On 25 Oct 2013, at 18:08, John Clark wrote:

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Be consistent, reject MWI, or ask *the same question* about the probability of *you* (who is you ? pinocchio maybe ?)

In the MWI John Clark doesn't have to worry about who "you" is because however many copies of "you" there may or may not be they will never meet and John Clark will never see more than one copy of Quentin Anciaux. But in Bruno's thought experiment that is no longer true, so to continue to blithely babble on about "you" causes nothing but confusion.

This is really not relevant, as the W-guy cannot perceive immediately the M-guy, and the question bears on what you see when opening the reconstitution box. Also, if QM is discovered to be slightly non linear, the probability would vanish? (if QM is slightly non linear, we can interact with the parallel universes, and met the doppelganger).

> measuring spin up while measuring the spin of an electron

And probability implies prediction and prediction has nothing to do with a sense of self, and that is what Bruno's "proof" is all about.

Absolutely not. That is no more than what you need to say "yes" to a comp doctor. You keep bringing non relevant points.

If when you pressed the button you were 99% certain, in fact even if you were 100% certain and there was not the tiniest particle of doubt in your mind that you would end up in Washington, and one second later you found yourself in Moscow your sense of self would not be diminished one iota, you'd just figure that you made a bad prediction, and it wouldn't be for the first time.

And you would change your theory asserting "W and M", for example, which is guarantied to be violated in all your possible futures.

> Your agenda is not to try to comprehend something, it is just to bash someone with no reason except misplaced pride.

Ask yourself this question, why aren't Bruno's ideas universally recognized by the scientific community as a work of genius? There are 2 possibilities:

1) Due to the same misplaced pride that I have the entire scientific community is jealous of Bruno and would rather destroy a stunning new advancement in human knowledge than admit they didn't find it first.

2) The entire scientific community has run into the exact same logical stumbling block in Bruno's ideas that I did.

Then they would have meet me, or discuss by mail, at least once, like you do. That never happened.

But you can easily imagine other reasons than 1) and 2), like the fact that I could be a witness of some scandal, or something.

Or perhaps not so much people understand really Everett, which took times also to be listened, the idea to be multiplied all the time is hard to be accepted by many people.

Look at Boltzmann, he eventually kill himself due to the mockery of his idea that statistics can play a key role in classical physics. Today we cannot imagine that such statistics can't play a role.

You betray your feeling here. Some people, like you apparently, indeed find the FPI and the reversal as a "work of genius". They think: "if you were right you should have the Nobel Prize, but you don't, so something must be wrong, and so I don't need to study it". But of course this does not help as it makes people dismissing it indeed.

I don't know. I am at the center of some academical scandal indeed. I got a prize for my thesis, and I have been asked to relate the scandalous behavior, but apparently this did not help. Some academies acts like some clergy. That's all. It is the very common human corporatist defense reflex. Hardly new in the human history.

The fact that I do not publish, unless asked with some insistence, does not help. Of course.

In this list, I focus only on the ideas. And this very post explains why you don't try to study the ideas, just try to prove (like some) that I am a crackpot, but this will not help you to get the idea if there is one.

I suggest sincerely to come back on the scientific point, letting the reason why the academical world is so slow to the historians and sociologists.

So I am a genius, right? You are pushing my little ego too far. I might have been lucky reading James Watson book and Gödel at the right moment.


  John K Clark

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