Besides what I have said about using "argument from authority" as a way to
win a debate, can you please give us a link to your CV a.ashfield?
Can you back up your claims to have such expertise?

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Giovanni Santostasi <>

> A.ashfield:
> "Ad hominem" attacks. To quote a famous immortal scene from the "Princess
> Bride": "You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it
> means".
> I didn't attack anybody at hominem. I didn't put down Penon not to have a
> PhD.
> I simply stated that Rossi saying he has a Doctorate is not true and that
> is at least sloppy and probably misleading.
> It doesn't reflect negatively on me at all.
> So let me reflect this back at you given you don't understand what ad
> hominem attack is and instead you are using your supposed experience to
> make an argument (and trying to disqualify my arguments too as a
> consequence) and therefore committing another known fallacy , i. e.
> "argument from authority".
> Giovanni
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:52 PM, a.ashfield <>
> wrote:
>> Giovanni,
>> Your string of ad hominem attacks do nothing to clarify the issues and
>> reflect badly on you.
>> I find Dr. Levi's 18 hour test of an E-Cat in 2011, without steam,
>> finding a COP 15 -20kW peaking at 130 kW  is good proof that the E-Cat
>> produces considerable excess heat.   As I've said, the performance of the 1
>> MW plant has yet to be proven.
>> Having headed engineering for large corporations and later consulting
>> around the world, doing due diligence for organizations like GRI, EPRI,
>> OECD and the World Bank, I have considerable experience in judging people
>> and new technologies.
>> What experience do you have?

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