On Sat, 6 Jul 2019 at 07:02, Aris Merchant
<thoughtsoflifeandligh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You're right. I was waiting for the dust to settle before trying to
> sort things out. Does the following look correct?
> Also, feel free to just withdraw "no power is all powerful" if you
> want to; it would simplify things a bit in some ways, and it's not
> like it would work even if it passed.
> -Aris
> ---
> Proposal 8197 was never validly distributed.
> Revision: At ~01:55:32 UTC Jul 2, when the last proposal pool report was
> published, the proposal pool contained the following proposals:
> Author(s)              AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> G.                     none  no power is all powerful
> Jason Cobb, [1]        3.0   Regulated actions reform (v2)
> [1] Aris, omd, G., Falsifian

Technically this may be missing my proposal "It's caused enough
trouble already?", though it doesn't really matter beacuse I have
since withdrawn it. See [0] for my reasoning and withdrawal.


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