Pestka Denis via EV wrote:
This little truck is a blast to drive. I take it out whenever I can.
Without driver, it weighs ~ 2800 lbs.
With the Lithium's, I now have a 80 - 100 mile range.
I've also taken it to a lot of car shows.
It's no where near a show quality vehicle, but always seems to attract the most 
Have 9 trophy's to date.

That's an impressive showing. Congratulations!

My first EV was a Datsun pickup, so I have a soft spot in my heart for them. Small, light, efficient; but lots of room and weight-carrying capacity for batteries. Dirt-simple to convert.

Teaching children to program goes against the grain of modern education.
Just imagine the chaos if they learned to think logically, plan, create,
implement, test, and execute!
Lee Hart, 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377,
Read EVAngel's EV News at
Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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