On 15 Jan 2014, at 20:28, freqflyer07281972 wrote:

Wow, Liz, very sorry to hear about your friend. If you don't mind me asking (and if you do mind, simply ignore my question), if you magically just knew that the universe was in fact a large computation engine where all possibilities are eventually played out, and also entailing some form of QTI, would this provide any comfort to you at all?

As far as I understand Bruno's UD, (and I'm really still not sure I understand it, despite lurking here for years and reading old posts) a consequence of being embedding in the universal computational structure as a machine is the fact that we cannot ever prove the correctness of our beliefs because our consistency is only relative to the part of the universal function we inhabit, and there could be other domains of computation where our beliefs would turn out to be false.

It is slightly more complex than that, but OK. Let us keep the technical details for later.

Of course, what I just said could also be a load of gobbledygook because, as I admitted, I don't fully understand the entire argument, nor do I really grasp what the conclusion of the argument is supposed to be, nor do I really even understand what kind of ethical import any TOE could have on our behaviors here in the local domain.

The consequence is simple to state: the TOE is just arithmetic, or any Turing complete system. Everything can be derived from addition and multiplication. If you want, the consequence is that physics is not the fundamental science and is retrievable from "machine theology", itself part of computer science, itself part of arithmetical truth. e have to come back to a Pythagorean neoplatonist "theology":

NUMBER ===> THEOLOGY ===> PHYSICS (this makes comp testable, as the proof is constructive).

You can follow the 8 steps arguments, and ask any question. People are different. Not the same people find this or that easy, obvious, or insuperably difficult.


On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:03:42 PM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:
I have to agree I don't think Edgar posted any links to his business or blog. Indeed if he had posted links to a blog on his theory I would certainly have looked because the explanations here have been less than clear.

I haven't criticise Edgar for a lack of immediate response once, never mind on several occasions. I have criticised his lack of any response to my questions when he's replied to other things but obviously can't or won't answer me. (I am still thinking of starting a thread on outstanding questions to Edgar, but tbh I can't be bothered because I know it won't get me or any of us anywhere.)

On the subject of grief, I have wondered about that too. One reason is that I don't know that, say, QTI is correct. But I think the main one is that I personally have lost that person forever. My best friend was murdered in 1995, for example, and that is someone I will never see again. Likewise my father, who died over 10 years ago now. If they're still alive and well somewhere in the multiverse that's a bit of a comfort but I don't know that. Maybe I will realise it eventually, when I'm 150 say...

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