
2018-04-09 19:44 GMT+02:00 Alex Harui <>:

> Yes, YUI does lots of things, but how often are folks going to write the
> CSS it can optimize?  If you change our emitter so that it removes line
> breaks, last semicolon, and most comments, everything else YUI can do will
> likely have minimal effect.
> If YUI is BSD it can be used, but I personally do not want to take the
> time to verify that ALL of YUI is BSD compliant, update the builds,
> LICENSE, etc, when the net benefit might be that someone was lazy about
> margins and YUI saved them 20 bytes.  If that's where you want to spend
> your energy, that's fine, but I really think we have more important things
> to do.

If YUI is only 16 java classes of code. Since is a Yahoo library we can
expect it is truly BSD right?
(I mean is not like to go other library by some individual that will be
more tricky)
and if BSD is ok for us, I think I'll take much less time importing and
using it than looking how it works
and try to copy the code and make it work for us.

What is more obscure to me is things related to ANT and builds...and maybe
I'll need some help there from you

But I think this solution is more robust that introducing our own code that
not only can introduce other bugs
(since can be removing things that should not be removed) and in the end
can cost us much time imagining what's
happening. So I prefer to depend on well proven and used code than in my
own code, that's my humble opinon on this

About what we save: I tried it and the results for current JewelTheme are:

-debug mode : 31k
-YUI: 22k

that's 34% of reduction

Think that actual theme can be completed at 30%, so the the savings can be

Carlos Rovira

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