I think this topic is very interesting. 

Two sides of it: 

* Static files handling
* APIs

Curtis is right, there are other options but, Django REST Framework is 
(whilst not perfect) pretty solid on the API front. I think Django has a 
good story here. 
It's pretty hard not to find DRF if you follow any guide, or any searching 
at all. 

The static files story is a little different. It seems to me we don't tell 
the best story there. 

Rails has two things which we could be envious of, even if we didn't want 
to copy exactly:

* The frontend framework integration that's already been mentioned. 
* The very easy "Ajax your form", with controllers (i.e. for us "generic 
views") automatically handling ajax form submissions. 

Both these features get users further quicker in these aspects than we are 
able to offer. 

We struggle to think of areas for improvements (re GSoC for example) but 
maybe here is an area. 

This ties into Claude's proposal here: 

My own story is, I've had lots of success with, and still use, Django 

   - At it's simplest you just map a content type to a shell command to run 
   and then include your Sass/Less/React/Elm/whatever files in your HTML (with 
   script or link tags, almost in the old-school way). 
   - In development these are processed (& cached) per request. 
   - For deployment you just run an offline compression task (management 
   command) and then upload the files. 
   - That's it. 

It's not a coverall approach — a frontend engineer will come along and 
totally replace Compressor with whatever is this week's Top Javascript 
Build System™ BUT it is a good 80:20: it lets me do something (that 
approximates) respectable, without knowing hardly anything about the latest 
frontend hotness. (GNU Make FTW! 🙂) 

I think if we were to offer something out-of-the-box that got as far as 
Compressor, or further, we'd:

   - satisfy most of our users, 
   - allow yet more to get off the mark quickly, 
   - and... well... those that need the full frontend toolchain would still 
   be free to use it. 
I worry we'd never get anything like this into core... but I think it would 
be good. (As I say, I think it's one area where we are lacking/behind the 

Kind Regards,


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