[] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to 


On 1/12/2015 1:57 PM, LizR wrote:

On 12 January 2015 at 14:48, meekerdb <> wrote:

On 1/11/2015 4:22 PM, LizR wrote:

Also on the subject

They say it's about their religion when they do it.  They cite religious 
reasons for doing it.  Of course almost any action has multiple causes; but why 
should we believe the apologists analysis of a co-religionist?  Maybe it's not 
his sect of the religion, but he doesn't get to define other people's religion 
for them.

I agree that they should be pursued and prosecuted as criminals. One can't 
prosecute a religion.  But one can oppose the ideas of a religion and criticize 
its tenets.  Being rational and liberal doesn't mean believing that every 
culture is of equal value.


I hate to violate Godwin's rule but the Nazis cited scientific reasons for what 
they did, at least some of the time. Should we therefore persecute science, 
because the "apologists" say it wasn't real science?


All he's saying is that these people aren't practicing the same religion as the 
vast majority of Muslims.

That's not at all clear though.  Throughout the Islamic mideast the prevailing 
opinion seems to be "What did they expect?  Of course if you insult the Prophet 
someone will kill you."  Contrast this with Catholics.  Charlie Hedbo 
frequently satirized Catholicism, but no Catholics so much as even advocated 
violence against the staff.   It's encouraging that in this case some Islamic 
leaders have denounced the violence, but I think there are more that have 
condoned it.


Did they depict a bare ass naked Jesus on all fours in an overtly sexual 
position as they felt was all in good fun when it came to the other guy?



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