On 16 Jan 2014, at 18:53, meekerdb wrote:

On 1/15/2014 11:42 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 12:58 AM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 1/15/2014 7:05 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
Hyper determinism makes little sense as a serious theory to me. Why should particle properties conform to what a computer's random number generator outputs, and then the digits of Pi, and then the binary expansion of the square root of 2, all variously as the experimenters change the knobs as to what determines the spin axis of the lepton their analyzer measures. Are radioactive decays of particles really such things that are governed by the behavior of a selected random source, or alternately, are they really such things that govern what the digits of Pi or the square root of 2 are?

They are all part of the same reality.

Are they? Aren't numbers like Pi and sqrt(2) beyond the reality of QM, or rather, more fundamental than it? The moment you admit numbers like Pi into your reality, you get much more than just QM.

Of course QM is just a model

A theory.

of how we think the world works...like arithmetic is a model of countable things. Neither one is *reality*.

PA is a reality, by itself, indeed an existing Löbian machine, and PA talks about a reality which is vaster than PA, and that no machine can grasp in its entirety. You confuse theory and model here.

You assume its the experimental choice of measurement that determines the particles response, but I think the picture is supposed to be that both the particle in the experiment and the particles making up the experimenter are determined by the same laws.

So how, when using the digits of Pi to decide whether to measure the x-axis, or the y-axis, does the particle (when it decays), know to have both electron and positron agree measured on some axis, when that axis is determined by some relation between a circle and its diameter? Here the laws involved seemed to go beyond physical laws, it introduces "mathematical laws", which can selectively be made to control/guide physics..

They only 'seem to' because you neglect the fact that in the experiment you don't use the digits of pi from Platonia, you use their physical instantiation as calculated in the registers of a computer or written ink on a page.

You agree that there is a difference between Platonia, and the inside more terrestrial perception of it.



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