On Feb 12, 3:02 am, Charles <charlesrobertgood...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That's a bit simplistic. The nett result of EPR/Bell/Aspect is either-
> > indeterminism-or-nonlocal-hidden-variable. If NLHV's can be disproved,
> > that proves indeterminism
> Actually there is a third alternative, which is to take the time
> symmetry of physical law seriously, as suggested by Huw Price in
> "Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point". That explains all the above (EPR/
> Bell/Aspect) without any additional assumptions such as FTL
> signalling, causality violation, hidden variables etc.

There are a number of ways of explaining EPR. The question is how
palatable the explanation is. If you a re a traditionalist about
you are not going to find reversed causality palatable.

>(Bell himself
> admitted that this was the only loophole in his argument.)

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