On Tue, May 29, 2012  Aleksandr Lokshin <aaloks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The original poster introduces what free will means.

Every choice which is allowed in physics is a random choice

OK, In other words it had no cause.

> or a determinate one.

In other words it had a cause.

 > If human free will choice exists, it is agreed that it is not determined
> by some law

In other words "free will" has no cause and thus is random.

> > and is not a random process.

In other words "free will" is random and not random. In still other words
when a human
makes the "free will" noise it conveys just as much information as a cow
does when it
makes the "moo" noise.

>  >We have agfeed that the choice of "an arbitrary element" is not a random
> chaice
and is not a choice determinate by some law.

In other words we have agreed that "free will" is gibberish.

> > If one uses mathematics, then one operates with a process which is
> prohibited in physics.

"Free will" is not just prohibited in physics, it is prohibited in logic

> > Therefore an investigator who uses mathematics cannot deny existence of
> mental processes
which cannot be described by physics (and, in particular, cannot deny
> existence of free will

That is true, you can't deny "free will" because there is nothing to deny,
there is no there there.
It would be like denying a duck's "quack".

  John K Clark

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