Hi Bruno Marchal 

Perhaps I am misguided, but I thought that comp was moreorless
a mechanical model of brain and man activity.

I obviously need to peruse your main idea . 
Do you have a link ?

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him 
so that everything could function."
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Bruno Marchal 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-31, 09:56:27
Subject: Re: Technological (Machine) Thinking and Lived Being (Erlebnis)

On 31 Aug 2012, at 12:03, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Craig Weinberg 

According to Einstein, space doesn't exist per se. 
Remarkably, Leibniz also came this conclusion back in the 17th century.

I agree. And with comp nothing physical exists per se, as some platonists and 
mystics often asserts.


Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him 
so that everything could function."
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Craig Weinberg 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-08-30, 18:16:32
Subject: Re: Technological (Machine) Thinking and Lived Being (Erlebnis)

On Thursday, August 30, 2012 2:00:49 PM UTC-4, Stephen Paul King wrote: 
On 8/30/2012 1:53 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote: 
> I think that the Platonic realm is just time, and that time is nothing 
> but experience. 

  Hi Craig, 

     I would say that time is the sequencing order of experience. The 
order of simultaneously givens within experience is physical space. 

I can go along with that. It's hard to know whether that sequencing arises as a 
function of space. It takes us years to develop a robust sense of time and it 
is hard to know how much of that is purely neurological maturation and how much 
has to do with the integration of external world events. For example, if you 
had a dream journal and I read you five dreams randomly from 1982 until now, I 
don't think you would be as successful in putting them in order as you would if 
I read you five journal entries of yours that were from your spacetime 

I think that time as you mean it, in the sense of sequence, is imported from 
our interactions in public space into conceptual availability as memory. The 
actual 'substance' of time, as in a universal cosmological force is nothing but 
experience itself. It is more the ground from which sequence can emerge than a 
fully realized sequential nature of experience. It's more like dreamtime. 
Memories can appear out of nowhere. Timelines can be uncertain and irrelevant.

> Thought is the experience of generating hypothetical experience. 


> The mistake is presuming that because we perceive exterior realism as 
> a topology of bodies that the ground of being must be defined in those 
> terms. 

     The mistake of subtracting the observer from observations. 

Exactly. The voyeur habit is the hardest to kick.

> In fact, the very experience you are having right now - with your eyes 
> closed or half asleep...this is a concretely and physically real part 
> of the universe, it just isn't experienced as objects in space because 
> you are the subject of the experience. 


> If anything, the outside world is a Platonic realm of geometric 
> perspectives and rational expectations. Interior realism is private 
> time travel and eidetic fugues; metaphor, irony, anticipations, etc. 
> Not only Platonic, but Chthonic. Thought doesn't come from a realm, 
> realms come from thought. 

     Thoughts might be defined as the very act of n-th order categorization. 

Yeah, I like that. The 'in the sense of' sense of sense. In one way it is the 
closest to pure sense, in another way it is the most aloof and unreal. The 
paradox of surfaces and depth.





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