On 11/10/2012 11:44 AM, meekerdb wrote:
On 11/9/2012 3:26 PM, Stephen P. King wrote:
It seems to me that we automatically get a 'fixed identity' when we consider each observer's 1p to be defined by a bundle or sheaf of an infinite number of computations. The chooser of A and of B is one and the same if and only if the computational bundle that make the choice of A also make the choice of B. What you are considering is just an example of my definition of reality.

But what makes the bundle or sheaf stay together?

Hi Brent,

Good question! AFAIK, the bundle is 'held together' by the fact that the computations are equivalent or 'fungible' to each other on or at the bundle.

  As computations why don't they quickly diverge?

That is a possibility. Almost all would diverge if we are considering a wide sample of computational strings. The measure of the similarity or level of substitution is involved. The bundle is just those 'places' in the strings that are equivalent between strings. This seems to imply that the 1p is not stable or persistent in most measures.

That's the question I was raising in the Moscow/Washington thought experiment. We know the M-man and the W-man diverge because they experience different things.


But they experience different things because their physical eyes/skin/ears... are in differenct physical places?

We have to consider the computational aspects that define those 'physical places'.

And those experiences form two different sheafs of computation that have a lot in common within each and differences between them.

    Right! This is the concurrency problem that I keep making a fuss about.

But there is no computational explanation of why that should be so.

The question is: Can a 'computational string' code for the interactions between computational strings? I have seem many arguments on both sides. It is an open question, AFAIK.

Computationally there could be just one sheaf including the M-man and the W-man just as the drone pilot has a sheaf that includes Florida and Afghanistan. So the argument for comp seems to rely on physics.

Yeah, it does seem to. I am interested in Bruno's take on this question.

You did point out that the attention of the drone pilot cannot simultaneously focus its attention on information from both Florida and Afghanistan simultaneously. How would you characterize the reasons why? This is just another form of the divergence question above. No? It seems to me that some form of topological continuity is involved.




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