On 8/2/2016 5:40 AM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

The point that I am trying to make here is that a person's consciousness at any moment can consist of many independent threads. From this I speculate that some of these separate threads could actually be associated with separate physical bodies. In other words, it is conceivable that a duplication experiment would not result in two separate consciousnesses, but a single consciousness in separate bodies. If this is so, the fact that the separate bodies receive different inputs does not necessarily mean that they differentiate into separate conscious beings, any more than the fact that I receive different inputs from moment to moment means that I dissociate into multiple consciousnesses.

Or that the fact that you get two different perspectives on the same object by seeing it and by feeling it doesn't cause you to split into two consciousnesses. But it seems that it can if your corpus callosum is cut. Then your left hand (controlled by the right brain hemisphere) and left field of vision may disagree on the nature of the same object. And only the left brain hemisphere will be able to report on the object. Which indicates to me that not only is thought a physical phenomenon, but the "conscious self" is only unified superficially by the creation of a verbal narrative.


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