On 1/18/2013 10:23 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 17 Jan 2013, at 19:14, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 1/17/2013 9:14 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Coming back to hemp should be the good idea. Oil and wood have replaced Hemp (for textile, fuel, paper and medication) just from lies and greed. The possible global warming might just be another consequences on the lies on cannabis, drugs etc. Hemp was the oil, before oil. It is the plant that the human have the most cultivated, with maize and wheat, since a very long time. The idea that it is something dangerous is a total complete recent construct, and has only been a Trojan horse for bandits (probably the one losing the job after the end of alcohol prohibition) to get power.


Any idea how much land would be required to grow sufficient hemp to supply the millions of barrels that our civilization requires? How much fertilizer? How much labor? Have you seem the quantity of energy that is required to turn corn into fuel. for example? The problem is that hemp and other biomass fuel idea are simply too expensive in terms of energy and man hours to replace petrofuels. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_content_of_biofuel

Oh! If wiki says so ...

Note that I did not say that only hemp is needed, nor did I condemn entirely oil and coke. I am a realist. But Ford did the calculus, and for a very long time, if hemp would have just be continued to be used, their would have been a drastic harm reduction, possibly ecological.

There certainly would have been a drastic reduction in industrialization. Ford also considered making car bodies out of soybeans, but that didn't work out either.

Between possibly bad and certainly worst, we have to choose the possibly bad, but we know that unscrupulous special interest made the decisions, and that is the problem.

I don't see anything 'unscrupulous' about deciding to exploit the energy embodied in coal and oil. It has been a major factor in creating the modern world. It has created some problems as side effects, but ones that can be solved.


Well the real problem is that we tolerate that and that most people buy the media talk without thinking, the real problem is the "boss is right" routine implemented in many mammals. Our brain evolves less quickly that our ideas and technology.



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