On Nov 29, 2023, gene heskett wrote:
> On 11/29/23 14:03, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 01:17:18PM -0500, Dan Purgert wrote:
> > > 'ntpd' I think (or is it systemd-timed or something like that nowadays?)
> > 
> > Gene's system is running some derivative of buster (Debian 10).
> No I am not, Greg, been running bookworm for almost a year on this machine.
> It is the 3d printer, a QIDI X-MAX 3,  which is running armbian buster that
> I am trying to fix. At least enough to set its clock, which is about a year
> out of date ATM.
> Just now did a powerdown which restarts it at:Sun 01 Jan 2023 06:02:14 AM
> I have added some of my hosts file into its hosts file, and I can ping back
> and forth, and a valid ipv4 nameserver to resolv.conf and ping is working
> locally. But I can't find where its setting its default ipv4 address to the
> avahi bs, even with grep -r.

Avahi BS?  APIPA ("A"utomatic "P"rivate "IP" "A"ddressing) is not
avahi/mDNS (aka Bonjour / Zeroconf).  

Your DHCP client giving you an APIPA address is indicative of broken
DHCP, and the fix is either:

  A. Fix your broken DHCP
  B. Set the machine up with a static IP address

I'm kind of surprised that an Armbian box doesn't have a hwclock that
you can set the proper time on, to survive reboots (but anyway, I
imagine once you get the machine running with a valid IP address for
your network, it'll be able to use whatever time-sync service armbian
ships with (quick ddg search implies it ships with chrony installed /
setup as default).

HTH :)

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