On 12/14/2012 4:50 PM, meekerdb wrote:

Brent Meeker appreciates John Clark's concern with pronouns. I think it needs to put in the context of QM, which is what Bruno is proposing to explain. Suppose Bruno is Helsinki and he steps in a transporter and it sends him to Washington. That Bruno, Bruno_w goes back to Helsinki, gets in the transporter again and it sends him to Moscow. That Bruno_wm goes back to Helsinki and repeats this process many times. Eventually Bruno_wmwwmwmmmww...mwm concludes that the transporter seems to be random and just sends him to Washington or Moscow at random with probability 1/2. This is hailed as a great discovery...in Copenhagen. But in Washington (state) near the upper reached of Puget Sound there is a dislike of random things and a general feeling that randomness can never be a property of the world, but only a quantification of ignorance. So there a different view of Bruno_wmwwmwmmmww...mwm's experiment is that every time he pushed the button two whole universes were created, separated by more than the Hubble radius, and in one Bruno went to Bruno_w and in the other he went to Bruno_m. And so there was no probability involved, exactly the same thing happened every time. It only seemed like probability and randomness. Some people thought this was a little extravagant and asked how was energy conserved and how could this theory be tested. But they were silenced by being told the theory predicted exactly the same things as the probability theory without probabilities, so it must be right.


Great post! I would like to know how the sequence "wmwwmwmmmww...mwm " is recorded and passed along. There is a tacit assumption of a "book keeper at infinity' here!



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