On 30/11/2023 05:53, Dan Purgert wrote:
Avahi BS?  APIPA ("A"utomatic "P"rivate "IP" "A"ddressing) is not
avahi/mDNS (aka Bonjour / Zeroconf).

Your DHCP client giving you an APIPA address is indicative of broken
DHCP, and the fix is either:

avahi-daemon (multicast name resolution and service discovery) and avahi-autoipd (link-local IP addresses) debian packages are built from the same "avahi" upstream project despite their purpose is different (and related).

There are alternatives that may play the same roles (assigning 169.254.x.y IPv4LL addresses and sending/responding to mDNS queries): udhcp, systemd-networkd. I am unsure however if all CUPS features are available without avahi.

With proper network configuration (static IP addresses as first step) avahi may be ignored in this case. Currently avahi-autoipd (or another tool) successfully manged to make it possible to connect at least local network. Since static IPs are used in the local network, manual configuration is required to make global connections available.

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