Re: [Biofuel] Linux, virii and Microsoft

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver
I spent 5 years trying to move my clients to Linux for their servers.  
Mostly I succeded.  I haven't had much luck with
Linux on the desktop, and have pretty much given up the figt, which is 
funny because it's about where it needs to be!
I think OSX is the best thing going and use it for my graphics stuff.  
Unfortunately I make my living fixing Windows.
It used to upset me but not I just bill them and move on.

Oh well.  No good deed goes unpunished!

TarynToo wrote:

On Aug 30, 2005, at 8:19 AM, Mike Weaver wrote:


I totally agree.  My only complaint w/ Linux is that after I install a
Linux/Samba server, I never see the client again!  I have servers
running over 600 days.
I make my living on (ick!) Windows machines.  They blow up all the 

ROFL Mike! I've been watching the linux/win debate shaping up here on 
the list and trying to stay out of it. After all how many religious 
wars can one woman get into at the same time?  I use Linux or BSD on 
servers, and MacOS X on workstations. I think for non-nerds, MacOS X is 
much more approachable than Windows, Linux, or a naked BSD machine.  
Apple has open-sourced most of MacOS X as Darwin, keeping only the GUI 
and some apps and drivers proprietary

I too find myself constantly patching up blasted WinPCs. Personally I 
won't use the crap from Redmond, not even Word and Office. (And don't 
even get me started on PowerPointless!) Invariably it's the same 
question and the same answer: How can I keep my computer from catching 
virii?  Get a Mac.

(If you want references, see the original article, it's full of  

Torturing your customers, A Business Model
The recording industry has invested a great deal of time and money in a 
variety of schemes purporting to protect the rights of musicians. Of 
course they haven’t even slowed down either casual or professional 

Mostly, all they’ve done is annoy their customer base by making CDs 
that don’t play right. I’m not writing today to blast BMG, Sony, and 
the RIAA, they’re getting plenty of heat already. But I want to draw a 
parallel between the way the recording industry and Microsoft treat 
their customers.

I just spent a few days rebuilding some WinXP machines for my neighbors 
that had succumbed to hardware failures and/or Windows malware , In 
each instance, the neighbor asked, ‘Why do these machines fail so 
quickly? Why is it so tedious to fix them?’ The first question deserves 
a few thousand words, but there have been millions written already and 
flame wars are tedious too.

The most direct answer to the second question is, “Microsoft 
intentionally makes it damn near impossible for users to create 
bootable backups, or even useful offline backups.” Their licensing and 
copy protection schemes include components that prevent disk cloning, 
and prevent disk images from booting if they were created by cloning, 
that force relicensing when a computer has parts replaced. This of 
course doesn’t slow down teenage script kiddies and professional OS 
counterfeiters in the least, but it does make life miserable for every 
legitimate windows user on the planet.

In an ideal world, you would use simple commands or GUI tools to create 
a mirror image of your installed and customized system on separate 
partitions or disks. Other simple tools would allow you choose which 
image your system booted from. When that image booted, it would work 
right whether it was drive C:, D: or Z:, That image would boot 
correctly, even if it was hooked up to a significantly different 

This is not an imaginary ideal, it is the world of Linux, of BSD UNIX, 
of MacOS. Only Windows OSes fall on their swords, on purpose, when 
users do perfectly reasonable things like pull a backup drive out of 
the safe and try to boot it on a new computer.

Why is this a reasonable thing? Well the payroll computer caught fire 
yesterday, and we need to make payroll today. But Microsoft doesn’t see 
it that way, they think their customers are all thieves and are trying 
to steal WinXP. Yeah, like we really care!

So, there’s the parallel. The recording industry exhibits complete 
disdain for their customers, (And their suppliers, most musicians are 
treated like dogs by recording companies.) Microsoft subscribes to the 
same business model, drumming up business by trotting out the next big 
thing, which is usually entirely derivative, gouging huge profits, 
while treating the buyers like cattle at best, and thieves at worst.

Bad enough we paid money for this stuff, how much of our precious time 
must we spend trying to restore a machine taken to its knees by the 
virus of the day.

I’m sure many of you are going to trot out Ghost, or Partition Magic, 
or the latest Whiz-bang Norton tool, or BackupOmatic II, as your 
personal favorite fix for this problem. Just like you

Re: [Biofuel] Iran's Nuclear Program

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver
Don't laugh.  Anything could happen under this regime.  I personally 
will never ever take up arms against Canada but be don't surprised
if you start to see Canada (surely our greatest friend in the world) 
demonized in the next 10 years as a pretext to invasion.


no doubt under the pretext of liberating the canadian people from the 
injustice of a universal health care system.

-chris b.

In a message dated 8/24/05 7:46:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Suppose Canada decides that it will demand (which is 
our right) what it wants for that oil?. . .How little will it take before 
american troops 
show up to 'restore order' in our sovereign lands. 

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Re: [Biofuel] BP loses money?? Yeah, right.

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver
Besides, we already have a Flat Head Tax in most states.  It's called 
the lottery.  It's a tax on stupid people, and it falls unfairly on 
those least able to afford it.

bob allen wrote:

Howdy David,

a flat tax would just reward the rich with lower taxes and punish the 
impoverished with taxes they didn't have before.  The flat tax also will 
not address the flight of corporations to tax havens.

flat tax- bad idea.

David M. Brockes wrote:

This is why we need a Flat Tax system in this country for both Individual
and Business. 8% to 12% would provide a tax base much more robust than what
we have todayand most of us would probably pay less,

if most of us pay less, then somebody pays more.  A 12% tax rate would 
mean tax break for the rich; hence, the poor would be paying more for 
the rich persons reduction.

  but certainly

everyone would pay a fair share.and think of all the savings there
would be from all the extra costs currently related to our Tax system!!
Just IMHO!!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BP loses money?? Yeah, right.

It's all part of the standard multinational corporation planning to move
the profits to the jurisdiction in which they are taxed least
(preferably not at all).



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Re: [Biofuel] Oil Question

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver

Anyone know where I could buy 300 gallons of canola?

John Wilson wrote:

Hi Mike,
  I got the price
I see this morning Jan Canola futures are trading at 294.  I think that was
a mistake on my part it said Canola(WCE) and not Canola oil. I think the
price is for pre pressed canola seed and not canola oil.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

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[Biofuel] Simple twist of fate...

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver
 From my limited experience in Latin America I always felt the EV's were 
making inroads because they had enough sense to actually have
local people in positions of authority, where as most (not all, Jaime 
Sin comes to mind) Catholic big-wigs were white.  I will say that when I 
was working in Africa the CRS people were very good.

Mike Lapsed Unitarian Weaver

Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Taryn


Hi Keith, et alii.

On Aug 30, 2005, at 3:35 AM, Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Taryn, Pannirselvam

Did you read this?
[Biofuel] Robertson et al VS. followers
Who Would Jesus Assassinate? Hugo Chavez and the Men Who Claim to
Speak for Jesus


Yes, I did read them. Following them, or a similar thread, (now

:-( The browser history keeps the urls, why doesn't it keep the whole threads?


led me to some striking information regarding the US's
post-war anti-communist efforts in Italy, and later in Latin America.
Following that taught me more about the role of the jesuits, and
liberation theology, in Latin American politics.

Trying to recover that misplaced thread last night led to many sites
accusing liberation theologists of being pawns of the communists. Then
to some ugly accusations regarding the role of the jesuits in bringing
together the Vatican and the National Socialists (Nazis) in pre-war
Germany. Of course, the German National Socialist Party was socialist
in name only by the 1940s.

Isn't it great when that happens? Almost makes it worth losing the 
original threads.

It was interesting how few of the commentators when John Paul II died 
mentioned his opposition to the liberation theologists, seemed they'd 
forgotten about it. He was extremely anti-communist, and Marxist 
theology was (is?) the alternate name of liberation theology. John 
Paul II was Polish, and his main focus was on Poland and Lech 
Walesa's Solidarity struggle there, with the never quite suppressed 
Catholic Church playing its role, probably a pivotal one. What 
happened in Poland on the one hand and Afghanistan on the other were 
the death of the USSR, I guess Latin America seemed hardly even a 
side-show. What's happening to the US now with Hugo Chavez in 
Venezuela on the one hand and Iraq on the other makes an interesting 
comparison, and Latin America perhaps isn't a side-show anymore. (I'd 
bet the KGB wanted to assassinate Walesa too.)

I didn't forget about John Paul II and the liberation theologists. I 
thought it was a crossroads, and the Pope sided with the rich and 
powerful. Again. Quite apart from what it says about the Catholic 
Church as a Christian organisation and the eyes of needles, it could 
perhaps have been a chance to change the whole paradigm of 
development and the poor. That's what the Jesuits wanted. Instead we 
got neo-liberal economics and corporate globalization, and a billion 
or so poor and starving people in a world of plenty. I reckon Robert 
Johnson made a better deal.

I've never had any contact with Opus Dei and I'm not sad about that, 
but I haven't met a Jesuit I didn't like.


So, I too, learn more of the twisted history that led to our bizarre
predicaments of today, reading the Biofuel list. It is truly a great
resource, let me add my thanks to that expressed by Doug and
Pannirselvam. (and many others)

Thanks to all!


In one more strange twist of fate, the venues that bring us all
together; ethernet, bsd servers, and the internet, were developed with
much funding from ARPA,
Defense_Advanced_Research_Projects_Agency which was created to respond
to The Communist Threat. Now of course the internet is one of our
best tools for responding to the Capitalist Threat.

It escaped. For once at least the end wasn't implicit in the means. 
Maybe we'll end up using swords as ploughshares after all. (Only I 
don't like ploughs!)


Regarding the Clash of Civilisations, it's astonishing that
Christians, Jews, and Muslims, all worshipping the same God of Israel,
have been at each others throats, squabbling over the parched scraps of
a long gone society, for more than a thousand years. For anyone
perplexed over this conflict, I highly recommend Tom Robbins' Skinny
Legs and All. I've re-read
this a few times in my struggles to understand the middle east. It is
illuminating, to say the least. If you've not read Robbins' stuff
before, you might want start with a few of his earlier works, e.g.
Still Life with Woodpecker or Jitterbug Perfume, since his work is
rich and complex.

Thankyou. Interesting reviews.

You might find this interesting, though probably the only thing it 
has in common with Skinny Legs and All is the Middle East and the 

21. A Kingdom of Agricultural Art in Europe

Re: [Biofuel] Japan - was Re: Problems, problems, problems

2005-08-30 Thread Mike Weaver
Hi Khamhiane,
If you happen to be anywhere near the SE US I can reccommend the 
Piedmont Biofuels tour.  They are quite friendly and put up with me 
asking them questions for hours.  There also quite a few other BD plants 
scattered in the US.

Good luck.


Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Khamhiane


Dear Keith,

I have followed your forum for a while.

Well, it's its own forum really, I'm just one of the staff.


You said that It's used here in Japan too, is that mean you are 
currently in Japan?

Yes, it says so on our home page. A lot of what we're doing here 
isn't on our English website yet but that'll change soon. (Not just 
biofuels.) You could check the Japanese website, but that's not 
completely up-to-date either, nor does it cover everything we're 


The reason I asked is that if yes I would like to visite you to see 
physically your projects.

I don't want to sound unwelcoming, but we're always busy here, we 
work all the time, you might come a long way and then we'd have very 
little time to spend with you. If it's biodiesel you're interested 
in, we do hold seminars and workshops on biodiesel here (and 
elsewhere) most months, the last one was 10 days ago, the next one is 
on October 9. They're in Japanese, can you speak Japanese? Everything 
else we do here is development work, it's really only the biodiesel 
project that's open to the public in any way, and then only if you 
come to a seminar. This place isn't intended to be a demonstration 
farm or anything like that, it's where we work.

If you do want to come, email me offlist, maybe we can arrange something.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan



Thanks in advance

Best regards,

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dag Pieter

Hello all,
I found a new adres where I can collect quit a bit of good quality
oil, well, that is what I thought.


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Re: [Biofuel] Water heater

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
What's usually wrong with them?

AntiFossil wrote:

 Marty, and all,

 I have to respectfully disagree with Bob C. on this one.  The days of 
 freebies are still very much alive!  It might just be an issue of 
 where you seek your freebies : )

 Since approx. March of this year, I have been able to get 18 used 
 water heaters.  My only cost has been the time, and expense it takes 
 to go and pick them up from 3 different plumbing/hardware shops in my 
 local area.  Had I wanted them, I would estimate that I could have had 
 at least twice that many, although I would probably be divorced and 
 living out of them right now had I accepted them all.  There's really 
 no secret to getting as many as you need. 

 For most folks, I would think that one or two tanks would fine, but 
 that would depend on your intentions.  Find a local plumbing shop, or 
 Hardware store (not a huge retail chain) that sells and installs what 
 they sell and ask them what they do with the old water heaters that 
 they remove during their installs.  In my part of the world, two of 
 the contractors bring the old water heaters back to their shops and 
 dump them out back.  Then, when this particular area get's full 
 enough they call the scrap man and he comes and hauls them all away 
 to the scrap metal yard for, as Bob C. noted, a fee.  If you are 
 willing to go and pick up a few of them for no fee, that's usually 
 great news to these pro's! 

 Good luck hunting water heaters!

 On 8/30/05, *Marty Phee* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the info.  My friend and I are going to do this.  I'd
 like to
 start with a proven design and go from there and he has grand plans of
 how to do everything.  I really don't have room to do it and he
 does so
 I need to give him leeway in the design.

 Bob Clark wrote:

 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Will a water heater ware out/rust out?  Say if you start from a new
 heater.  How long can you expect it to last?
 Marty, and all
 I am currently using six water heaters that have been in
 service for a little over five years. (One has actually been
 operating as a waste oil burner since 1996) and to date I have
 seen no sign of rust through and/or burn out. I have several more
 used water heaters that I am in the midst of converting for one
 project or another. ALL of the ones I am using were used to start
 with. One had a small leak in the seam when I originally obtained
 it, but I am lucky enough to have a complete steel fabrication
 shop here so repairing that wasn't too difficult. I have two
 electric tanks that I left the heating elements in to use as
 pre-heaters. Others are my first 'still' experiments and are fired
 with a modified propane burner, now running on methane gas. Those
 two would be the ones that I suspect will burn out first (the
 bottom area) so I keep a closer eye on them, but so far no sign of
 In our area the local trash companies collect used appliances
 (including water heaters) from off the side of the road once each
 quarter (every three months) so I always keep an eye out the
 weekend before the collection date and pickup all the water
 heaters I see. BUT, I have never used a new one for anything so
 can only guess about that, but my thought would be this: each of
 the heater tanks I am using now had been used for water heating
 for years before I got ahold of them. I KNOW they have lasted from
 five years to nine years (and still counting) so I would think it
 would be safe to say a new water heater tank should easily give
 you ten years of service, if you buy a quality one to start with.
 But a suggestion; if this will be your first 'project' using a
 water heater tank, why not see if you can find one at a local
 salvage yard or dump. The days of 'freebies from those kind of
 places are over (at least everyplace I know of) but the 'scrapper'
 is only going to get five dollars tops for the old heater, so
 they'd surely sell you one for ten bucks??? That would be a much
 smaller investment then a new water heater. However, if you have
 some experience with your project already and want to make sure
 you start with a good tank, maybe new would be the way to go? I
 guess only you can make that choice, but based on my own personal
 uses, a used tank will give you a good deal of service and
 provides a very inexpensive way to 'experiment'. BTW, I have built
 several other cookers and stills since those first ones and in
 some projects I have use one inch steel plate (for fireboxes and
 support walls of a digester) and a couple of heavy gauge stainless
 steel tanks, but the old water heaters are still used regularly
 and are going fine. To be fair, the two 

Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
We do the same things with barriar islands up here then get all upset 
when they blow away.

TarynToo wrote:

I live in South Florida, on high(ish) ground. Katrina came past and 
gave my neighborhood a little slap, on her way out to the warm gulf 
waters, where she organized into a cat 5 hurricane. Now 1.5 million 
people are homeless, jobless, and in shock, just from New Orleans 
alone. There's no guessing how many will be dead when all is accounted 

Entrepreneurs and businesses  have always gone where the resources are. 
Regular folks follow behind because that's where the jobs are. 
Government comes along and surrounds a swamp with levees, and calls it 
a city.
And of course the Army Corps of Engineers comes along and turns 2000 
miles of winding bottomland river into a 1000 mile ditch, contained 
(theoretically) by 14 meter levees.  Homes, factories, and farms fill 
the bottomland right up to the levies.

In a free society, you can't prevent people from trying to turn a swamp 
into a suburb, unless you buy the land and turn it into park or 
preserve. Ever since agriculture started on the Nile, we've known that 
flood plains are great places to grow crops, so you don't really want 
to take them out of production. Of course if you dam off the river, the 
plain is no longer renewed, topsoil leaches away, and the land starts 
to sink even lower.  Then there are lots of places in this country 
where the ONLY justification for building homes is gorgeous location, 
like Miami Beach and all the other sandbars on our Atlantic coast, or 
the muddy, fire prone hills above Los Angeles.

People have to find work, they have to live where they work. New 
Orleans grew where it did because it was a handy place for a port that 
served the Mississippi, there was rich fishing in the gulf, it was 
marginally drier than much of the wetland around it.
But, like Venice, it's been sinking since it was built, and just 
like the proverbial frog in a slowly heating kettle, few have ever 
decided it was time to get out.

But you can't expect to live below sea level next to a sea, or on a 
flood plain, or a sand bar, or a muddy hillside, or a dry pine forest, 
and be safe. Should governments issue building permits in swamps? 
Should insurance companies write fire policies on wooden houses in pine 
forests? Flood policies on swamps and flood plains? Should governments 
try to control mighty rivers from headwaters to delta, destroying 
wetlands and the buffering swamp?  Should governments dredge millions 
of tons of sand back onto the beaches of Miami every time a hurricane 
scours them out? Do citizens have a right to settle in the path of 
disaster? Does government have an obligation to make extraordinary 
efforts to save them from that disaster?

Whether we ever get New Orleans dry again, or not, perhaps it should be 
condemned as unfit for human habitation. Made partly into a memorial 
(To stubborn denial in the face of the obvious?) and the rest back to 
wetland. We certainly need the wetlands, and I'd bet that if the 
Mississippi was allowed to set her own course, in only a decade or two 
the entire bowl of New Orleans would become fine breeding grounds, once 
again filling the gulf with life.

I'm not sure I even know my own position on all this, but I've lived in 
the path of hurricanes for many years.  I can't help but stroll the 
beaches of our barrier islands, looking at houses and condos, built on 
SAND BARS, and ask, Are these people nuts? How can they live here and 
expect sympathy and support when a storm sweeps the land right out from 
under them? What lunatic zoning board said it was alright to sell 
condos on sand bars? The buildings do sit on pilings driven a dozen 
meters or more into our very soft bedrock, but that only means they 
might not wash away immediately, instead perching on stilts in the 
Atlantic ocean, when the storm moves the barrier island out from under 
them. And it will, sooner or later.


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Re: [Biofuel] Linux, virii and Microsoft

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
Yeah,  now I just shut and take the money.  Everyone thought I was a 
kook until gas hit 3.00 a gallon.

Brian Rodgers wrote:

Oh well.  No good deed goes unpunished!
Scary but true, Mike.
I have shifted my business to PC repair from a small DSL company
because most people use Microsoft products and the monopoly Qwest
killed the old business.
We live in the mountains a short distance from our business.
At the same time as I attempt to educate clients about the
vulnerabilities of Windows and install free protection software, I
also have taken the position that it is time to conserve fuel and get
back to nature with sustainable lifestyles.
I am beginning to see parallels with these two worlds. 

Most people don't want to hear about conservation at the cost of convenience.
Most of my clients don't want to take the time to learn another OS to
save themselves grief later. Seems like a Homer Simpson virus is going
around. How much will it cost me right now?
No future with this type of thinking.

I just had one of my newsletter readers stop by the shop to let me
know that I am wasting my time with all of these biofuel pipe dreams
Thanks, I needed to hear that again.
My wife in support said, Never mind that Brian is researching
alternative fuels for all of us, He is also doing it for himself!
Why is my peace of mind such a hard pill for others to swallow? 
I think they feel somehow that I am merely cheating.

I still buy petrol, but just by thinking that someday I will not need
to... I am getting one over on the rest of the sheep?
I think what I am doing is a positive effort toward a real future.
It isn't competitive.
Brian Rodgers

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Re: [Biofuel] Isopropyl Alcohol

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
Dunno about the UK but we've 55 gallons on hand if anyone in the DC area 
wants haul.

Rootes Paul wrote:


 I seem to be having trouble sourcing Isopropyl Alcohol for titration, 
 I've tried pharmacist in my area (kent UK) but none seem to have it. 
 Can anything else be used or does anyone know a likely supplier.   



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Re: [Biofuel] chicken manure

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
No, no no, it was a mint 1957 Corvette...

Keith Addison wrote:

Hi John, Greg


Greg and April wrote:

My dad told the story about one of his collage buddies that got a 3 month
old Cadillac for $50, because the previous owner went out to the desert and
committed suicide in it, and was not found for many days..

He striped the car down to bare metal, sand blasted the entire thing, and
rebuilt it with an all new interior, but, still got rid of the car because
the smell remained.

Good luck.

Greg H.

Didn't mythbusters test that very urban myth last season?


It might help their case to know that the story was circulating in 
Cape Town in 1965, and probably still is. In that case it was a 
Jaguar going for next to nothing. Maybe it's a myth that lives in the 
collective unconsciousness of young men who can't afford expensive 

Best wishes


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Re: [Biofuel] Bush's Obscene Tirades

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
Anyone want to swap countries for a few years?

Appal Energy wrote:

One long-time GOP political consultant who – for obvious reasons – asked 
not to be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional 
candidates to keep their distance from Bush.

“We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the 
United States is loony tunes,” he says sadly. “That’s not good for my 
candidates, it’s not good for the party and it’s certainly not good for 
the country.”

Okay... Now how about telling the world something new?

Todd Swearingen


Hello Brian


a friend sent me this. Keep in mind, it's from a liberal Web site. But
even if only part of it is true, it's still pretty scary.

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides
Aug 25, 2005, 06:19

While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a
last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble
frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly
angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who
dares disagree with him.


Nothing new, sorry to tell you, there were a few stories about it 
about a year ago. I suppose it's a year worse now! :-(
Fidel Castro: The Pathology of George Bush
Someone Should Give Lil' Caesar a Drink
July 30, 2004
Capitol Hill Blue: Bush Taking Anti-Depressants to Control Mood Swings
Jul 28, 2004, 08:09
New Information Shows Bush Indecisive, Paranoid, Delusional
Capitol Hill Blue
Jun 17, 2004
(DV) Williamson: It Isn't God Who Is Crazy
September 4, 2004
September-October 2004

Castro's the best, IMNSHO (and The Gods Must Be Crazy is a better 
movie than this!).

Best wishes


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Re: [Biofuel] Cohabitation

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
Well, at least I know I'm crazy!  Unlike, uh, our current head of state. 
Can I count on your vote?

AntiFossil wrote:

 Hmm..?  Judging by how long it's taken me to get back to my 
 computer, I guess I'm the slow Mike.  Nice campaign slogan there Mike!

 On 8/30/05, *Mike Weaver* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am the one and true Mike.  This other fellow is clearly an imposter.
 Do not follow false Mikes.  I personally will lead you into
 I am running for president.  My slogan is:

 Mike Weaver for president: A troubled man for troubled times.

 Michael Redler wrote:

  What!? I have kids!!?
  I think Doug's got the wrong Mike on that quote (as Mike Weaver
  already noticed).
  */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
  Nah, the kids have their own room.
  Douglas Smith wrote:
  Michael Redler wrote:
  Uh oh. I'm cohabitating illegally. Wait'll I tell my GF. 
  You know, Michael, I don't have anything against you and your
  girlfriend doing whatever you like in private - or any other
  couple - but must you flaunt it in front of the rest of us? The
  children might see and then we'd have to explain!
  (NOTE: Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
  The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest
  exercises in
  moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral
  justification for selfishness.
  - economist John Kenneth Galbraith

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 For in reason, all government without the
 consent of the governed is the very definition
 of slavery:
 Jonathan Swift

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Re: [Biofuel] Mikes everywhere I look!

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
My GF says even one Mike is too many...

Michael Redler wrote:

 No problem Doug.
 Sometimes, I don't know which Mike I am either.
 PS - Great Dubya quote!!

 */Douglas Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Mike someone wrote :

  What!? I have kids!!?
  I think Doug's got the wrong Mike on that quote (as Mike Weaver
  already noticed).
  Mike Weaver wrote:
  Nah, the kids have their own room.
  Douglas Smith wrote:
  Michael Redler wrote:
  Uh oh. I'm cohabitating illegally. Wait'll I tell my GF. 

 I'm sorry folks, I seem to have made a silly mistake. My apologies to
 both Mikes. It's always the details that screw us up, isn't it? : )

 Doug Smith
 Families is where our nation finds hope,
 Where our wings take dream. – George W. Bush

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Re: [Biofuel] chicken manure

2005-08-31 Thread Mike Weaver
My uncle used to use bleach too. Time will also do it.

Nancy Canning wrote:

been there, done that. Here is what I did, and it worked enough so it was 
not so obvious.
1. hydrogen peroxide helps with odors.  Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down the 
cell wall, allowing the protein to dissolve away with washing.  Hydrogen 
peroxide works with any protein, blood, manure, grass etc.  saturate, don't 
dilute, and let stand for a couple of days.  Where it really bubbles up, go 
back and re-apply  let sit for 1 day
2. green soap spray on with garden sprayer, and use one of those nylon 
commercial brushes that you sweep the driveway with.  scrub, specially where 
hydrogen peroxide bubbled up.  let dry.
3. Step. Clorox, (dollar store variety) spray on with garden sprayer, the 
kind you connect to your hose, don't dilute, let the water from hose dilute. 
spray everything, including ceiling. Wear old clothes.
4.  might need to Clorox again.

  Check if there is any old insulation or trash thrown up in attic area, as 
it absorbs odors.

alternative:  tear down and build something else, cause frankly you never 
get all the odor gone. pole shed doesn't cost much to build, specially with 
recycled material.

  - Original Message - 
From: Todd Hershberger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 8:28 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] chicken manure


I am trying to turn an old chicken house into a biodiesel workshop.
The odor is disgusting because the chicken waste and dead chickens
were left for years.  I've cleaned it out and left the doors open.
Does anyone have any ideas how to deodorize the old chicken shed?
Should I be concerned about mold or spores?


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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
Sounds more like the parable of the ant and the grasshopper.

Michael Redler wrote:

 I don't see that a rant against people who have endangered themselves 
 and others is out of line.
 I have no problem voicing my opposition to what I feel is a 
 bad decision. If I knew that an individual was aware of the advanced 
 warning and ignored it, I'd have no problem telling him/her that the 
 decision was stupid. ...but a rant against people? who exactly? 
 I admire your willingness to donate but, disappointed by your 
 willingness to pass judgment. There will be days when I screw up. If 
 you're there when it happens, I won't be sure whether to be grateful 
 for your generosity or feel patronized by your words because I 
 expect them to be as much about me as they would be about my decisions.  
 God helps those who help themselves?
 A biblical reference is the last thing I expected to see after you 
 describe a rant as not out of line.
 Did you forget Matthew 7:1?
 Bright Blessings,

 */Garth  Kim Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:


 I am wondering, are Greg and I the only ones that feel frustration
 people who don't care about their lives, then expect someone else
 to pick
 up the pieces?

 Greg has not condemned anyone who tried to help themselves, just
 those who
 don't. I can remember my parents being irate with a neighbor when
 we were
 growing up for the same kind of behavior. There was a broken water
 and it flooded the basements of the houses. The one guy on the
 street that
 was always bragging about his new toys, was the one that didn't
 have the
 money to fix his house, because he didn't pay his insurance
 premiums. I
 mean, who expects a flood in Calgary, Alberta, Canada? I am afraid
 were not very polite when someone came canvassing for money to
 help the guy.

 How about: God helps those who help themselves?

 I don't see that a rant against people who have endangered
 themselves and
 others is out of line.

 And yes, I have already donated help and I am working on more for the
 people of Louisianna.

 Bright Blessings,

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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
I've been talking to my friends working in the federal government 
civilian agencies. All of them, across the board,
have had their budgets slashed to fund the war.

Bede wrote:

How New Orleans Was Lost

By Paul Craig Roberts

09/01/05 Antiwar -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
Bush's Iraq war.

There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and rescue
people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against

The situation is the same in Mississippi.

The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.

The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in the Bush
administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the generals,
who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the job.

After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals were
right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.

Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV the
families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed homes.

The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place massive
sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few helicopters
away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the
massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.

What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war – one of our oldest and most
beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.

Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made no
preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New
Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are FEMA
and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and equipment to
save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.

Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public statements
by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the Bush
administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers' projects to
strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted the money to the
Iraq war.

Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told the
New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): It appears that the money has
been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war
in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that
the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the
case that this is a security issue for us.

Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and leave other
countries alone? Why are American troops in Iraq instead of protecting our
own borders from a mass invasion by illegal immigrants? Why are American
helicopters blowing up Iraqi homes instead of saving American homes in New

How can the Bush administration be so incompetent as to expose Americans at
home to dire risks by exhausting American resources in foolish foreign
adventures? What kind of homeland security is this?

All Bush has achieved by invading Iraq is to kill and wound thousands of
people while destroying America's reputation. The only beneficiaries are oil
companies capitalizing on a good excuse to jack up the price of gasoline and
Osama bin Laden's recruitment.

What we have is a Republican war for oil company profits while New Orleans
sinks beneath the waters.

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Re: [Biofuel] Venezuela to Provide Discounted Heating Oil and Free Eye Operations to U.S. Poor

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
Maybe they could provide eye-opening operations for American voters...



 Chavez said that of the six million operations that Cuba and
 Venezuela would want to organize over the next ten years, there would
 be slots for 150,000 U.S.-Americans per year. Each country will
 receive a quota. Chavez gave some examples, explaining that there
 would be 100,000 for Brazilians, 60,000 for Colombians, 12,000 for
 Panamanians, 30,000 for Ecuadorians, 20,000 for Bolivians, and 20,000
 for inhabitants of the Caribbean. Chavez said that those interested
 in the eye operations should turn to the Venezuelan embassies in
 their respective countries.
 The plan to provide free eye operations is part of the Mission
 Miracle, which is one of the many new social programs that Chavez
 government has instituted in the past two years in Venezuela. By the
 end of December, 150,000 Venezuelans will have received eye
 operations. These operations involved operations for cataracts,
 myopia, pigmentary retinosis, and many others.

 Yahoo! Mail for Mobile
 Take Yahoo! Mail with you!* 
 Check email on your mobile phone.

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Re: [Biofuel] Linux, virii and Microsoft

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
I meant one that would outrun a Cisco 7000 ;-)

Actually I usually use p2's now as they are cheap (free) and easier to 
fool with.  I'm tired of ISA and setting jumpers!

Alan Petrillo wrote:

Mike Weaver wrote:


You can make a perfectly decent router/firewall with a 486.

I think you misspelled 386. 


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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
I want to build my 2 million dollar dreamhouse on the beach and make the 
taxpayers foot the bill when it gets flattened.
See:  Rehoboth Beach is almost all on a 
barrier island.  It's nuts to build there,
and nuts to keep paying to put the houses back.  But I guess the money 
is better spent than being used in Iraq.

Greg and April wrote:


If people live in an area, they should learn of dangerous natural
occurrences ( quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, blizzards and the
like ), and make preparations for them.

Like I said in another post:

I have no issue with those that TRIED to do something to help them selves
and still got into trouble.

BUT I do have issues with those that did NOTHING  ( despite all the
warnings ) to help them selves then expect the government and everyone else
to drop what their doing and save them, because they would rather buy a case
of beer, than a bus ticket..

Dams fail, if people are not willing to accept that they may only have 5 min
warning to get to higher ground, and may lose everything they should not
live below a dam.

If people are going to fly, they need to take it upon them selves to find
out what kind of aircraft they are going to be flying on and find out if
that model of aircraft has a good history of flight safety, and then take
the personal responsibility to accept that sometimes the one in a million
chance actualy happens.

If one looks at the past one can see that a given area is subject to
hurricanes and should prepare accordingly.

If you live below sea level near a coast, expect the fact that you have a
chance of getting flooded.If you live within 50 ft of sea level near a
coast, expect that the tidal surge could very well reach you.

Empathy?My empathy is for the kids that couldn't leave because of
ignorant parents and for the people that tried and still failed.Not for
someone that bought a case of beer, instead of a 5 gal bucket of water that
could save their life.

7 MRE's can keep a person alive for 2 weeks, and cost about the same as a
case of beer.

If people would pay attention when the experts tell them not to expect help
after a disaster for at least 72 hrs, they would be allot better off putting
the money to a 72 hr kit than spending it to drink that stupid beer.With
a little ingenuity, 72 hr kits are not expensive nor are they hard to put
together, I have put several together for my family.

If I had to leave the house:
I can with 5 min notice, keep my family of 4 going for 24 hrs.
With 20 min notice, I can keep my family going 72 hrs, with some shelter.
With an 1 hour notice, I can keep my family going for more than 2 weeks in
some comfort.
With 1 day of notice, I can hook up with a couple of friends and my 2
sisters, and live comfortably for a month with out any other assistance.

If I don't have to leave the house, I'm good for 1 month in the winter, and
4+ months in the summer.

I do not live in a flood plain.

I have a little multi-fuel stove, that can burn any liquid fuel, and a
fireplace that can burn any solid fuel ( I have a little wood stove I could
install in a day or so ), to cook food.

I scrounged most of the materials and built a safe room in the basement.

I have three 55 gal barrels filled with water, plus enough containers for
another 500 gal of water ( and that is not counting the 55 gal water
heater ).

I have a chain saw and enough fuel to keep it going for a week strait.

I also have a 5ft cross cut timber saw, a couple of axes, a maul and some
splitting wedges, and know how to make wood wedges ( done it several times
when my metal wedges were stuck or not available ).

I'll say it now:

If anyone on this list, would like help putting together a 72 hr kit, I
would be more than happy to give any help I can!

In part it's a little like learning to make BioDiesel because the DinoDiesel
is running out.

Just remember, is going to be extremely hard to put one together, during an
emergency, so do it before it occurs.

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Manzo, Emil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 10:33
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?


Would you feel the same way if people died in quakes in Japan or
California? What about Sri Lanka? How about a plane crash, dam breech,
eruption or tornado? Some empathy here would be nice. No one is perfect.
No one can predict the future.


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Re: [Biofuel] Bush's Obscene Tirades

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
Thanks!  For!  The! Comments!

Fritz Friesinger wrote:

 Hey Joe,
 i always have been in fierce opposition to the practice of Hydro Quebec!
 HQ is responsable for a big part on our Waterpollution (Mercury) with 
 their methodes of floating huge landsites to build the Reservoirs! and 
 there we do not jet mention the Methangas this practic produces!
 but i start to get a bit tired of swimming upstream!
 - Original Message -

 *From:* Joe Street mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:50 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Bush's Obscene Tirades

 ROFLMAO how can you be on my side when your provincial government
 is stealing power from Labrador and selling it to New York State??
 And then to make it worse dumb Ontarians running thier air con dee
 full blast in July are buying it back from the US at a
 premium..a nuts.
 OK never mind I don't want to get into that here.
 Yes it would be boomerang as you put it.


 Fritz Friesinger wrote:

 Hello Joe,
 i am on your side on this one,the problem is only... is
 Antarctica holding so long the Ice and if... doesnt the Yankees
 accelerate the meltdown even more
 so than it would be a Boomerang idea
 Fritz from Quebec

 - Original Message -
 *From:* Joe Street mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 01, 2005 9:46 AM
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Bush's Obscene Tirades

 Now finally someone comes up with a REALLY good idea!  Ok I
 propose a motion that the countries we swap should be the USA
 and Antartica.  The US needs some cooling off and I think
 (and most Canadians would agree) it would be cool to have
 penguins for neighbors anyways.  Now we just have to find a
 way to rearrange the continents. Anyone to second that?


 Mike Weaver wrote:

Anyone want to swap countries for a few years?

Appal Energy wrote:


One long-time GOP political consultant who – for obvious reasons – asked 
not to be identified said he is advising his Republican Congressional 
candidates to keep their distance from Bush.

“We have to face the very real possibility that the President of the 
United States is loony tunes,” he says sadly. “That’s not good for my 
candidates, it’s not good for the party and it’s certainly not good for 
the country.”

Okay... Now how about telling the world something new?

Todd Swearingen


Hello Brian



a friend sent me this. Keep in mind, it's from a liberal Web site. But
even if only part of it is true, it's still pretty scary.

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides
Aug 25, 2005, 06:19

While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a
last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble
frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly
angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who
dares disagree with him.


Nothing new, sorry to tell you, there were a few stories about it 
about a year ago. I suppose it's a year worse now! :-(
Fidel Castro: The Pathology of George Bush
Someone Should Give Lil' Caesar a Drink
July 30, 2004
Capitol Hill Blue: Bush Taking Anti-Depressants to Control Mood Swings
Jul 28, 2004, 08:09
New Information Shows Bush Indecisive, Paranoid, Delusional
Capitol Hill Blue
Jun 17, 2004
(DV) Williamson: It Isn't God Who Is Crazy
September 4, 2004
September-October 2004

Castro's the best, IMNSHO (and The Gods Must Be Crazy is a better 
movie than this!).

Best wishes


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Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-01 Thread Mike Weaver
Fine.  I subsist on Scrapple and cigarettes anyway.

Nancy Canning wrote:

 What fun and games...I make a bet you believe that vaccinations of 
 infants is also a good thing  ha ha ha ha ha..propaganda 
 -propaganda- propaganda.  and who makes the money by passing off 
 products that harm our health.  For instance, you believe the 
 pharmacutical industry in it's cancer treatments?  The doctors and 
 hospitals, insurance companies, and drug companies can't make any 
 money of a healthy diet, vitamines, and herbal remedies. So you guys 
 are going to believe hook line and sinker all the bs FDA passes off.  
 I am laughing so hard at your defending the FDA.
  Why do you think that products a few years ago touted Nutrasweet, and 
 now they hadly  ever label it on the packaging,  it's listed in the 
 ingredients under aspartame?  Public has wised up. Where have you 
 been?  That's okay, you guys just feed yourself and your kids all that 
 junk.  Hey, it's a great population reducer.
   Why do you think that doctors across the country tried to ban 
 aspartame before it was released?  Why do you believe FDA?  Who 
 controls FDA?  Don't you think the big guns, that want to make a 
 fortune, would push a product like aspartame, and now splenda, because 
 it makes them money.isn't it money...that rules the day.  Wake up 
 and smell the roses.  After Monsanto's neurotoxic sweetener, 
 aspartame, was approved over the objections of numerous independent 
 scientists, a Public Board of Inquiry, and the FDA's own internal 
 review team, numerous FDA officials were rewarded with high-paying 
 jobs in the aspartame industry. Details of this buyout of government 
 officials were published by the U.S. Government Accounting Office as 
 well as summarized in the Aspartame History FAQ. Since that time, 
 Monsanto and key government agencies like the FDA have continued to 
 exchange employees so that Monsanto's needs quickly becomes government 
 and especially FDA policy.

 Therefore, there is absolutely no question that neotame and other key 
 Monsanto products such as dangerous geneticially-engineered 
 frankenfoods will get approved. Monsanto will push for a quick 
 approval since so many scientists, physicians and the general 
 population are becoming aware of aspartame's toxicity. Within a couple 
 of years, possibly sooner, neotame will be approved as a tabletop 
 sweetener, but sales will be poor because so many people will have 
 permanently switched to truly healthier sweeteners and sworn off toxic 
 artificial sweeteners no matter how many scientific experts Monsanto 
 can pay to claim that it is safe.

 Analysis Shows Nearly 100% of Independent Research Finds Problems With 
 October 17, 1996

 An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and 
 other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The 
 Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, 
 Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Dr. Walton 
 analyzed 164 studies which were felt to have relevance to human safety 
 questions. Of those studies, 74 studies had aspartame industry-related 
 sponsorship and 90 were funded without any industry money.

 Of the 90 non-industry-sponsored studies, 83 (92%) identified one or 
 more problems with aspartame. Of the 7 studies which did not find a 
 problems, 6 of those studies were conducted by the FDA. Given that a 
 number of FDA officials went to work for the aspartame industry 
 immediately following approval (including the former FDA 
 Commissioner), many consider these studies to be equivalent to 
 industry-sponsored research.

 Of the 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies, all 74 (100%) claimed 
 that no problems were found with aspartame. This is reminiscent of 
 tobacco industry research where it is primarily the tobacco research 
 which never finds problems with the product, but nearly all of the 
 independent studies do find problems.

 The 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies are those which one 
 inveriably sees cited in PR/news reports and reported by organizations 
 funded by Monsanto/Benevia/NutraSweet (e.g., IFIC, ADA). These studies 
 have severe design deficiencies which help to guarantee the desired 
 outcomes. These design deficiencies may not be apparent to the 
 inexperienced scientist. Healthcare practitioners and scientists 
 should print out the all of the documents on the Monsanto/NutraSweet 
 Scientific Abuse web page, the Scientific FAQs web page and the 
 Aspartame Toxicity Reaction Report Samples. Please refer scientific 
 questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   Article written by Nancy Markle  Ten FREE Cancer Reports

  I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL 
 CONFERENCE on  ASPARTAME  marketed as NutraSweet, Equal, and 
 Spoonful.   In the keynote address by the 

Re: [Biofuel] Venezuela to Provide Discounted Heating Oil and Free Eye Operat...

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Yeah, Whatever.  How much for a gallon?

Joe Street wrote:


 Why is this always the first reaction I get from people.  Or else 
 it is; can I sell them biodiesel.  you could make a fortune selling 
 that stuff Let me say this as clearly as I can.  I AM NOT IN 
 If you read my web page you would understand it is a NOT FOR PROFIT 
 ORGANIZATION.  The point of it is that I figured out early on just 
 what Kirk said.  When enough people start running BD in thier cars the 
 pressure will be on the government to put in legislation and grab a 
 slice of the pie.  By setting up the NPO and making it just a place 
 where you bring in your own oil and go away with fuel you made 
 yourself (just like home made wine) a lot of red tape is avoided.  If 
 I sell you fuel I may be liable if you have an engine problem.  If you 
 make your own you take that responsibility. A NPO avoids taxation 
 problems and a coop making fuel can avoid fuel taxes just like people 
 making wine or beer down at the local U-Brew coop avoid the liquor tax.
 It is about doing something good for the environment and the local 
 community. It is also about sticking it to the greedy bastards in the 
 oil industry. It is not about me capitalizing on my ability to build 
 reactors or modify cars to run SVO or make alternative fuels or 
 anything that I may be good at fiddling with. I don't want to become 
 one of them. I hope everyone will be able to serve their own needs 
 one day without being at the mercy of some money grubbing fear 
 mongering energy bully.

 Curently I am looking into this alternative reaction process. I am 
 still learning and documenting my progress.  I am quietly evolving my 
 processor. So far I haven't electrocuted myself or burned my house 
 down but if I do I'll take responsibility for it. If I can get rid of 
 the lye I will be whistling dixie. When I am confident about what I 
 have to offer I'll post all I have learned about what doesn't work as 
 well as what does work on my site. Will I make plans available?  
 Absolutely.  I love open source forums on the web and the idea of 
 sharing the wealth of knowledge openly. I'm not lurking here mining 
 for information so I can slink off and use it to sell a million 
 barrels of biofuel or exhorbitant skid processors for someone else to 
 do the same.  That's exactly the kind of thinking that got us in the 
 lovely situation we are in with this world and I've had enough of it.  
 No doubt some of those lurkers are shaking their heads glibly 
 snickering at my cluelesness in the ways of commerce. Whateva.




 In a message dated 9/1/2005 10:04:45 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

 Good call Kirk;

 Thats why I am setting up a non profit organization for making
 Power to the people man. Lucky they left a loophole for us to
 jump through eh?


 That sounds like a wonderful idea.
 I have seen Mike's completely sealed reactor, and now you seem to 
 have one.
 Are these for sale to other states?
 Are there blueprints or something?
 How does someone who wants to copy you, get a processor big enough to 
 do so?
 Bearing in mind that I have yet to build my test processing system 
 and still waiting for the answers to some other questions so it will 
 be awhile.
 Do you think I should re ask my questions, or wait a bit longer first?
 But if it's doable, maybe I could start working on gathering a 
 co-operative of interested people to work with.

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Re: [Biofuel] Cohabitation

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Uh, I make my own BD, I heat with wood and drive a tiny Diesel car.  
Isn't that enough in the US? ;-)

Ok, that's two!  Onward and upward!

AntiFossil wrote:

 As long as you freely admit that you're crazy, you bet you can count 
 on my vote! 

 On 8/31/05, *Mike Weaver* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, at least I know I'm crazy!  Unlike, uh, our current head of
 Can I count on your vote?

 AntiFossil wrote:

  Hmm..?  Judging by how long it's taken me to get back to my
  computer, I guess I'm the slow Mike.  Nice campaign slogan there
  On 8/30/05, *Mike Weaver* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am the one and true Mike.  This other fellow is clearly an
  Do not follow false Mikes.  I personally will lead you into
  I am running for president.  My slogan is:
  Mike Weaver for president: A troubled man for troubled times.
  Michael Redler wrote:
   What!? I have kids!!?
   I think Doug's got the wrong Mike on that quote (as Mike
   already noticed).
   */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:
   Nah, the kids have their own room.
   Douglas Smith wrote:
   Michael Redler wrote:
   Uh oh. I'm cohabitating illegally. Wait'll I tell my
   You know, Michael, I don't have anything against you
 and your
   girlfriend doing whatever you like in private - or
 any other
   couple - but must you flaunt it in front of the rest
 of us? The
   children might see and then we'd have to explain!
   (NOTE: Tongue planted firmly in cheek)
   The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's
   exercises in
   moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior
   justification for selfishness.
   - economist John Kenneth Galbraith
  Biofuel mailing list
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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  For in reason, all government without the
  consent of the governed is the very definition
  of slavery:
  Jonathan Swift

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 (50,000 messages):

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 Mike K

 The genius of our ruling class is that it has
 kept a majority of the people from ever
 questioning the inequity of a system where
 most people drudge along, paying heavy

Re: [Biofuel] A Girl Is Given an Adult Medicine and She Pays a Heavy Price

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
As someone who has a close relative who is a doctor, and works in a busy 
doctor's office doing their IT work, ALWAYS check the dosage and ALWAYS
ask questions.  If they don't want to answer, get another doctor.

ith Addison wrote:

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

A Girl Is Given an Adult Medicine and She Pays a Heavy Price
Serzone: Company hasn't published study of effect on children.

By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer

Alissa Robinson, 18, looks out the front door of her family's 
Norwood, Ohio home while her parents Jimmie and Brenda enjoy a warm 
autumn afternoon on their front porch. Alissa underwent a liver 
transplant 3 years ago following complications while taking the 
anti-depressant drug Serzone.
BRIAN WALSKI / Los Angeles Times
 NORWOOD, Ohio--When a hospital psychiatrist prescribed an 
antidepressant called Serzone for their 15-year-old daughter, Jimmie 
and Brenda Robinson assumed it was safe.
 The episode in February 1997 haunts them--Alissa Robinson nearly 
died while taking Serzone. After suffering liver failure and 
undergoing a transplant, she now faces a lifetime of uncertain health 
and worry over how she will pay for her care.
 Serzone, it turns out, was not intended for children or 
adolescents, and the label said its safety and effectiveness have 
not been established among the young. However, when FDA officials 
approved Serzone in December 1994, they suspected its use would not 
be confined to adults.
 Since it is likely that [Serzone], once marketed, will be used 
in children and adolescents . . . we ask that you commit to 
conducting, subsequent to approval, studies in these populations in 
order to provide the safety and efficacy data needed to support such 
use, wrote an FDA administrator, Dr. Robert J. Temple, in a Nov. 7, 
1994, letter to Serzone's manufacturer, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
 The company agreed to conduct the research, among patients age 7 
to 17, and to report the results to the FDA. But nearly six years 
later, no results have been made public. Doctors may continue to 
lawfully prescribe it for any purpose they deem appropriate.
 A spokeswoman for Bristol-Myers said it hopes to report results 
to the FDA in the early part of 2002.
 In an interview at the family's home, Brenda Robinson said she 
was unaware that the FDA had not endorsed Serzone's use in 
 That comes as a big surprise, Brenda Robinson said. If it's 
an adult medicine, why did [the doctors] give it to her? . . . These 
drugs should be tested for the people they're going to be used in.
 Serzone has been an important drug for Bristol-Myers, generating 
sales of $1.1 billion through October, according to IMS Health, an 
information services company.
 Eighteen cases of liver failure involving Serzone patients were 
reported to the FDA from 1996 to June 2000. The product labeling was 
changed, subsequent to Alissa's use of Serzone, to note rare reports 
of liver . . . failure, in some cases leading to liver transplantion 
and/or death.
 According to an article coauthored by one of Alissa's physicians 
and published Feb. 16, 1999, in the Annals of Internal Medicine, 
Serzone was the most likely cause of her liver failure.
 For now, Alissa and her parents are left to wonder what her life 
might have been if she had not taken the drug.
 Brenda Robinson points to the maroon puke bucket, Alissa's 
constant companion in the spring of 1997. By Memorial Day weekend 
that year, three months after going on Serzone, Alissa was nauseated 
and vomiting twice or more daily, according to medical records and 
interviews. Her eyes and skin had yellowed, a sign of jaundice.
 When specialists at Children's Hospital Medical Center in 
Cincinnati admitted Alissa on June 12, they found she was suffering 
liver failure. Alissa was placed on a waiting list for a transplant. 
Amid the gantlet of tests and diagnostic procedures, Alissa's 
flowing, auburn hair was cut, her head shaven.
 That was the worst part, Brenda Robinson recalled. When she 
woke up bald . . . she went to pieces.
 The morning of June 14, Jimmie and Brenda said, one of the 
doctors told them that Alissa, by then in a coma, could die within 
days unless a donor organ came available. Brenda, an upbeat woman who 
works in the auditor's office at the local city hall, lived at her 
daughter's bedside.
 On June 16, Alissa underwent the transplant. She came this 
close to dying, Brenda recalled, struggling with her emotions at the 
 Alissa was reluctant to discuss the difficulties. But when an 
earlier portrait of her was brought to the family's kitchen table, 
she said evenly, That was in my pretty days.
 Alissa's father worries that no employer will offer her health 
insurance, that she will unable to pay for essential prescriptions 
and care. Just in the last year, Alissa was twice hospitalized: 

Re: [Biofuel] Oil crisis, Iraq, Bangladesh, New Orleans, Martial Law, Placing the blame.

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver

Democrats = Republicans from the 50's.
Republicans = well, I'm not quite sure.  They are really two Republican 
parties they days:  The old fashioned cloth coat Republiicans, and 
this new sort of NeoCon.

Myk Hill wrote:

 What we have come to is an orginization out of control with our tax 
 dollars, might as well call it the GOP party who all said mainly the 
 same thing to get elected:
 Democrats = Democumists
 Republicans = Repubocrats
 It is easy to shift blame somewhere else, but the truth is who put 
 that man back in office?  We the people did with our votes and 
 blinders on.
 2008 Needs to be a year to get a third party candidate in their to 
 make the GOP sweat it out a little bit and put a better candidate up 
 there. Whether it be Constitution party, Libertarian party, Green 
 Party... any party but the GOP.
 At the risk of sounding bios, but purely as an example I was a big 
 supporter of the Constitution party.
 Go third parties !

 Find your next car at *Yahoo! Canada Autos*

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Yeah, let's get Mel Gibson to spank 'em

Frantz DESPREZ wrote:

France must be punished
   Condie RICE

On Aug 31, 2005, at 11:10 PM, Marylynn Schmidt wrote:


OK .. well .. history

New Orleans, as was the rest of Louisiana (remember something called  
Louisiana Purchase) owned by the French and was an important port of  

But really only a port that sent goods to another land.

New Orleans was also the only area in the south that contained a  
of free black.

It also needs to be understood that the majority of those free black  

from a line of freed slaves (women) who were the contract purchased

mistresses of the wealthier French gentry .. and of course .. their
offspring .. sometimes many, many generations .. with mothers  
negotiations on behalf of their daughters to obtained the best possible
contract to ensure their future wealth.

The whiter the skin the more desirable.

Laws were passed .. because after many generations of black having  
fathered by white the features nor the darker skin was no longer there  
these laws required all colored women (any colored blood) to wear head

I have a thing about head scarves!!

.. and .. no .. my ethnic background is  
German/English/Irish/Scotch/with a
bit of Swedish (as if a bit of anything could fit in there).

The old French Quarter was .. in a large part .. whole sections of
neighborhoods (individual houses) that the French gentry would buy for  
contract acquired (usually for life) concubine .. these were actual
contracts .. and even if the the gentleman grew tired of his  
mistress ..
the wealth/the house/the contract was fulfilled .. this property was  
in the
name of the mistress and was hers and hers alone.

If his wealth permitted he could enter into another contract with  

New Orleans wasn't a planned neighborhood .. but historically, it  
has gain
a certain reputation of being a great place to party.

Party people flocked toward that kind of environment .. and business

The fact that oil was discovered in the Gulf just adds to the  
population ..
the businesses .. and the party.

.. as an after-thought, once the Americans purchased that area from the
French .. a large percentage of the free black disappeared (sold  
and their property somehow landed in the hands of others.


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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.

Hakan Falk wrote:


You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
more in shorter time frame.

When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
than Orleans.


At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:

Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with is there blame?

I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.

Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,
and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:

How New Orleans Was Lost

By Paul Craig Roberts

09/01/05 Antiwar -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
Bush's Iraq war.

There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and
people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against

The situation is the same in Mississippi.

The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.

The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in
the Bush
administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the
who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the

After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals
right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.

Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV
families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed

The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place
sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few
away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the
massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.

What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war ­ one of our oldest and most
beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.

Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made
preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New
Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are
and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and
equipment to
save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.

Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public
by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the
administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers'
projects to
strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted the money to
Iraq war.

Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told
New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): It appears that the money
been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and
the war
in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is
happy that
the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to
make the
case that this is a security issue for us.

Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and leave other
countries alone? Why are American troops in Iraq instead of protecting
own borders from a mass invasion by illegal immigrants? Why are
helicopters blowing up Iraqi homes instead of saving American homes in

How can the Bush administration be so incompetent as to expose
Americans at
home to dire risks by exhausting American resources in foolish foreign
adventures? What kind of homeland security is this?

All Bush has achieved by invading Iraq is to kill and wound thousands
people while destroying America's reputation. The only beneficiaries
are oil
companies capitalizing on a good excuse to jack up the price of
gasoline and
Osama bin Laden's recruitment.

What we have is a Republican war for oil company profits while New
sinks beneath the waters.

Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...


 Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
 Juan G.

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900

Hello Juan

 I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read a few
 on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a
 processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at Freedom Fuel
 the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure most on
 list have seen them) are these any good?  Also is there any other place
 or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or
 Thank you for help.
 Juan G.

Huh, second time in 10 minutes...

Re Freedom Fuel America - the odious FuelMeister rears its ugly head
once again!
Re: [biofuel] Best Processer
You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons
of high-quality biodiesel for that price.

The FuelMeister is overpriced junk that is not capable of making
quality biodiesel. The instructions that come with it are just as

BiodieselGear? Does anybody buy those things? They got some derisive
comments when they launched.

What's the point anyway? Build your own, a lot cheaper and a lot
better, and anybody can do it:
Biodiesel processors

Best wishes


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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver

Sorry, I really did not mean that Hakan was whining, and I don't think he
took it that way.  We've enjoyed an ongoing, very friendly off-list
conversation for at least a month.  I don't think Hakan would disagree
with me when I say we are pretty much the same wavelength with regards to
our illustrious leader.

The point was that you can't bank on anything Bush says, and that I
believe that anything that doesn't fit his warped worldview is just so
much noise, or whining.

Any way you slice it, Iraq is a disaster, and didn't have to be.


Hopefully we can keep this discussion civilized, Mike, but I wouldn't
consider Hakan to be whining.

 In the interests of keeping it civilised, I must say I enjoyed Mike's
 message, he does a good line in industrial-strength irony. I hope
 Hakan enjoyed it too.

 For the rest, John, of course I agree with you, can't be said often
 enough, IMHO.

 Best wishes


Human nature often takes the stance what is good for me is fair.  What
is not good for me is not fair.  If the Iraqis were over here
promising to capture Bush, and did so, would you feel the same?

A couple decades ago I used to believe that what happened in the Eastern
Hemisphere is fine, just keep it over there.  And what happened on this
side is fine, just keep it here.  Nobody should impress their own values
and practices on another.

But these days, everything seems to have global ramifications.  Global
warmning, Peak Oil.  So I can see that folks on the eastern side of the
pond get irritated when the westerners use more than then their fair
share of fossil fuels and pollute the globe more than any others?
Should be force the rest of the planet to suffer for our glutteny?

My two cents.  Have at as you will.


On 9/2/2005, Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he
 Hakan Falk wrote:
 You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
 he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
 efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
 that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
 Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
 not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
 more in shorter time frame.
 When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
 is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
 compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
 are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
 than Orleans.
 At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:
 Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with is there blame?
 I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
 sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.
 Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
 is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
 kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think
 and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.
 On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:
 How New Orleans Was Lost
 By Paul Craig Roberts
 09/01/05 Antiwar -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost
 Bush's Iraq war.


 Biofuel mailing list

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
There is no call to go making fun of my reactor.  They were small fires
and easily controlled.  The important thing is that I learned not to make
a BioDiesel reactor from straw, so I built it with wood the next time. 
Now I am building the reactor from brick, and have expectation of success.
 I will share the plans with the list.  Please disregard the previous
plans I posted, as they have been proven unworkable.


 If a guy down the street designed a reactor, and it caught fire.

 2 months later he builds it again, and it catches fire again.

 Who is at fault?

 A different person hearing about biodiesel decides to build the same type
 reactor, despite hearing about the fires, and that one catches fire.
 would be at fault?

 A third person finds out about BioDiesel and  builds this reactor design,
 and it catches fire.   Who is at fault?

 And a 4th person and a 5th person and so on, and most of the times the
 reactor designs catch fire.Who is at fault for the fires?

 Ok now it is common knowledge that this reactor design is likely to catch
 fires sooner or later.

 What about if after the fires, you built the same design, despite being
 warned many times that this is a dangerous design?
 Who's fault would it be, that your reactor caught fire and burned down
 house, and your wife or kid ended up with 2nd degree burns because of it?
 How do you think the people that warned you would feel, that they warned
 you, but, you failed to listen?Would they feel sorrier for you that
 reactor burned down or sorrier for the person that ended up with the 2
 degree burn?I think so.

 How would you feel, if you know a person was warned that a reactor design
 was dangerous, many times, before they built it, and they still built it?
 What about after the reactor burned down and someone was injured or killed
 because the warnings were not heeded?Sure, you would feel bad, that it
 happened, but, you would also be angry, because the hurt and the pain need
 not have been as severe if some precautions were taken.

 I hurt, that it happened, but, in many ways I am extremely angry with the
 situation, because I know, without any doubt, that it need not have been
 that bad ( or be as bad as it is ) had more people been prepared, or taken
 more steps to be prepared for the worst.Not just with individuals,
 with the city of New Orleans, for it sure does not look like they had any
 comprehensive disaster plan.And if anybody should have had a plan in
 place to deal with a worst case scenario, they should have.The state
 just as guilty, they knew how bad it could get for years, heck I knew for
 years that this could happen, so did many other, and the warnings were out
 there.Unfortunately it always starts with the individuals, because, it
 almost always takes at least 72 hrs to really get people and supplies
 to those that needs it.

 What am I doing about it?

 It doesn't matter, because someone could claim I'm making it up, and how
 would I prove a negative wrong?

 Greg H.

 - Original Message -
 From: Manzo, Emil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 13:37
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

 You can either shrug it off or have compassion for a fellow human being.
 Put yourself in their place for a second (empathy). They are pleading
 for help even though you think they might not deserve it (have mercy).
 That's what drew me to this list in the first place; sharing information
 freely to help each other. We generate a synergy of ideas here greater
 than any one person. If my reactor catches fire because I made a stupid
 mistake, should I be dropped from the list? What I feel when I read your
 posts doesn't seem to fit. It bothers me. I'm sorry.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg and
 Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?


 If people live in an area, they should learn of dangerous natural
 occurrences ( quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, blizzards and
 like ), and make preparations for them.

 Like I said in another post:

 I have no issue with those that TRIED to do something to help them
 and still got into trouble.

 BUT I do have issues with those that did NOTHING  ( despite all the
 warnings ) to help them selves then expect the government and everyone
 to drop what their doing and save them, because they would rather buy a
 of beer, than a bus ticket..

 Dams fail, if people are not willing to accept that they may only have 5
 warning to get to higher ground, and may lose everything they should not
 live below a dam.

 If people are going to fly, they need to take it upon them selves to
 out what kind of 

Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
For your information, I wear a tinfoil hat, not a biohazard suit, and I
have a home-made Bidet that uses organic rain water, though I do think
that particular question is a bit too intrusive.

Glad to help,


 I guess all these toxins killing us explains why our life expectancy
 keeps going up.

 And you are right about one thing Nancy, it never stops!

 What kind of biohazard suit do you live in?  What do you use to wipe
 your as Oh, nevermind!

 At 12:54 PM 9/1/2005, Nancy Canning said something like:

Health-Report Comment:

Well folks, it never stops does it?

How many of you would ever have thought, a ubiquitous substance such
as good ol' Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline as so many of us have come
to call it over the last 50 years,  is now a suspected and probable
carcinogen because of the way it is manufactured?. Contaminants from
petrolatum are being found in most breast cancer tissues which have
been studied in recent times.

You know, I keep beating the same drum about these so called safe
chemicals! Just because we have become used to using synthetic
chemicals on the skin, it doesn't mean to say they have been
beneficial in the long run to our health. FAR FROM IT! In fact, some
of these toxic chemicals, may well have contributed to the cancer, a
friend or loved one of yours, contracted and died from, in recent times.

Yes we all know people, loved ones and friends who have been cut
down by this cancer scourge.

Every single one of us in Westernized society, knows someone who has
died of cancer in the last 12 months. It's a frightening and awful
reality, that the rate we contract cancer, is approaching 1 in every
2 people and will probably exceed this rate within twenty years!

It's only YOU who can do something about it by educating people you
know to the dangers and by voting NO to chemicals simply by reading
the labels! If the label has words on it you can't pronounce, then
put it back on the shelf and don't run the risk of doing long term
damage to your own health. You need to start explaining to people
you know about reading labels and keeping the toxic chemicals out of
their system.

You can actually be paid to do this if you join the Movement
and promote safe non toxic products like we do here at the
Health-Report website. ORGANIC
is the only guarantee you have of being chemical free. If you
support the organic industry then you will not only be healthier and
happier but you are also helping to save the planet from an impending

You have one life - live it safely by avoiding chemicals!
- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Myk Hill
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Another use for glycerine

Whenever I use a deoderant with this Propylene Glycol in it, my skin
breaks out in hives. So generally stay away from anything that
contains it. (Poison) no matter how you look at it.

FDA has also listed Aspartame as a Neurotoxin, but there is many
foods that contain it anyway so I use Stevia or raw cane sugar that
is not bleached whenever possible. Splenda is not that great either
since they use the same chlorinization process as what is done with
most sugars and that's how they fool most people into thing that it
is all made from sugar.

--- Original Message

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified propylene glycol
as generally recognized as safe, which means that it is acceptable
use in flavorings, drugs, and cosmetics, and as a direct food additive.


   Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to mucous membranes or
   skin and is slowly and poorly absorbed through the skin.

 * Ingestion is the most important exposure route. Dermal absorption
   is negligible and does not contribute significantly to systemic
 * Ethylene glycol is only mildly irritating to skin and mucous
   membranes and is not absorbed well through the skin or by
 * Ingestion of ethylene glycol produces CNS depression which may be
   accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps.
 * Metabolites of ethylene glycol produce severe metabolic acidosis
   and damage to the brain, heart, and kidneys.
 * Severe poisoning is potentially fatal if treatment is inadequate
   or delayed.
 * There are only a few reports on the adverse health effects in
   humans of chronic exposure to ethylene glycol. Irritation of the
   throat, mild headache, low backache, loss of consciousness, and
   nystagmus have been reported. These symptoms were resolved when
   the exposure ceased.

   Ethylene glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing the
   amount of acid, resulting in metabolic problems. 

Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver
Nope.  President Bush promised the American people he would be caught 
and tried for his crimes.

John Hayes wrote:

Didn't he eventually get drafted off injured reserve by the Saints?



Joe Street wrote:

Wow this is big news!  I thought Osama was still a free agent.

Mike Weaver wrote:

Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.

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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-02 Thread Mike Weaver

I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look 
down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does is a 
fly by?
I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get wound up 
right now.

Hakan Falk wrote:


LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.


At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:

Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.

Hakan Falk wrote:


You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
more in shorter time frame.

When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
than Orleans.


At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:


Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with is there blame?

I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.

Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,
and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:

How New Orleans Was Lost

By Paul Craig Roberts

09/01/05 Antiwar -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
Bush's Iraq war.

There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and
people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against

The situation is the same in Mississippi.

The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.

The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in
the Bush
administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the
who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the

After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals
right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.

Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV
families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed

The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place
sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few
away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the
massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.

What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war ­ one of our oldest and most
beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.

Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made
preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New
Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are
and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and
equipment to
save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.

Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public
by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the
administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers'
projects to
strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted the money to
Iraq war.

Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told
New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): It appears that the money
been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and
the war
in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is
happy that
the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to
make the
case that this is a security issue for us.

Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and leave other
countries alone? Why are American troops in Iraq instead of protecting
own borders from a mass invasion by illegal immigrants? Why are
helicopters blowing up Iraqi homes instead of saving American homes in

How can the Bush administration be so incompetent as to expose
Americans at
home to dire risks by exhausting American resources in foolish foreign
adventures? What kind of homeland security is this?

All Bush has achieved 

Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
About time.  Still, a little late in my book.

Greg and April wrote:

He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New Orleans, and

Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost


I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does is a
fly by?
I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get wound up
right now.

Hakan Falk wrote:



LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.


At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:

Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he promised.

Hakan Falk wrote:



You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
more in shorter time frame.

When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
than Orleans.


At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:

Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with is there blame?

I just love to blame stuff on Bush and his cronies. Except...I'm not
sure that all the kings men could have put Orleans together again.

Certainly, having pissed away the country's emergency resources, Bush
is responsible for many of the deaths in La and Ms. Kinda like stupid
kids who empty the fire extinguishers in school.  But I think Katrina,
and years of head-in-the-sand development is what drowned Orleans.


On Sep 1, 2005, at 9:16 PM, Bede wrote:

How New Orleans Was Lost

By Paul Craig Roberts

09/01/05 Antiwar -- -- Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of
Bush's Iraq war.

There were not enough helicopters to repair the breached levees and
people trapped by rising water. Nor are there enough Louisiana National
Guardsmen available to help with rescue efforts and to patrol against

The situation is the same in Mississippi.

The National Guard and helicopters are off on a fool's mission in Iraq.

The National Guard is in Iraq because fanatical neoconservatives in
the Bush
administration were determined to invade the Middle East and because
incompetent Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld refused to listen to the
who told him there were not enough regular troops available to do the

After the invasion, the arrogant Rumsfeld found out that the generals
right. The National Guard was called up to fill in the gaping gaps.

Now the Guardsmen, trapped in the Iraqi quagmire, are watching on TV
families they left behind trapped by rising waters and wondering if the
floating bodies are family members. None know where their dislocated
families are, but, shades of Fallujah, they do see their destroyed

The mayor of New Orleans was counting on helicopters to put in place
sandbags to repair the levee. However, someone called the few
away to rescue people from rooftops. The rising water overwhelmed the
massive pumping stations, and New Orleans disappeared under deep water.

What a terrible casualty of the Iraqi war ­ one of our oldest and most
beautiful cities, a famous city, a historic city.

Distracted by its phony war on terrorism, the U.S. government had made
preparations in the event Hurricane Katrina brought catastrophe to New
Orleans. No contingency plan existed. Only now after the disaster are
and the Corps of Engineers trying to assemble the material and
equipment to
save New Orleans from the fate of Atlantis.

Even worse, articles in the New Orleans Times-Picayune and public
by emergency management chiefs in New Orleans make it clear that the
administration slashed the funding for the Corps of Engineers'
projects to
strengthen and raise the New Orleans levees and diverted the money to
Iraq war.

Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, told
New Orleans Times-Picayune (June 8, 2004): It appears that the money
been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and
the war
in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is
happy that
the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to
make the
case that this is a security issue for us.

Why can't the U.S. government focus on America's needs and leave other
countries alone? Why

Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
How many gallons does it hold?

Mika Feldmann wrote:

 I made my processor out of an abandoned Guiness keg (stainless) with a 
 few threaded stainless pipe couplings welded in place for an immersion 
 heater, a temperature probe for heat control, and fittings for a 
 circulation pump. Here in Canada, it isn't worthwhile sending the old 
 kegs back to Ireland.

 */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...

  Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
  Juan G.
 From: Keith Addison
 Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
 Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900
 Hello Juan
  I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read
 a few
  on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a
  processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at
 Freedom Fuel
  the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure
 most on
  list have seen them) are these any good? Also is there any
 other place
  or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or
  Thank you for help.
  Juan G.
 Huh, second time in 10 minutes...
 Re Freedom Fuel America - the odious FuelMeister rears its ugly head
 once again!
 Re: [biofuel] Best Processer
 You could make an excellent processor plus more than 8,000 gallons
 of high-quality biodiesel for that price.
 The FuelMeister is overpriced junk that is not capable of making
 quality biodiesel. The instructions that come with it are just as
 BiodieselGear? Does anybody buy those things? They got some derisive
 comments when they launched.
 What's the point anyway? Build your own, a lot cheaper and a lot
 better, and anybody can do it:
 Biodiesel processors
 Best wishes
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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
Sussex county, where the big beach-front houses are located, is on the 
list of places covered by Fed. flood insurance.  As long as it is 
under-written, people will build there.  When beach front resorts and 
their beaches blow away in storms, the money to rebuild always comes 
from the taxpayers somehow.  Government policies encourage irresponsible 

The USACE often performs sand replenishment for beaches as well.

Greg and April wrote:


I have been looking at the pdf link, in your post, and I am not
understanding your reference.

Could you please elaborate?

Greg H.

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 20:03
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?


I want to build my 2 million dollar dreamhouse on the beach and make the
taxpayers foot the bill when it gets flattened.
See:  Rehoboth Beach is almost all on a
barrier island.  It's nuts to build there,
and nuts to keep paying to put the houses back.  But I guess the money
is better spent than being used in Iraq.

Greg and April wrote:


If people live in an area, they should learn of dangerous natural
occurrences ( quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves, blizzards and


like ), and make preparations for them.

Like I said in another post:

I have no issue with those that TRIED to do something to help them


and still got into trouble.

BUT I do have issues with those that did NOTHING  ( despite all the
warnings ) to help them selves then expect the government and everyone


to drop what their doing and save them, because they would rather buy a


of beer, than a bus ticket..

Dams fail, if people are not willing to accept that they may only have 5


warning to get to higher ground, and may lose everything they should not
live below a dam.

If people are going to fly, they need to take it upon them selves to find
out what kind of aircraft they are going to be flying on and find out if
that model of aircraft has a good history of flight safety, and then take
the personal responsibility to accept that sometimes the one in a million
chance actualy happens.

If one looks at the past one can see that a given area is subject to
hurricanes and should prepare accordingly.

If you live below sea level near a coast, expect the fact that you have a
chance of getting flooded.If you live within 50 ft of sea level near


coast, expect that the tidal surge could very well reach you.

Empathy?My empathy is for the kids that couldn't leave because of
ignorant parents and for the people that tried and still failed.Not


someone that bought a case of beer, instead of a 5 gal bucket of water


could save their life.

7 MRE's can keep a person alive for 2 weeks, and cost about the same as a
case of beer.

If people would pay attention when the experts tell them not to expect


after a disaster for at least 72 hrs, they would be allot better off


the money to a 72 hr kit than spending it to drink that stupid beer.


a little ingenuity, 72 hr kits are not expensive nor are they hard to put
together, I have put several together for my family.

If I had to leave the house:
I can with 5 min notice, keep my family of 4 going for 24 hrs.
With 20 min notice, I can keep my family going 72 hrs, with some shelter.
With an 1 hour notice, I can keep my family going for more than 2 weeks


some comfort.
With 1 day of notice, I can hook up with a couple of friends and my 2
sisters, and live comfortably for a month with out any other assistance.

If I don't have to leave the house, I'm good for 1 month in the winter,


4+ months in the summer.

I do not live in a flood plain.

I have a little multi-fuel stove, that can burn any liquid fuel, and a
fireplace that can burn any solid fuel ( I have a little wood stove I


install in a day or so ), to cook food.

I scrounged most of the materials and built a safe room in the basement.

I have three 55 gal barrels filled with water, plus enough containers for
another 500 gal of water ( and that is not counting the 55 gal water
heater ).

I have a chain saw and enough fuel to keep it going for a week strait.

I also have a 5ft cross cut timber saw, a couple of axes, a maul and some
splitting wedges, and know how to make wood wedges ( done it several


when my metal wedges were stuck or not available ).

I'll say it now:

If anyone on this list, would like help putting together a 72 hr kit, I
would be more than happy to give any help I can!

In part it's a little like learning to make BioDiesel because the


is running out.

Just remember, is going to be extremely hard to put one together, during

[Biofuel] The real reason

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
Rumor has it that the only reason President Bush offered money and aid 
to rebuild the Katrina-damaged coastal areas of Mississippi, Alabama and 
Louisiana is that he misheard on the news that there was major damage 
and flooding all along the Golf Course.

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Re: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in

2005-09-03 Thread Mike Weaver
We don't want them spreading the poison of socialized medicine to all 
those uninsured poor people in New Orleans.  Besides, the president is 
on it.
Everything is fine.  The National Guard is there, Bush is personally on 
the phone on the ground, directing the federal relief effort, calling 
the proper federal agency leaders to cut the red tape, working with his 
wealthy friends to raise money. 

We don't need no Canadians.

Alt.EnergyNetwork wrote:

I have been following all the reports on CTV, CBC and BBC.
Canada has the DART system that was used in the tsunami in Asia
and is ready to be shipped to the disaster areas along with specialized
teams and resources. Canadian hydro crews and all sorts of supplies
and offers of help have been expressed by Canadian politicians.

I have heard nothing on CTV, CBC or BBC about Canadian teams not being allowed
in to help. Maybe you can check with homeland security and see what
they have to say about it.

Canadians have always stepped up to the plate to help, even though the U.S. 
them like a friendly lap dog sometimes.


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---Original Message---

Subject: [Biofuel] Canadian help not allowed to fly in
Sent: 02 Sep '05 22:37

 I was sent this blog item about Canadian help being denied
 entrance to flood areas. Did any Canadians hear the newscast?
 Anone know if it is true?
 US won't let Canada help Katrina victims
 by kos Wed Aug 31st, 2005 at 20:58:29 PDT
 A specialized urban search and rescue team from Vancouver
 will be joining the rescue efforts in Louisiana in the wake of
 hurricane Katrina.
 B.C. Solicitor General John Les said the province decided to
 send Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) after officials
 in Louisiana asked for help.
 We're the first non-U.S.-based team to be requested, said Les.
 They're going to be helping as many people as they can.
 CTV Vancouver has learned that the team will board a plane
 Wednesday night heading to Lafayette, Louisiana, where local
 authorities will direct them to devastated areas.
 Sounds great! Except for one problem -- this team wasn't
 allowed to fly  into the US, blocked by Homeland Security from
 entering. A Canadian  reader sends this report:
 On tonight's news, CTV (Canadian TV) said that support was
 offered from Canada. Planes are ready to load with food and
 medical supplies and a system called DART which can provide
 fresh water and medical supplies is standing by. Department of
 Homeland Security as well as other U.S. agencies were
 contacted by the Canadian government requesting permission
 to provide help. Despite this contact, Canada has not been
 allowed to fly supplies and personnel to the areas hit by Katrina.
 So, everything here is grounded. Prime Minister Paul Martin is
 reportedly trying to speak to President Bush tonight or tomorrow
 to ask him why the U.S. federal government will not allow aid
 from Canada into Louisiana and Mississippi. That said, the
 Canadian Red Cross is reportedly allowed into the area.
 Canadian agencies are saying that foreign aid is probably not
 being permitted into Louisiana and Mississippi because of
 mass confusion at the U.S. federal level in the wake of the
 Once the hard-hit region is back on its feet, there better be a full
 accounting of the preparation and response to this catastrophe.
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---Original Message---

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Re: [Biofuel] Journey towards small Biocombustivel for all

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
2004 tahoe Flex Fuel - is this available in the US?


Wow, This is a Great thing, I would like to learn more.
 I just bought the wife a 2004 tahoe Flex Fuel,  But my mole sieve dehydration 
 unit is still
on the trailer in the backyard.  this new SUV is a great thing for helping my 
plan take shape.
 It will get the wife in the backyard cooking corn with me. 

Immobilized Yeast,   wow  again, 


From: Pannirselvam  P.V [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2005/09/04 Sun AM 08:04:51 EDT
Subject: [Biofuel] Journey towards small Biocombustivel for all

 We have recently finished Master level postgraduate study on ethanol 
production using immobilized yeast cell using alginate to produce alcohol 
from fine apple wastes and coconut waters in laboratory scale . Instead of 
operating the Bio system in a batch mode , fed batch operation can improve 
signifigatively the productivity and very thankful for the members bring 
this new process .
Compared to convencional free cell process , the usability of the fixed 
yeast cell by support is practicall process for ethanol production by big 
company especially in Japan and USA due to high productivity.

This new Bio process with high productivity can be adopted to farmer level 
for the Bio ethanol production even in dryer area using sweet sorghum as 
very well documented in the following excellent study from China

Compared to alginate the use ofvthe natural latex is more practical for 
small farmer use .More over the long self life of the yeast that can be 
activated using air can make the procees very great and simple to reducing 
the time 

Our biofuel list member can make this new inovative bio process combined 
with the extractive fermentation using vegetable castor and flash 
evaporation using solar energy to make the ethanol fuel for rural population 
bio fuel to be less energy intensive as this is negative side of the biofuel 
production process.

The most of the rural people in developing country spent 30 percent of the 
their income for buying the cooking gas for the fuel.Making their own fuel 
can make them free from money lending pr and hence the bioethanol has a lot 
of role to play and all the member here too towards the sustainable 

Let the members in our list who has experience join here , share and 
exchange the same so that the one in the remote area in all the world too 
can have the jouney to make the bioethanol anda BioD to be simple and 
practical for the great green future There is no need for the war and 
dependence for the limited non renewable petroleum and big refinery as all 
of us need food, fuel and peace .

Pannir Selvam

On 9/3/05, Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Keith ;

This is a great idea and link!! Thanks.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

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Pagandai V Pannirselvam
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Departamento de Engenharia Química - DEQ
Centro de Tecnologia - CT
Programa de Pós Graduação em Engenharia Química - PPGEQ
Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Custos - GPEC

Av. Senador Salgado Filho, Campus Universitário
CEP 59.072-970 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Residence :
Av Odilon gome de lima, 2951,
Q6/Bl.G/Apt 102
Capim Macio
EP 59.078-400 , Natal/RN - Brasil

Telefone(fone ) ( 84 ) 3215-37690 Ramal210
Telefone(fax) ( 84 ) 3215-3770 
residencia 32171557

Cellular 84 88145083

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Look how well the US embargo of Cuba has worked.  If it's such a good 
idea to embargo Communist countries,
let's embargo China.  We can't of course, they could destroy our 
country's currency at the drop of a hat. 

Personally, if we want to get rid of Castro,  probably  the best thing 
we could do would be to
flood Cuba with Western goods, ideas in the form of visitors, and 
communication.  The embargo was and is a stupid idea.

With regards to Iraq, Saddam managed to sneak quite a bit of money in 
during the blockade, and managed to build
even more palatial residences for himself.  The money went to the select 
Sunnis who supported the regime, and not to the Shia majority.
As is usual in situations where the flow of money is limited due to 
displeasure with the leadership of a country, it's never the elites who 
it's the poorest, which makes one ponder the usefulness of blockades. 

That said, is there a pragmatic response to the North Koreas and Burmas 
of the world?   What  is the role of the UN?  What is the role of this 
subset of people on the Biofuels lists - people who actually take time 
away from the big screen TV to ponder these questions - a rarity in the 

Many of us have decided NOT to buy into the oil-based economy for 
various reasons.  I know why I have chosen to move away:  political - I 
don't  wish to support the interplay of our government and businesses 
that provide oil; environmental concerns; economic concerns - it's 
sustainable, and let's be honest, I'm cheap; and finally I often find 
kindred spirits among the folks that I meet and work with here.

I wonder if there is a feasible way to expand this model and use it to 
extend what I perceive to be commons goals or beliefs among the members 
of this list?  A global or similar? 

As anyone who reads my  posts will notice,  I have a hard time keeping 
my hopes up with regards to my country.  The last five years have seen 
the almost wholesale dismantling of many of the things that have made 
this country great: a somewhat equitable tax system (gone); an active 
EPA (gone); a social safety net (gone); a flawed but not rigid rich/poor 
gap (going) affordable health care (gone); civil liberties (gone) - I 
could go on.

Why do Americans buy into this?  Or, why do roughly half of Americans 
buy into it?  Why do we drive Hummers while the rest of the world drives 
Smart Cars?

I hope we can go forward with a government that is able to acknowledge 
and face the global issues confronting us.

Mike - Sleepless in the SouthEast Weaver

Garth  Kim Travis wrote:

Greetings Keith and Hakan,
I am not ignoring you or refusing to answer.  My AC went down and my 
computer does not like to work in 90F+.  I have to use the cool of the day 
to get the farm chores done.  I will be back.
Bright Blessings,

At 07:15 PM 9/2/2005, you wrote:



During the years between the first and the second Gulf war, a very
large number of children died each year, something that Galloway
picked up in his part of the US oil for food hearings. ..- who died
only because the fact that they were born in Iraq at the wrong time.
Many 1,000's more than anything from the hurricane. I still have the
Galloway speech at,

This was a direct consequence of the US led blockade. In this case
it was not the parents, it was the Americans.  I did not see many
Americans being upset about that.


At 14:35 02/09/2005, you wrote:

No one but you has brought up any stereo types.  If you honestly believe
that everyone who has been injured by this storm is an innocent bystander,
then enjoy your rose colored glasses.  Most of us feel anger that children
died because their parents would not heed warnings.  We never said that
every child's death was it's parents fault, or anything like
that.  However, in the world I live in, there are people who expect others
to do for them, what they should be doing for themselves.  It is sad that
their children have paid an ultimate price for their behavior.
Bright Blessings,

At 09:32 PM 9/1/2005, you wrote:

Greg has not condemned anyone who tried to
help themselves, just those who don't.

And precisely who's position is it to condemn anyone? And what right is
it of their's to say that those whom they condemn or denigrate didn't do
all they could within their means?

An estimated 112,000 homes that lack transportation in the New Orleans
area, with the government agencies fully expecting that 20% of the
population would not be evacuated under circumstances similar to or less
than Katrina. See  Hurricane Pam Exercise,

I wonder what it is that these agencies know that Greg and yourself don't?

As for rants that you perceive to be acceptable? Well, it is quite out
of line to rant when not holding all the facts. Even worse to rant and

Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans mayor failed to use school buses for 4 days

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I have a hard time believing this.  Everyone knows the FBI would be the 
ones to do this.  The CIA is for overseas hits. Duh.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 *Lunatic New Orleans mayor who blamed Bush for Katrina now says he
 CIA to take him out...*

 *Excerpts: *New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said he's feeling better
 his city, he feels confident he has gotten the attention of Gov.
 Kathleen Blanco and President Bush, but he said he fears the Central
 Intelligence Agency may take him out because he's been yelling at

 He didn't say it once. He said it twice.

 Last night he told a reporter for the Associated Press: If the CIA
 slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know

 Today he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast he feared the
 CIA might take me out.

 Nagin resorted to vulgarity and profanity yesterday in his pleas for
 help. But he was actually calmer today, despite the hyperbole.

 Nagin said Bush gave him a hearty greeting and did not seem at all
 offended by Nagin's earlier outburst.

 I do think the pleas for help basically got the nation's
 attention, and
 the nation's attention got everybody to stop and re-evaluate what was
 going on, including the president. ... He basically said, 'Look, our
 response was not what it should have been and we're going to fix it
 right now.'

 Nagin said evacuation has been hampered by officials' difficulty
 grasping where state authority ends and federal authority begins
 and he
 said he very frankly urged Bush and Blanco to get a clear chain of
 command straightened out immediately.

 *Commentary: *This guy is unbelievable. He got on the tv news
 yesterday and started screamed (using a barrage of four letter words
 including repeated use of the f word) about how he had needed
 of greyhound buses to evacuate the poor in New Orleans before the
 hit, but no one would help. Yet he never mentioned all of the city
 school buses and city mass transportation vehicles he could have
 in accord with Louisiana's official disaster plan, but failed to.

 See photo below of flooded New Orleans school buses, which had
 been left
 sitting in the city parking lot /unused/ before the hurricane hit,
 because the mayor was too stupid to use them to help his own
 evacuate the city. See also the excerpt below the photo, from the
 Louisiana State Disaster Plan, authorizing cities to use local school
 buses and other forms of public transportation to evacuate residents.*


 *Louisiana State Disaster Plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00*

 /The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal
 vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and
 vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide
 transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require
 assistance in evacuating.../

 Why were the city school buses and mass transportation buses left
 sitting in empty lots before the hurricane hit, rather than being
 to evacuate the poor? The mayor has no answer. Only misdirection,
 blame and finger-pointing. It's Bush's fault! And now abject

 If this guy is the best the residents of New Orleans can come up
 with in
 terms of political representation, then they have only themselves to
 blame for the fact that they were not evacuated. The city had the
 means, and the opportunity. It just didn't have the leadership.
 President Bush called for the evacuation of Louisiana two days before
 the hurricane, yet the city school buses sat in the lots unused,
 to this mayor's inaction.

 Blaming the federal and state governments is ridiculous at face
 And now this nutcase claims the CIA is going to try to take him
 out for
 yelling at federal and state officials. Truth be told, the voters of
 New Orleans ought to hold a recall election as quickly as
 possible, and
 get rid of this menace to society before he gets any more city

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page*

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Re: [Biofuel] Red Cross still not allowed in New Orleans

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
The food sucked.  The cacapes were obviously frozen and microwaved, anf 
the wine was pink Zinfandel out of a box.  Nothingt to get worked up about.
The United Way always had MUCH better food at its soirees.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 The Red Cross has again denied that money donated to the tsunami 
 appeal would be spent on wining and dining major donors.

 The /Herald/ reported today that donors who had pledged at least $1000 
 to the Asian tsunami appeal were invited to a wine and canape event in 
 Sydney last night, staged by the Red Cross.

 But the Red Cross today dismissed the report, saying the cost of the 
 evening had been funded out of its general operating costs.

 The Red Cross is staffed by volunteers at the grass roots level so 
 that is not an expense yet we read that
 The Red Cross, according to its Web page, gave out elsewhere 
 $153,800,000 of the over $320 million donated specifically for its 
 September 11 disaster relief fund. I consider that significant 
 diversion The general operating costs come from contributions so for 
 the red cross to dismiss the 5000 invited to wine and canapes in 
 Sydney is absurd.
 If you would have your contibutions go to the needy and not some fat 
 cat with a chauffer give to The Salvation Army or some other group 
 that doesn't divert the monies from the intended recipient.

 */[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 After reading on the internet that Homeland Security is not
 allowing the Red Cross in New Orleans to bring food, water and
 medical supplies, I called the Red Cross National Affairs
 number (202-303-5551) this morning and was told that this is
 true, but they are allowed to help ecacuees in Texas. I asked
 who is bringing these things to the desperate people still stuck
 there and was told the military is. She says many people are
 VERY upset about this. If you want to call the White House to
 express your outrage, their number is:

 White House
 Comments: 202-456-
 Switchboard: 202-456-1414
 FAX: 202-456-2461


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 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page*

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Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans mayor failed to use school buses for 4 days

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I'll call him from from a phone booth.  I wouldn't want to be wiretapped...

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 Maybe you could soothe Mayor Nagin with the news.

 */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 I have a hard time believing this. Everyone knows the FBI would be
 ones to do this. The CIA is for overseas hits. Duh.

 Kirk McLoren wrote:

  *Lunatic New Orleans mayor who blamed Bush for Katrina now says he
  CIA to take him out...*
  *Excerpts: *New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said he's feeling better
  his city, he feels confident he has gotten the attention of Gov.
  Kathleen Blanco and President Bush, but he said he fears the Central
  Intelligence Agency may take him out because he's been yelling at
  He didn't say it once. He said it twice.
  Last night he told a reporter for the Associated Press: If the CIA
  slips me something and next week you don't see me, you'll all know
  Today he told interviewers for CNN on a live broadcast he feared the
  CIA might take me out.
  Nagin resorted to vulgarity and profanity yesterday in his pleas for
  help. But he was actually calmer today, despite the hyperbole.

 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail*
 - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I, on the other hand, am purposefully ignoring both Keith and Hakan and 
am kind of hurt that neither one has even noticed.
Hakan and Keith, please ignore this post.

Garth  Kim Travis wrote:

Greetings Keith and Hakan,
I am not ignoring you or refusing to answer.  My AC went down and my 
computer does not like to work in 90F+.  I have to use the cool of the day 
to get the farm chores done.  I will be back.
Bright Blessings,

At 07:15 PM 9/2/2005, you wrote:



During the years between the first and the second Gulf war, a very
large number of children died each year, something that Galloway
picked up in his part of the US oil for food hearings. ..- who died
only because the fact that they were born in Iraq at the wrong time.
Many 1,000's more than anything from the hurricane. I still have the
Galloway speech at,

This was a direct consequence of the US led blockade. In this case
it was not the parents, it was the Americans.  I did not see many
Americans being upset about that.


At 14:35 02/09/2005, you wrote:

No one but you has brought up any stereo types.  If you honestly believe
that everyone who has been injured by this storm is an innocent bystander,
then enjoy your rose colored glasses.  Most of us feel anger that children
died because their parents would not heed warnings.  We never said that
every child's death was it's parents fault, or anything like
that.  However, in the world I live in, there are people who expect others
to do for them, what they should be doing for themselves.  It is sad that
their children have paid an ultimate price for their behavior.
Bright Blessings,

At 09:32 PM 9/1/2005, you wrote:

Greg has not condemned anyone who tried to
help themselves, just those who don't.

And precisely who's position is it to condemn anyone? And what right is
it of their's to say that those whom they condemn or denigrate didn't do
all they could within their means?

An estimated 112,000 homes that lack transportation in the New Orleans
area, with the government agencies fully expecting that 20% of the
population would not be evacuated under circumstances similar to or less
than Katrina. See  Hurricane Pam Exercise,

I wonder what it is that these agencies know that Greg and yourself don't?

As for rants that you perceive to be acceptable? Well, it is quite out
of line to rant when not holding all the facts. Even worse to rant and
stereotype all who are enduring the same consequence when not all made
decisions on the same basis.

A bit like saying all Canadians who choose to live in Texas are as dumb
as bricks. Or that all black single moms are sucking on the government
welfare teat. Maybe there are extinuating circumstances that rip such
rants to shreds under even the most simplified examination.

Todd Swearingen

Garth  Kim Travis wrote:


I am wondering, are Greg and I the only ones that feel frustration with
people who don't care about their lives, then expect someone else to 


up the pieces?

Greg has not condemned anyone who tried to help themselves, just 

those who

don't.  I can remember my parents being irate with a neighbor when 

we were

growing up for the same kind of behavior.  There was a broken water main
and it flooded the basements of the houses.  The one guy on the

street that

was always bragging about his new toys, was the one that didn't have the
money to fix his house, because he didn't pay his insurance premiums.  I
mean, who expects a flood in Calgary, Alberta, Canada?  I am afraid they
were not very polite when someone came canvassing for money to

help the guy.

How about:  God helps those who help themselves?

I don't see that a rant against people who have endangered 

themselves and

others is out of line.

And yes, I have already donated help and I am working on more for the
people of Louisianna.

Bright Blessings,
At 03:54 PM 9/1/2005, you wrote:


I'm sure that there is a percentage of people who have exercised poor
judgment. Who hasn't exercised poor judgment? The irony here is how you
express less sympathy as the suffering from those mistakes gets worse.


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Re: [Biofuel] Red Cross still not allowed in New Orleans

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Did they say why?


After reading on the internet that Homeland Security is not 
allowing the Red Cross in New Orleans to bring food, water and 
medical supplies, I called the Red Cross National Affairs 
number (202-303-5551) this morning and was told that this is 
true, but they are allowed to help ecacuees in Texas. I asked 
who is bringing these things to the desperate people still stuck 
there and was told the military is. She says many people are 
VERY upset about this. If you want to call the White House to 
express your outrage, their number is:

White House
Comments: 202-456-
Switchboard: 202-456-1414 
FAX: 202-456-2461


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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.



ith Addison wrote:

He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country

Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
no Bay of Doctors this time!



From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500 

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
the United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
television program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
northern nation that were in the
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
condolences for the loss of human
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
three field hospitals and the
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
ideological differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
this, and he recalled the attitude
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
offer assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
airliners flying towards that nation,
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
publicity, and this was stressed in the
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
Department Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
world, which failed to mention that
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
send to the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
extensive medical experience tested in
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
have English language proficiency.


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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
It's clear to me that The Red Cross is in league w/ Castro as well as 
the Canadians.  We're just lucky
the Bush Administration saw through this little scheme and kept them all 
out, otra vez, viva la revolucion, eh?

BTW, those Kalashnikov stethoscopes suck.  I bought a dozen on Ebay and 
all I can hear is myself breathing.

Keith Addison wrote:

He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country

Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
Man, *that* specially trainsted, huh? What else did your researches 
reveal - are their ethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
no Bay of Doctors this time!



From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500 

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
the United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
television program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
northern nation that were in the
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
condolences for the loss of human
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
three field hospitals and the
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
ideological differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
this, and he recalled the attitude
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
offer assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
airliners flying towards that nation,
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
publicity, and this was stressed in the
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
Department Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
world, which failed to mention that
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
send to the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
extensive medical experience tested in
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
have English language proficiency.


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Re: [Biofuel] Source for recycled WVO?

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Look up rendering or trap grease.  Or look on the side of the 
restaurant barrel.

Manny Elgarresta wrote:

 Hello!  this is my first post to the list.  I am a newcomer to 
 biofuel, but I am quickly learning a lot, thanks in no small part to 
 this list.  For example, just a week ago I thought the FuelMeister was 
 great!  Now I can see it is an overpriced and underperforming. 
 I have not yet decided on going with biodiesel or SVO, but as I learn 
 more, I am leaning towards BD. 
 Regardless of my ultimate choice, I am going to need a source for 
 veggie oil that's cheap and convenient. 
 Obviously the cheapest source is free restaurant oil.  I know that.  
 Another idea I am playing with is to set up a 300 to 500 gallon tank 
 next to my garage and buy in bulk from a recycler of WVO.  The trouble 
 is, I can find nothing in google, Alta Vista, etc on the prices of 
 this product, or even if it is available in those relatively small 
 quantities.  If I can get it for say, a dollar a gallon or less, it 
 will still be a huge moeny saver for me, and I dare say much more 
 convenient than collecting my own.
 You may think I am lazy...and you would be right.. but there IS 
 another reason for my wanting to find an ultra-convenient way for 
 doing this.  The area I live in is chock full of popular 
 international celebrities, like Ricky Martin, the Bee Gees, J-Lo, etc, 
 and I want to show off this biofuel thing to the whole 
 neighborhood.  Now, while I may have fun with the DIY aspect of 
 getting my own WVO for free, and I would love to save the extra money 
 free WVO represents, I also want to make using WVO MORE CONVENIENT 
 than going to the gas station.  If I can accomplish that, start 
 getting some of my more famous neighbors to convert to this, and put 
 the stories on TV (I'm a freelance TV producer), the movement may get 
 a shot in the arm.
 So...does anyone know of a WVO recycling plant I can call?  Or at 
 least the correct search words I can plug into google?

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Re: [Biofuel] Cohabitation

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Yup.  Maybe one of us could be a Democrat and the other a Republican.  I 
call Democrat.

Keith Addison wrote:

How do you know we're two people?  Have you ever seen us in the same
room together?

Sounds like good presidential material to me.




i say you both should go up against one another in a run-off.  you with your
slogan, and redler with his (see below).  let the people decide!

-chris b.

In a message dated 8/30/05 7:42:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I am the one and true Mike.  This other fellow is clearly an imposter.

Do not follow false Mikes.  I personally will lead you into temptation.

I am running for president.  My slogan is:

Mike Weaver for president: A troubled man for troubled times.

Michael Redler wrote:

What!? I have kids!!?

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Re: [Biofuel] BP loses money?? Yeah, right.

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
And a double flat tax on inherited wealth!  Or something. 

In the US it pays to have high prenatal intelligence. Pick rich parents.


this is so off base it's not even funny.  i could go on at length about this, 
jeromie, but i think i can boil that message down, adn save a lot of 
bandwidth, by agreeing with you on one point:  you're right, definitely not a 

-chris b.

In a message dated 8/30/05 11:26:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


if most of us pay less, then somebody pays more.  A 12% tax rate would

mean tax break for the rich; hence, the poor would be paying more for

the rich persons reduction.


I about fell off my couch when I read this. The poor wont be paying for

the rich to have a tax break. Flat
taxes would be fair, if I make $1, I pay XX%. Very simple. If I can 
figure out how to make $10 while you
can only figure out how to make $1, why should I have to give more then

XX% of it over then you? Cause
your unable or unwilling to make more? Thats not right at all. A flat 
tax IS. Something that I have yet to see
is lets solve the real tax issue. IMNSHO the real issue is the goverment

waste of money, tax breeaks to large
companies (normaly people who give donations to the right pockets) and

other misguided efforts of people.
If we were to truely reform taxes to a flat tax (a good thing) it would

mean we HAVE reformed the goverment
spending process (and a whole lot more)

Jeromie Reeves

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Re: [Biofuel] Iran's Nuclear Program

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Just look at the Iran/Iraq war.


no disrespect joe, but but you're assuming here that a given government 
wouldn't replace the lost aircraft.  rather a naive notion.  high attrition 
conflicts occur precisely because the opposing governments are determined to 
carry on 
fighting despite the losses.

-chris b.

In a message dated 8/30/05 10:14:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Except the loss of a pilot is most likely accompanied by the loss of an

aircraft so when they are all gone what good does it do to have a bunch

of trained pilots standing around with nothing to fly??


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Re: [Biofuel] Journey towards small Biocombustivel for all

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
What all does it run on?


I tried to get my dealers to order me one,  but no one would,  Just got luckey 
and they had just got one in from texas,.  Dark green and 27000 miles on it,  
37000 new sticker price, the flex fuel motor was 800.00I got it for 23000, 

From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2005/09/04 Sun PM 01:12:40 EDT
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Journey towards small Biocombustivel for all

2004 tahoe Flex Fuel - is this available in the US?


Wow, This is a Great thing, I would like to learn more.
I just bought the wife a 2004 tahoe Flex Fuel,  But my mole sieve 
dehydration unit is still
on the trailer in the backyard.  this new SUV is a great thing for helping 
my plan take shape.
It will get the wife in the backyard cooking corn with me. 

Immobilized Yeast,   wow  again, 



From: Pannirselvam  P.V [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2005/09/04 Sun AM 08:04:51 EDT
Subject: [Biofuel] Journey towards small Biocombustivel for all

We have recently finished Master level postgraduate study on ethanol 
production using immobilized yeast cell using alginate to produce alcohol 

from fine apple wastes and coconut waters in laboratory scale . Instead of 

operating the Bio system in a batch mode , fed batch operation can improve 
signifigatively the productivity and very thankful for the members bring 
this new process .
Compared to convencional free cell process , the usability of the fixed 
yeast cell by support is practicall process for ethanol production by big 
company especially in Japan and USA due to high productivity.

This new Bio process with high productivity can be adopted to farmer level 
for the Bio ethanol production even in dryer area using sweet sorghum as 
very well documented in the following excellent study from China

Compared to alginate the use ofvthe natural latex is more practical for 
small farmer use .More over the long self life of the yeast that can be 
activated using air can make the procees very great and simple to reducing 
the time 

Our biofuel list member can make this new inovative bio process combined 
with the extractive fermentation using vegetable castor and flash 
evaporation using solar energy to make the ethanol fuel for rural 
bio fuel to be less energy intensive as this is negative side of the 
production process.

The most of the rural people in developing country spent 30 percent of the 
their income for buying the cooking gas for the fuel.Making their own fuel 
can make them free from money lending pr and hence the bioethanol has a lot 
of role to play and all the member here too towards the sustainable 

Let the members in our list who has experience join here , share and 
exchange the same so that the one in the remote area in all the world too 
can have the jouney to make the bioethanol anda BioD to be simple and 
practical for the great green future There is no need for the war and 
dependence for the limited non renewable petroleum and big refinery as all 
of us need food, fuel and peace .

Pannir Selvam

On 9/3/05, Guag Meister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Keith ;

This is a great idea and link!! Thanks.

Best Regards,

Peter G.

Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page

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Pagandai V Pannirselvam
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Re: [Biofuel] Biofuel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39

2005-09-04 Thread Mike Weaver
nuts.  who told you about the Vicodin?  was it Redler?


whispered through clenched teeth

shoot, mike(s), come on.  if i'm going to shill for you, you've got to let it 
play out.  we've got a great scam going, and if all goes as planned you'll 
win no matter who the people vote for.  but your provocative smart aleck 
could sabotage the whole thing!  now, here, have another vicodin, and lay off 
the booze will ya?

In a message dated 9/4/05 2:35:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



How do you know we're two people?  Have you ever seen us in the same
room together?


i say you both should go up against one another in a run-off.  you with your
slogan, and redler with his (see below).  let the people decide!

-chris b.

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Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Mattew 16:?

Have to go to church in my SUV.  Bye now.

Ian Hodgson wrote:

 Your so right tallex, I would add people of concience need to become 
 more outspoken more public more active if we are to win the wars.
 What wars I think the first war is the battle to save humanity,  we 
 need to sway the mind of MR/MRS Average from that of the self 
 endulgent self centered consumerist. To people who live value centered 
 lives. Then maybe we (the people of the western world) will not be so 
 willing to be bought off by all the things that affect our bottom line 
 ie interest rates and tax cuts, infaltion figures.
 When we are given the price of alternative energies for example, 
 they(politicians) speak as though the environment is at thier disposal 
 to either take into account or not, when your at the accountants you 
 are not allowed to say don't include the cost of that yet Bush and 
 my Prime Minister John Howard seem to think they have a right to do 
 that just by, for example, ignoring the Kyoto treaty.
 The bible says what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world 
 but lose his own soul.
 I believe we are in the middle of a great irony we are loosing our 
 souls in an attempt to gain the world but the irony is who will want 
 to live in this world after the worst of humanities greed has finished 
 with it.
 So the first war is for the hearts of the people, then the  second war 
 (to save the plannet) can be won.
 So what am I trying to say, in a nuthell some should be ativists for 
 their beliefs, some should even be prepared to be jailed, some should 
 be educators some letterwritters to papers and some talk on radio some 
 should talk to their children parents relatives and guide them, all 
 should be true to what they know is right and be themselves, and I 
 think if enough people do things like that , maybe enough people will 
 stop voting with thier wallets so that the big changes that we all 
 need can actually happen.
 */Alt.EnergyNetwork [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Big deal,
 He cut 2 days off his vacation to do this
 ...all for the cameras. As noted by others below, he was the one who
 cut army core of engineers budget
 for urgent repair on sinking dykes and improvements to flood
 control systems.

 He is the one who continues to distort sound science, the problems
 of global warming and weakening the environmental protection act.
 As mentioned by others as well, he is the one who has troops, vital
 rescue equipment in Iraq when needed here NOW.
 The lack of a well planned rapid advanced response to this
 disaster is a shame.
 There are many hard questions that will need answers in the months
 to come.


 Alternate Energy Resource Network
 1000+ news sources-resources
 updated daily

 ---Original Message---
  From: Greg and April
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
  Sent: 03 Sep '05 03:33
  He spent the day on the ground today, walking parts of New
 Orleans, and
  Just like 9/11, it was a few days after it happened.
  Greg H.
  - Original Message -
  From: Mike Weaver
  Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 20:45
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] How New Orleans Was Lost
  I personally can't believe all he did was fly by in his jet and look
  down.  This is a catastrophe far worse than 9/11 and all he does
 is a
  fly by?
  I can't even get started on Iraq because I don't want to get
 wound up
  right now.
  Hakan Falk wrote:
  LOL, you did a very good joke, I liked it.
  At 16:53 02/09/2005, you wrote:
  Whine whine.  At least he caught Osama Bin Laden, just like he
  Hakan Falk wrote:
  You must admit that he killed many more in Iraq for the money,
  he is responsible for those death also, maybe he call that
  efficiency instead. More killed for the money. I can guarantee
  that the pictures of devastated people that we now see from
  Orleans, have been going on for many years in Iraq. So it is
  not only Bush fault, he only raised the bar and achieved much
  more in shorter time frame.
  When media show the desperation among the Iraqi people, it
  is not many who cares, maybe Orleans will create more of
  compassion for the country that US occupy. The homes that
  are destroyed and people killed in Iraq, are 100's times more
  than Orleans.
  At 08:38 02/09/2005, you wrote:
  Wow, nice catch Bede, Fits right in with is there blame?
  I just love

Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
On Anglais, steal of money!

Frantz DESPREZ wrote:

Mike Weaver a écrit :


FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...

In french, voldemort can mean death flight or steal of dead


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Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans Mayor: CIA Will Wipe Me Out

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
That's the problem w/ democracy - you get who you vote for.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 Too bad competence isn't a requirement of holding office.

 New Orleans Mayor: CIA Will Wipe Me Out

 September 3, 2005 10:02 p.m. EST
 Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter

 New Orleans, Louisiana (AHN) - Apparently suffering from stress and a
 bit of paranoia, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin tells CNN Saturday night
 that he believes the CIA will wipe him out after his criticism of
 President Bush and the Federal Government in response to Hurricane

 Mayor Nagin seemed to have calmed down after meeting with
 President Bush
 for two hours on Friday but became stressed again over the current
 situation still unfolding in his city.

 The Mayor has come under serious scrutiny and criticism in the
 last 72
 hours after photos of parking lots filled with school buses that were
 sitting in a foot of water were released on the Internet. Many
 of the Mayor and Gov. Blanco say the buses could have saved an
 20,000 people if they had been used for emergency evacuations which
 President Bush had declared two days before Katrina hit.

 Nine stockpiles of fire-and-rescue equipment strategically placed
 the country to be used in the event of a catastrophe still have
 not been
 pressed into service in New Orleans, CNN reports Saturday night.
 Responding to a CNN inquiry, Department of Homeland Security
 Marc Short said Friday, The gear has not been moved because none
 of the
 governors in the hurricane-ravaged area has requested it.

 A federal official says the department's Office for Domestic
 Preparedness reminded the Louisiana and Mississippi Governors'
 about the stockpiles on Wednesday and Thursday, but neither
 governor had
 requested it.

 As the picture becomes much more clear many in Congress believe
 that a
 total collapse of communications on the local and state level
 contributed to the catastrophic conditions the city of New Orleans
 been under.

 It has become apparent that after President Bush declared the
 state of
 Louisiana a state of emergency a few days before the hurricane hit,
 communication with the White House and FEMA from city officials in
 Orleans and the Governor collapsed, says Senator Dr. Bill Frist,
 who is
 currently helping victims with medical needs around the city.

 Our priority now is to save as many lives as possible, and things
 improving by the hour, adds Frist.

 Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor - Plastic Processors

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Been there done that.  Stainless best, then plain old steel.  Will 
probably use a 55 gal drum or a Appleseed-based when I scale up my 
current stainless rig.
Plastic ok to learn on.


Mills, Duncan wrote:

I've got a 55l polyprop (PP) processor - bad choice. Nothing sticks to it -
silicon peels off, epoxy flakes away. Works best to have mechanical seals to
stop leaking.  There is specialized equipment for bonding PP to PP - I was
quoted 4500ZAR (715USD).  If you're mass manufacturing processors and you've
specified the mixing pump and heating element, with ports and orifices the
correct size then I guess a plastic of sorts would be cheaper.  

I'm busy making a steel processor - silicon stops leaking and epoxy sticks.

Duncan Mills
082 853 8356

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Weaver
Sent: 02 September 2005 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor

FuelMeister - Voldemort lives...



Thank you, Yes I received that email after I sent mine.
Juan G.

From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] BioDiesel Processor
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 04:01:39 +0900

Hello Juan


I would appreciate some help. I am new to the list and I read a few


on one of the threads that metal tanks should be used to make a


processor. There are 2 processors I saw on the web 1 at Freedom Fuel


the other at BioDiesel gear. Both are polyethylene ( i am sure most on


list have seen them) are these any good?  Also is there any other place


or otherwise where I could find biodiesel processors in kits or


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Re: [Biofuel] BD Q's on WVO and Chemicals

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
chuck mellin wrote:

 first off, many thanks to all those people on the list with experience 
 in biodiesel who take the time to answer what must often seem like 
 silly questions. that said, i have a few of those silly questions to 
 ask myself. we've just started producing test batches of biodiesel 
 from wvo with an interested group in the northern philippines. as we 
 continue, i'm hoping to make future trials as beneficial to our 
 learning process as possible. in that respect here are the issues i 
 would appreciate insight on (or the link to where the info already is):

 *heavily used and reusedand rereused WVO (is there a point at 
 which the oil has been used so much that it becomes unprocessable? any 
 specific issues increase?)

Dunno.  I've quit fooling with really nasty oil.  Just not worth the 
hassle.  Keith will know better.

 *mixing types of oil including solids like lard and fats in one batch 
 (i've read examples mentioning mixed batches, but what issues do we 
 need to be mindful of?)

Only thing I do is heat and stir the whole batch, then titrate and go.  
Again, unless you have gobs of  free bad oil delivered,  why bother?

 *chemical purity (are the numbers given on journey to forever based on 
 100% pure and so if only 94% pure should we adjust accordingly? is 
 there a point where the chemical is too impure, like 30%pure, to even 

Got me.

 i think that's it for now. i wouldn't be surprised if most of these 
 questions were already addressed on the journeytoforever website but i 
 haven't found them yet due to limited internet time. i'm still reading 
 through the different types of reactors so hopefully we could more 
 easily process small test batches. thanks again. its surprising this 
 stuff hasn't caught on sooner.


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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
I already speak Spanish so it doesn't bother me.  With regards to 
immigration, legal or illegal, all I will say is that the current system 
needs reform. 

Richard Littrell wrote:

 Dear Miguel

 We are already swaying to cuban music which is really fine.  As for 
 spanish, that will be spoken because of the Bush administration's 
 refusal to do anything of substance about illegal immigration from 
 Mexico.  They could end it in a matter weeks if they wanted to but 
 they don't.  If it weren't for all of the other incredibly vile things 
 this administration has done, this would be the worst.


 Mike Weaver wrote:

Uh, actually he figured out all the National Guardsmen are in Iraq and 
Cuba is planning to invade.  This is the advance unit.
We'll all be speaking Spanish, and swaying to the Cuban beat by Christmas.
I, for one, am looking forward to the food if nothing else.



ith Addison wrote:


He such a nice guy he wants to send 1100 fully specially trained 
Soldiers to this country


Wow, Juan, thank heavens you saw through his evil plan, and just in 
the nick of time to save the US from being overwhelmed, not to 
mention CAWKI! Phew! What a narrow escape! Is that 1100 just the 
advance guard or do you think they'd do the whole job by themselves? 
Man, *that* specially trained, huh? What else did your researches 
reveal - are their stethoscopes made by Kalashnikov, deadly at any 
range less than 1mm? Anyway, you saved the world! Pity about all the 
patients but hey, you can't have everything. Sorry Mr Nice Guy Fidel, 
no Bay of Doctors this time!



From: bob allen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2005 07:12:24 -0500 

Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help to US, Says Fidel Castro

Havana, Sep 3 (Prensa Latina) President Fidel Castro Friday offered 
the United States eleven hundred
doctors with extensive international experience, plus medicines and 
diagnostic teams, to help the
victims of Hurricane Katrina.

The head of state participated this afternoon in the Cuban 
television program The Informative Round
Table, dedicated to the tragic situation in various states of the 
northern nation that were in the
path of the devastating storm.

Fidel Castro said that at 11.32 am local time on August 30 he 
instructed the Cuban Foreign Minister
Felipe Pérez Roque to convey to the American government Cuba´s 
condolences for the loss of human
life caused by the cyclone.

At that time, he noted, the magnitude of the human and material 
catastrophe in Louisiana, Mississipi
and Alabama was not known.

The message, conveyed to the American authorities not only by the 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
Havana but also by the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, 
indicated Cuba´s willingness to send
doctors and necessary medical teams to those states, as well as 
three field hospitals and the
personnel required to staff them.

He indicated that in spite of their bilateral political and 
ideological differences, the island has
always maintained a principled position in eventualities such as 
this, and he recalled the attitude
assumed by Havana following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On that occasion the Cuban government was possibly the first to 
offer assistance to the United
States, when it put the island´s airports at the disposal of 
airliners flying towards that nation,
he said.

Fidel Castro said that the offer of August 30 did not seek 
publicity, and this was stressed in the
message sent to the American authorities.

He referred to statements of the spokesman of the US State 
Department Thursday evening about the
offers of aid received by Washington from various parts of the 
world, which failed to mention that
of the biggest of the Antilles.

President Castro informed that early tomorrow morning Cuba could 
send to the areas of greatest need
the first 100 general medicine specialists, complete with backpacks 
containing 24 kilograms of
essential medicines and diagnostic instruments for emergency situations.

Equally, within the next two days Cuba could send another thousand 
specialists in general medicine,
plus equipment.

Fidel Castro emphasized that these are all professionals with 
extensive medical experience tested in
the most difficult sanitary conditions of the Third World, who also 
have English language proficiency.


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Re: [Biofuel] PLEASE READ - Re: Biofuel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
Sorry about that - I just replied to the post - I'll keep an eye out in 
the future...


Keith Addison wrote:

Seems nobody told either of you NOT to post messages with such titles 
as Re: [Biofuel] Biofuel Digest, Vol 5, Issue 39!!!

But in fact they did: at the top of the Digest it says: 'When 
replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than 
Re: Contents of Biofuel digest...'

Use the thread title or give it a new title.


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner



nuts.  who told you about the Vicodin?  was it Redler?


whispered through clenched teeth

shoot, mike(s), come on.  if i'm going to shill for you, you've 

got to let it


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Re: [Biofuel] Is Katrina the end to Bush's brand of 'conservatism'?

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
If you watch the main stream media, it seems that black people are 
portrayed as looters while white people are presented as scavengers

J Wermont wrote:

Good articles, but I sure wish people (who are mostly progressive
and should know better) would stop referring to people who are taking
food and supplies, in order to survive, as looters. It makes them
sound like violent savages, when in fact, they are barely surviving
in a hell hole, with little help from their government services.

Joyce W

On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 01:34:58PM -0400, John Hayes wrote:
  Very interesting. While the folks at are already 
  counter-spinning hard due to the supposed bias in the MSM (Mainstream 
  Media), more intellectual folks are starting to ask if  Katrina 
  represents a tipping point for the current administration and their 
  I first noticed it with Fukuyama's recent column about Iraq on Tuesday.
  Then Brooks wrote an interesting history of Floods and US politics.
  The same day Douthat wrote an eye-opening piece on the neo-con world 
  view and how it deals with 9/11 versus Katrina.
  Noam Scheiber at the New Republic replied to Douthat's piece.
  Tom Bartnett said the Bush admin makes Jon Stewart's job such a 
  frickin' cakewalk that the man should send his Peabody's to the White 
  House as a thank-you.
  And then today Brooks essentially said we've already reached the tipping 
  point since the Bush adminstration lacks competence.
  Very interesting times we live in.
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[Biofuel] Anyone hear anyrunblings in the rendering world about protecting our turf?

2005-09-05 Thread Mike Weaver
I ran into a guy who works for the owner of a large trap grease operator 
in the South - Ga. and area.  His take was that there will be some 
effort on the
part of the big boys to:

1.  Push legislation that will make WVO a substance that will require 
certification and insurance to handle.  This will expensive enough to 
drive off us little guys.
2.  Rework existing contracts with restaurants to scare the owners and 
lock us out.
3.  Require a certified facility to handle WVO.

Some states already have some laws on the books but as I understand 
these are not too onerous.

I already subscribe to one industry publication and am planning to join 
a few others to see if the above is true.  I'm also thinking of 
attending a conference or so to take the pulse of the industry.

In closing,

1.  I hope that readers will keep an eye on state and federal WVO 
legislation and if something comes up, alert the gang.
2.  If some or all of the above does come to pass I plan to try to raise 
enough money to start a WVO facility here in the DC (MD VA DE) area.
3.  I have just started researching this - if anyone knows more I would 
like to hear!


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Re: [Biofuel] New Diesel vans

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Go with a late model used diesel Sububan class.  Parts cheaper, easier 
to fix, forgiving.  Mileage not as good as a VW van, but aginf VW vans 
are, shall we say, rather ungrateful cars.  You also have to do your 
homwork.  The stock diesel was so slow as to dangerous.  If you must 
have one, put in a TDI.  There a several shops and kits.  Frankly, 
unless you love to tinker or your best buddy is a VW mechanic, skip it.

Mel Riser wrote:

The instrument and engine electronics are CAN bus based and all of the newer 
computers can negotiate and talk and display diagnostics.

So if you are brave, YES you can alter the code in your engine.

I have a friend, who completely redid his display on his Audi A4.

I helped some, but he is the genius.

I do know a fair amount about the CAN bus as it is an old protocol and was used 
in some building environmental controls in the past


Buy a kit and hook it up and get a laptop

You would be amazed

If you are a geek anyway


-Original Message-
From: S. Chapin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:47 PM

Subject: Re: [Biofuel] New Diesel vans

 We recently traded in the VW for a Dodge Sprinter aka Mercedes 316 van. I am told by a Bosch fuel injection specialist that the reason Mercedes will not recommend more than b5 is that the bio sets off the 'check engine' light with higher bio%. This is due, he maintains, to the various sensors in the electronic system being somehow stymied by #'s it doesnt expect. I can only guess that perhaps the oxygen sensor, fuel pressure (viscosity?) sensor and maybe temperature sensor would get contradicting info and thereby set off the idiot light. So, if its true, which I will find out as soon as I can get some bio in the tank, then A: 
is there a way to reconfigure the computer? Or less technically involved

B: Would it be simpler to just put a bit of tape over the light when it comes 
on and run diesel only when it needs to go to Dodge for shop work... thus 
keeping what may be left of the warranty? I might add that it is a marvelous 
truck, beats the VW in most departments though a bit of a squeeze in parking 

Andrew Cohen wrote:


   Just wanted to thank Keith, et al. for this interesting, albeit
   politically skewed at times list serve. I learn a lot from the
   exchanges, and am very appreciative. I'm not going to respond to
   the political chatter, because I'm more interested in learning how
   do free myself from fossil fuels, and hopefully save a few dollars
   A question for my esteemed teachers: is any Diesel motor OK for
   bio diesel? I am thinking about going out and trading my Suburban
   in for one of the new GMC Diesel Sierra's, or something else, if
   anyone has a better suggestion. I have a big family, and need at
   least 7 seats. The Chevy Sprinter might be a little big for my
   wife (she needs the car for carting the kids to school, doing the
   shopping, etc.)
   I would consider getting a used VW Transporter, Eurovan or
   something, but I don’t know much about automotive mechanics, and
   therefore am reluctant to get a used car that I might have to take
   in for troubleshooting all too often.
   So if anyone out there can point me in the right direction
   regarding diesel vans, I'd be extremely appreciative
   And again, thank you all so much for your fascinating information,
   and for showing us all that there really is a way out of this
   petroleum morass.
   Very gratefully,


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Re: [Biofuel] Is this fraud?

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
Looks like highly filtered WWO w/ dino thrown in so the car will start 
and not gel the fuel.  Dunno about the ratios - I dumped a gallon of SVO 
into a full tank of fossil and the car started and ran fine - was maybe 
20% oil?

Busyditch wrote:

I dont think this guy realizes how fraudulent his ad is. This is NOT
biodiesel, just WVO and dino mixed.

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Re: [Biofuel] Oil shale

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
That's why I'm buying a big SUV.  I'm going to jack it up, put huge 
tires on it so I can drive trhough all the floods.

Tom Irwin wrote:

 Hi Robert and all,
 With all of that investment you can expect things to continue as 
 usual. Move to higher ground folks. Global warming and climate change 
 isn´t going to get any better for a long long time. I believe we are 
 officially in the Atlantic hurricane season this week. I hate to sat 
 this but more storms will be heading to my country soon as well as the 
 Caribbean and Central America. Any tropical storms entering the Gulf 
 of Mexico have a good chance of becoming at least catagory 3 
 hurricanes until the waters there cool below 30 C. Brace for more of 
 the same until December. Also I would expect this to be a yearly event.
 Tom Irwin 

 *From:* robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 *Sent:* Mon, 05 Sep 2005 20:32:36 -0300
 *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Oil shale

 Ray J wrote:

  heating rock to 700degrees... then encasing the area in ice
 so the
  oil dont get awaythen pumpin out what u want and they still get
  3.5 to 1 net energy gain... wow isnt oil great sounds like
  a pipe dream to me

 There is a LOT of money flowing into this kind of technology right
 now. A former client of mine, who designs the layout of oil
 refineries in Canada, told me that investment in tar sands and oil
 shale is creating yet another energy sector boom in Alberta.

 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
 Adventure for Your Mind

 Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I WILL be president soon, in 2008, and *I 'm* pround of you now.  Isn't 
than enough?

Mike the First

Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Andy


By the way Keith, I have a hard time just reading the posts, and keeping
up with most of the threads, or the ones of interest for me.

You get good at it.


you do keep and maintain this is OK with me.  Thanks for all YOUR HARD

Thanks for saying so Andy, you're welcome.


(The President would be proud of you :) )

Aarghh!!! You mean like Mike Brown? :-( I thought you were my friend, 
is it something I said?




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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
I'll have a number 3, a 1, an 1 and a 2 with a side of fried rice and 
the dumplings please.

robert luis rabello wrote:

Juan Gutierrez wrote:


If I have to explain it, that will fly right by you also

   Let's see, perhaps you believe that Fidel Castro is bad, or at least, 
worse than the rest of us.  If Fidel Castro is bad then:

   1.  Everything he says is a lie.

   2.  Everything he does is evil.

   3.  The offer to send doctors and medicine is only political 

   Therefore, when Fidel Castro offers to send trained medical doctors 
to the U.S. to help with disaster relief, you likely believe that:

   1.  These can't be REAL doctors, or if they are, they're 
 inferior to 
those trained in the U.S.

   2.  Since everyone in Cuba has to train in the army:

   a) these doctors must be Special Forces troops

   b) they would come to the U.S. with the intent 
 of overthrowing our 
government and way of life.

   If the above is true, you likely ascribe to the paradigm of:

   1.  American society is terribly vulnerable to the subversive 
influence of communist ideology.

   2.  The threat of this influence outweighs any benefit of Fidel 
Castro's offer.

   Or perhaps:

   1.  We're so great we don't need no STINKING help!

   2.  Our own government is doing a splendid job of responding to 

   Have I outlined your position accurately, sir?

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

Ranger Supercharger Project Page

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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
t h e n  t y p e reeeaaall sllooowwwlyy...ah kin read.  It's them finger 
marks on the screen that usually slow me down.

Keith Addison wrote:

Juan Gutierrez wrote:


If I have to explain it, that will fly right by you also

Yes you have to explain it, even if we do turn out to be a bunch of 
blind dimbulbs.

You should be prepared to substantiate what you say, or to 
acknowledge it if you can't.
-- List rules: 

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan
Biofuel list owner


From: John Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 14:55:31 -0400

Juan Gutierrez wrote:

See I thought you guys had some idea. In Cuba all 18 year olds go to
military trainning before thats women and men before they get put in the
career choice of the government. Including Doctor's and Scientists.

So do Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Germany, Israel, Italy,
  Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela and about 20 other

Your point was what? Please tell me you're not actually claiming the
Cubans are going to invade the US are you?

Are you living in some bizarre John Milius fantasy world? I'll let you
in on a little secret - Red Dawn was just a movie, and not a very good
one at that. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze can't act, I've seen porn
with better dialog and the plot had more holes than a pair of fishnet


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Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
My last post laid out the whole evil plan.  The Canadians arrive as 
emergency helpers and meet up with the Cuban specially trained doctors 
and bam!  Invasion team!  A pincer movement, and we never even saw it 
coming.  As the National Guard and all of its helicopters are gone, 
we're sitting ducks.  Once they secure new Orleans, the rest of the 
South is just a matter of time.  Pretty soon there'll be no gumbo, poor 
boys, etouffe, jambalya - as the Army travels on its stomach, we'll be 
forced to surrender.  You may laugh, just like my girlfriend, parents, 
brothers and sisters, neighbors, social worker and therapist, but we'll 
see who's right.

On a funny but cynical note, one New Orleans refugees was overheard 
muttering:  Maybe we should rename New Orleans Baghdad then maybe some 
US money will flow out way.

John Hayes wrote:

Why don't you take a shot at it and we'll let the group decide on the 
merits of your argument, eh?


Juan Gutierrez wrote:

If I have to explain it, that will fly right by you also

From: John Hayes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Cuba Willing to Send Immediate Medical Help
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 14:55:31 -0400

Juan Gutierrez wrote:


See I thought you guys had some idea. In Cuba all 18 year olds go to
military trainning before thats women and men before they get put in the
career choice of the government. Including Doctor's and Scientists.

So do Austria, Brazil, Croatia, Finland, Greece, Germany, Israel, Italy,
 Norway, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela and about 20 other

Your point was what? Please tell me you're not actually claiming the
Cubans are going to invade the US are you?

Are you living in some bizarre John Milius fantasy world? I'll let you
in on a little secret - Red Dawn was just a movie, and not a very good
one at that. Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze can't act, I've seen porn
with better dialog and the plot had more holes than a pair of fishnet


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Re: [Biofuel] Iran's Nuclear Program

2005-09-06 Thread Mike Weaver
In all seriousness, can you really imagine US citizens taking up arms 
against Canada?  No one I know would.  I would go to jail first.

Joe Street wrote:

we are the younger brother looking up to the big
brother for protection against bullies,

ROFLMFAO  So go to the biggest bully for protection is that it?
Yeah I guess that has been tried before.


 John Mullan wrote:

Being Canadian myself (eh!) I have already accepted the fact that we are
not a collection of provinces and territories.  Rather, we are 13
states.  What chance in hell would we ever have of defending against the
good old U.S. of A.

Don't get me wrong.  I don't ever want our 2 countries to EVER have a
relationship that would necessitate such defence.  I'm just merely
pointing out that we are the younger brother looking up to the big
brother for protection against bullies, even if we have the occassional
sibling spats.  Our forces are only a token and the troops are an
additional source for our big brother to draw from.  IMHO.


On 9/6/2005, Joe Street [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You're assuming Canada has the bucks to replace lost aircraft.  Rather a
naive assumption. LOL. The Canadian military is little more than a token
peace keeping force.  I come from a family with a long history of
military service and I hate to say it and I hope I am not offending
anyone of Canadian military but our forces are a joke for a country of
this size and most of the serious equipment is either obsolete or
heading that way because we can't afford the big time. The last time
there was a serious mobilization effort, we had to buy back combat
uniforms from military surplus outlets (at a premium what a laugh)
because there weren't enough for everyone!  Sure we have some quite
sophisticated stuff but not nearly enough of it.  It is one thing to
show up at the scene of a fire (started by the US of course) and set up
camp with a bunch of flashy stuff and some troops.  It may even have the
look of a credible fighting force but it is quite another story to hold
the longest undefended border in the world should it one day require
defending. Hell we can barely afford to keep our social programs afloat
never mind dealing with attrition while trying to defend our natural
resources against US agression.



no disrespect joe, but but you're assuming here that a given government
wouldn't replace the lost aircraft.  rather a naive notion.  high attrition
conflicts occur precisely because the opposing governments are determined 
to carry on
fighting despite the losses.

-chris b.

In a message dated 8/30/05 10:14:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Except the loss of a pilot is most likely accompanied by the loss of an

aircraft so when they are all gone what good does it do to have a bunch

of trained pilots standing around with nothing to fly??


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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel and VW Jetta/Golf

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
my 2002 Golf has been running happily on both homebrew and storebought 
BD - no problems at all!

Pierre Ingels wrote:

Hello all,

I have started making my own biodiesel recently and am slowly building up an
appleseed reactor.

I have been getting an old diesel motor to build a generator with and also
test the biodiesel in. So far it runs very well.

My aim would be however to drive my 2005 VW Golf Variant (in the US it's
sold as Jetta?) TDi on biodiesel, at least a mix. I have read all I could
and know it's doable and also that VW maintains its warranty if you use

What I have read too however is that biodiesel clogs the fuel filter. And
not just on the start (when you start putting bio instead of dino) but
always. Is that the case? 
Should I change the filter more often? 
Also considering that it's my first real car and that it's hence brand new
(well I have put 3000 miles on it) would it be simpler/less hassle/safer to
run it on a dino/bio mix first?

Any comments are really welcome, I'm looking forward to run on biodiesel but
want to make it as smooth as possible.


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Re: [Biofuel] biodiesel and diesel engine???

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
Sounds perfect to me - is your wash water clear after the final wash?

Karn Intania wrote:

 I was washing my BD with hot water three times and
checking for pH. (it's neutral.) The BD looks
yellow clear and translucent. How can I sure that
BD does not harm my diesel engine? or any test
that I need to do more? Please...need help

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Re: [Biofuel] Source for recycled WVO? - or, Building or buying a processor.

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
  Hi David, many of the questions you have asked are already address on 
the JTF website.  I would suggest taking a good spin through there,
and if you still have questions, asking the list.  Most homebrewers, me 
included, aren't fans of the Internet BD setups, particularly the 
FuelMeister and others that
are plastic.

David Lee wrote:

hi my name is david lee i live in the bahamas i just joined the list 
recently this is the frist time i am posting a message to the list i am so 
greatful that there is a list because i am seeking help on setting up a 1000 
gal per day plant to produce biodiesel from used cooking oil methenol and 
lye first i need to know is there any body out there to contact about 
processing equiptment and their prices i saw some home kits on the internet 
but they only range from 25 to 85 gal  i also thought maybe i could purchase 
  one of these home kits and take the same  tecnology  and build 0ne big 
enough to produce a 1000 gals per day i already have containers to collect 
the cooking oil in and containers to store the biodiesel in after processing 
it but i need help with either building one or purchasing one so please if 
you can help me in any way it would greatly apreciated  thanks david


From: Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Source for recycled WVO?
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005 14:31:56 -0400

Look up rendering or trap grease.  Or look on the side of the
restaurant barrel.

Manny Elgarresta wrote:

Hello!  this is my first post to the list.  I am a newcomer to
biofuel, but I am quickly learning a lot, thanks in no small part to
this list.  For example, just a week ago I thought the FuelMeister was
great!  Now I can see it is an overpriced and underperforming.

I have not yet decided on going with biodiesel or SVO, but as I learn
more, I am leaning towards BD.

Regardless of my ultimate choice, I am going to need a source for
veggie oil that's cheap and convenient.

Obviously the cheapest source is free restaurant oil.  I know that.

Another idea I am playing with is to set up a 300 to 500 gallon tank
next to my garage and buy in bulk from a recycler of WVO.  The trouble
is, I can find nothing in google, Alta Vista, etc on the prices of
this product, or even if it is available in those relatively small
quantities.  If I can get it for say, a dollar a gallon or less, it
will still be a huge moeny saver for me, and I dare say much more
convenient than collecting my own.

You may think I am lazy...and you would be right.. but there IS
another reason for my wanting to find an ultra-convenient way for
doing this.  The area I live in is chock full of popular
international celebrities, like Ricky Martin, the Bee Gees, J-Lo, etc,
and I want to show off this biofuel thing to the whole
neighborhood.  Now, while I may have fun with the DIY aspect of
getting my own WVO for free, and I would love to save the extra money
free WVO represents, I also want to make using WVO MORE CONVENIENT
than going to the gas station.  If I can accomplish that, start
getting some of my more famous neighbors to convert to this, and put
the stories on TV (I'm a freelance TV producer), the movement may get
a shot in the arm.

So...does anyone know of a WVO recycling plant I can call?  Or at
least the correct search words I can plug into google?

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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
Ahh...that.  I hope you're not upset about that little youthful 
indiscetion  I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?

If elected, I will apooint Cindy Sheehan director of DHS.  She can 
change the name. 
Granny D will director of FEC.
My administration will be in honor of Peace Pilgrim.
Actually, if they both want to run in my stead, I'd yield.  I don't 
think I'd get a second term anyway.
Plus, I don't think most of America wants to hear what I have to say, 
particularly about fossil fuels.

I'm neither politician or a lawyer - as my girlfriend (and most of my 
friends and family) say, I'm a kook.
I mean, who has a car that runs on used oil from a Thai restaurant?  It 
smells like lunch when I drive it.
And that wood stove jeez...

And why oh why build a BD generator to make your own power?  And solar 
water heat?

Why can't you be normal?

This list makes me happy because it's full of kooks like me, from all 

Mike of Knossos

Keith Addison wrote:

I WILL be president soon, in 2008, and *I 'm* pround of you now.

Oh are you really? Last I heard from you was that you were ignoring 
me, not only that you were telling me you were ignoring me. That's a 
whole new twist on the paradox of Epimenides the Cretan, I'm still 
trying to figure it out. Are you a politician or a lawyer?


than enough?

On the never-never system, an IOU? Sounds like presidential material to me.

Anyway, if your running mate's either Granny D or Cindy Sheehan or 
both (leaving not much room for you) I might consider voting for you.

Best wishes



Mike the First

Keith Addison wrote:

Hello Andy


By the way Keith, I have a hard time just reading the posts, and keeping
up with most of the threads, or the ones of interest for me.

You get good at it.


you do keep and maintain this is OK with me.  Thanks for all YOUR HARD

Thanks for saying so Andy, you're welcome.


(The President would be proud of you :) )

Aarghh!!! You mean like Mike Brown? :-( I thought you were my friend,
is it something I said?




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Re: [Biofuel] Who is setting oil prices?

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
Then let's buy less oil.

Bud Eble wrote:

 O'Reilly had a segment tonight (09/06/2005) about the oil companies 
 and OPEC being responsible for the high oil prices (gouging, etc).  
 From what I understand about the situation, the main driving force for 
 petro prices during the last decade or so has been our own market:
 In 1983, the New York Mercantile Exchange began to trade oil futures 
 on its commodity market. Over time, commodity market trading would 
 become the price maker. Petroleum prices would not be set by 
 regulators controlling supply, by refiners stating what they would 
 pay, or by OPEC oil ministers setting production quotas. Instead, the 
 oil market would be defined on the tumultuous and volatile trading 
 floors of the NYMEX. We are seeing the consequences of this change.
 Am I missing something?

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Re: [Biofuel] Iran's Nuclear Program

2005-09-07 Thread Mike Weaver
I'd rather by shot by a fascist than shoot at a neighbor.


Would you be willing to be shot or hanged first? Given the typical
methods of authoritarian governments, that's the crucial question.

In 1812 coercion was not necessary; propaganda alone sufficed. The
American immigrants who made up most of the population of the Niagara
peninsula found it hard to take the war seriously, until the American
militia started burning and looting. By the end of the war the Niagara
frontier was a burned-out desert on both sides.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Mike Weaver wrote:


In all seriousness, can you really imagine US citizens taking up arms
against Canada?  No one I know would.  I would go to jail first.


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Re: [Biofuel] BD disinfo? And a storage question

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
I've found it last about a year in a cool dark place - but I don't have 
much experience storing it.  On that point, would I be better off
storing wvo or refining it and then storing the bd?

Keith Addison wrote:

Who is putting about mis- or disinfo that biodiesel has a very short 

We keep getting enquiries from people who seem to think so.

Does the biodiesel have a shelf life?


I read somewhere that biodesil has a short shelf life.

And so on and on and on. Somewhere, hm.

Any ideas where this BS is coming from?


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan


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Re: [Biofuel] New Orleans. Violence mayhem....

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
F.F., you miss the point.  What do you make of wandering blind drunk in 
a bad neighborhood with psycho packing a .357? ;-)

Fritz Friesinger wrote:

Eh Mel,
than so it's OK if they drowned?

- Original Message -
*From:* Mel Riser mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*Sent:* Thursday, September 08, 2005 3:43 AM
*Subject:* [Biofuel] New Orleans. Violence  mayhem

Only time in my entire life I was Almost  mugged was in New Orleans.

I'm from North La. /Ruston/La Tech area with relatives in NO.

We had gone done there when I was about 20 years ago for some wild
boy partying on bourbon street.

On the way back to our truck, we got lost in the alleys and bumped
in to the wrong people at 4 am

If the .357 hadn't appeared from under the coat of one of the guys
running with us that night, we would have all been robbed and
fleeced, maybe knifed or hurt

And we had NO IDEA he was packing that thing the whole evening.

Kinda glad he did/was though we didn’t hang with him a whole lot
more later as well... Psycho as well

Stories, stories

New Orleans LA is/was one of the most corrupted/crime and Drug
infested places on this continent.

ALL the cops are bad and drug barons in bed

Remember the Grateful Dead Song about being busted in New Orleans?
Setup like a bowling pin.

The folks from the north are NOTHING like the south and the inner
city New Orleans population is what you have seen on TeeVee

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina and Income Inequality

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
mardi gras--a 
days-long orgy of drunken debauchery and sexual disinhibition

As long as they are grownups, don't hurt anyone and don't break the law, what 
business is it of ours?
Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone.
Didn't our president have a few years of drunken debauchery?


Hi Chris,

hi, taryn.


I'm surprised to see you take these positions


you've often disparaged 
corporate and government abuse of power

indeed i have.


and spoken up for the underdogs.

as i did with my earlier post to this thread.  duncan is not an american but 
he summed up the meaning quite well (though based on his further comments i'm 
not sure whether he understood my voice either--see my post immediately 
preceding this one).

Duncan wrote:


It seems that you agree that Katrina and what happened during and after are
caused by inequalities, but inequalities that are deeper than income.
Inequalities that divide a nation to such an extent that one group can call
itself American and the other not.

of course, i was simplifying things a teeny bit in the interest of brevity 
and succinctness.  for some, for example, the simple fact of mardi gras--a 
days-long orgy of drunken debauchery and sexual disinhibition--would be reason 
enough to let the city sink into the gulf.   of course, many who think that 
already think in the way i described earlier in this thread.

anyway, sorry for any misunderstanding.

-chris b.

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Re: [Biofuel] National Geographic on New Orleans

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
It's well know our Fearless Leader doesn't like to read.

Sam Critchley wrote:


A friend sent me this link to a National Geographic article from October  
2004, predicting what might happen should a hurricane strike the city:

Spooky stuff.




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Re: [Biofuel] U.S. vs. Canada (was Iran's Nuclear Program)

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
Another reason to vote for me - I will declare perpetual peace on Canada!



i think the u.s. govt will feel it has no choice but to invade canada once 
the draft gets reinstated.  a haven for draft dodgers must not be allowed (yet 
another aspect of the counter-counter-culture hysteria which has characterized 
the reagan era).

-chris b.

In a message dated Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:40:26, Darryl McMahon writes:


The growing number of disputes where the U.S. is choosing which legal 


will respect (in their favour) and ignore (inconvenient), e.g. fisheries,
Devil's lake, can be taken as an indication of U.S. willingness to invoke
diplomacy at their discretion, even with their friends.

I don't think the U.S. military will lack for resources to invade northward
the C-in-C gives the order.

Darryl McMahon

Doug ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Would you be willing to be shot or hanged first? Given the typical
methods of authoritarian governments, that's the crucial question.

In 1812 coercion was not necessary; propaganda alone sufficed. The
American immigrants who made up most of the population of the Niagara
peninsula found it hard to take the war seriously, until the American
militia started burning and looting. By the end of the war the Niagara
frontier was a burned-out desert on both sides.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario

On Wed, 7 Sep 2005, Mike Weaver wrote:


In all seriousness, can you really imagine US citizens taking up arms
against Canada?  No one I know would.  I would go to jail first.


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Re: [Biofuel] biodiesel and diesel engine???

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
I run a Changfa (Yanmar knockoff) on homebrew (triple-washed) and it's fine.

Karn Intania wrote:

Hi Malcolm, 
The shake test that you said is used proportion
between water and BD 1:1 or 2:1, also, I plan to use
my BD with a 125hp 1996-yanmar diesel engine for water
Hi Michael, Keith,
I did not do both test you said. however, I will
figure it out what I gonna do with the said-test
Hi Mike,
It is clear and has some soap(very little). I measure
pH with litmus paper in the third wash.
Thanks all

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Re: [Biofuel] BD disinfo?

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
I thought (gulp) that I read here that one could count on about a year 
for BD storage.  Dino perhaps a bit longer.  I think people are 
confusing the statement (again, apocryphal) that BD breaks down faster 
than sugar *in the open air*

Ken Dunn wrote:

 I can't seem to find it but, I thought that there WAS a recommendation 
 on JtF to store BD for no long than a given time (I won't give the 
 time frame that my memory serves in case I'm wrong) (the same time 
 frame as for storing petro diesel).  No?

 On 9/8/05, *Keith Addison* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Who is putting about mis- or disinfo that biodiesel has a very short

 We keep getting enquiries from people who seem to think so.

 Does the biodiesel have a shelf life?


 I read somewhere that biodesil has a short shelf life.

 And so on and on and on. Somewhere, hm.

 Any ideas where this BS is coming from?


 Keith Addison
 Journey to Forever
 KYOTO Pref., Japan

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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
The Minotaur?

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in Crete.
 My uncle visited there once.

 */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset about that little youthful
 indiscetion I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?

 Mike of Knossos

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Re: [Biofuel] Canada's secret biological weapon WAS Iran's Nuclear Program

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
That's all ok with me but what about As it Happens?  Will it replace 
Fox news?

Joe Street wrote:

 Well as everybody knows the government of Canada is actively 
 supporting biological and genetics research.  Apparently they want 
 Canada to be a world leader in biotech but this is really just a front 
 for a covert military program called operation Beaver Fever.  Canada's 
 seemingly blithe willingness to forgo nukes was really a strategic 
 move to gain trust and avoid scrutiny while behind the scenes progress 
 on the new weapon of massive destruction accelerated. The lack of 
 military spending was part of the smoke screen and makes perfect sense 
 when it is realized that it is completely unnecessary to have 
 conventional forces when such a terrible and loathesome weapon is at 
 your disposal. This plan dovetailed with the parallel research track 
 in cloning and transgenics to mass produce a weapon so terrible that 
 even it's proponents quake in fear when considering the possibility 
 that the weapon could one day fall into the wrong hands.
 Taking a hint from local farmers who are able to grow turkeys to 
 massive proportions by a combination of drugs and ground up cows,  
 scientists set to work on genetically engineering a variant of the 
 nefarious rodent already renown for it's great capacity for 
 destruction in the forests of the Great White North.   The result is 
 said to be more viscious than the creature depicted in the Monty 
 Python's The Holy Grail and it is whispered that it is refered to by 
 operatives as The Bushwhacker but it's official name is the 
 DeHaviland Turbobeaver. By transplanting the magnetic compass gene 
 from the Canada Goose into the rodent brain and programming it to 
 migrate south losses due to gnawing 'friendlies' is expected to be 
 virtually nonexistent.  Research into spontaneous human combustion has 
 also enabled the scientists to install a latent capability into the 
 animals to act as incindiary devices when they get close to washington 
 so that the hugely successful tactic of burning the Whitehouse which 
 was used to such great effect when Canadian troops defeated America in 
 1812 (or was it?  -well one of the many times we defeated them 
 anyways)  can be used once again by remote control while the 'troops' 
 prepare for vacation and celebration in Cuba on all the money saved by 
 not buying US made military hardware.

 I understand that plans are already afoot so that once Canada takes 
 over in it's new role as world superpower/police international law 
 will quickly be updated to ensure that all products being sold or 
 traded will have to be made from softwood and it will be illegal for 
 Texas to fly the lone star.  French and english will become THE 
 official language, Michael Jackson will be incarcerated and Michael 
 Moore will be knighted. Noam Chomsky will recieve the Nobel Prize and 
 Hockey Night in Canada (with only the original six) will play 24/7 on 
 every TV channel  on the federal networks with reruns of the 
 Canada-Russia series evey weekend.
 Tom Cruise will not be able to save the day at the eleventh hour but 
 may be allowed to wear platform shoes if he is on his best behaviour 
 and stops spouting off about scientology.

 So be forewarned neighbor you have but one chance to move north and 
 join us before the first wave is released and it is too late!  I am 
 letting you know because you seem to be a good bunch of people on this 
 list.  Save yourselves from a horrible fate.


 John I wrote:

In all seriousness, can you really imagine US citizens taking up arms
against Canada?  No one I know would.  I would go to jail first.

I have identified a few waves in the nefarious Canadian assault on the
US: Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Barenaked Ladies, Avril Lavine, Shania
Twain and the like.  Oh it's on Canada, it's on!

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Re: [Biofuel] Fox Reports - Pat Robertson's Charity is One of Three On FEMA's Press Release

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
The Cubans would probably just be assassinated anyway...

Michael Redler wrote:


 I've been struggling to keep up with the posts. So, if this was 
 already apologies.


 *Fox Reports - Pat Robertson's Charity is One of Three On FEMA's Press 


 Male Reporter: FEMA has 3 charities listed on their press release that 
 they sent out.

 Brown: Ahuh.

 Male Reporter: One of them is Operation Blessings. Can you tell me why 
 that charity is on the list? And, who put it there?

 Brown: I'm sure the staff (Comment: Who specifically?) did and it's 
 there because they offered to help and they're doing good work. 
 (Comment: You know this for a fact?)

 Male Reporter: Operation Blessings is a Pat Robertson organization. 
 Should that be there?

 Brown: If they're willing to work, if they're willing to help we're 
 not turning help away, we're not turning help away from anybody. 
 (Comment: Is that correct? Did we accept the over 1,000 doctors that 
 Cuba offered to send?)


 /more: /


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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
That's what I want - a contracting gig in Crete.  I get sent to Lagos 
and Conakry

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 No, he had a little contracting job there. Built a fancy house for 
 some guy. Minos I think.

 */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 The Minotaur?

 Kirk McLoren wrote:

  Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in Crete.
  My uncle visited there once.
  */Mike Weaver /* wrote:
  Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset about that little youthful
  indiscetion I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?
  Mike of Knossos

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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
I would love to go to Crete - do you have any networks you need fixing?


I am from Crete also.
I go for a walk to knossos  almost everyday, nice to hear about this...
Stelios Terzakis
The real Cretan...

Αρχικό μήνυμα από  Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

The Minotaur?  Kirk McLoren wrote:   Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in 
Crete.  My uncle visited there once. --Kirk   */Mike Weaver 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:   Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset 
about that little youthful  indiscetion I mean really, it's no worse 
than DWI, is it?   Mike of Knossos   
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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
I could tell a few interesting stories myself...

Kirk McLoren wrote:

 Lagos -- now there's a prize. I worked with a guy that was a Hausa. 
 Nice guy actually. Warm hearted. He used to tell me stories about 
 Nigeria. Some things just leave you shaking your head. 1st prize a day 
 in Lagos. 2nd prize a week in Lagos. Really makes you appreciate the 
 scoundrels we have at home.

 */Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

 That's what I want - a contracting gig in Crete. I get sent to Lagos
 and Conakry

 Kirk McLoren wrote:

  No, he had a little contracting job there. Built a fancy house for
  some guy. Minos I think.
  */Mike Weaver /* wrote:
  The Minotaur?
  Kirk McLoren wrote:
   Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in Crete.
   My uncle visited there once.
   */Mike Weaver /* wrote:
   Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset about that little youthful
   indiscetion I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?
   Mike of Knossos
  Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
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Re: [Biofuel] Thanks to Keith, Mike is a Cretan

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
Sorry, those pesky list serv regs again!  Besides, it's in the archives!

Keith Addison wrote:

The Minotaur?

MISTer Weaver! This is an unminotaured list, IF you please! And long 
may it remain so.


Kirk McLoren wrote:

Gee Mike I didn't know you lived in Crete.
My uncle visited there once.

*/Mike Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]/* wrote:

Ahh...that. I hope you're not upset about that little youthful
indiscetion I mean really, it's no worse than DWI, is it?

Just as long as you didn't inhale.


Mike of Knossos

You're not going to put that on your campaign posters are you? Is it in Texas?

Anyway, you're welcome, I'm glad you're happy there.


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Re: [Biofuel] U.S. vs. Canada (was Iran's Nuclear Program)

2005-09-08 Thread Mike Weaver
Oh, I will.  And if they don't peacefully give up their oil, why, I'll 



only if you use different language.  promise to wage peace on the canadians,  
by force if necessary.

-chris b.

In a message dated Thu, 08 Sep 2005 09:22:12, Mike Weaver writes:


Another reason to vote for me - I will declare perpetual peace on Canada!

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Re: [Biofuel] Offers Pour In, but the U.S. Is Unprepared

2005-09-09 Thread Mike Weaver
The point of a government job is to *not to make work for yourself or 
your agency.*  These rules are pretty clear.
Everything, and I mean everything else is incidental.  Look at how the 
FBI kept shutting down the pre 9/11 clues.
They had all the pieces, but putting them together would have created a 
huge workload. 

See for yourself:

Colleen Rowley retired from the F.B.I and blew the whistle on pre-9/11 
intelligence failures. Time Magazine named her person of year in 2002

Brian Rodgers wrote:

This is a letter to Brian Rodgers.
I thought it appropriate for this thread.
My friend Lee has more to say about aid efforts if anybody would like
to see more.

Subject: If this doesn't piss you off you aren't paying attention...

According to reliable sources, the efforts of Red Cross and individual
volunteers in New Mexico to assist New Orleans evacuees have now
largely been shut down by FEMA. The LA Times has just published an
interview with Michael Brown of FEMA in which he openly acknowledges
that FEMA is blocking the efforts not only of volunteers but also of
fire and police departments. Says Brown the Bonehead,

There is going to come this natural time when we will release this
floodgate of cops and firefighters who want to help. It's the same for
anyone who wants to volunteer — we have over 50,000 offers of
donations from the private sector. It has to be coordinated in such a
way that it helps.

In other words, they are deliberately and consciously obstructing
relief efforts until such time as they see fit to do otherwise.,0,2942650.story
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Re: [Biofuel] Linux, virii and Microsoft

2005-09-11 Thread Mike Weaver
I've had linux Samba servers stay up two years or so

Felipe Navarrete wrote:

Happy to hear a little linux talk on the list.
Im a computer tech for FIU in Miami and use linux wherever possible.
My home router is  a pentium one 166 with 64 mb ram.  Its been up for
about five years with little or no maintenance. 

Doug Foskey wrote:


Hi Rumen,
perhaps we should start a Linux Biodiesel list?? (LOL)

I am using an IPcop firewall, which I find great. Easy to set up, and it will 
give you a secure wireless AP. On my machine I use Mepis linux, which is 
based on Debian. My systems are on 24/7. To my knowledge i have never been 

regards Doug

PS: I feel it is important to give back to open source software in kind, so I 
have done some proofreading for documentation. Every little bit helps.

On Tuesday 30 August 2005 2:46, Rumen Slavov wrote:

  Hi all,Hi Mike,
  Grutje, Arden, you have never been alone!Linuxoids
are all over the world! MS has been kicked out from
Japan, China and even from Bavaria!
 Dear Mike,rarely there are homes with just one
comp.In my house there are 4 and the net comes trough
firewalled router on Linux kernel, supplying two more
houses with shared Internet. This situation lasts for
2,5 years now and we all have not experienced any
troubles.My comp is dual boot - Linux/XP, `kuz my son
likes to play games under Windows, but even in this
case everything goes smooth.
 I would like to ask for assistance again - do
somebody knows how perform quality test of BD using
paper chromatography?
 Best to all

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Re: [Biofuel] More pork for Halliburton, Bechtel and Shaw

2005-09-11 Thread Mike Weaver
I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that steering has occured in 
Washington DC.

Welcome to DC.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

   Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts

   FEMA taps Halliburton subsidiary, Shaw Group, Bechtel for cleanup

 Saturday, September 10, 2005; Posted: 1:26 p.m. EDT (17:26 GMT)




 *WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Companies with ties to the Bush White House 
 and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's 
 first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of 
 Hurricane Katrina.*

 At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, 
 President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the 
 Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start 
 recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

 One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary 
 Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of 

 Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., 
 has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for 
 people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his 
 Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of 
 the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

 Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and 
 Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs 
 once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking 
 contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received 
 billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

 Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits 
 released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in questioned 
 costs and $422 million in unsupported costs for Halliburton's work 
 in Iraq.

   Watchdog groups take notice

 But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed 
 attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction 
 rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in 
 emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to 
 cost well over $100 billion.

 The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people 
 who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further 
 private commercial interests, said Danielle Brian, executive director 
 of the Project on Government Oversight.

   Bush appointees at Halliburton

 Allbaugh formally registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton subsidiary 
 Kellogg Brown and Root in February.

 In lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate, Allbaugh said his 
 goal was to educate the congressional and executive branch on 
 defense, disaster relief and homeland security issues affecting 
 Kellogg Brown and Root.

 Melissa Norcross, a Halliburton spokeswoman, said Allbaugh has not, 
 since he was hired, consulted on any specific contracts that the 
 company is considering pursuing, nor has he been tasked by the company 
 with any lobbying responsibilities.

 Allbaugh is also a friend of Michael Brown, director of FEMA who was 
 removed as head of Katrina disaster relief and sent back to Washington 
 amid allegations he had padded his resume -- which he denies.

 A few months after Allbaugh was hired by Halliburton, the company 
 retained another high-level Bush appointee, Kirk Van Tine.

 Van Tine registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton six months after 
 resigning as deputy transportation secretary, a position he held from 
 December 2003 to December 2004.

 On Friday, Kellogg Brown  Root received $29.8 million in Pentagon 
 contracts to begin rebuilding Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi. 
 Norcross said the work was covered under a contract that the company 
 negotiated before Allbaugh was hired.

   Cheney's relationship with Halliburton

 Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served 
 as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the 
 Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings 
 released in April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay 
 from the company, which has also won billion-dollar government 
 contracts in Iraq.

 Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and 
 is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

 Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has 
 updated its Web site to say: Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!

 Shaw said on Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA 
 contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a 
 $100 million order on Friday from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

 Shaw Group spokesman Chris Sammons said Allbaugh was providing the 
 company with general consulting on 

Re: [Biofuel] wind and current power

2005-09-11 Thread Mike Weaver
No, I was being silly!  I prefer to blow my money building things like 
BD reactors or heat transfer devices for wood stoves!

TarynToo wrote:

Really? Genuine scam? I read about it in Wired or Pop Sci, figured it 
was just a master's thesis, or some defense proposal.


On Sep 11, 2005, at 5:57 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:


*Yeah, I invested in that.  Ponzi scheme.

TarynToo wrote:

I remember some blue sky stuff that proposed wind turbines hanging 
high altitude balloons, anchored by long tethers. I suppose the 
were supposed to carry current to the ground, though I'm now struck by
the weight of a few miles of high tension copper or aluminum line. As
far as staying in the jet stream, It seems like it would be trivial to
design a self-steering system like that used for singlehand sailing. 
the tether's  anchor points were far enough apart, the system could
probably swing a few miles north and south and around a hundred 
or more of the compass, tracking the strongest winds. I think the jet
stream shifts hundreds of miles, so I don't know what that would be

Anyway it was this kind of big scale extraction that seemed like it
could have devastating consequences. Of course you'd need millions of
acres of ground level turbines to extract the kind of energy that a
wind farm hanging in the jet stream might capture.

But I remember reading about this and the proposals to hang big blades
in the gulf stream and thinking, Oh Jeez! Another massive engineering
project with wildly unpredictable side effects!



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Re: [Biofuel] More pork for Halliburton, Bechtel and Shaw

2005-09-12 Thread Mike Weaver
Slim and none...

Richard Littrell wrote:

 Me too. I thought this only happened at the UN.  Say, what do you 
 suppose the chances are that Bush will ask Paul Volker to lead an 
 independnet investigation of Halliburton?  :-)


 Mike Weaver wrote:

I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that steering has occured in 
Washington DC.

Welcome to DC.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

  Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts

  FEMA taps Halliburton subsidiary, Shaw Group, Bechtel for cleanup

Saturday, September 10, 2005; Posted: 1:26 p.m. EDT (17:26 GMT)




*WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Companies with ties to the Bush White House 
and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's 
first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of 
Hurricane Katrina.*

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, 
President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start 
recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary 
Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of 

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., 
has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for 
people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his 
Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of 
the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and 
Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs 
once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking 
contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received 
billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits 
released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in questioned 
costs and $422 million in unsupported costs for Halliburton's work 
in Iraq.

  Watchdog groups take notice

But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed 
attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction 
rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in 
emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to 
cost well over $100 billion.

The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people 
who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further 
private commercial interests, said Danielle Brian, executive director 
of the Project on Government Oversight.

  Bush appointees at Halliburton

Allbaugh formally registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton subsidiary 
Kellogg Brown and Root in February.

In lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate, Allbaugh said his 
goal was to educate the congressional and executive branch on 
defense, disaster relief and homeland security issues affecting 
Kellogg Brown and Root.

Melissa Norcross, a Halliburton spokeswoman, said Allbaugh has not, 
since he was hired, consulted on any specific contracts that the 
company is considering pursuing, nor has he been tasked by the company 
with any lobbying responsibilities.

Allbaugh is also a friend of Michael Brown, director of FEMA who was 
removed as head of Katrina disaster relief and sent back to Washington 
amid allegations he had padded his resume -- which he denies.

A few months after Allbaugh was hired by Halliburton, the company 
retained another high-level Bush appointee, Kirk Van Tine.

Van Tine registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton six months after 
resigning as deputy transportation secretary, a position he held from 
December 2003 to December 2004.

On Friday, Kellogg Brown  Root received $29.8 million in Pentagon 
contracts to begin rebuilding Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi. 
Norcross said the work was covered under a contract that the company 
negotiated before Allbaugh was hired.

  Cheney's relationship with Halliburton

Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served 
as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the 
Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings 
released in April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay 
from the company, which has also won billion-dollar government 
contracts in Iraq.

Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and 
is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has 
updated its Web site to say: Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!

Shaw said on Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA 
contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a 

Re: [Biofuel] wind and current power

2005-09-12 Thread Mike Weaver
Sparc IPX anyone?

TarynToo wrote:

Oh...doh...fooled me. I was looking forward to hearing all the good 

Mostly I blow my money maintaining my museum of ancient Mac, BSD, 
Solaris,  Linux Boxen.
Foolishly, I gave away my CBM PETs and C64s, but I still have my KIM1!


On Sep 11, 2005, at 9:21 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:


No, I was being silly!  I prefer to blow my money building things like
BD reactors or heat transfer devices for wood stoves!

TarynToo wrote:

Really? Genuine scam? I read about it in Wired or Pop Sci, figured it
was just a master's thesis, or some defense proposal.


On Sep 11, 2005, at 5:57 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:


*Yeah, I invested in that.  Ponzi scheme.

TarynToo wrote:

I remember some blue sky stuff that proposed wind turbines hanging
high altitude balloons, anchored by long tethers. I suppose the
were supposed to carry current to the ground, though I'm now struck 
the weight of a few miles of high tension copper or aluminum line. 
far as staying in the jet stream, It seems like it would be trivial 
design a self-steering system like that used for singlehand sailing.
the tether's  anchor points were far enough apart, the system could
probably swing a few miles north and south and around a hundred
or more of the compass, tracking the strongest winds. I think the 
stream shifts hundreds of miles, so I don't know what that would be

Anyway it was this kind of big scale extraction that seemed like it
could have devastating consequences. Of course you'd need millions 
acres of ground level turbines to extract the kind of energy that a
wind farm hanging in the jet stream might capture.

But I remember reading about this and the proposals to hang big 
in the gulf stream and thinking, Oh Jeez! Another massive 
project with wildly unpredictable side effects!



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Re: [Biofuel] Giving up

2005-09-12 Thread Mike Weaver
My experience is to spend more time looking for oil you can work with 
than trying to crack iffy oil...

Brent S wrote:

well, I have found a batch of oil that won't sepparate. I have heated it to 
220f to make sure there isn't any water in it. It has been at 220f for an 
hour or so with no boiling. I have titrated it several times with a result 
of 5. I have made test batches at 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 grams per litre with no 
sepparation, just a light brown soup that jells when it cools.

the oil itself seams to stay quite thick up to 120-130f. Is there anything 
that could be in the oil to make it do this?


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Re: [Biofuel] BD disinfo?

2005-09-12 Thread Mike Weaver
FWIW I have algae blooms in some leftover BD I found cleaning up.  I 
left it outside w/ a loose lid for a year...

Doug Memering wrote:

My company has been doing some testing with regard to shelf life of 
Biodiesel.  This driven mainly by the debate going on between European and 
North American standards bodies.  ASTM 6571 does not address fuel stability, 
but the European tests for stability will really only pass BD made from 
Rapeseed.  Enough on that though, the question at hand is shelf life.

The findings that we have are that BD does more readily oxidize than petrol 
diesel.  So if left in a open container the shelf life is very short.  It 
will still burn after oxidized but not nearly as well.   On the other, most 
of us would be storing our BD in a sealed container, which limits the 
oxidation to the amount of air and surface area.  The best thing to do is to 
store it in a sealed container that is as full as practically possible. 
This limits oxidation to a level that probably won't be noticeable.  Of 
course, if you really want to keep it a long time you can displace the air 
in the container with nitrogen and then it will keep for a long time,  this 
is something of course that only the military would  consider.

Hope this helps.
Doug Memering

Keith Addison wrote:

Who is putting about mis- or disinfo that biodiesel has a very short

We keep getting enquiries from people who seem to think so.

Does the biodiesel have a shelf life?


I read somewhere that biodesil has a short shelf life.

And so on and on and on. Somewhere, hm.

Any ideas where this BS is coming from?


Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan

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