Actually, a 1200 mile HVDC line looses only about 5% of the energy
transmitted, so it is very efficient.  Now, these lines are expensive,
about $2 million/per mile, or $1.4 billion for a 1200 mile line, and the
longest one I know about is about 1500 miles in South America, so they
can't really transmit electricity around the globe, but they can efficiency
transmit to a large part of a major continent, so they can greatly reduce
the amount of storage needed.

Now batteries (either in EVs or after they have been removed from EVs for
storage), can provide huge amounts of storage for a number of hours or a
few days, but you need something else, e.g., stored H2 to store energy for
weeks or months.



On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 1:15 PM, jim--- via EV <> wrote:

> Michael Ross said (in part):
> > The grid is a super storage medium. If we were more interconnected
> worldwide, then a series of large solar arrays could do it all. You just
> need enough of them facing the sun at any given time and then batteries can
> take their better place as mobile storage. This arrangement beats the heck
> out of digging all the copper and cobalt needed for stationary storage.
> Unfortunately not practical.  Transmission line losses if nothing else
> would rule it out.  There are other issues as well.
> Jim
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