On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 2:21 PM Gary Buhrmaster
<gary.buhrmas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 7:40 PM Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> > Bias is not the same thing as a conflict of interest. And it doesn't
> > inherently result in unfairness.
> Sometimes it is a matter avoiding even the appearance
> of impropriety that could be raised at a later date to
> question the process/motives/decisions (which often
> just delays the inevitable, but sometimes the delay is
> the point).

Of course voting members need to trust their instincts. I only mean to
indicate bias is not the same thing as a conflict of interest; and
also further that a very strong preference that's predicated on
evidence and experience isn't even bias, certainly not in the
prejudiced sense. Anyone who thinks their objectivity is compromised
on some topic should recuse; and anyone who knows another's
objectivity is compromised should feel comfortable to point this out
and ask for recusal.

> Regardless, I would suggest that along the way, if
> FESCo does not have a set of guidelines regarding
> if recusal on any vote is appropriate, they should consider
> writing down whatever they decide is appropriate (or
> just point to some other groups process if that is
> appropriate), even if the decision is no recusal is
> ever required, so we don't have this discussion all
> over again in a year or two when everyone has
> forgotten this one.

It's reasonable to have clarity on the issue. I'm not an ombudsman or
ethicist, but there is such a person or group within Red Hat who could
answer this question. It might even be as straightforward as each
voting member filling out a questionnaire so that their possible
conflicts are known, and they can steer clear of such areas. But I
think Fedora has quite a lot of compartmentalization in the
organizational structure that just inherently avoids the problem.

Anyway I came across this which is informative, even though it applies
mainly to charities (Fedora is a non-profit so it's approximate).

Chris Murphy
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