I want to thank everyone that contributed to this mailing list with their
knowledge of database data types and their insights about either using the
HSQL embedded engine or some other database system.

I do agree that deciding on the hardware (like in stand-alone vs server
options) and the most appropriate database system are fundamental in
database design. I also think that this questions will be done by some
kind of professional who is building a complex database and can freely
move from one option to the other. In contrast, the tutorial Andrew is
helping me to write will focus on an average user of OO who just
discovered Base and is thinking that maybe he could develop a small
application to keep track of clients, orders and payments for his own
little business or professional practice.

So I have decided that the user of this mid-level tutorial:

1.Has read about building tables, forms and queries in other Base
tutorials BUT
2.Has no formal idea of what a database is or how it's structured
3.Has no information about the factors in deciding how to structure tables
or the relations of data.
4.Has no notions about implementing the previous considerations with Base
5 AND still would like to invest the time to develop a small database with
Base to handle information relevant to him/her.

Additionally, and for the sake of defining the limits of the tutorial,
Andrew has helped me decided that the average database user will need to
develop and application that has only one formal user (role), and that
this application will run as a stand-alone in his/her computer.

All other parameters (content, scope, level of training, etc.) will be
based on the considerations mentioned above.

Andrew, thank you for the material you have sent to me. I am currently
studying it. You said that multiple Base data types will map to common
Java data types. I think that this means that there are more names than
categories. I guess that the differences make sense when Base is being
used as a front end for other database systems and users, but behave in an
identical form when used with the HSQL engine. If this is correct, can you
tell me which are the ones that can be considered

Can you also explain to me how does Base (or the user) chose among strict
or lax modes of operation (in data type assignment)? And lastly, what are
scalar values? How do you scale them? When do you use them?

Thanks beforehand!



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