
OK, that is a pretty good answer. I don't think I have any questions
left about your philosophy :).

Some comments, though.

> hmmm... you're saying the halting is provable  in some more powerful
> axiom system but not in Peano arithmetic?

Yea, it would be provable in whatever formal system I used to prove
the undecidability in the first place. (Probably PA plus an axiom
asserting "PA is consistent".)

> The thing is, a Turing machine is not a real machine: it's a mathematical
> abstraction.  A mathematical abstraction only has meaning inside a certain
> formal system.  So, the "Turing machine inside the Peano arithmetic
> system" would neither provably halt nor not-halt ... the "Turing machine
> inside
> some other formal system" might potentially  provably halt...

Basically, I see this this as a "no" to my original "Do you think
there is a truth of the matter" question. After all, if we need more
definitions to determine the truth of a statement, then surely the
statement's truth without the additional context is undefined.

Take-home message for me: "Yes, Ben really is a constructivist."

> But the question is what does this mean about any actual computer,
> or any actual physical object -- which we can only communicate about clearly
> insofar as it can be boiled down to a finite dataset.

What it means to me is that "Any actual computer will not halt (with a
correct output) for this program". An actual computer will keep
crunching away until some event happens that breaks the metaphor
between it and the abstract machine-- memory overload, power failure,
et cetera.

This does not seem to me to depend on the formal system that we choose.

Argument: very basic axioms fill in all the positive facts, and will
tell us that a Turing machine halts when such is the case. Any
additional axioms are attempts to fill in the negative space, so that
we can prove some Turing machines non-halting. It seems perfectly
reasonable to think hypothetically about the formal system that has
*all* the negative cases filled in properly, even though this is
impossible to actually do. This system is the "truth of the matter".
So, when we choose a formal system to reason about Turing machines
with, we are justified in choosing the strongest one available to us
(more specifically, the strongest one we suspect to be consistent).

> The use of the same term "machine" for an observable object and a
> mathematical
> abstraction seems to confuse the issue.

Sure. Do you have a preferred term? I can't think of any...

> -- Ben
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