On Sun, 2003-02-09 at 18:05, Gustavo Franco wrote:
> I was sent a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] talking about the topics discussed
> here, this thread will be reported in the next issue of Debian Weekly
> News(DWN) [1].
> [1] = http://www.infodrom.org/~joey/Writing/DWN/dwn-2003-06.html

Brilliant!  What a good idea!
Now they can print a stupid article which takes real emails with real
discussions, and advertise a moronic headline which is 180 degrees from
the truth.  I wanted a system where Mandrake can help the community, and
the community can better serve the distro, and now there's a pubic
article stating the opposite.

Good work Gus.
You're a hero.


                        Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
             Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
           Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
             MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
                     homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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