On 2/4/2012 7:22 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 03 Feb 2012, at 23:24, Stephen P. King wrote:

You might protest and say that numbers are universal and that you are considering the function that numbers and that the + and * laws perform is "neutral" in the sense of Neutral monism, but that claim also fails for the very same reason as I have outlined. We simply cannot have "specification of properties" and ontological neutrality at the same level. One is the exclusion of the other.

In that case your notion of "existence" is so neutral that you can't derive, in the usual sense, anything from it. You don't present a theory, but are using a God-gap type of explanation, and this to pretend a reasoning is invalid, without providing any clue where, except attributing me a metaphysical belief in numbers, where I only assume to grasp them in high school and every day life.
You cannot refute a reasoning with philosophical ideology.

As to set theory, we should discuss that seperately, since I am confused as to how you think of set theory. For example, are you considering that there exist many different self-consistent set theories that differ in their choice of axioms?

Is that a rethorical trick? You are repeating the reason why I avoid set theories. That problem does not exist on the integers. I assume the numbers, because everyone agree on them, and nobody can derive the axioms from conceptually less rich theory.

Hi Bruno,

I have spent a long time studying your work and reasoning through it so that I have a good idea what it concerns and implies. I just wish that you would spent a tiny fraction of that trying to comprehend my critique. You do not even seem to try to understand the idea that I am considering. You really should read up on Bertrand Russell's neutral monism. I have no more time to spend on trying to explain it to you. Good luck.



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