On Jul 22, 6:24 am, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:30 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > **
> > On 7/21/2011 8:08 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:29 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >>  On 7/21/2011 1:16 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
> >> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 1:30 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >>>  On 7/21/2011 11:03 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
> >>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:54 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >>>> On 7/21/2011 2:27 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >>>>> Axiomatics are already in Platonia so of course that forces computation
> >>>>>> to be there.
> >>>>> The computations are concrete relations.
> >>>>  If the are concrete then we should be able to point to them.
> >>> If your mind is a computer, you don't even need to point to them,
> >>> everything you see and experience is direct evidence of the existence of 
> >>> the
> >>> computation implementing your mind.
> >>> Also, I don't think the "point test" works for everything that has a
> >>> concrete existence.  How would a many-worlder point to the other branches 
> >>> of
> >>> the wave function, or an eternalist point to the past?  How would an AI or
> >>> human in a virtual environment point to the concrete computer that is
> >>> rendering its environment?
> >>>> They don't need axioms to exist. Then the numbers relation can be
> >>>>> described by some axiomatic.
> >>>>  And one can regard the numbers as defined by their relations.  So the
> >>>> "fundamental ontology" of numbers is reduced to a description of 
> >>>> relations.
> >>> Is a chair the same thing as a description of a chair, or an idea of a
> >>> chair?
> >>>> The is no need to suppose they exist in the sense of tables and chairs.
> >>> Assume both matter and number relations exist.  With comp, the existence
> >>> of number relations explains the existence of matter,
> >>>  That's the question.  It seems that comp requires more than the
> >>> existence of number relations, it requires the existence of a UD or
> >>> equivalent.
> >> The Fibonacci sequence is, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...
> >> It is defined by the simple number relation Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2).
> >> This is a simple recursive definition.  You might even say the number line
> >> has a simple recursive definition, where Number(n) = Number(n-1) + 1.
> >> Different recursive definitions result in different sequences of numbers
> >> (different ways of progressing through the integers).  In some of these
> >> definitions, bits patterns (within the number) may move around in well
> >> defined ways,
> >>  There's the rub.  Nothing changes in Platonia.  Nothing "moves around" or
> >> "computes".  Bit patterns are physical things, like 101101.  Numbers are
> >> not.
> > Nothing changes in physics either.  Block time is the only consistent view
> > given relativity.
> > Different t ==> different g_ab.
> Different N ==> different Fib(N)
> > That's change in physics.  Anyway, GR must be incomplete since it's not
> > compatible with QM.
> All the relevant parts of relativity which imply block time have been
> confirmed.  The above is like arguing against gravity because Newton's
> theory wasn't compatible with the observations of Mercury's orbit.
> > Things don't need to move to compute, there just need to be well defined
> > relations between the bits.
> >>  some of these bit patterns become self-reproducing, and may even evolve
> >> into more complex bit patterns, which are better able to reproduce
> >> themselves.  Some of these bit patterns may even evolve consciousness, as
> >> they build brains which attempt to discern and predict future observations
> >> of bit patterns within the number.  Let's call this function Universe.
> >> There may be bit patterns (life forms) in Universe(n) which improve their
> >> survival or reproductive success by correctly predicting parts of
> >> Universe(n+x).  There are number relations which define such sequences of
> >> numbers; you cannot deny their existence without denying the Fibonacci
> >> sequence or the number line (these are just simpler instances of recursive
> >> relations).
> >>  I can deny that the numbers exist the way tables and do and still accept
> >> that certain relations are true of them; just like I can accept that John
> >> Watson was a friend of Sherlock Holmes.
> > Numbers, unlike fictional characters, are co-eternal with the universe, if
> > not the cause of the universe.
> > That assumes numbers exist.
> It is no worse than assuming the physical universe exists.  Both theories
> are consistent with observation.
> >    In that sense, they are just as concrete if not more concrete than any
> > physical object.  Your view is like that of a being who has spent its whole
> > life in a simulated virtual environment: It believes the virtual reality and
> > items in it are "more real" than the actual computer which implements the
> > virtual environment.  The beings only justification for this belief is that
> > he can't access that computer using his senses, nor point is he able to
> > point to it.
> > That's logically possible and maybe nomologically possible - but there's
> > also not an iota of evidence for it.
> There is not one iota for evidence that matter is primary.
> On the other hand, mathematical truth seems to exist independently of
> mathematicians, humans, and the universe itself.

Mathematical truth seems to be true independently of humans.
It doens't seem to exist at all. We see things , not numbers.
Of course, if the mathematical world is basically non existent,
it would not covary with any else that existed.

> >   So my view is *also* like that of a being who has spent his whole life in
> > this material universe.  My justification for believing this (to the limited
> > extent I do) is that it is a model consistent with everything known and has
> > been successful all its predictions, from what I'll find in my refrigerator
> > if I look, to the spectra of emissions of galaxies at z=20.  The idea that
> > I'm living in a computer simulation predicts everything and nothing.
> How is that any different from the idea of living in a physical universe
> predicting everything and nothing?
> Also, I am not suggesting that you are in a computer simulation, only you
> can't be sure our universe isn't a program or set of infinite program
> proceeding platonically as number relations.
> Jason
There's no Platonic proceding.

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