Hi Brad,

I've been wondering if the spark plug was just being used as a high
pressure plug for the Nickel/H chamber. I checked all the photos for ones
where the spark plug was connected and couldn't find anything definite.


On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 4:07 AM, ecat builder <ecatbuil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Vortex,
> I'm thinking of dusting off my experiments. My LabJack is fixed
> (Thanks LabJack guys) and I have some nickel alloy powder I am anxious
> to try. And I can add a spark plug easily.
> DGT said they can trigger the reaction on demand. It sure seems like
> their trigger is a single spark or a burst of sparks. Thoughts?
> Can anyone recommend a way to create a single or continuous sparks
> with a spark plug using off-the-shelf parts? I have a simple frequency
> generator (sine/sqr/tri waves) that I can use, which I could hook to
> an SCR and send voltage to a coil. But I'd rather use off the shelf...
> but a circuit diagram might work too.  Or, could I use something like
> a strobe light kit that uses a plug instead of a flashtube?
> Rossi's original big blue voltage box.. Could it be putting out high
> voltage to spark the "Auxiliary" device?  I can't find a close-up of
> the blue box (inside or back) to see if anything looks like a coil. An
> early reactor picture here
> http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dadS9almTsE/TaQl3jSqzcI/AAAAAAAAAi0/KcVR26eDkt0/s1600/e-cats1.jpg
> has something off-the-shelf that might be a thermocouple or heater..
> but does not look like a spark plug. However, requiring two heaters
> always seemed a little odd...
> My reactor has the nickel powders in a test tube within the reactor
> and external band heater. I can't imagine the sparks would need to
> come in contact with the nickel powder. Thoughts?
> Looking for volunteers.. :)
> - Brad

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