Hi Stephen P. King 

Leibniz's Idealism (LI)  differs from dual-aspect monism (DAM)
in that while both have corresponding domains of brain and mind, 
as I understand it, DAM is an overlay of brain and mind.

But  LI feautures mind in Ideal space in the form of monads, each of which is
like a homunculus, so that the Leibniz mind functionally includes the whole
human-- heart, mind, soul, and body- as a whole.  Thus intellect
and feeling and body are not separated by barriers, but can
act wholistically.  The textbook example is that in LI mind
can (although indirectly) influence body and body similarly the mind, 
with no logical problems such as arose from Descartes' dualism
of mind and body. Dual aspect monism, as did descartes,  simply ignores the
subvstance dualism of mind and body as irrelevant to the
progress of neuroscience.

This issue of cartesiabn dualism is what caused L to formulate
his monadic metaphysics. The monadic structure and the homunculus
substructure create an entirely different picture of how mind operates
and what it can do (nonlocality, clairvoyance, partial and individual 
clarity of communion with other minds and God, how intellect
can cause  dominion of one monad over another, the
governmebnt of the universe and mind by God, etc. for example)

And what self is, and how it participates in perception and action.

Pratt and the other theorists afre completely unawafre of this
fact that the universe is subjective.

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him 
so that everything could function."
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Stephen P. King 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-30, 18:12:16
Subject: Re: CTMU

On 8/30/2012 2:24 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
> I? reading pratt theory and I remembered the CTMU, from Cristopher 
> Langan , the mand with higuest CI measured so far, which present a 
> theory of everything which includes the mind:
> http://www.ctmu.net/
> Anyone had notice previously about it?. I read it time ago and at 
> least it is interesting.
Hi Alberto,

     Oh my!

"...SCSPL reality embodies a dual-aspect monism..."

     Sound familiar? Nice to see that many others are independently 
discovering the same idea.




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