On Dec 13, 11:09 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 12/13/2011 6:13 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> > On Dec 13, 12:50 pm, meekerdb<meeke...@verizon.net>  wrote:
> >> On 12/13/2011 4:11 AM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> >>> On Dec 12, 11:43 pm, meekerdb<meeke...@verizon.net>    wrote:
> >>>> On 12/12/2011 6:28 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> >>>> I don't think a cartoon is conscious either.  But I was just pointing 
> >>>> out that "keep going
> >>>> by itself" can't the be critereon since things we think are conscious 
> >>>> don't keep going *by
> >>>> themselves*.
> >>> It doesn't have to be *the* criterion but I think it's a valid
> >>> counterfactual. We have oxygen, food, water and our consciousness
> >>> keeps going, ie experiencing and generating both novelty and extending
> >>> continuity. A cartoon doesn't end because it's deprived of film or
> >>> pixels. You can provide extra blank frames which contain the same
> >>> elements, paper and ink, pixels of certain colors, etc, but no
> >>> extension of any pattern of the cartoon will occur.
> >>> What is your criterion for thinking that a cartoon isn't conscious?
> >>> Craig
> >> It doesn't take information from it's environment, learn, and act on the 
> >> environment.
> > Why not? Wile E. Coyote sees the Road Runner, he tries various
> > strategies to kill him, and he learns that they don't work so he
> > doesn't repeat himself.
> You're confusing characters a cartoon with the cartoon.

No, I'm not. Either way it's the same. Cartoon characters appear to us
to take information, learn, and act on their environment. What does
the term we use to describe that appearance matter?


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