I stopped reading at "your consciousness is capable of communicating with
gazillions of other entities from outside this physical realm/plane


On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 10:51 AM, just camel via AGI <agi@agi.topicbox.com>

> Fermi's Paradox ...
> Once upon a time, a 10 year old child became addicted to Super Mario Land.
> He played so much that he forgot that he was a child among millions of
> other children and kept asking himself "Where are all the other Marios?
> There must be many more Marios? I will call this Fermi's Paradox!"
> Already today thousands of advanced meditators will tell you that Fermi's
> Paradox is only a paradox as long as you don't realize that your
> consciousness is focusing on one particular and very narrow experience
> (called a human being) when your consciousness is capable of communicating
> with gazillions of other entities from outside this physical realm/plane
> anytime.
> When you attend a LAN-Party and play World of Warcraft and only find 5 of
> the 5000 LAN-Party participants in the game then clearly you realize that
> you are looking in the wrong spot and you shift your attention "outwards"
> and out of a subset of reality into a broader set of reality.
> An advanced civilization will probably cease to use manifested avatars on
> the physical plane once it has overcome the tendency to identify with
> narrow experiences. Just as children tend to overcome the tendency to
> identify with a narrow experience in the form of a computer game. The
> answer to Fermi's paradox lies in the words of Buddha, Jesus and all the
> other liberated/enlightened beings ... it lies in the realization that our
> physical reality is just an illusion within the field of consciousness ...
> it's a mix of John Smarts "transcension hypothesis" and in some sense
> Bostrom's work ... in so far that our perceived physical virtual reality is
> just a very tiny subset of a much larger reality.
> Physical death as well as spiritual enlightenment are singular processes
> decoupling your consciousness from one particular experience (from
> identifying with one human being) and they will introduce you to said much
> broader reality in which there exists no Fermi's paradox.
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 2:50 PM Giacomo Spigler via AGI <
> agi@agi.topicbox.com> wrote:
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