   is there a free version of Theoretical computer science and the

On Feb 4, 2:45 pm, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
> On 04 Feb 2010, at 15:28, Jason Resch wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Bruno Marchal <>  
> > wrote:
> > On 03 Feb 2010, at 15:49, Jason Resch wrote:
> >> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Bruno Marchal <>  
> >> wrote:
> >> On 03 Feb 2010, at 03:00, Jason Resch wrote:
> >>>  Is your point that with addition, multiplication, and an infinite  
> >>> number of successive symbols, any computable function can be  
> >>> constructed?
> >> You can say so.
> >> You could also have said that with addition + multiplication axioms  
> >> +  logic, any computable function can be proved to exist.
> >> So I suppose that is what I was wondering, given at minimum, those,  
> >> how is the existence of a computable function proved to exist?  
> >> Could you provide an example of how a simple function, like f(x) =  
> >> x*2 exists, or is it a very tedious proof?
> > I guess you ask: how is the existence of a computable function  
> > proved to exist in a theory T. Usually logicians use the notion of  
> > representability. The one variable function f(x)  is said to be  
> > representable in the theory T, if there is a formula F(x, y) such  
> > that when f(n) = m,  the theory T proves F(n, m), and usually  
> > (although not needed) that T proves
> > Ax (F(n,x) -> x = m).
> > Here you will represent the function f(x) = x*2 by the formula F(x,  
> > y) : y = x*2. Depending on your theory the proof of the true formula  
> > F(n, m) will be tedious or not.  For example F(2, 1) is s(s(0)) =  
> > s(0) * s(s(0), and you need a theory having at least logic +  
> > equality rules, and the axioms
> > 1) x * 0 = 0
> > 2) x* s(y) = x * y   + x
> > 3) x + 0 = 0
> > 4) x + s(y) = s(x + y)
> > I let you prove that  s(s(0)) = s(0) * s(s(0) from those axioms  
> > (using the usual axiom for egality).
> > s(0) * s(s(0)) = s(0) *s(0)   + s(0)        By axiom 2 with x = s(0)  
> > and y = s(0)
> > s(0) *s(0)   + s(0) = s(s(0) + 0)            By axiom 4 with x =  
> > s(0) *s(0) and y = 0
> > s(s(0) + 0)  = s(s(0))                             By substitution  
> > of identical (logic + equality rules)
> > s(0) * s(s(0)) = s(s(0))                          Transitivity of  
> > equality (logic + equality rules)
> > s(s(0)) = s(0) * s(s(0))                           equality rule (x  
> > = y -> y = x)
> > And this is F(2, 1), together with its proof. Not very tedious, but  
> > F(2010, 1005) would be much more tedious! Note that from this we can  
> > also deduce the existential sentence ExF(x, 1), a typical sigma_1  
> > sentence.
> >>> Or do the relations imposed by addition and multiplication somehow  
> >>> create functions/machines?
> >> You can say so but you need logic. Not just in the (meta)  
> >> background, but made explicit in the axiom of the theory, or the  
> >> program of the machine (theorem prover).
> >>> Thanks,
> >> You are welcome. Such questions help to see where the difficulties  
> >> remain. Keep asking if anything is unclear.
> >> Thanks again, things are becoming a little more clear for me.  My  
> >> background is in computer science, in case that applies and helps  
> >> in writing an explanation for my question above.
> > The nice thing is that a function is partial recursive  
> > (programmable) if an only if it is representable in a Sigma_1  
> > complete theory.
> > A sigma_1 complete theory is a theory capable of proving all the  
> > true sentences equivalent with ExP(x) with P decidable.
> > In particular the theory above (with some more axioms like s(x) =  
> > s(y) -> x = y, ..) is Sigma_1 complete, and thus Turing universal.  
> > All computable functions can be represented in that theory, and all  
> > computations can be represented as a proof of a Sigma_1 sentence  
> > like above.
> > To show that such a weak theory is Sigma_1 complete is actually long  
> > and not so easy. But then, to prove that the game of life is turing  
> > universal is rather long also. For weak system, such proof asks for  
> > some "machine language programming", and the meticulous verification  
> > that everything works well. Always tedious, and there are some  
> > subtle points. It is well done in the book by Epstein and Carnielli,  
> > or Boolos, Burgess and Jeffrey.
> > Here is another very short Turing universal theory  (a purely  
> > equational logic-free theory!) :
> > ((K x) y) = x
> > (((S x) y) z) = ((x z)(y z))
> > (x = x)
> > (x = y) ==> (y = x)
> > (x = y) ; (y = z) ===> (x = z)
> > (x = y) ===> ((x z) = (y z))
> > (x = y) ===> ((z x) = (z y))       "===>" is informal deduction, and  
> > ";" is the informal "and".
> > You may look at my paper "Theoretical computer science and the  
> > natural sciences" for more on this theory, and its probable  
> > importance in deriving the shape of physics from numbers.
> >
> > Hmm... It is 32 $ ...  You may look at my older posts on the  
> > combinators (Smullyan's birds!). It is not important, I wanted just  
> > to show you another example.
> > Bruno
> >
> > So then it seems the integers, addition, and multiplication (plus  
> > some logic) are the minimum axioms needed to represent and prove  
> > true any computable function, and it is through this  
> > representability that the functions are said to exist.  Is this  
> > correct?
> The rule of addition and the rule of multiplication, with some amount  
> of logic provides a universal programming language. That's correct.
> And at the same time this provides a tiny formal theory of arithmetic.  
> A generator of a tiny subset of Arithmetical Truth (the set of all  
> true arithmetical sentences, written in first order arithmetical  
> language).
> Tiny, but already equivalent with a "block- description" of a  
> universal dovetailing.
> You cannot prove true a computable function. You can only prove  
> proposition. A theory is just a set of formula closed for inference  
> rule. Effective theory have a recursively enumerable set of theorems.
> Theories proves propositions. And those are true when the theory is  
> sound.
> Universal systems computes functions. But a priori don't prove anything.
> I hope your believe that any closed formula of arithmetic is either  
> true or false. A logician would add "in the standard model of  
> Arithmetic", but this can lead to confusion.
> I can recall you exactly what is an arithmetical formula if you  
> desire, but be patient the next days are rather time occupied, so just  
> be patient.
> > Could the connection be made between mathematically provable true  
> > statements, and functions?
> Of course. mathematical logic studies mainly that. A formula F(x, y)  
> represent a function when it verifies the functionnal condition, i.e.  
> AxAyAz F(x,y) & F(x, z) ->. y = z.
> Actually you can see functions as particular case of relations, like  
> above.
> But you can see relations as a particular case of functions, by taking  
> the characteristic function of the set of n-uples in the relation.
> But you have to understand well the difference between a true  
> arithmetical proposition, and a provable arithmetical proposition, by  
> me or you or that formal system, or that other one. Provable is always  
> related to a theory.
> And provable(p) -> p systematically for all proposition when the  
> theory is sound (and then no rich theory can prove this, no they can  
> prove or even directly express its own correctness, by a theorem of  
> Tarski).
> >  For example, the product of 4 consecutive integers is 1 less than a  
> > square, is provably true because a function exists which embiodies  
> > the relationship, and it can be proven to be true?  Whereas without  
> > the existence of a function, would it be unprovable?
> I am not sure what you mean by provably true. It is provable in Peano  
> Arithmetic, I suspect. But the function or functions you can associate  
> with such a truth exists or not independently of the fact that such or  
> other theories proves it.
> Of course, if you believe in the axioms of some theory, you may  
> believe in the existence of a function, because you can prove it in  
> that theory you trust, but again, the truth is independent of the  
> theory. Now the truth about numbers can be managed in richer (not  
> necessarily made formal) theories like naive set theory, as everyone  
> does in practice.
> > It is not clear to me what Sigma1 sentences are, I could not find a  
> > good definition anywhere.
> It is subtle. It is part of recursion theory. I will define the notion  
> of sigma_1 proposition instead. (sigma_1 sentence are defined  
> syntactically by induction. The relation between sigma_1 proposition  
> and sigma_1 sentence is that it is the same in the eyes of God  
> (arithmetical truth), but this can usually not been seen by the  
> machines, which explains a part of the subtlety).
> Basically a sigma_1 proposition is a proposition asserting the  
> existence of a number verifying some decidable property.
> "There exists a number x such that x is prime" = there is a prime  
> number, is a sigma_1 proposition.
> Thanks to the existence of the zero searching algorithm for the  
> critical zero of the Riemann zeta function, it is easy to understand  
> that the negation of the Riemann conjecture is a sigma_1 proposition.
> The propositions "There exist a stopping state for the machine u  
> starting with y and z"  give you a rich set of examples of sigma_1  
> proposition.
> When such proposition are true, they are verifiable (provable- in the  
> tiny arithmetic described above, accessible by the universal  
> dovetailer based on a sigma_1 complete theory).
> There is a theorem (well known by logicians) that in first order logic  
> all quantified formula can be put in prenex form which means that all  
> the quantifier precede the atomic formula. They can all have the shape:
> AxEyAzEt .... Au P(x, y, ...
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