On 1/17/2013 4:31 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:
You have to prove that the CO2 is the main ingredient of global warming. Not me.

But it is not. It is water vapor by orders of magnitude. And the water vapor concentration, and the clouds depends on cosmic rays, and cosmic rays depend on solar activity and the variation on the earth orbit. The hockey stick (false) is of temperatures. And temperatures are falling now, like were falling in the 70s. The most likely evolution is towards a new ice age, as you can see clearly in the graphic.

CO2 do no predict increase of temperatures, it is just the contrary You can verify that in the graphic. increase of temperature precedes CO2 increase. This is caused by the increased erosion or carbonate rocks in the litosphere and the liberation of CO2 by oceans when temperature raises. The causes of the cycles that you see in the graphic are due to the orbit of earth around the sun, there is no CO2 causation but the opposite. the correlation exist, but the causation is just the reverse to the promoted by the alarmists.

Natural sources of CO2 exceed the antropogenic production by orders of magnitude. a single eruption can produce more CO2 than the entire human population in a year.

Dear Alberto,

I wish such clear and logical statement where enough. I have found that almost all alarmist will ignore facts to continue their belief. I can tell you this as a former member of a cult, it takes almost acts of god to open people's eyes. Having children did it for me.

2013/1/17 Platonist Guitar Cowboy <multiplecit...@gmail.com <mailto:multiplecit...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Stephen,

    On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Stephen P. King
    <stephe...@charter.net <mailto:stephe...@charter.net>> wrote:

        On 1/17/2013 1:54 PM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

            The idea of the end of resources comes from Malthus, but
            it can be traced much back in time, to some misconceptions
            of what is a resource from our evolutionary past. It is
            though naturally that a resource is something produced by
            the heart, which is not in the hand of the man to
            fabricate it. This is due to the fact that the
            hunter-gatherer clans where we evolved had no innovation,
            there were no agriculture nor industry nor cattle, so the
            game passed by and the wild vegetables depleted locally
            and the clans had to be nomads in permanent search of new
            resources. Infanticide for lack of resources and to keep
            it in manageable number for the movements were common

            Many misconceptions come from this primitive mind: because
            the resources are finite, more for me means less for you,
            because we can no fabricate plants nor animals.

            The refusal to admit that the modern economy is not a zero
            sum game. The fact is that we can fabricate plants and
            animals, and produce new kinds of energy, and find new
            resources. Most of the most advanced and valuable thigs
            are made with matherials that were worthless before.
            Petrol only formed  dangerous swamps for the catle before
            the combustion engine.  Sand were just sand before the
            silicon revolution.

            The univese is full of energy materials and space at the
            disposal of the human intelligence. At this moment we have
            not found any contender in the property rights of the

            To cry for any foreseeable scacity in the future is ....
            primitive. We are hearing these cries since the beginning
            of humanity.

            The coming of an apocalypsis is an innovation of the
            judaic and christian mindset that the post-christian sects
            have inherited.
            apocalypse means a time of hope (parousia) and suffering
            at the en of the time, that inaugurates a new era. Since
            Joaquim de Fiore (XIII century) all the western
            movements had a form of another belief on apocalipticism
            or/and utopic new age.

            This apocalipticism is so deep in the western mindset,
            that the Naya prophecy of the end of the world is not so.
            It is a western re-interpretation of a no-ending cyclic
            calendar by western esoterics.

            The two reinterpretations: one, the end of the world in
            2012 and the other, the beginning of a new era, are just a
            direct derivations of the double interpretation of the
            Christian apocalypse.

        Hi Alberto,

            Hear Hear! What mystifies me, more than anything, is the
        pessimism and over loathing of the alarmist. We are alive, can
        we at least make the best of it? I grew up in something of an
        apocalyptic cult - Christian fundamentalist missionary,
        constantly told that 'evil communists' where coming at any
        minute to torture harm me for 'my belief in Jesus'. Joining
        the US Navy cured me of that. Then I discovered physics, logic
        and philosophy. How liberating to my soul that was! Now I hear
        all this stuff about how humans are "harming the Earth", as
        if.... The entire premise of climate alarmism seems centered
        on some cultish Earth worship rubbish.

    Equating alarmism with criticism based on facts as far as we know,
    in blanket generalizing fashion, is neither logical nor deep
    philosophy. If the CO2 spike you brought up above is not
    sufficient to convince you, then I am open to and await your
    version of the facts, as up to now, I see nothing.





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