On Feb 10, 12:19 am, Brent Meeker <meeke...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
> On 2/9/2011 3:35 PM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:03 AM, John Mikes<jami...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >> Stathis,
> >> I like your implications:
> >> "... I assume you think that such an attempt would fail, that
> >> although some processes in the brain such as chemistry and the
> >> behaviour of electric fields can be modelled, there are other
> >> processes that can't be modelled. What processes are these, and what
> >> evidence do you have that they exist?"
> >> I am speaking about processes we don't (yet?) know at all, like some
> >> centuries ago electricity etc. etc. and in due course we learn about
> >> phenomena not fitting into our existing 'models'.
> >> I don't volunteer to describe such processes before we learn about them 
> >> (how
> >> stupid of me) - netiher do I have "evidence" for the "existence and
> >> behavior" of such unkown/able processes.
> >> Our cultural induction allows a widening of models, processes, phenomena,
> >> mechanisms.
> >> We even advanced from the Geocentric vision.
> > One thing that we have found with all new physical phenomena is that
> > they follow physical laws that can be described algorithmically.
> Physical laws aren't "out there".  They are models we invent.

It's  not satisfactory to say that there is no lawfulness to  the
at all. Is there no reason the sun will rise tomorrow?

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