Not to dig up an old bone, but I happen to be cruising this "institute's"
site, looking to see what "values" they were trying to bend lately.  Well
thankfully their focus wasn't on EVs lately, just more reports that our oil
companies are being taxed too much, our drug prices shouldn't be capped and
other pro-corporate media, ugh.   But I did happen to find this gem of a

Pretty hilarious, almost a '60s kind of propaganda video.  I don't think
there is anyone in Canada trying to ban oil outright, it will be needed in
many other industries for the foreseeable time, but it certainly can be
reduced especially in transportation.  The scene at 1:12 where the SUV gets
turned into a small beater, supposedly electric car is classic.  Guess the
bicycle needed oil too?  Hope you all aren't suffering too much from your
sacrifice!  Enjoy.

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 1:06 AM, EVDL Administrator via EV <
> wrote:

> On 3 Aug 2017 at 16:27, Dan Baker via EV wrote:
> > From their site it's hard to tell where there funding comes from, they
> do list
> > their funding as 27% from businesses and 70% from "foundations".  One of
> their
> > Directors bios shows he has direct ties to big oil.
> It's kind of negative to say it, but this formula has been working for over
> 40 years, and not just with EVs.  To preserve their billions, the big money
> men invest millions in foundations and "think tanks."  I guess they figure
> that 1000:1 is a pretty good return on their money.  They are probably
> right.
> Many or most of these pseudo-educational institutions (many/most qualify as
> nonprofits and thus pay no taxes and can accept tax-deductible donations.
> They send smooth-talking people in $1000 suits with impressive sounding
> credentials to do soothing, "common sense" interviews with the news media.
> The media almost never question them, since the "experts" make the
> so-called
> journalists' jobs easy and their advertisers happy.
> The more recent enhancements to this scheme are psychographically targeted
> social media advertising and trolling.  Facebook (among others) is only too
> happy to take their money, and help them learn what pushes your buttons.
> The world might be in flames around them, and if that were what their
> masters wished, these people would smile and earnestly declare that there's
> no need to worry, everything is fine.
> I don't know how you beat them at their game.  The only method I know of
> that might combat this smooth, deliberate anti-EV propaganda is good old
> fashioned one-on-one in-person proselytizing in favor of EVs.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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