Hi Hal,

You seem to be saying that life is a form of, or is related to, energy.
But one way of defining life is that of all the components in the universe,
it has the ability to extract energy (or order) from chaos or randomness.

Maxwell's Demon is a symbolic representation of that process,
but what makes the demon similar to life is his intelligence .

So in my book, intelligence, if not life itswelf, is a sign of life.

And unlike energy, intelligence is nonphysical. As is life.

[Roger Clough], [rclo...@verizon.net]
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Stephen P. King 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-11-01, 23:49:57
Subject: Re: Life: origin, purpose, and qualia spectrum

On 10/31/2012 9:48 PM, Hal Ruhl wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> I would like to restart my participation on the list by having a discussion 
> regarding the aspects of what we call ?ife? in our universe starting in a 
> simple manner as follows: [terms not defined herein have the usual ?aws of 
> Physics? definition]
> 1) Definition (1): Energy (E) is the ability to subject a mass to a force.
> 2) There are several types of energy currently known:
> a) Mass itself via the conversion: [M <=> E/(c*c)]
> b) Gravitational
> c) Electromagnetic
> d) Nuclear [Strong and Weak forces]
> e) Dark Energy

Hi Hal,

     Nice post! Any way that the energy/force/work relation can be 
considered as a broken symmetry restoration concept?

> 3) Definition (2) Work (W) Work is the flow of energy amongst the various 
> types by means of a change in the spatial configuration, dynamics and/or 
> amount of mass in a system brought about by an actual application of a force 
> to a mass.
> 4) The exact original distribution of energy amongst the various types can? 
> be reestablished and the new configuration can? do as much work as the prior 
> configuration was capable of doing. [Second Law of Thermodynamics]

     Isn't the maximum entropy of a system a type of symmetry, where all 
equiprobable states "look the same"?

> 5) Time is not a factor: Once a flow of energy is possible it will take place 
> immediately.
> 6) Conclusion (1): Since life is an energy flow conduit, wherever the 
> possibility of life exists life will appear as rapidly as possible. The 
> ?rigin? of life herein.

     Let me refer you to a very old paper of mine: 

> 7) Some energy flows are prevented by what are known [in my memory] as ?nergy 
> Flow Hang-up Barriers? such as nuclear bonding coefficient issues, spatial 
> configuration, spin, other spatial dynamics, ignition temperature 
> requirements, electromagnetic repulsion, etc. [?nergy Flow Hang-up Barriers? 
> is not my terminology ? I think there was a twenty year or so old article in 
> Scientific American I am looking for and a quick Internet search found a 
> discussion of the repulsion hang-up in ?osmology The Science of the Universe? 
> by Edward Robert Harrison.
> 8) Once life is present it will immediately punch as many holes in as many 
> Energy Hang-up Barriers as the details of the particular life entity involved 
> allows ? this is how it realizes its energy flow conduit character. The 
> ?urpose? of life herein. In other words life? purpose is to hasten the heat 
> death of its host universe.
> 9) Now add in evolution which is a random walk with a lower but no upper 
> bound.

     Do you see mutation as a one-to-many map and selection as a many 
-to-one map?

> A discussion of the possible consequences [such as qualia levels of 
> particular life entities - like degrees of consciousness] should await a 
> critique and possibly a revision of the above.
> Comments are eagerly sought.
> Thank you



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