Why would they go away? People don't go to convenience stores to buy gas. Certainly buying gas encourages buying something inside but the demand for convenience shopping was around long before service station morphed into convenience stores with gas pumps.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Brandon Hines via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 05-Dec-15 7:22:03 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] UK grid too weak for 34M EVs (not when we stop pumping gas too!)

If people primarily charge at home then wouldn't most convenience stores
go away?


On 12/05/2015 11:44 AM, Peri Hartman via EV wrote:
 That's great info, Tom!

 I think the convenience store aspect would remain, so just dividing
your numbers by four might be more realistic. That's still 250-300 or
 so miles per day EV equivalent.  Amazing!

It would be good to corroborate this data. I'm hoping that this store
 is an anomaly.


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Tom Keenan" <tnan...@yahoo.com>
 To: "Peri Hartman" <pe...@kotatko.com>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion
 List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 Sent: 05-Dec-15 9:36:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] UK grid too weak for 34M EVs (not when we stop
 pumping gas too!)

 About two years ago, I asked a gas station/convenience store owner
 what the normal amounts of electricity they used were, and he said
 about 350 kWh in summer, and 250 kWh in the winter. (Natural gas
 heating). I asked if this was for an entire month, and me said no,
 that was the amount used for a single day!  He showed his power bill
 as proof.  I was quite surprised, as my house uses roughly that
 amount per month.

 Granted, most of the energy was used for beverage and food coolers
 (about a dozen) and air conditioning. He estimated that the eight
gasoline and two diesel dispensers and lift pumps was about a quarter
 of the total energy use for his station.

 If one considers this a typical store/gas station, and it serves
 perhaps 2,000 vehicles a day, each vehicle's share of energy is
 between 125 and 175 Watt-hours
 (0.125 to 0.175 kWh) when they fuel up.  This takes into account
 their 'use' of powering the store, whether they buy soda and
 cigarettes or not.

 Obviously, energy used at a gas station is only a small part of the
equation- extraction, transport, and refining of crude oil use vastly
 more amounts of energy in the whole petroleum cycle.  The total
energy used per vehicle would need to include that power used as well.

 Thought of another way, if the station were to go away (due to
 customer attrition)  there would be an additional 250 to 350 kWh
 available per day for the grid to power plug-in vehicles.  At 250
 Wh/mi, that would translate to 1,000 to 1,400 miles per day of
electric driving. Or enough miles/power to satisfy about 25 to 35 EVs
 doing forty-mile (round trip) commutes.   The gas station attrition
 model would appear to need to eliminate about 2,000 ICE vehicles to
 shut down one gas station.

 Feel free to check my math - done on an iPhone...

 Tom Keenan

On Dec 4, 2015, at 9:08 AM, Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

  That would be interesting information.  I'll take a stab at an
 answer, based on this EIA graph:


  Overall, it shows that commercial uses about 80% the amount of
 residential (this is a visual interpretation).  The figure, from
 EIA, for residential is 11MwH per year.  So, let's say the average
 commercial location uses 8.8MwH per year.


  Now for the EVs:  If the average EV uses 300wH = .3KwH (including
 accessories, charging losses, etc.) per mile and the average driver
 goes 20000 miles per year, that's 6MwH of charging per year.

So, based on averages and some EV assumptions, the gas station uses
 enough electricy to charge somewhere between 1 and 2 EVs.


  ------ Original Message ------
  From: "Robert Bruninga via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
  To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
  Sent: 04-Dec-15 6:47:23 AM
  Subject: [EVDL] UK grid too weak for 34M EVs (not when we stop
 pumping gas too!)

  : MP Amber Rudd sez the UK grid too weak for 34M EVs
  BRITAIN’S electric car revolution could trigger blackouts by
  our power network, senior Tories fear.

  Typical right wing ignorance.

  What happens when 50% of cars are EV's.  Then only 50% of the gas
  remain operating.  How much ELECTRICITY does a gas station
 consume????  My
  wild a$$ guess is maybe the same as what it takes to charge 50
 EV's.  Now
add up all the ELECTRIC savings by closing all those gas stations,
  turning off half the gasoline pipelines, and half of the gasoline
  distribution system, and turning off HALF of all the electricity
  pumping gas ouit of the ground, etc, and I bet it’s a WASH!

  Tonight I'm going to drop by my neighborhood gas station and see
 if the
  owner will tell me his electric bill and even better, if he will
 tell me how
  many cars he serves.  I DOUBT he will tell me anything about the
 number of
cars and the amount of gas since he is in EXTREME competition with
statinon across the road, but maybe he will reveal the electric bill.

  But we need this number.  GO get your local number and lets
 compare notes.


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