Hi Liz

>>Suppose for the sake of argument that the matter 
transmitter sends you to another solar system where you will live out 
the reminder of your life. Maybe you committed some crime and this is 
the consequence, to be "transported" :) A malfunction causes you
to be duplicated and sent to both destinations, but you will never meet 
your doppelganger in the other solar system, or find out that he exists.

Does this make any difference to how you assign probabilities? If so, why?

My probabilities get assigned in the same way. ie: chance of seeing solar 
system A is 1. I can't assign a probability of seeing Solar System B if I don't 
know about the possibility of accidents. But, 
If I know that there is a small chance of the accident you describe then the 
probabilities end up:

Solar System A : 1
Solar System B : small chance.

Note that the probability of seeing Solar System A doesn't end up (1-small 
chance) as far as I am concerned.

Also note that in the MWI example, where small chances require a world of their 
own, the probabilities end up:

Solar System A : 1
Solar System B : 1.

So the probabilities work out slightly differently. I'm sure its an unpopular 
view but as I see it probabilities, however small, get rounded up to 1 in MWI 

All the best


From: marc...@ulb.ac.be
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: 3-1 views (was: Re: Better Than the Chinese Room)
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 20:45:39 +0100

On 20 Feb 2014, at 16:59, John Clark wrote:On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 2:47 AM, 
Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

 >  I can say today that I am the guy having answered your post of last week.
But if duplicating chambers exist then there are lots of people who could say 
exactly the same thing, so more specificity is needed.

Well, if it is about a prediction on 1p events, the specificity is simple: we 
have to interview all the copies.

 >> and neither is experiencing Helsinki right now, therefore Mr. he sees 
 >> neither Washington nor Moscow.
> So, this is my first post to you,
Bruno Marchal has certainly sent other posts to John Clark, but if duplicating 
chambers exist it's not at all clear who Mr. my is.

On the contrary. It is always clear. In the 3p we are all copies, and in the 1p 
we are one of them.That is what they all say. They have they own permanent 
atomic memories like "WWMWMM". Say.

> despite I remember having sent other post?
The question is ambiguous because lots and lots of people in addition to Mr. I 
remember the exact same thing.

Obviously. We agree. But there is no ambiguity. By definition of 1p and comp, 
we have to take all the copies 1p view into account. That is why if the H-guy 
predicted "W v M", all its copies win the bet, and if he predicted "W & M", all 
the copies admits this was wrong (even if correct for the 3-1 view, but clearly 
false from their 1-views).

> If Mr he sees neither W or M, then he died,
If  Bruno Marchal wants to invent a new language and that's what the words  
"death" and "he"  are decreed to mean then fine, but to be consistent John 
Clark and Bruno Marchal of yesterday would have to be dead too. And it should 
be noted that invented languages make communication with others difficult, just 
look at Esperanto, and John Clark thinks that deep philosophical discussions 
are difficult enough as they are even if conducted in a mutually agreed upon 
language, so more obstacles to understanding are not needed.

You quote and comment yourself!

 > and then comp is false.
That's fine, I don't give a hoot in hell if the incoherent grab bag of ideas 
you call "comp" is false or not. The word is your invention not mine and you're 
the only one who seems to know exactly what it means.

You have repeated that sentence an infinity of times. Comp is the quite 
standard hypothesis that the brain, or whatever responsible for my 
consciousness manifestation here and now, is Turing emulable.It is not my 
invention. "comp" abbreviates computationalism. I show the consequence, and you 
stop at step 3 for reason that you do not succeed to communicate.

 > We also died each time we measure a spin, or anything.
Then the word "died" doesn't mean much.

That was a consequence of your saying.

> In AUDA this is a confusion
You have forgotten IHA.

I told you more than five times what AUDA means. Stop joking, and try to be 
serious. AUDA is the Arithmetical UDA, also called "interview of the universal 
machine" in sane04. It is the main part of the thesis in computer science.If 
you doubt that it means that you do repeat hearsay. 

 > between []p and []p & <>t.
How in the world could anybody be confused between []p and []p & <>t especially 
if they had a nice low mileage AUDA convertible to help them get around town?

Mocking does not help you.

> you believe we have refuted comp. That would be a gigantic discovery
 Not to me it wouldn't! I don't care if "comp" is true or false because I don't 
believe "comp" is worth a bucket of warm spit.

That contradicts your saying yes to step 0, 1 and 2.

 > Pronouns does not introduce any problem,
Personal pronouns like all pronouns are just a sort of shorthand that were 
invented to save time and for no other reason,  they generally cause no trouble 
as long as the referent is clear. And yet it is a fact that Bruno Marchal is 
simply incapable of expressing ideas about the unique nature of personal 
identity without using personal pronouns. 
I did it, but you are the one caming back with ambiguous pronouns in your 
There is no ambiguity at all. Just keep the 1-3 distinction in all the uses.

Why? Could it be because by using them and the assumption of uniqueness of 
identity they engender it makes it much easier to prove the uniqueness of 
identity? After all it is well known that proofs become somewhat easier to 
write if Bruno Marchal just assumes what Bruno Marchal is trying to prove. And 
if ideas are unclear the language should be too; a bad idea clearly expressed 
is easy to identify as bad, but a bad idea expressed in murky language can 
sometimes sound impressive if it's murky enough. 

Stop doing irrelevant meta-remarks to hide your absence of arguments. Focus on 
your point, if there is one, of move top step 4, if only to get the idea.

> when you agree that after the duplication we are both copies in the 3p view
Yes. And you once said something abut "the future 1p" of the Helsinki man, well 
that description would fit 2 people because both remember being the Helsinki 

yes, and that is why the confirmation is asked to the 2 people. There is 
nothing ambiguous. "W or M" win, "W & M" lost. Given the precise question of 
the 1p views, viewed from the 1p-views, and not on the 3-1 views.
It is quasi primary school level.

 > and only one of them, in the 1p view.
Only one? So which one is the phony, the Washington Man or the Moscow Man?

Both are the phony. No problem as both see indeed only once city. That was a 
correct prediction by the H-guy.

 > I am happy you think it is a world class discovery, but let us be modest, it 
 > is a reminder that the mind-body problem is not solved, and that "science" 
 > has not decided between Aristotle and Plato. The discovery (the thesis) is 
 > in the math part
I too have discovered a new sort of indeterminacy that involves math and it is 
very very similar to the sort you discovered; I add 2 to the number 3 and I add 
8 to the number 3. The number 3 can't predict if it will end up as a 5 or as a 
11. I believe my discovery is just as profound as yours. Not very.

So you accept that step 3 is a discovery? Nice. But to judge the result, you 
have to move to step 4.

  John K Clark

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