On 18/03/2017 2:23 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

The fact is that almost every educated and intelligent person would regard 
telepathy as supernatural . . .

First, I regard it as mythical, not supernatural. There is no solid evidence 
for it. Second, I am sure that if does exist, it is natural, because so many 
other things people used to think are supernatural or inexplicable turned out 
to be explicable.
I am amazed that you have the gall to trot out the usual "there is no evidence" 
right in the face of the very clear evidence that I pointed out and called 
"mind blowing"!  I guess once your mind is made up you really don't want to be 
bothered with evidence.  It is sad that bigotry is so prevalent among people 
that supposedly espouse the scientific method of determining truth.

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