  aren't the same.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Semantics of uniqueness types for IO (Was: Why can't Haskell be faster?)

2007-11-02 Thread apfelmus

Paul Hudak wrote:

  loop, loop' :: *World - ((),*World)

  loop  w = loop w
  loop' w = let (_,w') = print x w in loop' w'

both have denotation _|_ but are clearly different in terms of side effects.

   One can certainly use an operational semantics such as bisimulation, 
but you don't have to abandon denotational semantics.  The trick is to 
make output part of the final answer.  For a conventional imperative 
language one could define, for example, a (lifted, recursive) domain:

Answer = Terminate + (String x Answer)

and then define a semantic function meaning, say, such that:

meaning loop = _|_
meaning loop' = x, x, ... 

In other words, loop denotes bottom, whereas loop' denotes the infinite 
sequence of xs.  There would typically also be a symbol to denote 
proper termination, perhaps .

A good read on this stuff is Reynolds book Theories of Programming 
Languages, where domain constructions such as the above are called 
resumptions, and can be made to include input as well.

In the case of Clean, programs take as input a World and generate a 
World as output.  One of the components of that World would presumably 
be standard output, and that component's value would be _|_ in the 
case of loop, and x, x, ...  in the case of loop'.  Another part 
of the World might be a file system, a printer, a missile firing, and so 
on.  Presumably loop and loop' would not affect those parts of the World.

Ah, so the denotational semantics would be a bit like good old 
stream-based IO.

However, we have to change the semantics of  - , there's no way to put 
the side effects in *World only. I mean, the problem of both loop and 
loop' is that they never return any world at all, the side effects occur 
during function evaluation. Then, we'd need a purity lemma that states 
that any function not involving the type *World as in- and output is 
indeed pure, which may be a bit tricky to prove in the presence of 
higher-order functions and polymorphism. I mean, the function arrows are 
tagged for side effects in a strange way, namely by looking like 
*World - ... - (*World, ...).

In contrast, we can see  IO a  as an abstract (co-)data type subject to 
some straightforward operational semantics, no need to mess with the 
pure  - . So, in a sense, the Haskell way is cleaner than the Clean way ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: FP design

2007-11-07 Thread apfelmus

Thomas Schilling wrote:

Levi Stephen wrote:

I'm was wondering how most people work during when designing a functional 
program. Do you create data structures/types first? Do you work from some type 

But there's a third thing that you can
do, other than start implementing:  think about the laws/properties that
should hold.  That's not always simple, in fact, it rarely is.

Yes, the classic approach: systematically derive programs from their 
specification. The classic paper on that is

  Paul Hudak. The Design of a Pretty-printing Library.

with a follow-up

  Philip Wadler. A prettier printer.

The man who derives all his programs from specification is Richard
Bird. You may want to have a look at his recent sudoku solver

  Richard Bird. A program to solve Sudoku.
  Slides: http://icfp06.cs.uchicago.edu/bird-talk.pdf

where he starts with an apparently correct but hopelessly slow
specification and transforms it into a blazingly fast one. His
introduction to Haskell

  Richard Bird.
  Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskel (2nd edition).

emphasizes the classic style, too.

You may think this is all nice, but my problem is too 'soft' for 
mathematical laws and properties and such. Well, if you don't search, 
you won't find. Here's an example for a soft problem domain:

  Simon Peyton Jones, Jean-Marc Eber, Julian Seward.
  Composing contracts: an adventure in financial engineering.

Of course, the laws of nature governing your problem domain may be 
hard to find, so it may be worth to just implement and let some law 
intuition guide you. Well-known example: darcs.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Doubly-linked zipper list w/ insert implementation

2007-11-07 Thread apfelmus

Justin Bailey wrote:

The other day I decided to implement a ring buffer with a current
element (i.e. a doubly-linked zipper list). In order to allow inserts
(and, in the future, deletes and updates), I have a special sentinel
element called Join in the structure. When inserting, I find the
join first, insert and then rebuild the buffer using circular
programming techniques. This also allows the buffer to be converted
back to a list. The current element can be changed by rotating right
or left, which never fails. Rotating n positions takes n steps.

I'm posting it here for comments and feedback. How could the structure
be smarter? Would storing a unique ID with each element make more
sense? Any comments on the space behavior under insert and rotates? I
wanted to maximize sharing. Thanks in advance.

Do you really need to realize the cycle by sharing? I mean, sharing 
doesn't go well with insertion / updates / deletion since each of these 
operations breaks it and needs to restore it everywhere. In other words, 
your  insert  takes O(n) time. I'd simply drop the sharing and use two 
double ended queues (or something like that) instead

  data Ring a = Ring (DeQueue a) a (DeQueue a)

-- pseudo-code missing lots of cases. I want views!
  left (Ring (l' : ls : l) x (r : rs : r')) =
Ring (ls : l : x) r (rs : r' : l')

This way, you can implement update operations in O(1) time instead of 
O(n). With a fancy random access queue like Data.Sequence , you can even 
have rotations like  rotL xs n  in O(log n) time.

(I keep mixing up the meaning of  rotL  and  rotR , does L push the 
current element to the left or does it rotate the ring clockwise?)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Should I step into a minefield? / Writing a trading studio in Haskell

2007-11-08 Thread apfelmus

Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

Joel Reymont:
I need to pick among the usual list of suspects for a commercial 
product that I'm writing. The suspects are OCaml, Haskell and Lisp and 
the product is a trading studio. My idea is to write something like 
TradeStation [1] or NinjaTrader, only for the Mac.

It would be quite nifty to use SPJ's financial combinator approach 
and, for example, embed Yi (Haskell editor).

One of the key features of the product would be the ability to model 
your trading logic using a trading DSL. I'm thinking that this DSL 
could well be Haskell but I'm concerned about stepping into a minefield.

I just can't see how laziness can help in processing real-time price data.

Laziness, in particular, and Haskell, in 
general, is going to help you with the EDSL (it's no coincidence that 
most EDSL work was done in Haskell).

Yes, you definitively want a host language with non-strict semantics for 
EDSLs. For instance, custom control structures like

  if' p a b = if p then a else b
  when p m  = if p then m else return ()

loose lots of their usefulness in a strict language. Same for parser 
combinators, since you can't even define

  many :: Parser a - Parser [a]
  many p = empty ||| (liftM2 (:) p (many p))

(Sooner or later, you probably want observable sharing for such 
recursive values, but that's another story.)

In any case, the problem of choosing a host language and achieving good 
user experience is probably negligible compared to the difficulty of 
designing a powerful trading DSL in the first place :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: About Fibonacci again...

2007-11-08 Thread apfelmus

It's not over yet, the rabbits are still going strong on the fibonacci-side.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

the solution of Alfonso Acosta:

rs_aa = let acum a1 a2 = a2 ++ acum (a1++a2) a1 in 1 : acum [1] [0]

We can apply the difference list trick to obtain

  f 0 = (0:)
  f 1 = (1:)
  f n = f (n-1) . f (n-2)


  rs_aa' = let accum r1 r2 = r2 . accum (r1 . r2) r1
   in 1: accum (1:) (0:) undefined

Finally, Bernie Pope original:

mrs = [0] : [1] : zipWith (++) (tail mrs) mrs
rs_bp = [(mrs !! n) !! (n-1) | n - [1..]]

produced something which also begins with a list of lists. It seems that
it is faster than the solution of A.B., but I have also the impression
that it generates a lot of temporary rubbish: the printing of a long
sequence periodically stops as if GC sneaked in.


  mrs' = (0:) : (1:) : zipWith (.) (tail mrs') mrs'

To speed up Bernie's infinite list flattening, we note that for every 
generalized fibonacci sequence

 f n = f (n-1) + f (n-2)

we have the following telescope sum

 f (n+2) = f 1 +  f 0 + f 1 + f 2 + ... + f n
 = f 2  + f 1 + f 2 + ... + f n
 = f 3  + f 2 + ... + f n


 f (n+2) = f 1 + foldr1 (+) [f k | k - [0..n]]

This identity allows us to write

 f ∞ = f 1 + foldr1 (+) [f k | k - [0..]]

and hence

  rs_bp' = 1: foldr1 (.) mrs' undefined

To close the circle, Alfonso's solution is in fact the deforestation of 
this one.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Doubly-linked zipper list w/ insert implementation

2007-11-10 Thread apfelmus

Justin Bailey wrote:

The other day I decided to implement a ring buffer with a current
element (i.e. a doubly-linked zipper list).


p.s. The original motivation for writing this was to model cellular
automata. The CA world is circular, so that got me thinking about a
structure that made connecting the ends easy to do.

Note that depending on your concrete setting, you may not need a fancy 
ring structure for cellular automata. And with simple automata like

  c'_i = c_(i-1) `xor` c_i `xor` c_(i+1)

it may even be easier to generate fresh rings for each step in the 

  data Context a = Context [a] a [a]
  -- rotate left
  rotL (Context ls x (r:rs)) = Context (x:ls) r rs

  -- description of a cellular automaton
  type Rule a= Context a - a
  example :: Rule Bool
  example (Context (cm:_) c (cp:_)) = cm `xor` c `xor` cp

  -- run a cellular automaton on an initial band of cells
  --   which is considered to be cyclic, i.e. a cylinder
  automate :: Rule a - [a] - [[a]]
  automate f xs = iterate (take n . map f . mkContexts) xs
-- length of the cell band
n = length xs

mkContexts (x:xs)= iterate rotL $
Context (cycle $ reverse xs) (head xs) (tail $ cycle xs)

Here,  mkContexts xs  initializes a new infinite cyclic ring for  xs 
and rotates it left ad infinitum.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Queues and Rings (Re: Doubly-linked zipper list w/insert implementation)

2007-11-10 Thread apfelmus
(Btw, this ring stuff could be relevant for Xmonad, I don't know whether 
the workspace/window-ring implementation there is O(1). Not that it 
matters for 1000 windows, of course :)

Justin Bailey wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Do you really need to realize the cycle by sharing? I mean, sharing
doesn't go well with insertion / updates / deletion since each of these
operations breaks it and needs to restore it everywhere. In other words,
your  insert  takes O(n) time. I'd simply drop the sharing and use two
double ended queues (or something like that) instead

Very good point, and much easier to implement with Data.Sequence to
boot. All that circular programming made my brain hurt.

There's also a direct and rather lightweight possibility to implement 
rings in the spirit of the classic O(1) lazy amortized functional queue 
implementation. This post will try to explain it.

Here's the basic idea for implementing queues in Haskell: we have a 
front  list to fetch items (head, tail) and a  rear  list to insert 
items (snoc) into the queue.

  data Queue a = Queue [a] [a]

  empty= Queue [] []
  head (Queue (x:f) r) = x
  tail (Queue (x:f) r) = Queue f r
  snoc (Queue f r) x   = Queue f (x:r)

Of course, this doesn't quite work yet, at some point we have to feed 
the items from the rear list into the front list. For example, the last 
possibility to do so is when the front list becomes empty.

  balance (Queue [] r) = Queue (reverse r) []
  balance q= q

  tail (Queue (x:f) r) = balance $ Queue f r
  snoc (Queue f r) x   = balance $ Queue f (x:r)

(Calling  balance  maintains the invariant that the front list is never 
empty except when the whole queue is empty, too.) Now, how much time 
will a single  snoc  or  tail  operation take? In the worst case, tail 
triggers a  reverse  and takes O(n) time whereas  snoc  always takes 
constant time. That's a big blow to our goal of O(1) time for both.

But luckily, queues don't come out of thin air, they all have to be 
constructed from the empty queue by a sequence of applications of snoc 
and  tail . Can the heavy O(n) cost of a worst case  tail  be spread 
over  the many good cases of  tail  and  snoc  in that sequence? Yes, it 
can. To that end, we increase the price of each  snoc  by 1 time coin. 
So, each item of the rear list gets inserted with one extra coin as 
credit. With these credits, we can pay the whole  length (rear list) 
cost of a reverse operation when it occurs, making  tail  O(1) again. 
This is also called _amortization_  and O(1) the _amortized_ cost of  tail .

The above works fine if the queue is used in a single-threaded way i.e. 
as _ephemeral_ data structure. But it doesn't work anymore when a queue 
is used multiple times in a _persistent_ setting. Assuming that  tail q 
 triggers a  reverse , the first evaluation of  q1  in

 q1 = tail q
 q2 = tail q
 q3 = tail q
  in ... q1 .. q2 .. q3

will use up all credits and  q2, q3,...  don't have any to spend and are 
back to worst-case behavior.

In the persistent setting, lazy evaluation comes to the rescue. The idea 
is to create the (yet unevaluated) call to  reverse  earlier, namely 
when the rear list has more elements than the front list.

  balance (Queue f r)
 | length r = length f = Queue (f ++ reverse r) []
  balance q = q

(We assume that  length  has been made O(1) by storing the lengths 
explicitly.) Now, the O(length r)  reverse  will not be evaluated before 
having tailed through the previous front list with  length f == length 
r  items. Thus, we can spread the cost of  reverse  as debits over 
these elements. When finally executing  reverse , its debits have 
already been paid off and  tail  is O(1) again. And once executed, lazy 
evaluation memoizes the result, so that sharing doesn't duplicate the work.
(Note that strict languages without side effects are doomed to be slower 
when persistence matters. Ha! ;)

So much for a too short introduction to the classic purely functional 
queue implementation. For a detailed exposition and much more, see also

  Chris Okasaki. Purely Functional Data Structures. (Thesis)

or his book with the same title which arose from this thesis.

Now, rings can be implemented in a similar style.

  data Ring a = Ring [a] a [a]

  rotL (Ring ls x (r:rs)) = balance $ Ring (x:ls) r rs
  rotR (Ring (l:ls) x rs) = balance $ Ring ls l (x:rs)

(For simplicity, we only deal with the case where the left and right 
list are non-empty.)
How to balance? In contrast to queues, doing a full  reverse  when one 
list is empty doesn't even work in the ephemeral case since a  rotR 
following a  rotL  will undo the  reverse  with yet another expensive 
reverse . But we can apply the same idea as for persistent queues and 
balance as soon as one list becomes like 2 times (or 3 or whatever) as 
large as the other one

  balance (Ring ls x rs)
| length

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Renaming constructors for readability

2007-11-14 Thread apfelmus

Dougal Stanton wrote:

I wonder, is there an equivalent of the 'type' keyword for
constructors? An example:

-- create a pseudo-C pointer type
-- which can point to a value or a
-- null.
type Pointer a = Maybe a

-- int a = 3;
-- int *pa = a;
ampersand :: t - Pointer t
ampersand a = Just a

-- int b = *pa.
star :: Pointer a - a
star (Just a) = a
-- note this function behaves
-- in an 'authentic' fashion ;-)

To really complete the illusion it would be nice to replace the names
Just and Nothing with PointerTo and Null. Then the constructors would
really mean something. Is there a solution?

The thing you want is called views. See


for more.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-14 Thread apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

Kurt Hutchinson wrote:

As part of a solution I'm working on for Project Euler problem 119, I
wanted to create an ordered list of all powers of all positive
integers (starting with squares).

The merging can be done much more simply and efficiently (this is code I
wrote when computing squarefree numbers in a blog
few months ago):

-- merge two nondecreasing lists.
( # ) :: (Ord a) = [a] - [a] - [a]
[] # ys = ys
xs # [] = xs
xs@(x:xt) # ys@(y:yt) | x  y = x : (xt # ys)
  | x  y = y : (xs # yt)
  | otherwise = x : (xt # yt)

-- merge an infinite list of lists, assuming that each list
-- is nondecreasing and the lists occur in order of their first
-- element.
mergeAll :: (Ord a) = [[a]] - [a]
mergeAll ([] : zs) = mergeAll zs
mergeAll (xxs@(x:xs) : yys@(y:ys) : zs)
| x  y = x : mergeAll (xs : yys : zs)
| otherwise = mergeAll ((xxs # yys) : zs)

Then you can simply define

powers = 1 : mergeAll powertable

I wrote some code to sum the first n powers and print the result, and
compiled (using -O2) first with your method, then with mergeAll.  Summing
the first 7000 powers took ~8s and ~0.1s respectively, so that's a pretty
big speedup. Based on seeing how the times scale, I suspect that your code
is O(n^2) or something of that sort, whereas mergeAll is essentially linear,
although without scrutinizing your code more closely I'm not exactly sure
why that would be the case.

In principle, both Kurt's and even your  mergeAll  are O(n^2), but that 
depends on the actual distribution of the numbers in the powertable. In 
both cases, the optimization over a naive implementation is to increase 
the number of rows to be considered only if the next output came from 
the last row. This is ok since of the last row, only the head element 
was considered so far and the non-considered elements all have to be 
bigger than this.

Kurt's code is slower because it takes the minimum over _all_ the 
considered rows at every step. This is unnecessary since only one 
element changed, many comparisons can be cached. In other words, this 
calls for a heap. Brent's code does not produce a heap, but I it's still 
able to cache lots of comparisons.

Kurt may want to transpose the  powertable  to

  2^2 3^2 4^2 5^2 ..
  2^3 3^3 4^3 5^3 ..
  2^4 3^4 4^4 ..

instead of the current

  2^2 2^3 2^4 2^5 ..
  3^2 3^3 3^4 3^5 ..
  4^2 4^3 4^4 ..

since the first elements of the rows of the former grows far steeper 
than the ones of the latter. This means that only few rows are to be 
considered each turn.

However, Brent may not want to transpose the  powertable  since the 
steep increase in every single row (as opposed to across rows) is 
exactly what makes his code fast. During evaluation, his tower of calls 
to  #  will compare something like the following numbers:

  2^5   3^4   4^3   5^2

Thanks the form of the tower, the comparisons of the first elements are 
cached. It looks like

  mergeAll $ (2^5:(__ # 3^4:__) # 4^3:__) : (5^2:xs) : __

The winner is 5^2 and  mergeAll  will proceeds by expecting the head of 
xs . But this one will first be compared to  2^5 = minimum [2^5,3^4,4^3] 
 that's what I mean with cached. Similarly, the winner  3^4 = minimum 
[2^5,3^4] is cached, too. In other words, the minimum of every initial 
segment of the numbers considered is cached. The crucial point now is 
that those initial numbers quickly become very large (2^7 jumps 
exponentially to 2^8 and so on) and the winners are mostly to be found 
at the end of the list. With the caching, this is cheap to check. If 
Brent were to transpose the  powertable , winners are more to the front 
of the list and the caching is useless, most likely rendering his 
implementation inferior to Kurt's one.

Now, back to the heap and O(n*log n). There is no need to use an 
explicit heap data structure, it's possible to arrange the merges to 
form an implicit heap, i.e. using the best form of caching. Here's an 
explanation of the technique with mergesort

  http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg19980.html

(Hm, does gmane gradually forget old messages?). The only problem is to 
make this work on an infinite list. Dave Bayer discovered a great way to 
do this, here's an explanation



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-15 Thread apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

apfelmus, does someone pay you to write so many thorough, insightful and
well-explained analyses on haskell-cafe?  I'm guessing the answer is 'no',
but clearly someone should! =)

Depending on length, my prices for posts range between λ9.99 and λ29.99 ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-16 Thread apfelmus

John D. Ramsdell wrote:

This is another Haskell style question.

I had some trouble with the pretty printer that comes with GHC, so I
translated one written in Standard ML.  I have already translated the
program into C, so rewriting it in Haskell was quick and easy for me.

Concerning the choice of a pretty printer, the one bundled in GHC is 
close to

  John Hughes. The Design of a Pretty-printing Library.

but there's also

  Philip Wadler. A prettier printer.

(probably available as a library on hackage). Btw, both papers are 
marvelous introductions to the derivation of programs from their 

Compared to that, I'm missing the specification part for your pretty 
printer. How's it supposed to lay out?

The Standard ML version uses a reference cell to keep track of the
space available on a line.  I threaded the value of the reference cell
through the computation using a where clause to define two mutually
recursive equations.  The fixed point implicit in the where clause
ties the knot in the circular definitions in a way that allows the
output string to be efficiently computed front to back.

I showed the code to a colleague, who found the circular definitions
opaque.  He suggested a better style is to use monads, and describe
the computation in a mode that is closer to its origin form in
Standard ML.

What style do to you prefer, a knot-tying or a monad-based style?  I
have enclosed the pretty printer.  The printing function is the
subject of the controversy.

Neither, I think that the code mixes too many concerns. You need neither 
knot tying nor monads for efficient string concatenation, a simple 
difference list

  type DString = Data.DList String = String - String

will do. (There's a small difference list library Data.DList available 
on hackage). If ++ is too inefficient, then simply switch to a different 
String implementation with a faster ++.

Introducing a difference list means to replace the output type

  (Int, String) - (Int, String)

of  printing  not by

  Int - (String - (Int, String)) -- state monad with state String

but by

  Int - (Int, String - String)   -- difference list

Furthermore, I guess that this can probably be replaced by

  Int - (String - String)
  (Int - Int, String - String)

or made entirely abstract

  type X = (Int, String) - (Int, String)

  blanks :: Int - X

blanks n (space, s)
 | n = 0 = (space, s)
 | otherwise = blanks (n - 1) (space - 1, showChar ' ' s)

  string :: String - X
  string s (space,t) = (space - length s, s ++ t)

or something like that. I don't know what your printer is supposed to 
do, so I can't say for sure.

module Pretty(Pretty, pr, blo, str, brk) where

data Pretty
= Str !String
| Brk !Int  -- Int is the number of breakable spaces
| Blo ![Pretty] !Int !Int -- First int is the indent, second int
--  is the number of chars and spaces for strings and breaks in block

Drop those strictness annotations from !String and ![Pretty], they won't 
do any good. The !Int are only useful if they will be unboxed, but I 
wouldn't bother right now.

Indentation blocks

blo :: Int - [Pretty] - Pretty
blo indent es =
Blo es indent (sum es 0)
  sum [] k = k
  sum (e:es) k = sum es (size e + k)
  size (Str s) = length s
  size (Brk n) = n
  size (Blo _ _ n) = n

 size  is of independent value, I'd make it a top-level function. Oh, 
and the  sum  won't be tail-recursive (until ghc's strictness analyzer 
figures it out). I'd like to point you to


for an explanation of why, but the information there is rather 
inaccurate. For the moment, I could only find


  last section of

but isn't there a short text that describes in detail why foldl' is 
different from foldl and why foldr is better in many cases? I thought 
this faq would have been cached already :)

In any case, I'd simply write

  blo indent es = Blo es indent . sum . map size $ es

( sum  is a function from the Prelude.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: List of all powers

2007-11-16 Thread apfelmus

Calvin Smith wrote:

I really look forward to apfelmus' consistently outstanding
explanations on haskell-cafe.

If some of the especially good ones were bundled up as book --
*Intermediate/Advanced Functional Programming with Haskell* -- I would
buy it sight unseen (hint, hint).


I intend the Haskell wikibook


to be(come) the one Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Functional
Programming book and the mailing list can also be seen as a marvelous 
source of materials, like real world questions, problems, techniques 
etc for that. The wikibook hasn't gained much momentum yet, but I guess 
that's also partly to the fact that writing a good tutorial is time 
consuming and harder than I imagined, mailing list rants are far easier :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-17 Thread apfelmus

John D. Ramsdell wrote:

Compared to that, I'm missing the specification part for your pretty

printer. How's it supposed to lay out?

The specification is in Paulson's book.  The pretty printer is used with
S-Expressions, and the block layout generates compact, indented output that
is good when there is much data to be displayed. ... The close
connection between the Haskell and Standard ML versions is part of the
reason I was able to quickly generate the code, and be confident in its

Unfortunately, I don't have Paulson's book (or any other ML book :) at 
home. I'm too lazy to figure out the specification from the source code, 
can you provide a link or an explanation? I'm asking because I'd be 
astonished if one couldn't write an elegant Haskell version that's 
clearly correct and efficient at the same time. And such things are 
easiest to produce from scratch.

 a simple difference list ... will do.

Hmm.  Doesn't the output type (Int, String) - (Int, String) show the
implementation is using the essence of a difference list?  Remember, the
resulting function prepends something the string it is given in the second
element of the pair, and returns that string.

Yes, of course. But the true virtue is to disentangle it from the rest, 
i.e. to use an abstract string type with fast concatenation.

  Int - (Int, String - String)   -- difference list

My first attempt at writing the printing function had a type similar to this
one.  I found myself composing difference lists of type ShowS.  The
performance was noticabily slow, specially as compared with the
implementation displayed in my message.  Perhaps the use of Data.DList would
repair this performance problem.

I don't mean to suggest that ShowS style difference lists cannot be used to
make the function easier to understand--all I'm saying is my attempt to do
so did not work out well.

Dlist a = [a] - [a]  so this would be no different from ShowS.

Drop those strictness annotations from !String and ![Pretty], they won't

do any good. The !Int are only useful if they will be unboxed, but I
wouldn't bother right now.

I thought that the annotations ensure the first element of the list is
evaluated.  The Char and Pretty lists are generated with seqrev, so
everything gets evaluated before constructor is applied to data.

-- A reverse that evaluates the list elements.
seqrev :: [a] - [a]
seqrev = foldl (\xs x - x `seq` xs `seq` (x:xs)) []

The trouble is the constructors are not exported directly, but instead
through str, brk, and blo, functions which are not strict.  It's the best I
could do, as near as I can tell.

O_O, everything strict? But why would you ever want that?

Well if it's for performance reasons, I'd have to point out that the 
pretty printer has an algorithmic flaw: there are two calls to 
(breakdist es after), one from the  Brk  case and one from the  Blo 
case. The former one is safe since  breakdist  doesn't look further than 
to the next  Brk  in  es . But the latter one will lead to a quadratic 
run-time in the worst case, for example on the following input

  replicate n (Blk [Brk _] _ _)
  = [Blk [Brk _] _ _, Blk [Brk _] _ _, ..]  -- n elements

(Fill in any numbers you like for the placeholders _ ). That's a bit 
degenerate but you can spice it up with as many  Str  as you like, just 
don't add any additional  Brk .

Of course, a memoization scheme will fix this but I'd rather develop a 
new algorithm from scratch.

It seems rather hard to avoid lazyness in the current version of Haskell
when it's not wanted.  I hope one of the proposals for deep strictness makes
it into Haskell prime.  In my application, there is one datastructure, such
that if every value tracable from an instance of the datastructure is
evaluated, I am quite sure my program will be free from memory leaks due to
dragging.  I wish I could tell compilers to make it so.

As Derek said, strict data types are probably the easiest way to go 
here. Or you can use custom strict constructors, like

  str s = s `deepSeq` Str s

or something. But again, I don't know why you would want that at all.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-18 Thread apfelmus

Brent Yorgey wrote:

but isn't there a short text that describes in detail why foldl' is
different from foldl and why foldr is better in many cases? I thought
this faq would have been cached already :)

Perhaps you're thinking of http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Stack_overflow ?

Ah, that looks better, although it's a bit messy for my taste. I've 
scribbled a hopefully gentler explanation at 
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Performance_Introduction .


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: What is the role of $!?

2007-11-18 Thread apfelmus

Paul Johnson wrote:

Andrew Coppin wrote:

PS. There is a technical distinction between the terms lazy and 
non-strict, and also the opposite terms eger and strict. I 
couldn't tell you what that is.

As I understand it, the distinction is between the mathematical term 
non-strict and the implementation method of lazy.  Non-strict 
means that reduction (the mathematical term for evaluation) proceeds 
from the outside in, so if I have (a+(b*c)) then first you reduce the 
+, then you reduce the inner (b*c).  Strict languages work the other 
way around, starting with the innermost brackets and working outwards.


Almost right, but strict and non-strict aren't tied to an operational 
semantics. In other words, you can talk about _|_ and strictness without 
knowing how to evaluate your expressions at all. See also

  http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Denotational_semantics .

For more on the details of lazy evaluation (which actually does work 
outside in), there's the incomplete

  http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/Graph_reduction .

Of course, strict and eager as well as non-strict and lazy have pretty 
much the same effect and can be used synonymously, but they're different 
things nonetheless.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-19 Thread apfelmus

John D. Ramsdell wrote:

On Nov 17, 2007 3:04 PM, apfelmus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Unfortunately, I don't have Paulson's book (or any other ML book :) at
home. I'm too lazy to figure out the specification from the source code,

I guess the code is too opaque, as my colleague claimed.

The layout the algorithm generates condensed indented blocks.  Within a
block, it inserts a newline when the distance to the next break point plus
the current position is greater than the space remaining on the current
line.   Thus if S-Expression lists are rendered as blocks with indent two,
and every element in a list is separated by a break point of length one,
with the proper margin, you would see:

(defthingy name-of-thingy
  (one thing) (two thing)
  (three thing) (four thing))

As an exercise, the book asks you to implement group indent, where if any
break point in a group inserts a newline, they all do.  So with that layout,
one would get:

  (one thing)
  (two thing)
  (there thing)
  (four thing))

The C version I wrote supports this layout, but I didn't bother with that
extension for the Haskell version.

Thanks. The interesting case of nested blocks still needs to be 
specified, but with this description in mind and judging from the code, 
I guess it behaves as follows: either a block fits entirely on the 
remaining line (no line breaks inside), or it begins a new line.

Now, the quest of programming is to make this description executable by 
computers while keeping it understandable by humans.

This is straightforward to do with Wadler's pretty printer combinators 
(package wl-pprint on http://hackage.haskell.org )

  data S = Atom String | List [S]  -- S-expressions

  layout :: Int - [S] - Doc
  layout indent [] = empty
  layout indent (x:xs) = foldr1 () (render x : map f xs)
f x@(Atom _) = group line   render x
f x@(List _) = group (line  render x)

render (Atom s ) = text s
render (List xs) = nest indent $ parens $ layout xs

The semantics of  Doc  are (for more, see Wadler's paper):  Doc  is a 
document with a set of different layouts, where the only difference 
between them is that some  line  primitives are rendered as (\n ++ 
replicate currentIndentation ' ') and some are rendered as a single 
space. Now,  group x  adds a new layout to the set  x , namely the 
layout where all  line  in  x  have been flattened to a single space. 
This way, the definition of  f  directly reflects the alternative 
either a block fits entirely on the remaining line or it begins a new 

Your group indent extension is even easier, namely just

  layout2 :: Int - [S] - Doc
  layout2 indent = sep . map render
render (Atom s ) = text s
render (List xs) = nest indent $ parens $ layout2 xs

with the functions

  sep = group . foldr ($) empty
  x $ y = x  line  y

from the library.

On the strictness annotations, my reasons for them are the usual ones,
primarily to prevent memory leaks due to dragging, but a performance boost
is always welcome.  At some point, I plan to profile the code with and
without the annotations, and find out where they are needed.

That seems excessive. Can you really prove that this will prevent space 
leaks? I doubt that.

Laziness is still useful (example: early bail-out in your  breakdist ) 
if only the data structures are fully evaluated as opposed to every 
function being strict, so it's an interesting idea. But that doesn't 
guarantee zero space leaks, since

  sumFromTo :: Int - Int - Int
  sumFromTo a b = f a b 0
where f a b k = if a == b then k else f (a+1) b (k+a)

is one. Also, you won't be able to conveniently use lists as suspended 
loops which would be a pity.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: expanded standard lib

2007-11-20 Thread apfelmus

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

|  the php documentation has user contributed notes where people can leave
|  sniplets of useful code as comments, eg
|  http://www.php.net/manual/en/introduction.php
|  I think this is a very nice feature.
| I would love to have this on haskell, especially because the
| documentation often lack example(s)

We've discussed this a couple of times at GHC HQ, at least in relation to GHC's
user manual and library documentation.  It's a *great* idea, because it
allows everyone to improve the documentation.

But we're just not sure how to do it:

* What technology to use?

* Matching up the note-adding technology with the existing infrastructure
- GHC's user manual starts as XML and is generated into HTML by DocBook
- In contrast, the library documentation is generated by Haddock.

* Hardest of all: evolution.  Both GHC's user manual and library docs
change every release.  Even material that doesn't change can get
moved (e.g. section reorganisation).  We don't want to simply discard all
user notes!  But it's hard to know how to keep them attached; after all
they may no longer even be relevant.  They almost certainly don't belong
in the source-code control system.

If someone out there knows solutions to these challenges, and would like
to help implement them, we'd love to hear from you.  Accurate documentation,
with rich cross-links (e.g. to source code), and opportunities for the
community to elaborate it, is a real challenge for a language the size of
Haskell and its libraries.

What technology to use, that's the *key* question. If we forget 
everything what we currently can do with a computer and instead imagine 
what we could do, the answer would probably be:

The documentation / source code can be edited directly while viewing it 
(i.e. Wiki + WYSIWYG). Moreover, it's possible to attach lots of 
Post-It® notes to sections / paragraphs / sentences with scribbled 
comments / questions / remarks about content / administrative tasks. 
Those notes can be hidden to get a clean view. A wiki is rather 
centralized, so a form of decentralization / version control à la darcs 
is needed, at least for some parts like the source code. Last but not 
least, there's a tension between quality and editable by everyone, so 
some form of access control is mandatory and further means to ensure 
quality are needed, that's the hard part.

The above ideal is entirely realizable, just not with existing 
technology like web-browsers / text editors . For instance, it's 
desirable to be able to edit source / haddock with a text editor like 
right now. But one would also like to edit it right in the (generalized) 
web-browser. Ideally, one could just pipe the underlying document 
through a lens

  data Lens s a = Lens { get :: s - a; set :: a - (s - s); }

  text:: Lens HaskellDocument ASCII
  browser :: Lens HaskellDocument Html

so that the edits in the view are reflected in the document. (Same for 
IDEs or GUIs or whatever).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: -O2 bug in GHC 6.8.1?

2007-11-20 Thread apfelmus

Christian Maeder wrote:

good bug! -O or -O2 is irrelevant but it works if compiled with -fvia-C

You (or someone else) should add it to

I guess that this is related to



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-20 Thread apfelmus

ChrisK wrote:

 The data dependency is circular.

Yes and no. The input and outputs pairs are dependent on each other, but 
the integer doesn't depend on the string. Thus, I'm pretty sure that

  (Int, String) - (Int, String)

can be refactored into

  Int - (Int, String - String)

This is related to attribute grammars, I finally found the reference

  Designing and Implementing Combinator Languages.
  S. Doaitse Swierstra, Pablo R. Azero Alcocer, João Saraiva

I'd even add  after  to the result of the functions in order to avoid 
the O(n^2) degenerate case.

In any case, I prefer Wadler's combinators. With  line  being more rigid 
than  Brk ,  nest  and  group  basically factor the monolithic  Blk 
which makes more laws and available and hence gives a more elegant 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: fixpoint 0.1

2007-11-21 Thread apfelmus

Bertram Felgenhauer wrote:

[redirecting from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
apfelmus wrote:
I wonder whether a multi parameter type class without fundeps/associated 
types would be better.

  class Fixpoint f t where
inject  :: f t - t
project ::   t - f t


Interestingly, this even gives slightly shorter type signatures

  cata :: Fixpoint f t = (f s - s) - t - s
  size :: (Fixpoint f t, Foldable f) = t - Int

size can't be used now though, because there is no way to infer f.

Ah, of course, stupid me.

Making  f  an associacted type synonym / fundep  instead of a associated 
data type is still worth it, since we can use it for  Mu f

  class Fixpoint f t where
type F t a

  instance Fixpoint f (Mu f) where ..
type F (Mu f) a = f a

Otherwise, we would have to deal with some kind of newtype

data F (Mu f) a = MuF f a

Hm, but does  F (Mu f)  qualify as a type constructor of kind  * - * 
for type inference/checking? Or is the situation the same as with normal 
type synonyms?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: fixpoint 0.1

2007-11-21 Thread apfelmus

Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Making  f  an associacted type synonym / fundep  instead of a 
associated data type is still worth it, since we can use it for  Mu f

But alas, this breaks hylomorphisms:

hylo :: Fixpoint t = (Pre t s - s) - (p - Pre t p) - p - s

If Pre is a type function, there is no way to infer t.

Ah, right. But unlike  size , this is unambiguous since  t  can (and 
probably should) be fused away:

  hylo :: Functor f = (f s - s) - (p - f p) - p - s
  hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Knot tying vs monads

2007-11-21 Thread apfelmus

John D. Ramsdell wrote:

All I know is it was dog slow without
any annotations, and spaying them on the suspect data structures cured that

Ah ok, that makes sense :) although it's a bit unsatisfactory to be 
forced to do that blindly.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: ANNOUNCE: fixpoint 0.1

2007-11-21 Thread apfelmus

Roman Leshchinskiy wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Ah, right. But unlike  size , this is unambiguous since  t  can (and 
probably should) be fused away:

  hylo :: Functor f = (f s - s) - (p - f p) - p - s
  hylo f g = f . fmap (hylo f g) . g

Excellent point! When I originally developed the code, type functions 
didn't really work anyway. I'll try again now that they are more mature.

Actually, I don't think that

   hylo :: Fixpoint f t = (f s - s) - (p - f p) - p - s
   hylo f g = cata f . ana g

will typecheck, the  t  is still ambiguous. It's just that it's one of 
those cases where the type signature is ambiguous but the program isn't. 
Well, from a denotational point of view anyway, different  t  will 
generate different code for  hylo .


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: An interesting monad: Prompt

2007-11-21 Thread apfelmus

Ryan Ingram wrote:

I've been trying to implement a few rules-driven board/card games in Haskell
and I always run into the ugly problem of how do I get user input?

The usual technique is to embed the game in the IO Monad:

The problem with this approach is that now arbitrary IO computations are
expressible as part of a game action, which makes it much harder to
implement things like replay, undo, and especially testing!

The goal was to be able to write code like this:

] takeTurn :: Player - Game ()
] takeTurn player = do
] piece  - action (ChoosePiece player)
] attack - action (ChooseAttack player piece)
] bonusTurn - executeAttack piece attack
] when bonusTurn $ takeTurn player

but be able to script the code for testing, allow undo, automatically
be able to save replays, etc.

While thinking about this problem earlier this week, I came up with the
following solution:

class Monad m = MonadPrompt p m | m - p where
   prompt :: p a - m a

prompt is an action that takes a prompt type and gives you a result.

A simple example:
] prompt [1,3,5] :: MonadPrompt [] m = m Int

This prompt would ask for someone to pick a value from the list and return
This would be somewhat useful on its own; you could implement a choose
function that picked randomly from a list of options and gave
non-deterministic (or even exhaustive) testing, but on its own this wouldn't
be much better than the list monad.

data Prompt (p :: * - *) :: (* - *) where
PromptDone :: result - Prompt p result
-- a is the type needed to continue the computation
Prompt :: p a - (a - Prompt p result) - Prompt p result

Intuitively, a (Prompt p result) either gives you an immediate result
(PromptDone), or gives you a prompt which you need to reply to in order to
continue the computation.

This type is a MonadPrompt:

instance Functor (Prompt p) where
   fmap f (PromptDone r) = PromptDone (f r)
   fmap f (Prompt p cont) = Prompt p (fmap f . cont)

instance Monad (Prompt p) where
   return = PromptDone
   PromptDone r  = f = f r
   Prompt p cont = f = Prompt p ((= f) . cont)

instance MonadPrompt p (Prompt p) where
   prompt p = Prompt p return


Basically, by making the continuation (a - Prompt p result) explicit, 
we have the flexibility to acquire the value  a  differently, like 
through user input or a replay script. The popular continuations for 
implementing web applications in Lisp/Scheme do the same thing.

A slightly different point of view is that you use a term implementation 
for your monad, at least for the interesting primitive effects like

  choosePiece   :: Player - Game Piece
  chooseAttack  :: Player - Piece - Game Attack

By using constructors for them, you have the flexibility to write 
different interpreters for  Game a , like

  play   :: Game a - IO a
  replay :: Game a - GameScript - a

with the semantics

  play (choosePiece pl = f) = do
 putStrLn Player  ++ show pl ++ , choose your piece:
 play f . read = getLine

  replay (choosePiece pl = f) (Piece pl' piece:xs)
 | pl == pl' = replay (f piece) xs

Just for the record, the most general term implementation is presented here

  Chuan-kai Lin. Programming Monads Operationally with Unimo.

Btw, the web framework WASH/CGI for Haskell uses some kind of prompt 
monad, too.

  Peter Thiemann. An Embedded Domain-Specific Language for
  Type-Safe Server-Side Web-Scripting.

Here, the server replays parts of the CGI monad when the user submits a 
form i.e. answers to a prompt.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: expanded standard lib

2007-11-22 Thread apfelmus

Ketil Malde wrote:

David Menendez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Someone in a previous thread made an analogy between GHC and the linux
kernel. I imagine that third-party Haskell distributions, consisting
of GHC/Hugs/whatever and some bundled packages, would meet the desire
for a batteries included Haskell implementation without tying the
most popular libraries to GHC releases.

Well - the various Linux distributions certainly could do this -
providing a virtual haskell-libs package that just pulls in a bunch
of commonly used packages.  It'd be nice, of course, if that package
was reasonably consistent across distributions, and if there were
a corresponding installer for those other operating systems.

Meta-packages on hackage would do the trick, no?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: nhc vs ghc

2007-11-24 Thread apfelmus

brad clawsie wrote:

can anyone provide a concise list of the major differences between
nhc98 and ghc? for example, can i build a cabal package with nhc98? i
get that ghc and nhc98 are not interchangeable, otherwise i am not

The major difference is that nhc98 is pretty much Haskell98 only, so no 
multi parameter type classes, rank-n-polymorphism or GADTs. It does 
support existential types, though. In particular, the popular monad 
transformer library isn't Haskell98, at least concerning the type classes.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: An interesting monad: Prompt

2007-11-24 Thread apfelmus

Derek Elkins wrote:

Ryan Ingram wrote:
apfelmus wrote: 
A context passing implementation (yielding the ContT monad

will remedy this.
Wait, are you saying that if you apply ContT to any monad that has the

left recursion on = takes quadratic time problem, and represent
all primitive operations via lift (never using = within lift),
that you will get a new monad that doesn't have that problem?
If so, that's pretty cool.
To be clear, by ContT I mean this monad:

newtype ContT m a = ContT { runContT :: forall b. (a - m b) - m b }
instance Monad m = Monad (ContT m) where

return x = ContT $ \c - c x
m = f  = ContT $ \c - runContT m $ \a - runContT (f a) c
fail = lift . fail
instance MonadTrans ContT where

lift m   = ContT $ \c - m = c
evalContT :: Monad m = ContT m a - m a

evalContT m = runContT m return

Yes, that's the case because the only way to use = from the old monad 
is via lift. Since only primitive operations are being lifted into the 
left of =, it's only nested in a right-associative fashion. The 
remaining thing to prove is that ContT itself doesn't have the 
left-associativity problem or any other similar problem. It's pretty 
intuitive, but unfortunately, I currently don't know how to prove or 
even specify that exactly. The problem is that expressions with = 
contain arbitrary unapplied lambda abstractions and mixed types but the 
types shouldn't be much a minor problem.

Indeed this was discussed on #haskell a few weeks ago.  That information
has been put on the wiki at
and refers to a blog post http://r6.ca/blog/20071028T162529Z.html that
describes it in action.

Note that the crux of the Maybe example on the wiki page is not curing a 
left-associativity problem, Maybe doesn't have one. The key point here 
is that continuation passing style allows us to inline the liftings

  (Just x  =) = \f - f x
  (Nothing =) = \_ - Nothing

and thus eliminate lots of case analysis. (Btw, this is exactly the 
behavior of exceptions in an imperative language.)

(Concerning the blog post, it looks like this inlining brings speed. But 
Data.Sequence is not to be underestimated, it may well be responsible 
for the meat of the speedup.)

I'm fairly confident, though I'd have to actually work through it, that
the Unimo work, http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~cklin/  could benefit from
this.  In fact, I think this does much of what Unimo does and could
capture many of the same things.

Well, Unimo doesn't have the left-associativity problem in the first 
place, so the only motive for using  ContT Prompt  instead is to 
eliminate the  Bind  constructor and implied case analyses.

But there's a slight yet important difference between  Unimo p a  and 
Unimo' p a = ContT (Prompt p) a , namely the ability the run the 
continuation in the outer monad. Let me explain: in the original 
Unimo, we have a helper function

  observe_monad :: (a - v)
- (forall b . p (Unimo p) b - (b - Unimo p a) - v)
- (Unimo p a - v)

for running a monad. For simplicity and to match with Ryan's prompt, 
we'll drop the fact that  p  can be parametrized on the outer monad, 
i.e. we consider

  observe_monad :: (a - v)
- (forall b . p b - (b - Unimo p a) - v)
- (Unimo p a - v)

This is just the case expression for the data type

  data PromptU p a where
Return :: a - PromptU p a
BindEffect :: p b - (b - Unimo p a) - PromptU p a

  observe_monad :: (PromptU p a - v) - (Unimo p a - v)

The difference I'm after is that the second argument to  BindEffect  is 
free to return an Unimo and not only another PromptU! This is quite 
handy for writing monads.

In contrast, things for  Unimo' p a = ContT (Prompt p) a  are as follows:

  data Prompt p a where
Return :: a - Prompt p a
BindEffect :: p b - (b - Prompt p a) - Prompt p a

  observe :: (Prompt p a - v) - (Unimo' p a - v)
  observe f m = f (runCont m Return)

Here, we don't have access to the outer monad  Unimo' p a  when 
defining an argument  f  to observe. I don't think we can fix that by 
allowing the second argument of  BindEffect  to return an  Unimo' p a 
since in this case,

  lift :: p a - Unimo' p a
  lift x = Cont $ BindEffect x

won't work anymore.

Of course, the question now is whether this can be fixed. Put 
differently, this is the question I keep asking: does it allow  Unimo 
to implement strictly more monads than  ContT = Unimo'  or is the latter 
enough? I.e. can every monad be implemented with ContT?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-26 Thread apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

Now my idea was, that making
links to glossary articles leaves the slogan as short as it is, and allows
people to find out quickly about the words they still don't know. An
explanation why Haskell's features are useful for programmers is still


But we'd probably need the glossary articles first before linking to them :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: is there a more concise way to generate helper functions for a datatype built on records?

2007-11-27 Thread apfelmus

Isaac Dupree wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

  dup :: Lens a (a,a)
  dup = id  id

Which component of the pair should

  put dup :: a - (a,a) - (a,a)

change? The first, the second, or even both?

  put :: Lens s a - a - s - s
  put x = flip $ snd . focus x

put dup :: (a,a) - a - a

Oops, of course.

Arrows IIRC resolve this dilemma by arbitrarily saying the first 
argument of () takes effect first... a solution I'm not entirely 
happy with.  Here, first it would put the first element of the pair, 
then it would put the second, so the result would be the second element. 
 If it were 2d vectors, x::Lens Vector Double, angle::Lens Vector Angle, 
it makes a difference whether x-coordinate or angle is changed first, 
and again, () could sequence.

I wish there was some way to compose them that guaranteed 
order-independence, and didn't work otherwise, though.  I suppose 
QuickCheck could be used to catch most 
parallel/disjoint-assumption-mistakes like that...

The situation is much worse, even dropping order-independence doesn't 
help: the lens laws

  get x (put x a s) = a
  put x (get x s) s = s

are already violated for  dup ! Assuming that

  get dup :: a - (a,a)

is total (i.e. first and second component not  undefined  ), parametric 
polymorphism dictates that it can only be

  get dup = \a - (a,a)

Now, we should have

  get dup x (put dup (a,a') s)
 = (put dup (a,a') s, put dup (a,a') s)
 = (a,a')

but that's impossible when a is different from a'.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-27 Thread apfelmus

David Menendez wrote:

Thomas Davie wrote:

But the point is that this section of the site is the bit that's meant
to be an advertisement -- we're trying to encourage people to read

Are we? I thought Haskell.org was intended to describe what Haskell *is*.
There are plenty of articles and blog posts and wiki pages out there that
advocate Haskell. I don't see why the main web page needs to be polluted
with marketing.

Agreed! I hate marketing! The facts can speak for themselves, if you 
need somebody to explain them, then something's wrong.

More specifically, fact means something that you can easily check 
yourself. Robust/maintainable/testable code are things you _can't_ 
easily check yourself without already learning the language.

But shorter code is a fact you can easily check, for instance with 
quicksort as example. In fact, short code is the reason why I picked 
up Haskell. Back then, I was given the task to calculate some sequence 
of numbers which I did in one page of C code. So far so good, but when I 
asked the task assigner about his solution, he responded: Ah, this 
problem, that's 1 line in Haskell. Well, 2 lines if the terminal is too 
small. Such power! Hearing just this was more than enough reason for me 
to learn Haskell and to never look back.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-27 Thread apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Back then, I was given the task to calculate some sequence
of numbers which I did in one page of C code. So far so good, but when I
asked the task assigner about his solution, he responded: Ah, this
problem, that's 1 line in Haskell. Well, 2 lines if the terminal is too

Ah, a Haskell code contribution to the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences?

The task was just for fun, but it's sequence A05.

  import Data.Set

  xs = let f x m = x:let y = x `div` 2 in f (if member y m then 3*x 
else y) (insert x m) in f 1 (singleton 0)

As said, it's two lines if the terminal is too small :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-11-29 Thread apfelmus

Laurent Deniau wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

Back then, I was given the task to calculate some sequence
of numbers which I did in one page of C code.

import Data.Set

xs = let f x m = x: let y = x `div` 2
in f (if member y m then 3*x else y) (insert x m)
 in f 1 (singleton 0)

As said, it's two lines if the terminal is too small :)

I can't see how it could be one page of C unless the page is 10 lines 
long ;-) The following code is the direct translation of your Haskell 
code (except that it prints the result instead of building a list).

a+, ld.

#include stdio.h
#include intset.h

void f(int x, intset s) {
  printf(%d, , x);
  f (intset_elem(s, x/2) ? 3*x : x/2, intset_put(s, x));

int main(void) {
  f (1, intset_put(intset_new(), 0));

Well, I only remember that it took _me_ a page of C code :D Basically 
due to a hand-coded intset and user interaction (no REPL for C, after all).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Trees

2007-12-03 Thread apfelmus

Adrian Neumann wrote:

  data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a [Tree a]

But now the assignments require more than a simple top-down traversal. 
For example: given a tree t and two nodes u,v, find the first common 

Well, this problem doesn't make much sense in Haskell. How do you 
specify the subtrees u and v in the first place?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Possible Improvements

2007-12-03 Thread apfelmus

PR Stanley wrote:

data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Int Tree

occurs :: Int - Tree - Bool
occurs m (Leaf n) = m == n
occurs m (Node l n r) = m == n || occurs m l || occurs m r

It works but I'd like to know if it can be improved in any way.

That's entirely fine.

The logical or || doesn't evaluate it's second argument  occurs m r  if 
the first argument  occurs m l  turns out to be already True. In other 
words, thanks to lazy evaluation, the search stops if  m  has been found 
in the left subtree, it won't search the right subtree anymore.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-12-03 Thread apfelmus

Stefan O'Rear wrote:

In my C programming, I've taken to using gdb as a REPL:

Ah, that's a nice trick, thanks!

I wish I there had been a gdb on MacOS 8.5 back then ;)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Trees

2007-12-03 Thread apfelmus

Thomas Davie wrote:

apfelmus wrote

Well, this problem doesn't make much sense in Haskell.
How do you specify the subtrees u and v in the first place? 

One could alway store a node's depth at each node -- then you must 
search for u and v, creating a list of what nodes you found at each 
depth, and finally, simply compare the lists -- O(n) in the depth of u 
and v.

Huh? I mean, are u and v node labels of type a? Or are they subtrees? In 
any case, they aren't pointers into the tree.

In the case of node labels, a breath first search will take

  O(number of nodes of depth = min (depth u) (depth v))

steps which is

  O(size of the tree)

in the worst case.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: distinguish functions from non-functions in a class/instances

2007-12-08 Thread apfelmus

Luke Palmer wrote:

Hmm, this still seems ill-defined to me.

compose :: (Int - Int - Int) - (Int - Int) - Int - Int - Int

Is a valid expression given that definition (with a,b = Int and c = Int - Int),
but now the arity is 4.

That's correct, the arity of a function is not well-defined due to 
polymorphism. The simplest example is probably

id :: a - a-- arity 1
  id = ($) :: (a - b) - (a - b)  -- arity 2

Therefore, the polymorphic expression

  wrap id

is problematic. It roughly has the type

  wrap id  ~~  [String] - a

But it's clearly ambiguous: do we have

  wrap id (x:_)   = read x


  wrap id (f:x:_) = wrap ($) (f:x:_) = read f (read x)

or what? (assuming a read instance for function types)
GHCi gives it a type

   :type wrap id
  wrap id :: (FunWrap (a - a) y) = [String] - y

but trying to use it like in

   let x = wrap id [1] :: Int

yields lots of type errors. We have to specialize the type of  id 
before supplying it to  wrap . For example,

  wrap (id :: Int - Int)

works just fine.

I don't like this behavior of  wrap  since it violates the nice property 
of polymorphic expressions that it's unimportant when a type variable is 
instantiated, like in

   map ((+1) :: Int - Int) [1..5]
 = map (+1) ([1..5] :: [Int])
 = (map (+1) [1..5]) :: [Int]


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: distinguish functions from non-functions in a class/instances

2007-12-11 Thread apfelmus

Dan Weston wrote:

Questioning apfelmus definitely gives me pause, but...

Don't hesitate! :) Personally, I question everyone and everything, 
including myself. This is a marvelous protection against unintentionally 
believing things just because I've heard them several times like Monads 
are hard or Haskell code is easier to understand, but has many more 
uses. As Feynman put it: What do you care what other people think?

id :: a - a-- arity 1
  id = ($) :: (a - b) - (a - b)  -- arity 2

I agree with the arities given above (but without quotes) and see no 
ill-definedness to arity.

But these are two different classes of functions. There are arguments of 
the first function that cannot be applied to the second (e.g. 5).

The fact that the two have different type signatures shows that Haskell can 
distinguish them (e.g. in the instantiation of a type class).

No, I think not. Having different type signatures is not enough for 
being distinguishable by type classes. The second type

  ∀a,b. (a - b) - a - b

is an instance of the first one

  ∀a. a - a

Instance not in the sense of class instance but in the sense of type 
instance, i.e. that we can obtain the former by substituting type 
variables in the latter, here a := (a - b). Formally, we can write this 
as an inequality

  ∀a. (a - a)  (a - b) - a - b

with x  y meaning x less specific than y or x more general than y.

Now, the property I meant with

I don't like this behavior of  wrap  since it violates the
nice property of polymorphic expressions that it's unimportant
when a type variable is instantiated
is that the class instance predicate is monotonic with respect to the 
type instance relation: from  x  y  and  Num x , we can always conclude 
 Num y . In particular, let's examine a type class

  class Nat a = Arity a f | f - a

describing that the function type  f  has a certain arity  a  which is 
expressed with Peano numbers in the type system:

  data Zero   = Zero
  data Succ a = Succ a

  type One = Succ Zero
  type Two = Succ One

  class Nat n

  instance Nat Zero
  instance Nat n = Nat (Succ n)

Now, if

  Arity One (∀a . a - a)

is true then due to monotonicity,

  Arity One ((a - b) - a - b)

must be true, too! The only possible solution to this dilemma is to drop 
the class instance for (∀a. a - a). It's no problem to have many 
special instances

  Arity One (Int  - Int)
  Arity One (Char - Char)

but we can't have the polymorphic one. In other words, not every 
(potentially polymorphic) function type has a well-defined arity! Oleg's 
hack basically supplies all those possible particular instances while 
avoiding the polymorphic one.

Concerning the ill-definedness of

  wrap id

   :type wrap id
  wrap id :: (FunWrap (a - a) y) = [String] - y

but trying to use it like in

   let x = wrap id [1] :: Int

yields lots of type errors. We have to specialize the type of  id 
before supplying it to  wrap . For example,

  wrap (id :: Int - Int)

works just fine.

which I don't like, it seems that I have to life with it. That's because 
the toy implementation

class FunWrap f x | f - x where
   wrap :: f - [String] - x

instance FunWrap (Int - Int) Int where
   wrap f [x] = f (read x)

instance FunWrap ((Int - Int) - Int - Int) Int where
   wrap f [g,x] = f id (read x)

already shows the same behavior. When trying something like

   wrap id [1] :: Int

, GHCi complains that there's no polymorphic instance

  FunWrap (a - a) Int

There can't be, since that would disallow the special instances and 
moreover conflict with the functional dependency. So,

  wrap id

is an example of an essentially ill-typed expression that the type 
checker does not reject early (namely when asking for its type).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: class default method proposal

2007-12-11 Thread apfelmus

Jules Bean wrote:

David Menendez wrote:

Duncan Coutts wrote:
So my suggestion is that we let classes declare default 
implementations of methods from super-classes.

It creates ambiguity if two classes declare defaults for a common 

My standard example involves Functor, Monad, and Comonad. Both Monad 
and Comonad could provide a default implementation for fmap. But let's 
say I have a type which is both a Monad and a Comonad: which default 
implementation gets used?

I'm disappointed to see this objection isn't listed on the wiki.

Doesn't sound like a very big problem. That would just be a compile time 
error (More than one default for fmap possible for Foo, please reslve 

And how would you resolve that ambiguity?

  module Control.Functor.UsefulStuff (hylo) where
hylo :: Functor f = (a - f a) - (f b - b) - a - b
hylo f g = g . fmap (hylo f g) . f

  module BANG where
import Foo (Foo)
import Foo.Is.Monad
import Foo.Is.Comonad

import Control.Functor.UsefulStuff (hylo)

bar :: Bar - Foo Bar
baz :: Foo Baz - Baz

bang = hylo bar baz

The problem is that the ambiguity may arise by just importing different 
modules while not having access to the offending call to  fmap .

Also note that as much as I'd like explicit import/export of type class 
instances, the current implicit and global export is no accident, it's 
crucial for well-definedness. See also the second half of


In other words, the main problem of all those superclass/explicit 
import/export proposals is that there are no proofs of the fact that 
they only allow well-defined programs. The homework isn't done yet, 
discussing adoption is too early.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: distinguish functions from non-functions in a class/instances

2007-12-11 Thread apfelmus

jerzy karczmarczuk wrote:


As Feynman put it: What do you care what other people think?

It was not Feynman, but his wife.

Thanks, I should have questioned my claim :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-12-12 Thread apfelmus

gwern wrote:

Now, the Main Page on haskell.org is not protected, so I could just edit
in one of the better descriptions proposed, but as in my Wikipedia editing,
I like to have consensus especially for such visible changes.

Hey, why has the front-page already been changed then? I don't like 
neither this nor the new slogan.

Concerning what slogan should be on the front page, I prefer technical 
terms to buzzwords.

  myReadText = filter (not . buzzword)

In any case: it's not our task to convince others by means of an 
enterprisey formulation, people are free to choose. If they don't want 
it, so be it. We provide data points (I have written a big but robust 
program, it's called insert name here, We have a FFI and its use is 
explained here, look, this quicksort function is so beautiful) but 
judgment is what everybody has to do for himself.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Software Tools in Haskell

2007-12-12 Thread apfelmus

Tommy M McGuire wrote:

(Plus, interact is scary. :-D )

You have a scary feeling for a moment, then it passes. ;)

Gwern Branwen wrote:

I... I want to provide a one-liner for 'detab', but it looks
impressively monstrous and I'm not sure I understand it.

On the other hand, I'm not looking for one-liners; I really want clarity 
as opposed to cleverness.

  tabwidth = 4

 -- tabstop !! (col-1) == there is a tabstop at column  col
 -- This is an infinite list, so no need to limit the line width
  tabstops  = map (\col - col `mod` tabwidth == 1) [1..]

 -- calculate spaces needed to fill to the next tabstop in advance
  tabspaces = snd $ mapAccumR addspace [] tabstops
  addspace cs isstop = let cs'=' ':cs in (if isstop then [] else cs',cs')

  main = interact $ unlines . map detabLine . lines
 detabLine = concat $ zipWith replace tabspaces
 replace cs '\t' = cs -- replace with adequate number of spaces
 replace _  char = [char] -- pass through

How about that?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: class default method proposal

2007-12-13 Thread apfelmus

Luke Palmer wrote:

Isn't a type which is both a Monad and a Comonad just Identity?

(I'm actually not sure, I'm just conjecting)

Good idea, but it's not the case.

  data L a = One a | Cons a (L a)   -- non-empty list

 -- standard list monad
  instance Monad L where
  return = One

  -- join concatenates all lists in the list
  join (One y)   = y
  join (Cons (One x) ys) = Cons x (join ys)
  join (Cons (Cons x xs) ys) = Cons x (join (Cons xs ys))

  class Comonad c where
  counit :: c a - a
  cobind :: c a - (c a - b) - c b

  instance Comonad L where
  counit (One x)= x   -- that's why we insist on non-emptiness
  counit (Cons x _) = x

  -- f has access to the whole past
  cobind ys@(One x) f = One  (f ys)
  cobind ys@(Cons x xs) f = Cons (f ys) (cobind f xs)

Checking the laws is left as an exercise for the reader :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Software Tools in Haskell

2007-12-13 Thread apfelmus

Tommy M McGuire wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

  tabwidth = 4

 -- tabstop !! (col-1) == there is a tabstop at column  col
 -- This is an infinite list, so no need to limit the line width
  tabstops  = map (\col - col `mod` tabwidth == 1) [1..]

 -- calculate spaces needed to fill to the next tabstop in advance
  tabspaces = snd $ mapAccumR addspace [] tabstops
  addspace cs isstop = let cs'=' ':cs in (if isstop then [] else cs',cs')

Are you using mapAccumR (mapAccumR? (!)) to share space among the space 

Sharing is a good idea! But  mapAccumR  has nothing to do with it, I 
just used it to encode the recursion, as replacement for a  fold  so to 

 If so, wouldn't this be better:

tabstops = map (\col - col `mod` tabwidth == 1) [1..tabwidth]
tabspaces = cycle $ snd $ mapAccumR addspace [] tabstops

Yes. We can make the code even simpler :)

  tabspaces = cycle . init . tails . replicate tabwidth $ ' '

and the  tabstops  list is gone.

On the other hand, wouldn't this make for less head scratching:

tabspaces = map (\col - replicate (spacesFor col) ' ') [1..]
  spacesFor col = tabwidth - ((col - 1) `mod` tabwidth)

Yes and no. The very idea of introducing the  tabspaces  list in the 
first place is to avoid explicit indices altogether, a single  zipWith 
is responsible for aligning columns. So, it's only natural to avoid 
indices for the definition of  tabspaces , too.

A side effect of separating  tabspaces  from the main loop is that we 
can do all kind of irregular tabstop spacing or different fill 
characters and the like solely by changing this list.

  main = interact $ unlines . map detabLine . lines
 detabLine = concat $ zipWith replace tabspaces

I think you mean concat . zipWith   (You're doing this from 
memory, aren't you?)

Yes and yes :)

 replace cs '\t' = cs -- replace with adequate number of spaces
 replace _  char = [char] -- pass through

How about that?

It doesn't produce the same output, [...]
It's counting tabs before expanding rather than after?

Yes, I noticed it too late, it's so wrong (_) :)

Here's a correct version:

  perLine f = interact $ unlines . map f . lines

  main = perLine (detabLine tabspaces)
 detabLine _  []= []
 detabLine (w:ws) ('\t':cs) = detabLine (w:ws) (w ++ cs)
 detabLine (w:ws) (c   :cs) = c:detabLine ws cs

Or even

  main = interact $ detab tabspaces
 detab _  []= []
 detab _  ('\n':cs) = '\n':detab tabspaces cs
 detab (w:ws) ('\t':cs) =  detab (w:ws) (w ++ cs)
 detab (_:ws) (c   :cs) =c:detab ws cs

This can't be expressed with  zip  anymore since the alignment of the 
list of spaces and the text changes when encountering a tab.

@dons: I guess that  detab  would probably be a very interesting (and 
even useful) study example for generalizing stream fusion, since it's 
more like  concatMap  than  map .


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Examples of useful functions of order = 3?

2007-12-14 Thread apfelmus

Ben Lippmeier wrote:

I vaguely remember a paper called something like Is there any use
for a seventh order function?, but I forget why they were used, and
I can't find it on Google, or ACM or any of the other likely places.

Does anyone have any examples of code (in whatever language) which
usefully uses functions of order = 3?? Preferably up to 5?

I don't know, but you can probably use church-encodings to pimp up the 

  type Bool   = ∀a . a - a - a -- order a + 1
  type List a = ∀b . (a - b - b) - b - b -- max (order a, order b) + 1

  not  :: Bool - Bool  -- order 2
  map  :: (a - a) - List a - List a  -- order 3 + order a

To avoid higher-rank polymorphism, just choose some arbitrary fixed types

  not':: (A - A - A) - (A - A - A)
  filter' :: (A - A) -
 ((A - B - B) - B - B) -
 ((A - B - B) - B - B)

Those functions probably aren't that useful anymore, but they once were :)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Software Tools in Haskell

2007-12-15 Thread apfelmus

Benja Fallenstein wrote:

Henning Thielemann wrote:

I remember there was a discussion about how to implement full 'wc' in an
elegant but maximally lazy form, that is counting bytes, words and lines
in one go. Did someone have a nice idea of how to compose the three
counters from implementations of each counter? I'm afraid one cannot
simply use the split and count fragments trick then.

Well, you could rely on catamorphism fusion

  (foldr f1 x1, foldr f2 x2) = foldr (f1 *** f2) (x1,x2)

but that's not so compositional.

Could you turn the folds into scans and use zip3 and last? I.e.,
something like this:

This approach is really clever!

data Triple a b c = Triple !a !b !c deriving Show

countChars :: String - [Int]
countChars = scanl (\n _ - n+1) 0

countChar :: Char - String - [Int]
countChar c = scanl (\n c' - if c == c' then n+1 else n) 0

countLines = countChar '\n'
countWords = countChar ' '

last' [x] = x
last' (x:xs) = x `seq` last' xs

zip3' (x:xs) (y:ys) (z:zs) = Triple x y z : zip3' xs ys zs
zip3' _ _ _ = []

  zipWith3 Triple

wc :: String - Triple Int Int Int
wc xs = last' $ zip3' (countChars xs) (countWords xs) (countLines xs)

main = print . wc = getContents

(or use Data.Strict.Tuple -- but that only has pairs and no zip...)

Slightly simplified (uses BangPatterns):

  import Data.List

  scanl' :: (b - a - b) - b - [a] - [a]
  scanl' f !b [] = [b]
  scanl' f !b (x:xs) = b:scanl' (f b x) xs

  counts :: (a - Bool) - [a] - [Int]
  counts p = scanl' (\n c - if p c then n+1 else n) 0

  wc :: String - (Int,Int,Int)
  wc = last $ zip3 (charc xs) (wordc xs) (linec xs)
 charc = counts (const True)
 wordc = counts (== ' ')
 linec = counts (== '\n')

The  scanl'  basically ensures that the forcing the resulting list spine 
automatically forces the elements. This makes sense to do early and we 
can use normal list functions after that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New slogan for haskell.org

2007-12-15 Thread apfelmus

Henning Thielemann wrote:

apfelmus wrote:

gwern wrote:

Now, the Main Page on haskell.org is not protected, so I could just edit
in one of the better descriptions proposed, but as in my Wikipedia editing,
I like to have consensus especially for such visible changes.

Hey, why has the front-page already been changed then? I don't like
neither this nor the new slogan.

Edit war!

Yarr, bring up the guns! Y-rifle, fire!


Goodstein gun, fire!

import Data.Tree

type Number = Forest Integer

zero = []; one = [Node 1 zero]; two = [Node 1 one]  -- (shortened) 
three = one++two; four = [Node 1 two]   -- base 2 

subtractOne p (Node 1 []:xs) = xs
subtractOne p (Node a []:xs) = Node (a-1) []:xs
subtractOne p (Node 1 k :xs) = let k' = subtractOne p k in
   subtractOne p [Node 1 k'] ++ Node 
(p-1) k':xs
subtractOne p (Node a k :xs) = subtractOne p [Node 1 k ] ++ Node 
(a-1) k :xs

goodstein !p n = if null n then [] else n:goodstein (p+1) 
(subtractOne (p+1) n)

goodsteingun n = concat $ lamb:map (const da) (goodstein 2 n)

  goodsteingun three
  goodsteingun four

Will it ever cease?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Monads that are Comonads and the role of Adjunction

2007-12-16 Thread apfelmus

Dan Weston wrote:

newtype O f g a = O (f (g a))   -- Functor composition:  f `O` g

instance (Functor f, Functor g) = Functor (O f g) where ...
instance Adjunction f g = Monad   (O g f) where ...
instance Adjunction f g = Comonad (O f g) where ... 

class (Functor f, Functor g) = Adjunction f g | f - g, g - f where
  leftAdjunct  :: (f a - b) - a - g b
  rightAdjunct :: (a - g b) - f a - b

Functors are associative but not generally commutative. Apparently a 
Monad is also a Comonad if there exist left (f) and right (g) adjuncts 
that commute.

Yes, but that's only sufficient, not necessary.

Jules and David already pointed out that while every monad comes from an 
adjunction, this adjunction usually involves categories different from 
Hask. So, there are probably no adjoint functors f and g in Hask such that

  [] ~= g `O` f


data L a = One a | Cons a (L a)   -- non-empty list

  L ~= g `O` f

(proof?) Yet, both are monads and the latter is even a comonad.

Moreover, f and g can only commute if they have the same source and 
target category (Hask in our case). And even when they don't commute, 
the resulting monad could still be a comonad, too.

My category theory study stopped somewhere between Functor and 
Adjunction, but is there any deep magic you can describe here in a 
paragraph or two? I feel like I will never get Monad and Comonad until I 
understand Adjunction.

Alas, I wish I could, but I have virtually no clue about adjoint 
functors myself :)

I only know the classic example that conjunction and implication

  f a = (a,S)
  g b = S - b

are adjoint

  (a,S) - b  =  a - (S - b)

which is just well-known currying. We get the state monad

  (g `O` f) a = S - (S,a)

and the stream comonad

  (f `O` f) a = (S, S - a)

out of that.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: OOP'er with (hopefully) trivial questions.....

2007-12-17 Thread apfelmus

Nicholls, Mark wrote:

data Shape = Circle Int
 | Rectangle Int Int
 | Square Int 

Isn't this now closed...i.e. the statement is effectively defining
that shape is this and only ever thisi.e. can I in another module
add new types of Shape?

Yes, but in most cases, this is actually a good thing. For instance, you 
can now define equality of two shapes:

  equal :: Shape - Shape - Bool
  equal (Circle x)(Circle y)= x == y
  equal (Rectangle x1 x2) (Rectangle y1 y2) = x1 == x2  y1 == y2
  equal (Square x)(Square y)= x == y

In general, the open approach is limited to functions of the form

  Shape - ... - Shape / Int / something else

with no Shape occurring in the other ... arguments.

I'm trying to teach myself HaskellI've spent a few hours going
through a few tutorialsand I sort of get the basics...
After many years of OOP though my brain is wired up to construct
software in that 'pattern'a problem for me at the moment is I cannot
see how to construct programs in an OO style in HaskellI know this
is probably not the way to approach it...but I feel I need to master the
syntax before the paradigm.

This approach is probably harder than it could be, you'll have a much 
easier time learning it from a paper-textbook like


After all, it's like learning programming anew.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: Foldable Rose Trees

2007-12-18 Thread apfelmus

Dominic Steinitz wrote:

I've been trying to re-label nodes in a rose tree without re-inventing
wheels (although I'm beginning to wish I had). I've got as far as this
but haven't yet cracked the general case for Traversable.

Solution 1) Data.Tree is already an instance of Traversable. :)

Solution 2) The key observation is that you the instances for rose trees 
can/should be bootstrapped from corresponding instances for lists []. 
With this, we have

instance Functor Rose' where
  fmap f (Rose' x rs) = Rose' (f x) (map (fmap f) rs)

 fmap f (Rose' x rs) = Rose' (f x) (fmap (fmap f) rs)

(fmap instead of map to highlight the general structure)

instance Foldable Rose' where
   foldMap f (Rose' x rs) =  f x `mappend` (mconcat (map (foldMap f) rs))

  foldMap f (Rose' x rs) =  f x `mappend` (foldMap (foldMap f) rs)

instance Traversable Rose' where
   traverse f (Rose' x []) = Rose' $ f x * pure []
   traverse f (Rose' x [x0]) = Rose' $ f x * (pure (\x - [x]) * traverse 
f x0)
   traverse f (Rose' x [x0,x1]) = Rose' $ f x * (pure (\x y - x:y:[]) * 
traverse f x0 * traverse f x1)
   traverse f (Rose' x [x0,x1,x2]) = Rose' $ f x * (pure (\x y z - x:y:z:[]) * 
traverse f x0 * traverse f x1 * traverse f x2)

  traverse f (Rose' x xs) = Rose' $ f x * traverse (traverse f) xs

*Main let (p,_) = runState (unwrapMonad (traverse (\x - WrapMonad update) 
(Rose' 3 [Rose' 5 [Rose' 11 [Rose' 19 []], Rose' 13 [], Rose' 17[]], Rose' 7 []]))) 0 
in p
Rose' 0 [Rose' 1 [Rose' 2 [Rose' 3 []],Rose' 4 [],Rose' 5 []],Rose' 6 []]

This can be made shorter:

 Data.Traversable.mapM m = unwrapMonad . traverse . (\x - WrapMonad (m x))


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: New to Haskell: The End

2007-12-18 Thread apfelmus

Joost Behrends wrote:

it has MONADS 

Interestingly, this is not even a language feature, it just happens that 
the concept of monads can be expressed in Haskell. (Ok, ignoring 
syntactic sugar in form of do-notation for the moment. And ignoring that 
constructor classes have been introduced because monads were such a cool 
use case).


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: MonadFix

2007-12-20 Thread apfelmus

Joost Behrends wrote:

since about three weeks i am learning Haskell now. One of my first exercises is
to decompose an Integer into its primefactors.

How about separating the candidate prime numbers from the recursion

  factorize :: Integer - [Integer]
  factorize = f primes'
 primes' = 2:[3,5..]
 f (p:ps) n
| r == 0= p : f (p:ps) q
| p*p  n   = [n]
| otherwise = f ps n
(q,r) = n `divMod` p

For a faster factorization, just plug in a better  primes' .


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Re: MonadFix

2007-12-21 Thread apfelmus

Joost Behrends wrote:

apfelmus writes:

How about separating the candidate prime numbers from the recursion

   factorize :: Integer - [Integer]
   factorize = f primes'
  primes' = 2:[3,5..]
  f (p:ps) n
 | r == 0= p : f (p:ps) q
 | p*p  n   = [n]
 | otherwise = f ps n
 (q,r) = n `divMod` p

(besides: p  intsqrt n must stay, otherwise you have
the expensive p*p at every step)

Huh?  p  intsqrt n  is evaluated just as often as  p*p  n , with 
changing  n  . Why would that be less expensive? Btw, the code above 
test for  r==0  first, which means that the following  p*p  n  is 
tested exactly once for every prime candidate  p .

Providing effectively primes' for that is simply impossible
talking about really big numbers 
as i did in my post. There are no fast generators iterating just

through the primes firstly

Sure, that's why I called it  primes' . It's indented to be an easily 
computable list of prime candidates and as you write below, we can do 
better than using all odd numbers for that.

and these lists get much too big also 
(for 2^120 you cannot even begin to use a list of the primes 
up to 2^(any appropriate x) ).

Thanks to lazy evaluation, the list will be generated on demand and its 
elements are garbage collect once used. So, the code above will run in 
constant space. The list is more like a suspended loop.

What can be done is to iterate through odd numbers meeting as many primes 
as possible. We could do this:

iterdivisors x | x == 0 = 3
   | x == 1 = 5
   | otherwise x = iterdivisors (x-1) + ((cycle [2,4]) !! x)

This gives 7,11,13,17,19,23,25,29,31,35,37,41,43,47,49,53,55,59,61,63,67 ...

i.e. exactly all primes and odds with greater primefactors as 3.
We can improve that cycle avoiding the multiples of 5:

 ... | otherwise x = iterdivisors (x-1) + ((cycle [2,4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6] !! x)

and we can do better by avoiding the multiples of 7 and so on

(the length of these lists grows fast - it gets multiplied 
by every new avoided prime -, but we could provide that lists 
programmatically). And we must be sure, that cycle
doesn't eat up memory for each new pass through the list. 
And we should use a more efficient representaion 
for the list of summands than a list.

Huh, this looks very expensive. I'd avoid indices like  x  altogether 
and use a plain list instead, we don't need random access to the prime 
candidates, after all.

But the title of my post and much more interesting topic 
for learning Haskell is, how to avoid memory exhaustion by recursion.

Maybe you stumbled over common examples for a stack overflow like

  foldr (+) 0
  foldl (+) 0


  foldl' (+) 0

runs without. See also


THIS was my intention and the reason why i erroneously brought MonadFix 
into the game. The recursion i described as follows

divisions = do
   y - get
   if divisor y = bound y then do
   put ( divstep y )
   else return y

makes a DESTRUCTIVE UPDATE of the DivIters (by put)

Huh? The  State  monad doesn't do destructive updates, to the contrary. 
(neither do IORefs or STRefs, only STArrays or something do).

and this kind of recursion
seems not to remember itself (as i have understood, that is achieved by 
tail recursion). I just didn't like making DivIters to States. 
It's kind of lying code.

Because of lazy evaluation, tail recursion is not what it seems to be in 

However it worked and improved performance by a factor around 10
(or oo - perhaps a normal recursion exhausts 512MB memory for 2^120+1, 
as it will do for much smaller Integers, if they are prime) 
not to talk about footprint. Compiled for running standalone, 
it took 17 minutes, an equivalent python script 2 hours.
This factor near 7 is not fully satisfactory. 

Using the  State  monad introduces unnecessary overhead. Also, I assume 
that you ran the compiler with the  -O2  flag to enable optimizations?

Or is there still a way of getting a tail recursive Haskell function 
for iterating through the DivIters (outside any monads) ?? 
I would not get stroke dead by surprise if yes, but i couldn't find any.

I don't understand why you use a complicated  DivIters  data structure. 
Passing two simple parameters does the job just fine.


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