On 23 Nov 2008, at 17:41, John Mikes wrote:

> On 11/23/08, Bruno Marchal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> About mechanism, the optimist reasons like that. I love myself  
>> because
>> I have a so interesting life with so many rich experiences. Now you
>> tell me I am a machine. So I love machine because machine *can* have
>> rich experiences, indeed, myself is an example.
>> The pessimist reasons like that. I hate myself because my life is
>> boringly uninteresting without any rich experiences. Now you tell  
>> me I
>> am a machine. I knew it! My own life confirms that rumor according to
>> which machine are stupid automata. No meaning no future.
> (JM): thanks Bruno, for the nice metaphor of 'machine' -

It was the "pessimist metaphor". I hope you know I am a bit more  
optimist, ... with regard to machines.

> In my vocabulary
> a machine is a model exercising a mechanism, but chacquun a son gout.

We agree on the definition.


> (JM): Bruno, in my opinion NOTHING is 'third person sharable' - only a
> 'thing' (from every- or no-) can give rise to develop a FIRST personal
> variant of the sharing,

The third person part is what the first person variant is a variant of.
I don't pretend we can know it. But if we don't bet on it,  we become  

> more or less (maybe) resembling the original 'to
> be shared' one. In its (1st) 'personal' variation. (Cf: perceived  
> reality).

Building theories help to learn how false we can be. We have to take  
our theories seriously, make then precise and clear enough if we want  
to see the contradiction and learn from there. Oh we can also  
contemplate, meditate, or listen to music; or use (legal) entheogen,  
why not, there are many paths, not incompatible. But reasoning up to a  
contradiction, pure or with the facts, is the way of the researcher.


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