Andrei asked:
"The larger issue is actually more fundamental: do interaction
designers need to have aesthetic skills?"

An unequivocal "1 million %" (to quote my American Idol Buddy Randy
Jackson) YES!

Aesthetics is HUGE.
And understanding fundamentals of communication design (Visual,
audio, 3D, spatial, etc.) is at the core of a good IxD
education/training career path.

As for your post following Jim. I didn't give it a full read, but
what I did read seemed right on target. 

If I understood the spirit, I would say, that yes, IxD's have to
understand and quite often DO UI Design.

So is UI Designer:Interaction Designer : designer what thoracic
surgeon: surgeon : doctor? 

Medium : discipline : category

I realize this might have leaped a lot onto the conversation. But
what it means is that an interface designer IS an interaction
designer, but not all interaction designers are interface designers
and not all designers are interaction designers.

Does that work? Or did I mess everything up again. I was just trying
to bring it back to the original question of What's the difference?

-- dave

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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