On Nov 22, 2008, at 2:06 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> Yes, there must be a problem with the assumptions. The only assumption
> that I see we could eliminate, painful though it might be for those of
> a scientific bent, is the idea that consciousness supervenes on
> physical activity. Q.E.D.

Right. But the problem is that that conclusion doesn't tell me how to  
deal with the (equally persuasive) arguments that convince me there's  
something deeply correct about viewing consciousness in computational  
terms, and viewing computation in physical terms. So I'm really just  
left with a dilemma. As I've hinted earlier, I suspect that there's  
something wrong with the idea of "physical matter" and related ideas  
like causality, probability, etc. But that's pretty vague.

-- Kory

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