Gautam Mukunda wrote:
at least shows that Republicans are consistently more
likely to favor Israel than Democrats, on every
question in the poll, although it doesn't split it out
by ideology.

Not in every question:

"Many world leaders have said they will not hold any meetings with political figures who deny the Holocaust. Yasser Arafat's number-two man, Mahmoud Abbas, has written a book claiming that there is no proof the Nazis killed six million Jews, and that the number of Jews killed by the Nazis may be less than one million. Should world leaders continue to meet with Mahmoud Abbas, or should they refuse to meet with him and treat him the same as others who deny or minimize the Holocaust?"

Continue Total 20.2 Rep. 20.6 Dem 17.3 Ind. 24.8
Refuse Total 64.0 Rep. 67.4 Dem. 64.9 Ind. 58.6

"Should the United States continue to give $150 million of American taxpayers' money every year to Palestinian Arabs living in the territories of Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Palestinian Authority?"

Yes Total 11.5 Rep. 10.9 Dem. 8.1 Ind. 18.6
No  Total 76.7 Rep. 79.1 Dem. 78.9 Ind. 69.5

But the numbers are so close up and down the page that drawing the conclusion that conservatives are more pro Israeli than Liberals is very questionable. A more accurate statement would be that conservatives are _slightly_ more pro Israeli than Liberals.

I think it has something to do with power.  The left
seems to feel, at some gut level, that anyone with
power is always in the wrong.  Israel has more power
than the Palestinians, so they oppose Israel.  The
right is (too) comfortable with power, so the fact
that Israel is a democracy becomes more important.

I think one of the reasons Jews identify more with Democrats is that they can empathize with those elements of society to whom a voice has been denied, for obvious reasons.



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