On 07 Nov 2013, at 07:57, Chris de Morsella wrote:

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 2:52 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World

On 06 Nov 2013, at 17:45, Chris de Morsella wrote:

Exactly. Already the techniques of social engineering are far more advanced than they were even as recently as Goebbels time – and he advanced the art of the Big Lie and of mass media propaganda and brought it into the modern age. Goebbels would admire and recognize our “managed free press” for what it is; he would be thrilled at how Americans have become inculcated to view the word in terms of “good guys” & “bad guys” and that it is okay to torture, murder, summarily execute and commit whatever outrage against “bad guys” because they are “terrorists” and therefore do not enjoy any human rights whatsoever.

Yes. The NDAA 12 use "suspect of terrorist" to ensure the existence of a collection of people (rather fuzzy here) which can be exempted from the human right.
Goebbels, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ceaucescu,  would have applauded.

Goebbels, Hitler, Stalin would all nod their nasty heads in approval at how we now have a so called “Patriot” act that strips of habeas corpus – a right wrested from the aristocracy of the middle ages; how we have become a nation of secret courts and secret “justice”. And all the while the great dumbed down masses of this country whilst they belch their no nutrition television dinner watching their mind massaging TV programming very loudly believe they are the most free, special, superior being that ever lived in history…. American exceptionalism.

>> They have been, and by many tokens still are, but the erosion is quick, and on some key point, they lost worst than freedom, they lost the information, and get lied, and so it takes time to realize that.

The erosion is happening all too quickly; the atmosphere of this place has changed very much over the last twelve years.

The understanding of how the mind works and of how to vector in drugs to it and the mass acceptance of mass medication has reached the point where it is not out of the realm of the possible for a happy pill to be developed and then – taken to the logical conclusion of even further miniaturization and delivery as an aerosol. The only reason that this country has these angry tea party types and the right wing (often racist and weirdly KKKristian) militias is because they are useful tools for the plutocrats. They are America’s brownshirts and though they may be surprised are acting as tools for the narrow interests of the plutocrats who fund them, who yank their strings and who make them dance to whatever tune suits their current tactical needs. In America the plutocrats have perfected the art of social engineering – and Americans genuinely do believe they are free and that anybody can be president (and that if you do not make it in this rapacious greed driven society, it’s your own damn fault you lazy bastard) There is not going to be any revolution here… not for a long while. The owners of America have everything under control and the peasants believe they are a bunch of free birds.

>>Ah' Now I am depressed.

I am sorry for that. It is depressing when one does an accounting of our current situation. But on the other hand it is also being honest with ourselves, and honesty – even if it is painful – ultimately is the only way.

I can't agree more.

As long as we allow ourselves to live in the illusion that all is well we will remain asleep – an opiated mass marching obediently in directions and ways determined by the social engineers who massage the message. Depressing, very much so, but also the first step to any mass awakening. Just as the addict must first hit bottom before they can begin recovery.


Wake up people! Ask your government explanations, ask proofs, not free associations. Proofs. Evidences. In life we have only one choice: logic or war. People which don't give proof to you are doing war at you.

People are beginning to wake up, but these early stirrings are being quite successfully managed and contained. Mostly people are kept in a perpetually distracted state – their brains flooded with messaging (messaging with no real content, except emotional froth, action, sex and noise & subliminal conditioning of course. We enjoy a managed free press now.

i doubt this, for personal reason.

But believe it or not I actually have hope. I believe it is like we are in a race between two outcomes to the destiny of our species. And we happen to be alive right now in the era when we now find ourselves at the crux of it all – both the pace of our knowledge, science, awareness, which is exploding (with the NSA building a multi zetabyte datacenter out in… so they can database this email, along with every other email or electronic communication ever generated… while perhaps they have not yet achieved this capacity and are only saving the header info – and maybe key-wording the content) But we are in a race against time. A topical example of this is the growing awareness that the EIA grossly overstated this countries coal reserves – counting seams of coal that have a huge overburden in the column of reserves, when in fact the cost of getting at the coal – given current technology – is higher than the energy value contained in the coal. They may be resources, but they are not reserves. This is an urgent moment in history we live in. If somehow the world manages to wake up and we manage to restore some sanity and humility into the classes that rule us – or better yet even evolve beyond the need to be ruled… then our future could go who knows where and who knows how far. But we are in a bottleneck moment in this planets history – and in fact the extinction rate, on planet earth, is higher now than it has been at any time since the extinction of the dinosaurs.
We definitely do need to wake up!
To step out of our short term focused swirling confusion and achieve clearheaded clarity of mind – as a species – like in Arthur C Clarkes Childhood’s End. And who knows perhaps we stand on the crux of a great awakening – perhaps some emergent phenomena is about to reach a tipping point. I have no wish for anyone to be depressed, but unless this world wakes up the outcomes are depressing.

Yes. We must cope with the situation, and simple steps have to be done. Above all, we must come back to taking education seriously. basic fundamental education (in math, history, geography, etc.).





From: everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com ] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 11:11 PM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Our Demon-Haunted World

On 6 November 2013 17:10, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 11/5/2013 8:03 PM, Chris de Morsella wrote:
In the near future who knows… you may breath in some nano dust and within minutes begin feeling a powerful compelling love for the dear leader (or bankster) that fills you with an overriding motivation to struggle harder to do your small part in increasing their glory. And – in this dystopic vision -- it will be filled to the brim with a relentless love for our leaders that we will march off to dreary impoverished, dull, brutish, lives and early poisoned deaths on this poor raped earth. Until the very end – brought on by systemic collapse -- the various walled in pleasure palaces of the major psychopaths will be kept fully stocked with the very best and in these cloistered estates, the in-bred, inward looking clans of the elite will engage in endless merriment marked by grand balls and conspicuous displays of wealth and power – as they jostle amongst each other for pecking order And as the lowly prole dies his early death his face will be frozen in a mask of perpetually induced love for the great leader… as deep inside the soul writhes in agony.

Of course in the U.S. you can take up your arms and revolt - thanks to the 2nd amendment.


Chris' point is that you wouldn't want to. This is the Brave New World version of the future, rather than 1984.

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