--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you cite a reference on that?  I know that there
> is a liberal 
> contingent that is pro Palestinian (and a
> conservative one that is 
> anti-Israel), but I think that Americans in general
> are very supportive 
> of Israel.
> See:
> http://www.pollingreport.com/israel.htm
> Doug

Unfortunately the one I want isn't up on the web
anymore - or at least I can't find it.  There was a
Gallup poll on the subject that is referenced in:
Also mentions the results from the poll.

at least shows that Republicans are consistently more
likely to favor Israel than Democrats, on every
question in the poll, although it doesn't split it out
by ideology.

You can do it by opinion leaders as well.  The
National Review and the Weekly Standard are the two
most important conservative magazines - both are
massively pro-Israel, even though neither has any
policy of enforcing an editorial line.  It's just that
the only conservative of any significance I can think
of who is not strongly pro-Israel is Bob Novak.  Maybe
John McLaughlin too, I guess.  Neither is exactly

The most important liberal magazines are, well, The
New Republic, which has moved to the center and is
owned by Marty Peretz, so that's _extremely
pro-Israel_, since Marty would fire anyone who
disagreed with him (and has).  But there's The Nation
and Mother Jones - both violently anti-Israel,
basically because it's fairly difficult to find a
(non-Jewish) intellectual on the left who _isn't_
fairly pro-Palestinian.

The New York Times editorial board consistently
condemns Israel for defending itself.  The Wall Street
Journal Opinion page, by contrast, makes a better case
for Israel than Israeli diplomats do.

The strong sympathy of the right for Israel (and
antipathy of the left) is one of those bizarre things
in American politics where ideology is more important
than self-interest (campaign finance reform was
another).  Jews _never_ vote Republican - but
Republicans back Israel.  Even Richard Nixon,
violently anti-semitic though he was, strongly
supported Israel, and Israel has never had a more
supportive President than George W. Bush.  The
Democrats, on the other hand, despite receiving the
Jewish vote, consistently put pressure on Israel to
moderate its defense against the Palestinians.

I think it has something to do with power.  The left
seems to feel, at some gut level, that anyone with
power is always in the wrong.  Israel has more power
than the Palestinians, so they oppose Israel.  The
right is (too) comfortable with power, so the fact
that Israel is a democracy becomes more important.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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