<sigh> Overall, the electricity use will remain the same or rise a small amount. Many studies have shown this.

1) Compact fluorescent and LED bulbs as well as the move toward other more efficient household appliances will tend to counteract the added load of EVs on the grid.

2) EV's tend to charge through night, when the load on the grid is quite small. Basically, EVs load the grid during non-peak hours, or can be incentivized to do so if grid peak load becomes an issue.

3) We should not forget that as roof top solar panels gain in popularity they will ease the load on total power generation, offsetting any additional generation load EVs might add in total.

Old argument. Debunked numerous times in the past. Never held water in the past and certainly doesn't now. Also, with EV's gaining in popularity, grid overloading has not proved to be an issue.

Bill Dube'

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