On 1/29/2013 9:24 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 27 Jan 2013, at 18:27, Stephen P. King wrote:

On 1/27/2013 7:19 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
The big bang remains awkward with computationalism. It suggest a long and deep computations is going through our state, but comp suggest that the big bang is not the beginning.

Dear Bruno,

I think that comp plus some finite limit on resources = Big Bang per observer.

The problem is that with comp, by the first person indeterminacy, physics comes from the statistics on all computations, and below the substitution levels, we have an a priori unbounded amount of information, a bit like the infinities in the quantum field theories.
Dear Bruno,

Yes, but there has to be a greatest lower bound, no? The infinities in QFT's have to renormalize (cancel out) in order to make calculations/predictions.

If the string theorists can get support for the explanation of the big bang in term of branes collision, it might be a confirmation of comp.

I am not sure that such is even possible! How does one obtain a meaningful prediction based on phenomena that is, by definition, external to the 3,1 part of the observable universe? The best chance that I have seen is some proposed superpartner particle to play the role of "dark matter".

Comp predicts an infinite past.

Yes, it predicts an eternal universe in a totality sense, I understand that . I can trying to look at the phenomena that a single observer (defined consistent to comp) would have as 1p in any vanishingly small duration. It would have to have an upper bound, even if only for complexity reasons, no?

But that infinity can play before the big bang, but also, perhaps, after, like if time was infinitely condensed in the first instant "after" the big-bang. The brane collision seems to me to fit better. Well, the comp physics is still in its embryonic state, so it is premature to really handle those questions.

    I think that we should keep comp separated from M/brane theory...



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