John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Austin Acton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> The community should not be interpreted as a port or a fork or a new
>> project.  IMHO, it should be just that, a community: with both corporate
>> and volunteer portions working as one.
> OK, I may have misinterpreted the reason it's starting.  I thought the
> idea was to create something to take care of Mandrake Linux if
> MandrakeSoft ceases to exist, but now I see that you're also
> interested in working with them if they do manage to turn things
> around financially.  Makes sense.  Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yes the idea is to strenghen and federate the mandrakelinux developers
community, whatever happens to the Mandrakesoft commercial company.

However I think that both the community and Mandrakesoft could
benefits from each others.

As a consequence the current thread aim is to brainstorm for a more
official and ruled structure for the community.

Moreover I think the goal is not to merge or become part of debian
project, but to keep a kind of sane concurrent state between them


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